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  1. Like
    Visutox got a reaction from Hakari in The general Metal discussion thread   
    ^ Damn, lots of huge names there. Too bad that your bro won't be able to come, but as you said life goes on. Enjoy the hell out of it! 
    Anyway, the new Nightbringer is bloody fantastic, holy shit. I'm afraid I'm gonna have a bad time making my end year list. I thought that 2017 would never top last year but here we are, with tons of amazing albums and we're not even in June. 
  2. Like
    Visutox reacted to Bear in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Next week is Inferno Festival, my 10th anniversary actually. Really looking forward to this. It kicks off on wednesday with the club day, which means a lot of bands playing in different clubs. Which means you'll always miss out on some bands.
    The bands I really want to see:
    Red Harvest
    Whoredom Rife
    Deus Mortem
    Hail Spirit Noir
    Should manage to see Nachash, Red Harvest, Tangorodrim and Hail Spirit Noir, but my main priority is Hail Spirit Noir. Nachash is a fantastic band, but they play really early. So we'll probably miss out on them.
    Venom Inc
    Heavydeath (ends this night at Revolver, which is a short walk from Rockefeller/John Dee). We always go to these shows.
    Helheim and Venom Inc plays a bit too early for our taste, but I would love seeing both.
    Anaal Nathrakh
    Infernal War
    Other than Samael and Infernal War I am not too interested in seeing any of the bands this day, but we'll go and gotta catch some bands. And these are the most interesting of the lot. Last time I heard Anaal Nathrakh live they were atrocious. They didn't even seem to know how to perform live. Absolute trash. Doesn't help that's it's been 11 years since their last good album, and that they since then seem to have found lots of inspiration from metalcore.
    Only metal bands I've seen live that's better than Primordial is Ghost, and I've seen quite an amount of metal bands live by now. Slagmaur is an interesting band, but they've not been very good the two times I've seen them live. But the second time was a huge improvement on the first time at least. But I fucking hate the masks they use live. Looks so cheap. Like they bought it from a kids store in October. Belphegor is Belphegor. Not a huge fan, but they've got some good albums and could prove to be good live.
    Anyway, I have 48 0,5l cans of beer and a bottle of gin waiting for me at my moms house, so no matter wich bands we see or miss, the four day long party will be majestic as always.
    First Inferno Festival without my brother who moves to the Philippines earlier this year. Will be a huge miss as he's been with us 8 of these 10 years, and we've spent an insane amount of time in Oslo with the friend we've always stayed at when we've been in Oslo. But life goes on I guess.
  3. Like
    Visutox reacted to Bear in The big TV-series discussion thread   
    Just finished Narcos, season 2.  I really liked the first season, but I was very sceptical about this season and delayed watching it because I read somewhere that the first season was something like 75/25 true/fiction and that this was 25/75 true/fiction, and I didn't think they could create something as good as the first season. But I was wrong, because season 2 is a step up from the first season. Fiction or not, this season was fantastic from start to end. Season 2 is a lot more action-oriented, but at the same time it pays more focus to the emtotional side of the characters, and that's what really makes this season. I'm very surprised, but this was excellent.
    Can't wait for season 3. And good thing is that they can so easily move this to other coutnries, like Mexico, as they seem to have stepped into fiction a long time ago anyway. Holy shit, excited for more!
  4. Like
    Visutox reacted to Original Saku in What video games are you currently playing?   
    PERSONA 5!!!
    Fuck yeah, it feels good to be alive! what a fucking year 2017 is lit.
  5. Like
    Visutox reacted to Bear in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Fuck trimming it down, because I began but got a few problems. Which do I keep and which do I remove? So I'll just post everything that's left. Someone might find some of these releases interesting, so I'll put some time and effort into the post.
    Rude - Remnants...
    Rude debuted with an absolute monster of an album in form of Soul Recall in 2014, and 2017 sees the band return with their sophomore album, an album that is just as good, if not better, than their debut. It sounds old school and very familiar, but as with their debut it sounds very fresh at the same time. They don't try to hide their influences, and the riffing, vocals and production reeks of old Pestilence, Morbid Angel and Death, but they still got their own thing going.
    Black Magic - Demon Lord
    Black Magic has gone from playing black metal on their two first demos, to heavy/speed metal on their EP and a more heavy rock sound on this one-track demo. Totally different, but at the same time it sounds Black Magic as fuck. The occult feeling isn't gone. And as for the quality of the song, this is probably my favourite Black Magic track thus far. Catchy!
    Black Magick SS - Kaleidoscope Dreams
    I've been a fan of Black Magick SS' psychedelic rock with hints of black metal since the begining, and this is by far their best release so far. It's so cheesy, but it sounds awesome. Really, really good, and as unique as it is good. Original band!
    Helheim - landawarijaR
    It took me many years to get into Helheim's post-Terrorveldet releases, but after years of trying I suddenly got into them a year or two ago. Their brand of viking metal and black metal is very unique, and it's always been so, but with landawarijaR they're offering their best and most unique album since Blood & Ild. It's a weird album, almost sounding avant-garde in the vein of Celtic Frost's Into the Pandemonium at times and progressive like mid-era Enslaved at other times, but it always manages to sound like Helheim. Still got lots of brass that makes it feel really epic.
    Obscure Evil - Void Fumes
    Mean and raw black/thrash metal with lots of Bathory, Aura Noir, Nifelheim and the likes in their sound. Not original, but really good. This is a compilation of their demo and EP which is fine as both releases rules.
    Goatmoon - Stella Polaris
    I've always considered Goatmoon to be as bad as they are ridiculous, and never in my wildest dreams would I dream that I would end up enjoying this. But I do. A lot actually. Nice, epic-sounding black/folk metal that's still furious, but it's seasoned with lots of heavy metal riffing here and there. Just check out Stella Polaris that out of nowhere turns into a heavy metal song, and that glorious riff gets even better towards the end of the song when there's a brilliant solo on top of it. It kinds sounds like traditional finnish black metal gone folky. As if Sargeist or Horna added folk metal to their black metal. Surprise of the year for sure. So good I will revisit their older material.
    Front Beast - Third Scourge from Darkness
    I've always been a huge fan of Avenger and many of his bands, especially Front Beast, Nocturnal and Szarlem. With Front Beast Avenger pays a tribute to the ancient black metal of the past, with mean and raw riffing in vein of Darkthrone, Bathory, Celtic Frost, Bestial Summoning, Countess and more. But there's also plenty heavy metal riffing throughout, but it's black in the vein of Mercyful Fate, Oz and Hell. Great stuff!
    Pillorian - Obsidian Arc
    When Agalloch broke up it didn't take long before John Haughm announced his new band, Pillorian, together with Trevor Matthews of Uada and SP of The Will of a Million. And even before they had released a single song to the public, they got booked for shows around the world, among them a headliner spot at this year's Inferno Festival. So how's the music? Well, very good, I'd say. Kinda sounds like a mix of the blackest of Agalloch and Uada, which should come as no surprise. But it's more traditional black metal than Agalloch ever were, but if you're familiar with Agalloch you should be able to hear influences from there. John Haughm's grim vocals are really good for this release too. I'm pleased!
    Sale Freux - Vindilis
    Sale Freux are one of a few "newer" French bands who carries the torch of demo-era Peste Noire.  It's not as medieval-sounding, but it's got that dark, gritty and french countryside-feeling to it. Would be a nice soundtrack when walking over a french battlefield with thousands and thousands of dead soldiers everywhere. Fucked up drumsound, but I like it.
    The Great Old Ones - EOD: A Tale of Dark Legacy
    Post-black metal inspired by H.P. Lovecraft, influenced by old Altar of Plagues, Wolves in the Throne Room, Fen and Deafheaven. These guys just gets better and better, and their third album is by far their best. Really powerful!
    Bròn - Зарђала Круна
    I have, over and over again, mentioned Bròn's two demos and debut album Ànrach as masterpieces, and I still do. Зарђала Круна is the band's new EP consisting of one 32 minutes long song, and it's another masterpiece of cold, atmospheric black metal in the vein of Evilfeast and Forest Silence. Breathtaking release! But as far as I know, this will be the last Bròn release with black metal elements, at least for a while. But the atmospheric ambience of these releases are amazing too, so I expect the future releases to be great too.
    That's it for now, but I've got some other releases I'll add to the mix too. I just need to spin them a few more times.
  6. Like
    Visutox reacted to Jigsaw9 in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Oh right, I managed to finally listen to that Venenum album yesterday. Good stuff indeed!
  7. Like
    Visutox got a reaction from Lestat in The general Metal discussion thread   
    I personally just write down on a Word doc every music release I listen to! There are quite a lot on your list, I'll definitely check it out soon.
    I need to give Urraca another spin, but it's truly an amazing piece of work. And obviously that Venenum album is absolutely magisterial! Still have to check out the three other bands of your tiny list. Already checked out some tracks off of that new Wormwood album so I think I might probably dig it.
    As for me, I'd say (in no particular order):
    Soen — Lykaia
    Need — Hegaiamas: A Song for Freedom
    Immolation — Atonement
    Venenum  — Trance of Death
    Pallbearer — Heartless
    Of course it's still to soon to determine our absolute favorites of the year but I thought it'd be great to know what we've been listening up to now. 
    And I agree with you, death metal is really killing it this year. 
  8. Like
    Visutox reacted to Lestat in The general Metal discussion thread   
    I have actively been tracking my ratings on here, finding it a very good solution to remain informed about what I have listened to thus far, and keeping a list as such also encourages me to discover more things and generally listen to more albums. 
    My favourites of the year so far are;
    Laster - "Ons Vrije Fatum"
    Sunless - "Urraca"
    Human - "Contemplating Soliloquy"
    Wormwood - "Ghostlands - Wounds From A Bleeding Earth"
    Venenum - "Trance Of Death"
    I think death metal is primarily going to be the favourite genre of the year, at least. There are some others that I have rated very high, but they just don't provide that little extra touch for me. These thoughts might change with more spins I give some of these records, though.
  9. Like
    Visutox reacted to Kiyoharu is God in lynch. new mini album "SINNERS-EP" release   
    Bassists on the new mini album:
    T$UYO$HI(The BONEZ / P.T.P)
    The first 3. A total of 5, so more to be announced. Hoping for HITOKI to join in.
  10. Like
    Visutox got a reaction from doombox in HER NAME IN BLOOD announces return!   
    ^ Damn, now I think that I remember reading something about that a long time ago. Thanks for the information. 
  11. Like
    Visutox reacted to doombox in HER NAME IN BLOOD announces return!   
    @Furik @VisutoxThey were on a break because their drummer got arrested for drug possession.
  12. Like
    Visutox reacted to Hakari in HER NAME IN BLOOD announces return!   
    Don't. I mean if you really enjoyed their earlier releases their newer stuff is just cringe worthy.
  13. Like
    Visutox reacted to Bear in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Sounds neat! After hearing two tracks this album is already better than their debut album and EP. Way ahead of both! I'm surprised by how epic this song sounds, but it still sounds like it's from the same album as the first, more Nifelheim'esque track. Diggin' this, and the cover art is just beyond rad.
  14. Like
    Visutox reacted to For my dears in Instru-metal   
  15. Like
    Visutox got a reaction from Hakari in HER NAME IN BLOOD announces return!   
    ^ Same. Also I still have to check out their latest album, I'm glad that they're back. 
  16. Like
    Visutox reacted to Shaolan974 in NoGoD new maxi-single "Missing" release   
    Final tracklist revealed :
    1. Missing
    2. Nightmare
    3. 不完全肯定論
    4. emotional disorder(live version)
    5. 桃源郷へようこそ(live version)

  17. Like
    Visutox got a reaction from Azaeroe in random thoughts thread   
    Man I'm just realizing that Naruto Shippuden started airing 10 years ago and is now over. Fuck, I was 11 when it started airing. Like, holy shit. How. Time flies like crazy. And it's crazier to me that 10 years ago I was only 11, hell, dude. 
  18. Like
    Visutox reacted to peffy in What video games are you currently playing?   
    I just got my copy of Ryu ga gotoku 6 (aka Yakuza 6)yesterday and played for about 2 hours before I reeeeally had to go to sleep. I also had a migraine while playing.
    After about 45 minutes of non-stop intro cutscenes (seriously...) I finally got to walk around some of Kamurochou.
    Holy hell, the changes & improvements in the graphics and menus are immediately stunning. Especially after being stuck with the same engine and similar-looking menus for the SIX previous games in the series I've played. (3, 4, 5, Ishin, 0, Kiwami).
    - They FINALLY added auto-saving. It's quick and seamless. No more running to phone booths (which, by the way, no longer exist), no more watching that save progress bar fill up TWICE every time you save.
    - There is literally zero load time going into battles. When you run into random thugs, the screen gets tinted blue for a half-second (to tell you you're entering a battle), and the punches start flying immediately. There is also zero load time when walking into restaurants and stores, it is all completely seamless.
    - They have re-arranged some places on the map, which is a shock since 3, 4, and 5 basically had the exact same Kamurochou map.
    - The main menu/pause menu is literally a Sony Xperia phone (looks exactly like my phone). If you get a text message (used for tutorial tips so far), you can read it and continue walking around at the same time. (Kiryu will look at his phone while walking)
    - You can now purchase drinks from pretty much every vending machine (these drinks will give temporary stat boosts). Kiryu will walk around holding the can, and if you hold down Circle he will drink it. You can also partially drink it and continue walking around with it because why not.
    - Apparently everything is voiced now. No more reading text boxes, or weird transitions between text-only and voiced dialogue.
    - Some idiot wanted to fight me. I lured him INTO a nearby convenience store and proceeded to beat his ass INSIDE THE CONVENIENCE STORE. I knocked over some shelves (oops) and bashed his face into the checkout counter. Then I bought cup noodles from the poor employee who'll have to clean up that mess.
    - Kiryu will BREAK SHIT that's sitting on the streets, just by walking/running into them. Including bicycles, motorbikes, signs, trash cans... pretty amazing for a series that never let you touch anything if you weren't in combat. I spent a few minutes totally wrecking a side street just for the hell of it.
    -  I walked into a cafe and discovered that Kiryu will also BREAK SHIT indoors, including tables and chairs. I destroyed this cafe and terrified the customers. Oops. I passed by this cafe a bit later only to find it "closed for repairs". Lol. I came back later to find it open for business as usual. Then I wrecked it again. Lol.
    - It seems like it's more common for thugs to attack you with weapons. It also seems easier to make them drop the weapons. Some fool came at me with a sledgehammer. I got him to drop it, then I picked it up and used it to destroy his buddies.
    - Strangely, the default walking speed is just walking. Hold down X to dash, but stamina is limited. There's no default "jogging" speed.
    - I walked into one cabaret club, and was impressed that they gave me FIVE girls to choose from. However they weren't all that attractive.. in fact I would call a couple of them straight-up ugly. But that was just a still image, maybe they look better in motion?
    - I couldn't find the UFO catcher mini-game in the Sega arcades ?!?!?! Maybe it's somewhere else.
    - I haven't been able to knock over pedestrians yet. It's VERY IMPORTANT TO ME to knock over pedestrians. I hope it's still in the game.
    - Once again, Sega has blocked me from taking screenshots/videos. Sega pls.
    - This is "Kiryu's final chapter", but I really hope they keep making these games with another protagonist. Or more samurai-era games. I need this new engine to be used in more games. NEED.
    tl;dr I want to take vacation from work just to play more of this. English-only Yakuza fans will likely be in for a treat when this comes out in English next year.
  19. Like
    Visutox reacted to Yutaproid1 in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Started playing ME Andromeda yesterday, cant really complain so far.
  20. Like
    Visutox reacted to Bear in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Some good and bad news. We'll start with the bad, sad and awful ones:
    Heart attack at the age of only 42 years old. Damn. Negura Bunget in their prime years (02-06) were amazing. Some of the most honest and spritual black metal you'll find, with Om as the absolute highlight. But their early, more straight-forward black metal stuff and the symphonic black metal of Wiccan Rede are great as well, and some of their later stuff, like Măiestrit and Vîrstele pămîntului are good. But with Vîrstele pămîntului, the first one without Hupogrammos and Sol Faur, you could already sense that a huge part of the band was gone. A huge step down in quality. So the loss of Hupogrammos and Sol Faur just didn't do this band good at all as they manage to continue the sound of Negura Bunget much better in Dordeduh than what Negru did with Negura Bunget.
    Anyway, fantastic, creative drummer.
    This song, this album. Holy shit! Perfection.
    But the good news are that Peste Noire are on their way to record the new album.
    Fuck yes!
  21. Like
    Visutox reacted to Takadanobabaalien in X JAPAN new album release date for March 3rd?   
    Can this topic be about funny parts (basically the entire thing) from the AMA?
    like this:

  22. Like
    Visutox reacted to Tokage in X JAPAN new album release date for March 3rd?   
    Update on March 2nd: "oooh noo, hide reincarnated as a dog and ate all the master tapes so we cant release the album guys : - ( dont forget to  come to the memorial live!!!!"
  23. Like
    Visutox reacted to saishuu in X JAPAN new album release date for March 3rd?   
    March 3rd of what year?
  24. Like
    Visutox reacted to inartistic in X JAPAN new album release date for March 3rd?   
    Hey guys, YOSHIKI's doctor here. He's got a real bad hernia, so we're gonna need to push that release date to 2018.
  25. Like
    Visutox got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in random thoughts thread   
    Man I'm just realizing that Naruto Shippuden started airing 10 years ago and is now over. Fuck, I was 11 when it started airing. Like, holy shit. How. Time flies like crazy. And it's crazier to me that 10 years ago I was only 11, hell, dude. 
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