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Posts posted by kareta-uta

  1. Has anyone the lyrics for 人魚姫, Let it go and/or 春風 and wouldn't mind sharing it with me? ._." My message box is always open. I don't care if it's a typed-up version or the scan/photo of the booklet. I'm just really interested in the complete lyrics of these songs >__<

  2. 22 hours ago, Komorebi said:

    Kind of unfair that they disband just right when I got into them :C

    Any particular reasons for parting ways or the usual?


    So far from all we know.. Masashi talked a bit about it and all in all you can summarize it like this:

    Masashi is the main composer (he composes really around 90% of the songs and writes all lyrics if I remember right) and he has lost motivation to keep going, mainly because the band doesn't make progress at this level.

    And if he, not only as vocalist but also as main composer, doesn't feel like continuing.. I guess it's hard for the rest of the members. It might be the same for the others and I really don't want to put the blame on Masashi. It's just because only Masashi has actually talked about the reason.

  3. 24 minutes ago, PsychoΔelica said:

    How do you know? Give us the scoop plz. I wanna hear all about it. ^o^


    He had his host blog and posted there a few times. in 2013-ish I think. it was his official new blog ^^ he put a link to it on his old blog and his pic was also on the host club website. but then he stopped posting shortly later and also the website of the host club he was working at disappeared (club probably closed?).

    At least that is what I remember...

  4. And I might be able to imagine how you feel. The past two days were horrible for me as well and I'm happy Masashi wrote another blog entry.. it made me understand it better. I'd be happy if the others commented as well. (Looking especially at you, Maki.)

    After announcements like that I always hope the members write more afterwards because if a band you love announces its disbanding you're in a state where you can't move forward or back until the members say something else except for the official stuff. Or at least.. that's how it is for me.

    It was the worst for me when Rulu took a few weeks of break from social media before and after the disbanding announcement of ALIVE...


    I'd love to hear this one last song.. but all we can do is wait now. It probably won't take long for them to announce something. Probably later this month? We have to get our hands on this >_<

  5. 7 minutes ago, hiroki said:

    Today Masashi said that he'll be writing one last song for the fans, but he didn't mention if it would be for sale (unlikely imo given their imminent disbandment), or distributed, or even recorded at all. I'll update if there's any news.


    I thought the same.. that it will be either live-distributed or only a live-song but then I thought... he's speaking of instores...

    They can't do instores without a CD, can they? (Just tell me they can't, ok?)


    Btw, that blog entry was heartbreaking...

  6. 3 minutes ago, chemicalpictures said:

    what the flying fuck, man... any specific reason given? here we go again, losing another band that could actually release good music ending so sudden... Masashi NEEDS to be in a new band, the world can't lose that voice


    Correct me if I'm wrong but Masashi writes that he doesn't see a future (for this band) anymore after 3 years of band activity. He lost his motivation to continue going and doesn't want to give lives without completely enjoying it.

    The others didn't mention any reasons just said that it's not due to musical differences and that they are still good friends. So I think it's really because they couldn't gain more fans...

  7. After the news already slipped out yesterday I was kind of prepared...

    But I still don't know what to say and it doesn't really makes it any better. I came to love this band so much during the past 1 1/2 years...

  8. 8 hours ago, Dogprince21 said:

    @LilyYeah I know he doesn't growl and all those are just fillers but they do sound nice in their music. But yeah after that incident I was like maybe I shouldn't waste my money on buying a live DVD because I want to hear them sing not talk through a song.... That turned me off but I still love the band so I buy their music just never a live DVD.


    Yeah the fillers to an encore can sometimes be like... unneeded lol.... but they probably just trying to take a break from the vocals and playing of instruments


    i actually like hearing them talking xD especially at the small lives in their home towns or at the anniversaries since they're revealing quite personal things there ^^ but sure,  in the end lives are about the music and fun during the songs!


    still.. i can't remember one royz live dvd with a proper talk part except for the first one?  they cut almost all of the talk as of the 2nd live dvd

  9. 37 minutes ago, sybil said:

    That's soooo interesting.....I love this omg !!!! Now, that's something I would've never known without your input so thank you so much for all the info! I wonder how bangya reacted to the satirical interpretation lol 


    You're welcome ^^

    ah, mikoto also beat us with a huge tanuki toy at the live during the tanuki song xD.....


    Well, the shikiri and many other saizen girls are with them since Ray°C xD so they are fine with it, i guess? the biggest worry for some of them in the beginning was the huge change of music from otoiroha to zigzag.

    i didn't really talk to them about specific songs or had a very deep convo about it but we did talk about how interesting the lyrics are and they still go to the lives and love these bandmen xD so... 

  10. i haven't seen them in quite a while because i'm not in japan anymore but i did go to their lives on a regular basis last year. so i can give a few details.

    to me their concept is quite interesting because it focusses on bangya and their way of admiring bandmen. like.. falling in love with them, about tsunagari and about their relationships in the fandom with other fans and things like that. so it focusses (more or less) on the daily life of a bangya.

    at their lives aoshi walks around in the live house to "purify" fans or to bind them to the band (with a rope xD)


    tbh, i haven't figured out that well how it's connected to the priest concept but maybe it's because for some banyga bandmen are almost like gods? open for interpretations here xD it's difficult to keep track when you're not in japan..


    i guess fans who are in japan or especially osaka can probably give you more details on it. i started to like them as otoiroha and went over to zigzag as well which i like pretty much. but i was in japan when they were still in their project period,  so they didn't even have proper merch or even cds back then for quite some months. i was told they have grown quite a lot during the past year ^^

  11. I can't really decide for a favorite song!! But pinocchio is very very special to me, so I always go with this one xD Even though I love many of their songs. I mean, I love Let it go as well as planetarium! They really have a wide range of songs I like! I just love this band xDD I even started to like their 2 early-period-songs I always skipped in the beginning ^^""


    But it feels like they got more... focussed since last year, since they've changed the concept in summer. Even though I like many songs of the time before that, I actually prefer that change. It feels like there was an "upgrade" of quality ^__^

    "Jekyll&Hide" was good but I indeed prefer Planetarium. As for Music Garden... that's more their earlier-kind-of-songs! It feels a bit like back to the roots xD Which is also fine to me ^^ I couldn't really get into it while listen to the previews but now I'm fine with the whole song! Some days I can't get it out of my head at all!



    >> oh and Masashi's favorite song is 告白大作戦!

    I can understand him very well!! Awesome song ^__^

  12. 19 minutes ago, nostalgia said:

    By the way, I highly doubt this last live DVD will be their last material. I'm pretty sure they have one last song left unreleased according to what Satoshi posted on Instagram last month.

    Unfortunately, it's certain that we will never hear it live. Probably a stupid marketing strategy not to include the last song in their uncut last live DVD even if it's a live version but another release instead; e.g. a single or a best of album?


    Now I don't care much about the unreleased PVs that have officially been uploaded in HQ on YouTube, but the last song. To be frank, they seem to have one choice left if they're going to release one last thing after this: a best of album that will include everything unreleased just like LIVE BEST. 


    I think their last song is  "period." that has been released at the last live...

  13. 8 hours ago, shikuremorufi said:


    Mirumo's a girl. She confirmed it on the game show. I watched it. lol 
    Hime is supposedly 19 (now turning 20) and Idk about Ryu or Hyo.


    I know this isn't a thread about Mirumo being a girl or not but I just want to post the links to the parts of the video where they reveal that he's a boy and also show a pic with his former girlfriend... before any really persistent thoughts are coming up:




  14. ohhh xDDD


    Best is "Full PV"....

    Assuming it IS the full PV just sped up... Even if you slow it down to decent speed (well... that's hard since we're talking about a ZigZag-song xD but they use the "shikiri ga kirai" from the beginning again somewhere in the middle, just sped up) it would still be only around 1min 45sec!

    Then again... "Tsunagaritai" is also only 2:33 xD


    Curious as always ^^

  15. On 9.5.2016 at 11:37 AM, hiroki said:

    umm, i hope this isn't a best album (for a number of reasons... )


    5 new songs out of 11. Wish it would be more but could've been worse (best album..) xD

    Still, it gives me a small feeling of a best album since they put songs on it that are so old!

  16. track list:

    1.Perfect Love
    2.Don’t Stop Music
    4.kanchigai (勘違い)
    5.pinocchio (ピノキオ)
    6.utopia (ユートピア)
    7.LAST DAY
    8.uppercut (アッパーカット)
    10.planetarium (プラネタリウム)
    11.Music Garden
    + Music Garden PV and Making






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