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Posts posted by kareta-uta

  1. It's sad that there aren't more FoLLoW-fans... I remember uploading pinocchio to tumblr but there weren't many people taking notice of it.

    I see that the band isn't perfect and has to improve but I do think they have a lot of potential ^.^


    Haven't preordered their new single yet but I'm really planning to do. Especially since I want to watch their first PV!! But still not sure which type I should buy..

  2. DAMMIT!!! XD

    i sooo wish i would've found out about this band sooner cuz the preview for their live limited single is like: HOLY FU***** SHIT i NEED THIS - absolutely GOD LIKE!!

    but since it was released a few days ago already by now i really doubt i have a chance to get it... >.>''

    They still had CDs left at yesterday's live ^.^

    But yeah.. unfortunately a live-limited release >__<


    and thanks for the offer but i've already ordered their new single :D i think the only thing i'm missing from them is "snow again" - the CD they sold at their 2nd one-man in February this year. i managed to pay someone to grab "Summer Time" from their 1st one-man but sadly she wasn't able to go for the one in Feb ;<


    Alright ^.^

    Ah.. it's a bit frustrating if only one CD is missing xD" But all these live-limited releases.... >__<

  4. I'm interested in them only since December, so I don't really know a lot about them but ever since I've seen them live for the first time I thought they are really really fun >___<

    But since attending LUCHe.'s 3rd anniversary where they've announced their disbanding I'm quite scared whenever anniversarys of rather unknown bands are around the corner ._." So this time as well, but thank god it was a good announcement in the end!

    (btw, are you or is anyone else interested in their new single? xD I have two copies.....)


    In the end they were just a support band under Kerberos, that's probably the reason why they weren't promoted by them a lot..

    Let's hope for the best!!

  5. T_T


    that's so depressing to hear. i can't even imagine Masashi crying cuz he's always so positive on Twitter (or at least appears to be). and his random vines never fail to make my day ;w;


    what exactly did he say during the MCs? did they say they were going to change their concept?


    Ah! To make one thing clear: They did talk a lot about disbanding but it was about the time when they became a 3-member-band and held their 1st anniversary. Masashi said if their 1st anniversary will fail, they'll definitly consider disbanding. But surprisingly many people came to that live, so they decided to keep going. Then they found the other two members and they joined in the end and that's how they want to continue ^^ That the whole band atmosphere completely changed when Junsei joined xD

    That's what he said. And he himself said, that back then he was probably the one with the most negative feelings...

    There was this one song during which he really couldn't sing anymore because he was crying so much >__< And also when Misono was talking about disbanding..


    But during the last song he was all happy again and also at the 6shot he was in a good mood and he was the one who was mocking the other members xD Really.. I think he was just very emotional at those moments. I was trying to find the setlist, so I might be able to find the song during which he was crying but.. haven't found it so far.


    And yes, they will change their concept and already performed in new clothing at the encore.

    I really really can't tell where this all will lead to ._." I just hope they'll find a new label.

  6. Masashi cried quite a lot at the 2nd anniversary live yesterday... and the topic of disbanding came up a couple of times during the MCs. Especially Masashi was (is??) quite negative about a lot of things.

    But on the other hand, the live was quite emotional, so I really can't tell if he cried out of gratitude or sadness..


    But indeed, not having a label isn't really promising.. >__< Let's see if their new concept does any good...

  7. I'm rather a silent reader of this forum but sharing my experiences regarding this band ^^


    I went to their live yesterday and... yeah... otoiroha and zigzag are so different!

    Their appearance, their songs, their concept. Really everything! Completely new and different band.

    It was a looot of headbanging and they didn't talk.

    I couldn't see Aiku's face at all. I can't remember seeing his eyes for even one second because he was wearing a long black wig and you couldn't see his face because of all the hair. And he was wearing a priest-like outfit.

    They played three songs and don't have any goods yet but a little shrine. You get a Ofuda (like a charm paper) for it. It's just lying around at Buppan and there's nobody who sells it. You just... put in the money into that shrine-like box (like donation..), pray and take the Ofuda xD

  8. B.P.Records' boss made a blog entry where he explained that actually the label didn't want to sign another band after Royz and Kiryu because they were so busy with them and wanted to support those two bands as good as possible.

    Codomo Dragon tried it a long time and in the end they were very convincing, so the boss of the label changed his mind and decided to sign on them.


    Personally, after reading that blog entry and seeing that the label was pretty fine with having only two bands under contract, I don't think they will sign another band in the near future.

    But who knows...... ^^

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