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  1. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from Komorebi in Cracked officially roasts Visual Kei   
    While there are some valid points most of this is turned up to 10. It's exaggerated to the point of no return.
    Though, I must say, dropping that much on bands? Yeah. It's true. 
    And of course every band is different. Most people I know have not been attacked at lives. I have had one girl knock into me during mosh because she is possessive but most of the time it's all very civil. It depends on the band though, a grieva fan when moshing slammed into my arm that had a brace on it. 
    As for gyaku dai, if you are prepared, it generally doesn't hurt that much. If not, what happened to suuu could happen to anyone, especially if the bar isn't padded.
    I've never really been attacked or felt like I was in danger. I've had my name mentioned or "that foreigner" on tanuki but it was never a big deal. I've never felt a need to hide my social media and never really tried too hard to hide my face in photos. For girls much more heavily involved in the scene tho it is something to consider--the internet bullying.
    But really there's so much more interesting and great stuff about this scene than "these girls attack you!!" And let's be real: mosh pits in the west are far more dangerous than anything I've witnessed at a vk live. 
    Shitty musicians exist anywhere. Musicians who sleep with fans exist anywhere. 
  2. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from platy in Cracked officially roasts Visual Kei   
    While there are some valid points most of this is turned up to 10. It's exaggerated to the point of no return.
    Though, I must say, dropping that much on bands? Yeah. It's true. 
    And of course every band is different. Most people I know have not been attacked at lives. I have had one girl knock into me during mosh because she is possessive but most of the time it's all very civil. It depends on the band though, a grieva fan when moshing slammed into my arm that had a brace on it. 
    As for gyaku dai, if you are prepared, it generally doesn't hurt that much. If not, what happened to suuu could happen to anyone, especially if the bar isn't padded.
    I've never really been attacked or felt like I was in danger. I've had my name mentioned or "that foreigner" on tanuki but it was never a big deal. I've never felt a need to hide my social media and never really tried too hard to hide my face in photos. For girls much more heavily involved in the scene tho it is something to consider--the internet bullying.
    But really there's so much more interesting and great stuff about this scene than "these girls attack you!!" And let's be real: mosh pits in the west are far more dangerous than anything I've witnessed at a vk live. 
    Shitty musicians exist anywhere. Musicians who sleep with fans exist anywhere. 
  3. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from Anne Claire in Cracked officially roasts Visual Kei   
    While there are some valid points most of this is turned up to 10. It's exaggerated to the point of no return.
    Though, I must say, dropping that much on bands? Yeah. It's true. 
    And of course every band is different. Most people I know have not been attacked at lives. I have had one girl knock into me during mosh because she is possessive but most of the time it's all very civil. It depends on the band though, a grieva fan when moshing slammed into my arm that had a brace on it. 
    As for gyaku dai, if you are prepared, it generally doesn't hurt that much. If not, what happened to suuu could happen to anyone, especially if the bar isn't padded.
    I've never really been attacked or felt like I was in danger. I've had my name mentioned or "that foreigner" on tanuki but it was never a big deal. I've never felt a need to hide my social media and never really tried too hard to hide my face in photos. For girls much more heavily involved in the scene tho it is something to consider--the internet bullying.
    But really there's so much more interesting and great stuff about this scene than "these girls attack you!!" And let's be real: mosh pits in the west are far more dangerous than anything I've witnessed at a vk live. 
    Shitty musicians exist anywhere. Musicians who sleep with fans exist anywhere. 
  4. Like
    anakuro reacted to Tokage in Cracked officially roasts Visual Kei   
    ''This VK Musician Was Forced To Sell His Body To Fangirls For Lunch Money. What Happens Next Will Warm Your Heart.''
  5. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from echo in Cracked officially roasts Visual Kei   
    While there are some valid points most of this is turned up to 10. It's exaggerated to the point of no return.
    Though, I must say, dropping that much on bands? Yeah. It's true. 
    And of course every band is different. Most people I know have not been attacked at lives. I have had one girl knock into me during mosh because she is possessive but most of the time it's all very civil. It depends on the band though, a grieva fan when moshing slammed into my arm that had a brace on it. 
    As for gyaku dai, if you are prepared, it generally doesn't hurt that much. If not, what happened to suuu could happen to anyone, especially if the bar isn't padded.
    I've never really been attacked or felt like I was in danger. I've had my name mentioned or "that foreigner" on tanuki but it was never a big deal. I've never felt a need to hide my social media and never really tried too hard to hide my face in photos. For girls much more heavily involved in the scene tho it is something to consider--the internet bullying.
    But really there's so much more interesting and great stuff about this scene than "these girls attack you!!" And let's be real: mosh pits in the west are far more dangerous than anything I've witnessed at a vk live. 
    Shitty musicians exist anywhere. Musicians who sleep with fans exist anywhere. 
  6. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from Mihenno in Cracked officially roasts Visual Kei   
    While there are some valid points most of this is turned up to 10. It's exaggerated to the point of no return.
    Though, I must say, dropping that much on bands? Yeah. It's true. 
    And of course every band is different. Most people I know have not been attacked at lives. I have had one girl knock into me during mosh because she is possessive but most of the time it's all very civil. It depends on the band though, a grieva fan when moshing slammed into my arm that had a brace on it. 
    As for gyaku dai, if you are prepared, it generally doesn't hurt that much. If not, what happened to suuu could happen to anyone, especially if the bar isn't padded.
    I've never really been attacked or felt like I was in danger. I've had my name mentioned or "that foreigner" on tanuki but it was never a big deal. I've never felt a need to hide my social media and never really tried too hard to hide my face in photos. For girls much more heavily involved in the scene tho it is something to consider--the internet bullying.
    But really there's so much more interesting and great stuff about this scene than "these girls attack you!!" And let's be real: mosh pits in the west are far more dangerous than anything I've witnessed at a vk live. 
    Shitty musicians exist anywhere. Musicians who sleep with fans exist anywhere. 
  7. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in Cracked officially roasts Visual Kei   
    While there are some valid points most of this is turned up to 10. It's exaggerated to the point of no return.
    Though, I must say, dropping that much on bands? Yeah. It's true. 
    And of course every band is different. Most people I know have not been attacked at lives. I have had one girl knock into me during mosh because she is possessive but most of the time it's all very civil. It depends on the band though, a grieva fan when moshing slammed into my arm that had a brace on it. 
    As for gyaku dai, if you are prepared, it generally doesn't hurt that much. If not, what happened to suuu could happen to anyone, especially if the bar isn't padded.
    I've never really been attacked or felt like I was in danger. I've had my name mentioned or "that foreigner" on tanuki but it was never a big deal. I've never felt a need to hide my social media and never really tried too hard to hide my face in photos. For girls much more heavily involved in the scene tho it is something to consider--the internet bullying.
    But really there's so much more interesting and great stuff about this scene than "these girls attack you!!" And let's be real: mosh pits in the west are far more dangerous than anything I've witnessed at a vk live. 
    Shitty musicians exist anywhere. Musicians who sleep with fans exist anywhere. 
  8. Like
    anakuro reacted to Duwang in XAA-XAA (ザアザア)   
    @PlatyGlad to hear you had a great time! Yeah I was actually shocked how fucking awesome they were that day despite the short setlist. 
    xaa-xaa's fans are always crazy but 7/24 was A LOT louder than the other times I've seen them so far,  probably since they played at a bigger venue with a larger crowd than usual, also the fact that quite a lot of non-fans were also getting into them.  A lot of the girls behind me at the front who were meh about them at first were like ザアザアいいね~ after their set. Based on the instore attendance and how much of the crowd was into them that day, they're definitely gonna get popular which I have mixed feelings about....
    As for merch, I'll think about it so no promises but I could possibly help you out depending on what you want.
    lololol at Yoshiatsu. Dadaroma isn't my thing but I would've paid to see that ngl :') 
    Kazuki is hilarious in that interview. I translated my favorite parts for my Tumblr so my friends and followers could laugh about it but if you'd like I can do the whole thing. It's pretty short.
    Speaking of Kazuki, at the last instore I went to he actually spoke to me in English. It was hilarious and sooo bad. lmfao.
    He tried so hard so I felt bad telling him Japanese is ok in fear of breaking his kokoro but it was all good.
  9. Like
    anakuro reacted to platy in XAA-XAA (ザアザア)   
    I did go to their live at the 24/7. I saw over 25 bands during my two week stay and xaa-xaa were my favorites for sure, I was just blown away by the stage presence, the concept and them sounding flawless (specially Kazuki's screams on 青いレインコート). The setlist was spot on for such a short appearance and I was not expecting the crowd to go as crazy as they did. Kazuki always gives off a weirdo vibe from pictures, pvs,etc. But seeing him upclose he really is weird guy. I loved when he just stared at the people in the level above for ages and told them not to be scared, xaa-xaa's appearance may be scary but theyre nice guys. They won't bite. 
    xaa-xaa are my favorite band as of now (seriously guys, I don't know why this is happening) and I nearly headbutted a desk when I realised they had an instore event the same day and I was in the area but missed it. 
    I really wanted to see them again before I left and even considered delaying my flight back, but alas, it didn't work out.
    I'm really interested in their merch , if anyone feels like helping a brother out. I bought a couple of releases and got a cheki of the whole group, I would trade it, but I'm no expert in the cheki-trade so I don't even know if it's got any value.
    But in regards to their look, I love kamisori, it's very striking. The whole concept of the consecutive releases is awesome with each look representing a despair in some way, I'm curious as to what the yomei look represents. But dosuguroi (excuse if I translated it wrong) is the most promising to me, if the look represents the music, I can see this being dark, aggressive and angsty which is always a good sound for xaa-xaa.
    I'm still butthurt that I can't attend the Kazuki x Yoshiatsu tour, specially since i really enjoyed seeing DADAROMA too.
    But I bought the SHOXX issue with the interview with the two vocalists and what's with Kazuki trying to be a sphinx and never giving direct answers? He really does like to be edgy and vague. It's a pain to translate what he says lmao. (Like saying he's 2m30cm tall. srsly? )
  10. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from inartistic in Your last music-related buy!   
    白日ノ夢's single and mini for me and friends
    and 4 copies of -真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ's 仕切りが嫌い for me and friends
    recently got シェルミィ's 放課後の凶室 and the omnibus 妖幻鏡 -west- Vol.3 Survive as an Innovator
    Did kuji for XAA-XAA and got these two items:

    Also got some cheki:

    and of course my ticket for XAA-XAA's 2 year anniversary and it looks like I'll be front row again \(^o^)/
    I think that sums up my recent purchases
  11. Like
    anakuro reacted to Duwang in Your last music-related buy!   
    Got this today

    白日ノ夢 - 白き記憶
    Other recent purchases since the last time I posted here:
    Shoxx vol 283
    妖幻鏡 -west- Vol.3 Survive as an Innovator
    Another copy of ザアザア's 雨に殺される for an instore
    Also not a purchase but:
    えんそく - Alice ex machina (type:ABreast)
    which was distributed at their oneman on 7/17
  12. Like
    anakuro reacted to doombox in Your last music-related buy!   
    Haven't posted in here recently. Took this summer a little easy as far as buying new stuff.

    MeteoroiD - BULLETBOX
    coldrain - The Revelation (Autographed)
    ザアザア - 雨に殺される Type B
    Chanty - m.o.b. Limited Edition (Autographed)
    Chanty - おとなりさん Type B
    Autographed Chanty cheki case (to hold the 20-something Chanty cheki I bought at TnT *pets*)
  13. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from doombox in Your last music-related buy!   
    白日ノ夢's single and mini for me and friends
    and 4 copies of -真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ's 仕切りが嫌い for me and friends
    recently got シェルミィ's 放課後の凶室 and the omnibus 妖幻鏡 -west- Vol.3 Survive as an Innovator
    Did kuji for XAA-XAA and got these two items:

    Also got some cheki:

    and of course my ticket for XAA-XAA's 2 year anniversary and it looks like I'll be front row again \(^o^)/
    I think that sums up my recent purchases
  14. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in random thoughts thread   
    so like moving is fine and all i guess but there is one thing i am worried about in particular

  15. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from doombox in random thoughts thread   
    so like moving is fine and all i guess but there is one thing i am worried about in particular

  16. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from ぺるしゃ猫 in Your last music-related buy!   
    白日ノ夢's single and mini for me and friends
    and 4 copies of -真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ's 仕切りが嫌い for me and friends
    recently got シェルミィ's 放課後の凶室 and the omnibus 妖幻鏡 -west- Vol.3 Survive as an Innovator
    Did kuji for XAA-XAA and got these two items:

    Also got some cheki:

    and of course my ticket for XAA-XAA's 2 year anniversary and it looks like I'll be front row again \(^o^)/
    I think that sums up my recent purchases
  17. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from ぺるしゃ猫 in random thoughts thread   
    did you see them when you were here back in november? how did i not hear about that?? lol
    mikoto always stops him before he can get to us to exercise us but he's always dangerously close to us by then :') he hasn't tied me up yet but I'm just waiting for that day to come. last time he was hitting some girls with a fan too lol beating the evil spirits out of them i guess 
    I see Aoshi after XAA-XAA a lot handing out flyers (they're always perfumed LOL) and one time i was joking like "tsunagaritai" as we were walking away and we did the hand sign and then we turned around and there he was standing so seriously with his hand up doing the sign and so I did CLAP CLAP CLAP "TSUNAGARITAI" and aoshi died laughing
    as for other thoughts (still about zigzag): what will zigzag's next joke be?
    and when will we get the WASSHOI WASSHOI song on CD because literally the best 
  18. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in Your last music-related buy!   
    白日ノ夢's single and mini for me and friends
    and 4 copies of -真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ's 仕切りが嫌い for me and friends
    recently got シェルミィ's 放課後の凶室 and the omnibus 妖幻鏡 -west- Vol.3 Survive as an Innovator
    Did kuji for XAA-XAA and got these two items:

    Also got some cheki:

    and of course my ticket for XAA-XAA's 2 year anniversary and it looks like I'll be front row again \(^o^)/
    I think that sums up my recent purchases
  19. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from doombox in XAA-XAA (ザアザア)   
    @Saishu a lot of people are recently bringing up the MUCC influence too, so you're definitely not the only one. I'll have to take people for their word but I havent really gotten so into MUCC to really know. I think @doombox has also mentioned liking them for the MUCC influence
    @CCXXVIIII have roji cheki not reiya cheki lol Also haru cheki.... (reiya and kazuki cheki are the cheki i can trade REALLY EASILY plus i don't..particularly want reiya cheki........)
    I am willing to part with their pendant though (the one that looks like a watch i think--I'm not looking at it right now so i can't quite remember). I bought it and have yet to do anything with it so I'm not too attached. the IC card sticker too i don't particularly need. 
    Anyway, out of the three what is your favorite look??
    I like kamisori the most probably but yomei is really nostalgic with the suits
  20. Like
    anakuro reacted to ぺるしゃ猫 in random thoughts thread   
    YES omg it was a hilarious experience because I was wasted AF and I was the first one in the crowd who he used the rope on so I wasn't expecting it. haha

    Oh yeah Shellmy is good too. I think xaa-xaa are talented but I haven't had chance to listen to them thoroughly, but I will some time soon  
  21. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from ぺるしゃ猫 in random thoughts thread   
    whenever someone is purified/exercised by aoshi my friend says "~got their zag zigged" lol
    speaking of i'm still waiting for aoshi to purify/exercise me and/or my friends
    he's had his eyes set on us the past few times i've seen them 
    last time he was literally rolling around the floor trying to get to us
    also how did zigzag manage to make a song where you sit the whole time so fun??
    ps xaa-xaa and shellmy are also killing it in the kansai scene¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  22. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from doombox in random thoughts thread   
    whenever someone is purified/exercised by aoshi my friend says "~got their zag zigged" lol
    speaking of i'm still waiting for aoshi to purify/exercise me and/or my friends
    he's had his eyes set on us the past few times i've seen them 
    last time he was literally rolling around the floor trying to get to us
    also how did zigzag manage to make a song where you sit the whole time so fun??
    ps xaa-xaa and shellmy are also killing it in the kansai scene¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  23. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from emmny in random thoughts thread   
    whenever someone is purified/exercised by aoshi my friend says "~got their zag zigged" lol
    speaking of i'm still waiting for aoshi to purify/exercise me and/or my friends
    he's had his eyes set on us the past few times i've seen them 
    last time he was literally rolling around the floor trying to get to us
    also how did zigzag manage to make a song where you sit the whole time so fun??
    ps xaa-xaa and shellmy are also killing it in the kansai scene¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  24. Like
    anakuro got a reaction from Duwang in Your last music-related buy!   
    白日ノ夢's single and mini for me and friends
    and 4 copies of -真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ's 仕切りが嫌い for me and friends
    recently got シェルミィ's 放課後の凶室 and the omnibus 妖幻鏡 -west- Vol.3 Survive as an Innovator
    Did kuji for XAA-XAA and got these two items:

    Also got some cheki:

    and of course my ticket for XAA-XAA's 2 year anniversary and it looks like I'll be front row again \(^o^)/
    I think that sums up my recent purchases
  25. Like
    anakuro reacted to ぺるしゃ猫 in Your last music-related buy!   
    I... I bought a ticket to see GazettE live does that count?
    If not then I bought a DISGUST cheki back in November at their buppan after one of their shows, and it was of their vocalist man I don't even know where it went to be honest LOL
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