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D'espairsRay on hiatus

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hope this doenst affect his voice too much during his upcoming lives

whats up btw with all the jrock singers and their voices? i also read the vocalist of Kagrra lost his voice, Ruki a while ago

i know guys such as Kyo and the singer of Maximum the Hormone also had isues, and the guy of Gemmik had to stop with music since he was ruinig his voice and so i have tons of other examples

Because most of them don't sing properly. Especially all the ones you mentioned. People can say what they want about Tatsurou, but MUCC has been releasing and touring almost non-stop and he's never had a problem. There's a reason for that. ;)

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Because most of them don't sing properly. Especially all the ones you mentioned. People can say what they want about Tatsurou, but MUCC has been releasing and touring almost non-stop and he's never had a problem. There's a reason for that. ;)

Curiously, though, I believe Tatsurou and Hizumi share (or shared) a vocal coach and employ the same singing techniques. :?

So I'm doubting that Hizumi's vocal problems are caused by a peculiar vocal technique, just overuse and over exertion. I mean, they have been working nonstop for two years.

For those interested,

I translated Karyu's entry, which is quite sad in the way that it's written (dejected, broken sentences, etc) but he again just asks for everyone to wait and believe in Hizumi's ability to recover. And says that he will continue to write songs for D'espairsRay, regardless of their activity pause, for as long as need be.

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Yuuki 2.0

Rude, Hizumi has talent.

Hope he can find a physician and get well soon.

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well this sucks but it seems like it's for the best. i'd rather they take a break now and hopefully hizumi can heal up a bit. It's better than him ruining his voice forever by forcing to continue.

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well, i guess expect for a year or two of hiatus.

Since, vocal cord surgery would demand the patient to not use his voice too much for at least 8 months for a full recovery (it only takes 2-3 months for vocal to back to normal from surgery though). Good luck for Hizumi.

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Who is this Yuuki you guys speak of?

Anyway, this news is not too bad. Shit happens sometimes. Hopefully he'll give himself enough time to recover.

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I think it is the vocalist of Unsraw. Not sure though, but I remember a lot of fans crying, bitching and cutting themself cuz the vocalist of Unsraw was sick or something.

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@mono2 You are correct, sir. Yuuki is the vocalist of UnsraW and everyone did have a shit attack, but they're talentless and horrid.

This makes me incredibly upset to find out, but it is for the best after all. He needs to recover, and hopefully they'll come back better than ever when he's well.

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This is so awful.

Hope Hizumi gets better, I'm sure it hurts him more not to be able to sing then the physical pain he is probably experiencing. Makes me wanna cry. :(

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Maximum the Hormone also had isues

Thats because that dude can't scream properly. Most jrockers don't learn to scream properly, thats why most sound a little hoarse when screaming. It shouldn't sound like that xD

Kyo just experiments too much.

just wanted to say, couldn't disagree more with these two statements regarding maximum and deg...

When I was learning to scream, I sounded pretty much the same. Theres the right way to scream and the wrong way, and if you're self-taught you're usually doing it the wrong way. Kyo does things with his voice that he would have no idea of the impact it has on his throat, as not many people have done them before (if any). The MTH guy has very little range and is obviously doing falsecord technique to get that sound. If he keeps doing that like he does he'll probably lose his voice.

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When I was learning to scream, I sounded pretty much the same. Theres the right way to scream and the wrong way, and if you're self-taught you're usually doing it the wrong way.

This probably happens because jrock artists dress like ugly chicks, are faggots and suck too much cock. So when they've had enough giants deep throating them their voice gets fucked up.

But on a serious note. WHat you're saying is probably true, but I can mention so many vocalist that has been screaming since they were teens back in the 80's that's still scremaing today, and today they both sing and scream better than ever. Even after 20-30 years of doing that shit. And they're all self-taught. Maybe they're doing it the wrong way and so on, but they never fucked up their voice and they just got better with time.

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just wanted to say, couldn't disagree more with these two statements regarding maximum and deg...

When I was learning to scream, I sounded pretty much the same. Theres the right way to scream and the wrong way, and if you're self-taught you're usually doing it the wrong way. Kyo does things with his voice that he would have no idea of the impact it has on his throat, as not many people have done them before (if any). The MTH guy has very little range and is obviously doing falsecord technique to get that sound. If he keeps doing that like he does he'll probably lose his voice.

yeah, no doubt about ruining your voice and ending up with vocalchords like flapjacks if you don't prepare properly for sreaming/shouting, i was more referring to the "shouldn't sound that way" and "kyo is experimenting too much" parts, because the maximum-shouter and the strange thins kyo does with his voice are more or less the main reasons i personally like them so much...

This probably happens because jrock artists dress like ugly chicks, are faggots and suck too much cock. So when they've had enough giants deep throating them their voice gets fucked up.

lol, thats it probably :urg: 8=>

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This is what happens when you don't let your voice flow naturally. It's like some obsession with VK vocalists to try to sound "operatic" when their voice is really nothing like it. No Japanese vocalists outside of VK sound like that (thank god) so it's fairly obvious that it's not natural. Fail growling is a separate issue I think.

Everyone should sing like Gara.

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Well, everybody who knows anything about singing techniques should hear that Hizumi does his job quite well, he rarely does unhealthy stuff to his voice. He did some dangerous things in the early days of the band, but it's obvious that his technique was very good on MIRROR and REDEEMER, maybe even on [Coll]. I'm pretty sure there are other reasons for his problems, especially since he mentioned he has some kind of rare disease.

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