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Music and shock value

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GG Allin certainly succeeded at what he set out to do, offending the domesticated middle class tastes from beyond the grave even decades later; and the fact that he still gets a reaction in good or bad speaks about his relevance to the rock music canon. I for one appreciate the confrontationality and the inadvertent ( most likely inadvertent , since he was legitimately deranged ) trolling of established values with his absurdism more than anything made in guitar music since the mid 2000's came about. 


I cannot hate something so unabashedly juvenile and intellectually honest in its simplicity. He and his music were rock 'n roll cult stardom and punk rock taken to a gritty, in your face extreme that will most likely remain forever unrivaled. What's this perception these days that a "message" has to be a high-school essay of "issues" or at worst some metaphysical quackery. He was not the type who'd write a poignant letter to a congressman and that's the point. Either way I'm pretty sure there's enough material in the character of GG Allin ( portrayed in and outside of the music ) and what made it possible for plenty of university lectures if that's the measuring stick for a message. 


In essence to me personally he was just fun and that's message enough, and fun is just as relevant to the human experience as overweight white guys pondering wormholes and whatever the fuck. 

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GG Allin wasn't an amazing guy, but I find much enjoyment in GG Allin's music. Honest and straight to the point punk/rock/country/whatever. Not everything is top notch, but at his best he released some god damn good music. Freaks, Faggots, Drunks and Junkies, Brutality and Bloodshed for All, You Give Love a Bad Name and Hated in the Nation are more than classics in my eyes. I'm not too fond of all the shit he did, but I do find him fascinating. Very fascinating. He and his bands are also behind some of the coolest songs ever written. One of them being I Kill Everything I Fuck. There's no proper party without this song played on repeat a few times:


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That's exactly what I'm saying lol, that's all it was, theres nothing greater to it than that. A few posts previous sounded like they were looking for some great meaning. I enjoy GG for what he is/was but as a musical act it's a totally animal thing without any intelligence loll

I'm not "looking for some great meaning" in his acts, I'm saying his acts are plain stupid and carry no artistic value at all. If someone says he does that because he is a psycho then fine, I can't say anything against that.

If my intentions were not clear: I'm interested in the intentions behind evoking shock in people.

Do you just wanna make people go "eww, what a disgusting person" and that's it? I highly doubt that, to be honest. 


GG Allin certainly succeeded at what he set out to do [...] trolling [of] established values with his absurdism [...]. 


That is what I'm talking about. Just that I don't see how shitting of on stage trolls established values.

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His supposed absurd tastelessness is in opposition to established values he disliked and he made a lifestyle out of it. What more do you want from trolling other than the upsetting of people you don't like because of dislike of their values? He wanted to make people living a comfortable sheltered lifestyle feel uncomfortable because he hated the lot, and by God this topic is the proof that he succeeded at it. If one needs more then look no further than the talk-show appearances he did and relish in the horrified middle America. 


For him every single person who didn't understand was a most probably a small victory, bringing a tiny ray of light into a world that he thought didn't give him squat. Whether one agrees of disagrees with his views is one thing, but saying there's no artistic value in the sheer brutality of the culture he lived in and the concert experiences he had is inane. It evokes feelings like any other art experience ( disgust, joy, sadness and anger are all feelings ), he wanted to bring back the danger and the vicious carnal experience back into the rock music space that was soon to be even further neutered and domesticated by grunge and indie, and the people he hated then feared or did not care to enter that space, a space he perceived to be for the outcasts only. It was like a response to the developments that had taken place in rock culture, and what he did was sort of like a last hoorah of that tradition, taken to such extremes that it seemed almost like a parody.

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GG Allin certainly succeeded at what he set out to do, offending the domesticated middle class tastes from beyond the grave even decades later; and the fact that he still gets a reaction in good or bad speaks about his relevance to the rock music canon. 


I cannot hate something so unabashedly juvenile and intellectually honest in its simplicity. He and his music were rock 'n roll cult stardom and punk rock taken to a gritty, in your face extreme that will most likely remain forever unrivaled. What's this perception these days that a "message" has to be a high-school essay of "issues" or at worst some metaphysical quackery. 



Not enough time has passed to accurately say where Allin falls under the "rock music canon". The only thing he offered to music was that attitude, a "stick it to the man" mentality; but even that isn't original, and any significance is the extremes he went and not necessarily what he stood for. I could see Allin being placed in a long list of provocative performers, being a footnote in history as "that guy where his entire audience at a concert turned on him and hospitalized him"; but that's really it. His musical contributions are not nearly noteworthy enough to receive mention.


The issue isn't that the message is juvenile, it's that the "message" was wholly unoriginal and insignificant. There's no substance to be found other than doing things to shock and offend.

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the most shocking music thing for how did Parris do this

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Edited by blackdoll

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2 hours ago, doombox said:

@blackdollThis is a discussion topic, there is no need to repeatedly spam it with videos and no discussion about them.

sorry i thought spoiler the first would do, 

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