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Everything posted by Yukimoto

  1. Back at it again with my review on DEZERT's 「STUDY」 live just in case anyone is interested in watching ^_^



    1. platy


      I don't know what he uses in his hair but he should keep doing it. The only time I saw Aki with his hair coming undone was terrifying 

    2. yakihiko


      Somehow it feels wrong seeing him without this hair lol

    3. Yukimoto


      @yakihikoand @platyI don't even remember what he looks like with out having his hair like that lol i mean he transforms it a little here and there but its still in the same shape but just not as pointy anymore haha

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  2. Just finished the next 2 reviews on NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST and DIMLIM just in case anyone is interested, Here you are!




  3. Yukimoto

    They've been playing the same type of music for so long and now hes leaving because of musical differences???? Sounds untrue .-.
  4. New video recapping my weekend seeing Dimlim and Nocturnal Bloodlust! The reviews will come soon after ^_^



    1. yakihiko


      Nice, I will wait for the live review/report, it's always cool to read live experiences. Plus I like Nokubura a lot, and I just got interest into DIMLIM.

    2. Yukimoto


      @yakihikoAhhhh ok then I'll post those soon enough ^_^

  5. Wow fast!!! But niceeeee!
  6. Yukimoto

    That look is amazing..... AND Ryuutaro's contacts go so well with his look
  7. Just in case anyone is interested, here is my last 2 live reviews!


    1. togz


      Currently at work, but will check these out later. I'm curious to see how your experience went. 

    2. Yukimoto


      @togz it was amazing really *_*

  8. Yukimoto

    @hirokiGot a whole lot of good stuff and Anfiel's re-recording *_* So lucky!!!!
  9. Yukimoto

    awwww I liked their last single looking forward to this
  10. They went for a darker look this time around how cool! But even if this music is the same I just can't wait for its release
  11. Just in case anyone is interested at my CD buys for December here it is! 



  12. I wonder if that's why he got like no people calling his name when he entered the stage back when Keisuke left, or maybe he's just not popular with the girls .-.
  13. Yukimoto

    This new look is Fucken Beautiful<333333 I just can't and I need that new CD now.... Tomoya my love<33333
  14. Yukimoto

    @Shaolan974 @-NOVA-I was reading their blog and it says something about ダリル (Darryl's) older brother but te Dara part is iffy so maybe like an ending in conclusion "Darryl's Dara"
  15. Yukimoto

  16. Yukimoto

    I loved everything I did but I followed them because I look toward vocals on any group so pretty much if Tsuzuku is gone I don't I would be around if they came back unless their new vocalist was just as epic or that much more. Until then I'll wait for Tsuzuku to come back but I am really sad that the band struggled so much and found a name for themselves finally just too have it hi-jacked by management ;-;. Come back soon please.
  17. Yukimoto

    I don't think it's the fact of him just having Marijuana but more the fact that all everyone in Asia, not just Japan, knows where these things get you and how it affects others. I mean if they want to take him back that is totally up to them, I mean I don't know how it will affect them in the future but Yuusuke I'm sure was mad because it hurt him that Aki would do something like that to begin with and they were doing so well so I think he was hurt overall. I would be too if I struggled to get somewhere and someone was about to ruin that for me, especially if it was a friend and someone I thought I could trust but I guess that's to each their own. I do love Lynch though so I do hope this doesn't cause a rift between members .-.
  18. Yukimoto

    UGH this song was amazing.... @-NOVA-
  19. Yukimoto

    honestly one DVD usually costs 5,000 to 6,000 yen so I don't think this is such a bad price at all for all you get unless the lives aren't complete then that would make it seem less worth it
  20. Yukimoto

    @-NOVA-Songs up!
  21. Yukimoto

    Loving the new look, still so sad though ;-;
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