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    Visutox reacted to The Reverend in [Review] Insanity Injection - Psychotic Cabaret (2016)   
    Driving home from work and talking about the ambitious new mini-album from VK upstarts Insanity Injection.
    Let me know what you think! I don't think everyone will like this mini, but I do think everyone should give it a listen.
  2. Like
    Visutox reacted to beni in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    Fking 10/10, all you really need for any game ad to be a success.
  3. Like
    Visutox reacted to YuyoDrift in Last movie you saw.   
    Saw Logan last night.
    Now I've read the X-Men comics as a kid, and seen the TV shows and films, so I am aware of the numerous timelines there are out there.
    If you plan to go watch this film, I'd best recommend that you don't go trying to connect anything from Logan to the series, and just enjoy the film.
    With that said, I'd say the film is worth watching. It is a very nice farewell to Jackman and Stewart, who will finally hang up the towel as Charles Xavier and Wolverine.
    Man, it certainly doesn't feel like 15+ years at all.
  4. Like
    Visutox reacted to Hakari in The general Metal discussion thread   
    These guys are solid. Having a dedicated bassist really stands out. Will hopefully be able to pick up this album 
  5. Like
    Visutox reacted to Bear in The general Metal discussion thread   
    That is shocking, because Nokturnal Mortum has released a bunch of classic and brilliant albums. I like their entire discography, but Twilightfall, Lunar Poetry, Return of the Vampire Lord, Goat Horns, To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire and Nechrist are releases that I believe should be a part of any black metal fan's collection, with To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire and Nechrist being my favourites. To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire are one of the top 10 symphonic black metal albums ever and Nechrist are one of the 10 best folk black metal releases ever (althought it could be called symphonic black metal as well). What really makes these stand out are how agressive and brutal they are compared to most other albums in a similar style.
  6. Like
    Visutox got a reaction from Hakari in Last movie you saw.   
    Finished watching the LOTR trilogy for the 353525th time yesterday and boy, it's incredible how these movies were so ahead of their time. I'm always amazed at how the CGI is still so good and looks incredibly well done even after more than a decade. Chills all over my spin during every fucking damn scene too. One of the greatest trilogies in film history, ever. 
  7. Like
    Visutox got a reaction from Hakari in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Jesus fucking christ, thank fuck this band exists. The new album is phenomenal, and I'm pretty sure I'll be spinning it a lot this year. The bass work with this band is always incredible and I don't think there's much more to say, just check it out as soon as you can. 
  8. Like
    Visutox reacted to Bear in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Looking forward to the Fen record. Always loved the band, yet I've kinda forgotten a bit about them. Can't remember when I last gave one of their albums a spin.
    That sounds great.
  9. Like
    Visutox reacted to Bear in The general Metal discussion thread   
    I like everything these guys have released so far, but Gu Yan needs to be the starting point. Their best! Love the traditional folk music they add to the mix, but only in small doses, and it's so classy. Just a bit of it that truly adds som flavour to the mix, not so that they turn into a folk metal band or anything.
  10. Like
    Visutox reacted to Hakari in The general Metal discussion thread   
    I was hoping you guys could help me out and recommend some solid Black Metal bands. I started listening to this band Ungfell, and they are terrific.
  11. Like
    Visutox reacted to Zeus in #93: 迦陵頻伽 by 陰陽座   
    | Another solid effort but it doesn't stand out as much as it could.
    With the head of a human, a bird's torso, a long, flowing tail, and a voice said to surpass all the gods and angels in Nirvana, the fantastical creature known as the Kalavinka is the inspiration behind 陰陽座's fourteenth album, 迦陵頻伽 (Karyobinga). 陰陽座's known for taking heavy amounts of inspiration from Japanese folklore and incorporating it into their music - even though they sound more like Iron Maiden than anything else - so this is a positively peculiar route to follow after their recent focus on Japanese deities and folklore. The Japanese interpretation of the Kalavinka is portrayed faithfully on the album cover; vocalist Kuroneko's upper torso is dressed as a winged Bodhisattva and her lower half is birdlike. It's both a gorgeous sight and a lofty proposition.
    I'm torn on 迦陵頻伽. On one hand, the feel and flow of the album are all too familiar. I peg it as some hybrid of 金剛九尾 (Kongokyuubi) and snippets of their last two albums because of the pacing and atmosphere. 金剛九尾 ranks among my least favorite of their albums, but to its credit, 迦陵頻伽 is much more polished and straightforward, as if MATATABI had a destination in mind when composing. On the other hand, there is lots of carry over from 風神界逅 (Fuujinkaikou) and 雷神創世 (Raijinsousei), which I regard as near perfect. It's not as ambitious as their last effort, and at times it feels like they're marking boxes off a checklist, but this consistency is why they've never released a bad album. An opportunity to incorporate some Indian and East Asian influences into more songs was missed and would have greatly opened up their sound, but I can look past that. If it didn't appeal to you before, this will not change your mind.
    Where this album impresses me is how the mystic, haunting atmosphere of their earlier eras returns. It's no longer as dark or ominous, but still present and mysterious. Opener "迦陵頻伽" really catches what I'm trying to describe here, and it's got one of the catchiest choruses in their repertoire. Centerpiece "人魚の檻" is a masterful emotional manipulator that's hogged my repeat button for the last few weeks. Those in need of a fix of heavy metal should check out "廿弐匹目は毒蝮" or lead single "愛する者よ、死に候え", and "轆轤首" is the token track where they buck all expectations and try something new. It's tone reminds me of "無風忍法帖" and it's one of my favorites of the album. The canned strings of "轆轤首" were a curious choice, and "御前の瞳に羞いの砂" sounds suspiciously familiar, but I'll admit these are minor quibbles.
    陰陽座 is in the midst of a second renaissance after the release of 2012's 鬼子母神 (Kishibojin), breaking a streak of tepid albums with a concept so beautifully realized that it still sounds fresh today. 迦陵頻伽 stabilizes this upward trend, and while it's not the best thing ever it's pretty good.
    Support the band!
  12. Like
    Visutox reacted to Zeus in #94: Lineage〜薔薇の末裔〜 by Versailles   
    | The spiritual successor to Lyrical Sympathy, hands down.
    This is what I've been waiting for since 2010.
    The collection album Versailles released at the tail end of 2016 was necessary but not enough. Self-covers set a low bar for a comeback - even if they blew my expectations out of the water - so I've low key been spinning the two new tracks from The Greatest Hits 2007-2016 on repeat. I've been looking for clues to where this band is headed next, and all roads point to Lineage〜薔薇の末裔〜. Lineage is the first original Versailles release since their disastrous self-titled, and with this release all my apprehensions are eradicated. This is how you redeem yourself.
    There are three reasons why Lineage is a successful album. The first reason is that it is compact; six to nine tracks seems to be the sweet spot for Versailles albums. Compact albums lend themselves well to multiple listens. This goes along with the second reason, which is that they've restored the regality to their sound. Reflecting on releases such as Holy Grail (2011) and Versailles (2012) made me realize that they were slowly stripping away the aristocratic elements in favor of power metal. With Lineage, Versailles has made a complete 180. "La Musique" opens up the release with an immediacy I haven't heard since "Aristocrat's Symphony", and the interlude before the solo is just ace. Songs feel textured with simple riffs leading into complex solos, fast verses leading into slow choruses, and in general, each moment feels meticulously crafted. Contrast this with their solo efforts, where at times both parties felt one-dimensional in their approach to symphonic metal. This leads into my third point, which is the chemistry between the band members has been found again. It sounds like they are working together far better than they have ever before.
    What I want most from Versailles is close to what Lineage delivers; a Kamijo solo project in all but name with occasional songs and instrumentation by Kamijo, Teru, Yuki, and Hizaki. I don't have composer notes handy, but if I had to trust in my ears, it still sounds like Kamijo and Hizaki are primary composers, but they're collaborating rather than proposing their individual songs. I used to be able to tell what songs were Kamijo's and what songs were Hizaki's and I can't do that with this particular release, which turns out to be a really good thing. To that end, I would love for Teru and Masashi to contribute even more as well. Tracks like "LIBIDO" and "Thanatos" are amazing additions to Versailles' discography because they stand out in a good way, and a remarkable trait about Lineage is that each track is both unique and memorable.
    Finally, I should mention the stellar production job. Everything between JUBILEE (2010) and Versailles sounds strange, whether it be a weird filter on KAMIJO's voice or an odd guitar tone. The re-recordings on The Greatest Hits 2007-2016 only clarify the problems for tracks like "MASQUERADE". Thankfully, whoever handled The Greatest... also blessed this release, and I hope Versailles continue to collaborate with these sound engineers in future releases.
    Lineage marks the beginning of a third stage for Versailles, one where they feel cleanly separated from past activities and expectations. Not only does it speak to the strengths of what a good hiatus can do for a band, but it sends a more subtle message that sometimes less is more. Lineage may only be six tracks but it feels like a full album. I've changed my opinion of this band's activities from cautious to optimistic, and I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case for others too.
  13. Like
    Visutox got a reaction from Hakari in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Currently exploring some oldies and playing LOTR: The Two Towers on Dolphin. The last stages of this game are fucking impossible to beat, I don't know how I did to get to the last level as a kid. Great game though, absolutely enjoyable even though it pisses the shit outta me lol.
  14. Like
    Visutox reacted to Bear in The general Metal discussion thread   
    I've been a fan of Zuriaake for years now, and I really need to see these guys live. They seem to be an experience live, and a real force of power and emotions. And visually they're among the most impressive and interesting ones alongside Cult of Fire and Mgla. They way these bands capture the atmosphere and sound with how they dress, act and appear on stage and pictures are fantastic.
    Be sure to check out their entire discography if you're into bands like Drudkh, Sad Legend, Downfall of Nur, Walknut, Ygg. I'll even throw in some Summoning and Moonsorrow to the mix. Speaking of Summoning, the last track on the video is a Summoning cover. And unlike the majority of Summoning covers, this one sounds great, even if they don't do too much with it. It's just pure magic. Those clean vocals are as bad as they are amazing, powerful and emotional.
  15. Like
    Visutox reacted to Bear in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Yes, I am. Or more correctly, an encyclopedia of good music and films. Yeah, that's fucking right.
  16. Like
    Visutox reacted to Lestat in The general Metal discussion thread   
    This is exactly what I wish for my Death metal to sound like. And as the artwork implies, it sounds like it's recorded in a stalagmite cave, or simply somewhere dark and cold. It has just the right amount of technicalities to a point where it doesn't sound like the band are simply try-hards or attempting to show off purely to boast their 'awesome' guitarwork. I've yet to listen to the full album and only heard this track just now, but I'm just so eager to listen to it straight away. 
  17. Like
    Visutox reacted to Bear in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Nice, happy you liked them. A few more Vektor-esque progressive thrash metal bands that I like quite a lot, but for most part we're not talking carbon copies or anything. Black Fast seems to get a lot of inspiration from mid-era Death and black metal, as an example.
    Black Fast
    Black Fast is probably my favourite out of these, followed by Vexovoid. I recommend all fans of Vektor to check out these bands.
  18. Like
    Visutox reacted to ghost in Show Yourself (again)   
    The pond in my neighborhood was frozen yesterday! So, I braved it and took a self-portrait on it.
    It was frozen pretty solid so I actually ice skated a little too (haha).

  19. Like
    Visutox reacted to JRD in Show Yourself (again)   
    Showing what makeup and haircut can do to your face. So the different faces of JRD
    Also I lift, so don't come for me.
  20. Like
    Visutox reacted to Bear in The general Metal discussion thread   
    This is a really nice release. Progressive thrash in the vein of Vektor, Hexovoid and Black Fast. This release is truly awesome!
    This is also really nice. Progressive thrash/speed metal with obvious inspirations from Vektor, Voivod and Annihilator and more, but it's less aggressive than the mentioned bands. Much more melodic. Parts of the vocals takes some time to get used to, though.
  21. Like
    Visutox reacted to Jigsaw9 in The general Metal discussion thread   
    I can hardly believe it but Venenum will finally release an album... not too long to go! Drops March 17, title is "Trance of Death".
    Details and new song here: https://www.deaf-forever.de/songpremiere-venenum
    Their only EP so far is an awesome filthy doomy death masterpiece imo.
  22. Like
    Visutox reacted to BrenGun in amazarashi - “Deserving of Life” featuring NieR: Automata   
    A story of the distant future born from an encounter between NieR series game director Taro Yoko and Hiromu Akita of amazarashi.

    amazarashi New Single「命にふさわしい」
    2017. 02. 22 Release

    ¥1,200(tax out)
    1. 命にふさわしい
    2. 幽霊
    3. 数え歌
    4. 命にふさわしい acoustic version

    CD+DVD+DLAICL-3275-3278 ¥1,800 (tax out)
    (作:ヨコオタロウ / 絵:幸田和磨)同梱
    「ポッドモデル:amazarashiヘッド」 封入
    1. 命にふさわしい
    2. 幽霊
    3. 数え歌
    4. 命にふさわしい acoustic version
    「NieR:Automata Movie 119450310」
  23. Like
    Visutox reacted to Biopanda in random thoughts thread   
    9GOATS fans on twitter thirsty af
  24. Like
    Visutox got a reaction from Kaleidoscope in The general Metal discussion thread   
    ^ It's okay dude, take all the time you need, it's just for fun after all. I'm glad that have some good words for Setentia even though their music isn't especially your thing. I'm looking forward your review on the album! 
    @KaleidoscopeDer Weg einer Freiheit are brilliant, and their latest album is nothing but fucking Stellar. Need to dig more into their discography though, I'm sure it'll be worth it!
    I'd say In the Nightside Eclipse is a good album to start with tbf.
    And since you enjoy some modern sounding black metal and we're talking about Emperor, I'd recommend you to check out these guys from Germany. This album is so good, I've listened it so many times that I'm just hoping they'll release something soon. They got some Emperor influences on their music and some brilliant symphonic arrangements. Not to mention the vocals, which are absolutely brilliant:
  25. Like
    Visutox reacted to Bear in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Felt like the time was ready for me to "review" this now.
    Árstíðir Lífsins - Heljarkviða 
    Árstíðir lífsins is a band I already knew and a band I quite like. The band is made up by Marcel Dreckmann (Helrunar), Árni (Carpe Noctem) and Stefán who's played live with Helrunar for a long time now. I'm not sure who compose the music, but I believe it's Árni making most of it. But despite this Árstíðir lífsins are heavily inspired by Helrunar which I feel is the most natural comparrison, but there's also some clear Enslaved influences here too. And the way these two songs are built really reminds me of the newer, more progressive side of Moonsorrow as well, but also the atmospheric pieces with acoustic guitars, ambience and such carries a strong Moonsorrow-vibe. But music-wise we're talking pagan black metal in the vein of Helrunar, but with a heavier influence of both folk and black metal. The balance between bombastic landscapes, beautifully melancholy and grimness is nothing short of superb, and if you're into pagan metal I see no reason why you should not take your time to get to know this release and band.
    Setentia - Darkness Descent
    And now the reason why it took me such long time to post this. Progressive death metal in the vein of fellow countrymen Ulcerate, but it's not too far off to drag in bands like Gorguts, Portal, Deathspell Omega and so on either. It's progressive, it's complex, well-produced, superbly performend and it's really well-written, but at the end of the day it just isn't my cup of tea. It's not awful, but it's not something I enjoy listening to. I also feel like the drummer is way behind the rest of the band. It's like he's on a whole other page. The entire band minus the drummer has evolved and gone all the way to page 291 while the drummer has barely managed to get to page 100. His drumming is really boring and doesn't fit the music at all IMO.
    Earth and Pillars - Pillars I
    Long atmospheric tracks heavily inspired by Wintherr/Wroth's Paysage d'Hiver and Darkspace. It's not nearly as frosty as Paysage d'Hiver nor as dark and spacey as Darkspace, but unlike its foresty and green debut this is something inbetween. It's grey-ish. But despite this it's impossible for me to listen to this without drawing the comparissons that way. It's hypnotic and fairly repetitive, but it's always atmospheric and massive. And it's just great. Superb album! Only thing I could wish for was that it was a bit more on the rawer side. A bit less produced or something.
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