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    Tetora got a reaction from zebulon in DOG in The PWO LIVE DVD & new maxi single release   
    Type A is the PV, Type B is Making of and various nonsense
  2. Like
    Tetora reacted to smilesxchibi in Formal introduction   
    Hi there! I've been a member here for quite some time and have never introduced myself, forgive me. My real name is Felipe though I go by smilesxchibi in many places. I am 22 and have been exposed to the visual kei scene since I was 14 but jrock since I was about 7.
    Some of my favorite bands include Versailles, Jackman, SuG, Amber gris, Nocturnal Bloodlust, Deathgaze, Dir en Grey (old school), VanessA, Art Cube, Nega, Kibouya Honpo, and many more hehehe.
    I'm an easy person to get along with, shy but open minded. Though Im not afraid to speak my mind.
    (I hope this makes for a decent introduction ><) feel free to ask me anything as well
    Also I am a graphic designer, recently graduated lol
  3. Like
    Tetora reacted to jon_jonz in メガマソ(megamasso) live-limited single "まんげつのよるにぬけだして。 / ステイ with ミー" release   
    They left avex in 2012 to join Timely Records (TR), but left Timely last June and now they're self-produced, which means that they aren't major anymore.
    Btw, they've got a new look:
  4. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from doombox in If you didn`t have Japanese Music, what would you be listening to now?   
    Hey guys,
    As the title inquires, if you didn`t have Japanese music (VK, Indie, Pop, Idol, Electronic, or whatever you like / love) what would you be listening to, and how would your life be different?
    How much does Japanese music add to your life?
    Would there be any benefits to not having it, like a heavier wallet or bigger bank account? Or is it just plain worth it?
    Do you have irreplaceable friends you found through Japanese music?
    Has it opened up your life more? Gave you an interest in Japanese culture? How would your interests change if you didn`t have this music?
    As for me, I would probably still be listening to Classic Rock a lot, maybe repeating the same songs I have listened to a million times without anything new coming my way. Maybe I would be more into Electronic music, maybe I would be going to raves all the time? Who knows. Maybe I would be more into Korean music as well.
    I definitely would not have made some good friends that I have met along the way. I think I would also be missing something that only VK can give me, some kind of feeling in my heart, and some kind of attitude.
    I think I would be a different person. My friends and people I have went out with definitely wouldn`t be as annoyed by the `music they can`t understand`constantly being played. And when in Japan I would be doing different things.
    Anyway, let us all know about yourself, and thanks for reading!
  5. Like
    Tetora reacted to Shir0 in Introduce yourself: Here I go ! (:   
    AWWW D: sorry.. the video is almost finished but I need to cut and add somethings befor I upload it so it's in progress
  6. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Spectralion in If you didn`t have Japanese Music, what would you be listening to now?   
    Hey guys,
    As the title inquires, if you didn`t have Japanese music (VK, Indie, Pop, Idol, Electronic, or whatever you like / love) what would you be listening to, and how would your life be different?
    How much does Japanese music add to your life?
    Would there be any benefits to not having it, like a heavier wallet or bigger bank account? Or is it just plain worth it?
    Do you have irreplaceable friends you found through Japanese music?
    Has it opened up your life more? Gave you an interest in Japanese culture? How would your interests change if you didn`t have this music?
    As for me, I would probably still be listening to Classic Rock a lot, maybe repeating the same songs I have listened to a million times without anything new coming my way. Maybe I would be more into Electronic music, maybe I would be going to raves all the time? Who knows. Maybe I would be more into Korean music as well.
    I definitely would not have made some good friends that I have met along the way. I think I would also be missing something that only VK can give me, some kind of feeling in my heart, and some kind of attitude.
    I think I would be a different person. My friends and people I have went out with definitely wouldn`t be as annoyed by the `music they can`t understand`constantly being played. And when in Japan I would be doing different things.
    Anyway, let us all know about yourself, and thanks for reading!
  7. Like
    Tetora reacted to Sakura Seven in Are you a narcissist ?   
    I scored a 23.
    Tetora and I are clearly the winners here. 
  8. Like
    Tetora reacted to chewi in If you didn`t have Japanese Music, what would you be listening to now?   
    How much does Japanese music add to your life?
    I feel like getting into Japanese music has added being more open-minded to my (musical) life. I find myself checking out more artists no matter what language or the genre because of it. I haven't been "seriously" listening to Japanese music for a long time, in fact it's just over 3-4 years. It's also allowed me to be more tolerant of other people's tastes. I remember when I used to think experimental music was weird and that listening to music in languages that you don't understand was pointless. Also, without getting into Japanese music I wouldn't have many of the friends that I have today.
    Would there be any benefits to not having it, like a heavier wallet or bigger bank account? Or is it just plain worth it?
    My wallet and bank account would definitely benefit if I wasn't into this music because importing albums from Japan is a pain in the butt and expensive. But so worth it. I like supporting artists that I like. <3 
    Do you have irreplaceable friends you found through Japanese music?
    Has it opened up your life more? Gave you an interest in Japanese culture? How would your interests change if you didn`t have this music?
    I've always been interested in Japanese culture but my interest definitely increased when I got into the music. I had always liked anime, manga, and thought Japanese was a cool looking language . Honestly, without Japanese music in my life, I wouldn't be learning Japanese right now or have had the desire to change my major to Asian Studies (with a concentration in Japanese studies). I really think it's made me who I am today. 
    Without Japanese music... I'd probably be listening to pop music like Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, etc. just a lot more (though to be honest I already listen to them a lot). I think over time I would have went from pop music to indie music, and then bouncing back and forth between those with some rock albums thrown in... that seems to be a common pattern for me.
  9. Like
    Tetora reacted to Biopanda in If you didn`t have Japanese Music, what would you be listening to now?   
    How much does Japanese music add to your life?
    For me, I'd say this is quite a lot. I've been a fan of VK for over 10 years now, run a VK store and have made one trip to Japan so far solely for the reason of VK concerts. I'd say that's definitely enough to say that it's contributed a ton to my life and the type of person I am today.
    Would there be any benefits to not having it, like a heavier wallet or bigger bank account? Or is it just plain worth it?
    Well, I certainly would have a lot more money without Japanese music XD Though with running a store, it's starting to even out more. Even without the store, I'd say it was totally worth the money I've put into it so far.
    Do you have irreplaceable friends you found through Japanese music?
    Nearly all of them. I'm a rather introverted person and I have trouble connecting with most "normal" people due to totally sucking at small talk. However, when it comes to other VK fans, that wall just seems to come crumbling down and I'm able to connect and befriend them pretty easily. It certainly doesn't hurt that I met my super amazing girlfriend though MH, which totally wouldn't have happened otherwise
    Has it opened up your life more? Gave you an interest in Japanese culture? How would your interests change if you didn`t have this music?
    I would definitely say so. If it hadn't been for getting into VK and meeting the people that I have through it, I doubt I would have done many of the things I've done today. It has probably directly led to me traveling around the world and experiencing cultures and places that I otherwise would not have without making the friendships that I have through VK. Without VK, I assume I'd probably still be into anime like I was before finding out about it and would probably still be listening to cheesy metal bands(not that I've stopped doing that since XD).
  10. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from fiz fiz in If you didn`t have Japanese Music, what would you be listening to now?   
    Hey guys,
    As the title inquires, if you didn`t have Japanese music (VK, Indie, Pop, Idol, Electronic, or whatever you like / love) what would you be listening to, and how would your life be different?
    How much does Japanese music add to your life?
    Would there be any benefits to not having it, like a heavier wallet or bigger bank account? Or is it just plain worth it?
    Do you have irreplaceable friends you found through Japanese music?
    Has it opened up your life more? Gave you an interest in Japanese culture? How would your interests change if you didn`t have this music?
    As for me, I would probably still be listening to Classic Rock a lot, maybe repeating the same songs I have listened to a million times without anything new coming my way. Maybe I would be more into Electronic music, maybe I would be going to raves all the time? Who knows. Maybe I would be more into Korean music as well.
    I definitely would not have made some good friends that I have met along the way. I think I would also be missing something that only VK can give me, some kind of feeling in my heart, and some kind of attitude.
    I think I would be a different person. My friends and people I have went out with definitely wouldn`t be as annoyed by the `music they can`t understand`constantly being played. And when in Japan I would be doing different things.
    Anyway, let us all know about yourself, and thanks for reading!
  11. Like
    Tetora reacted to togz in If you didn`t have Japanese Music, what would you be listening to now?   
    How much does Japanese music add to your life?
    Honestly, not to sound hella weaboo... but I feel like it's the only thing that really helps me feel like me. It's something I discovered on my own, grew passionate about on my own, and have been a fan of for 10+ years. I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out who i am and where I want to be, but coming back to this makes me feel like at least I know a little bit of myself. It's helped me really become open minded and accepting towards a lot of things, not just music. 

    Would there be any benefits to not having it, like a heavier wallet or bigger bank account? Or is it just plain worth it?
    Maybe I wouldn't feel so lost if I had liked something more common to listen to in my own country. Maybe i'd have more money. Maybe I'd be happy doing what I'm doing and wouldn't care about doing something more creative in my life. I think this kind of music really helps me continue to dream and have a creative soul and mind.

    Do you have irreplaceable friends you found through Japanese music?
    I do have amazing friends and memories I would have never had otherwise. My life would be COMPLETELY different. 

    Has it opened up your life more? Gave you an interest in Japanese culture? How would your interests change if you didn`t have this music?
    I think maybe it has made me feel more secluded or less social only because most people find it weird and I'd rather avoid being judged for it so I spend time alone or with people I already know through events we had in common. I used to have interest in Japanese culture and I wanted to go to Japan to study, however recently I've been giving up on all that, I just can't seem to kick the music out of my life. I'd probably only be listening to classic rock, or rather anything from the 80's really... classical music and jazz.
  12. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from togz in If you didn`t have Japanese Music, what would you be listening to now?   
    Hey guys,
    As the title inquires, if you didn`t have Japanese music (VK, Indie, Pop, Idol, Electronic, or whatever you like / love) what would you be listening to, and how would your life be different?
    How much does Japanese music add to your life?
    Would there be any benefits to not having it, like a heavier wallet or bigger bank account? Or is it just plain worth it?
    Do you have irreplaceable friends you found through Japanese music?
    Has it opened up your life more? Gave you an interest in Japanese culture? How would your interests change if you didn`t have this music?
    As for me, I would probably still be listening to Classic Rock a lot, maybe repeating the same songs I have listened to a million times without anything new coming my way. Maybe I would be more into Electronic music, maybe I would be going to raves all the time? Who knows. Maybe I would be more into Korean music as well.
    I definitely would not have made some good friends that I have met along the way. I think I would also be missing something that only VK can give me, some kind of feeling in my heart, and some kind of attitude.
    I think I would be a different person. My friends and people I have went out with definitely wouldn`t be as annoyed by the `music they can`t understand`constantly being played. And when in Japan I would be doing different things.
    Anyway, let us all know about yourself, and thanks for reading!
  13. Like
    Tetora reacted to blackdoll in If you didn`t have Japanese Music, what would you be listening to now?   
    I would have hopefully still found brutal metal
    visual kei has influence how i dress a little(started wearing sun glasses because of his grace), and take pics. whats hot and not. i feel better listening to Lycaon.
    i would have more time on my hands maybe.
    yeah kinda
    i feel more cool about myself. modern visual modeling/acting culture? my interest in looks would be different.
  14. Like
    Tetora reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Are you a narcissist ?   
    One of those silly psych tests. A score of 12~15 is average, 20 is what celebrities tend to score, more than that and you're full of yourself etc.
    I got 6, so.
  15. Like
    Tetora reacted to JukaForever in If you didn`t have Japanese Music, what would you be listening to now?   
    I was going to say hip-hop at first, as I am a big hip-hop head, but the whole reason I got into Japanese music in the first place was due to me trying to distance myself from it since it was super shit around 09 ish....still is shit now though -.- I would say I would've delved deeper into old Soul, RnB and Blues music. As it is the basis of hip-hop and I probably would've bought a crap ton of box sets to get me started too. I would still be introduced to KPOP though as I watched quite a bit of foreign movies and korean ones take up a majority of them. It would be natural for me to follow up on the music and see what they are about. So financially, it wouldn't be better as I am a music lover in the first place and would still be buying music on the regular.
    Japanese music just brings more diversity to my music collection. I probably wouldn't get into rock/metal if it wasn't for it. Other than that, it isn't that big part of my life. I live in Canada so it doesn't have much of a cultural impact for me to start "seeing the world differently." I already did before I got into it.
  16. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Mihenno in If you didn`t have Japanese Music, what would you be listening to now?   
    Hey guys,
    As the title inquires, if you didn`t have Japanese music (VK, Indie, Pop, Idol, Electronic, or whatever you like / love) what would you be listening to, and how would your life be different?
    How much does Japanese music add to your life?
    Would there be any benefits to not having it, like a heavier wallet or bigger bank account? Or is it just plain worth it?
    Do you have irreplaceable friends you found through Japanese music?
    Has it opened up your life more? Gave you an interest in Japanese culture? How would your interests change if you didn`t have this music?
    As for me, I would probably still be listening to Classic Rock a lot, maybe repeating the same songs I have listened to a million times without anything new coming my way. Maybe I would be more into Electronic music, maybe I would be going to raves all the time? Who knows. Maybe I would be more into Korean music as well.
    I definitely would not have made some good friends that I have met along the way. I think I would also be missing something that only VK can give me, some kind of feeling in my heart, and some kind of attitude.
    I think I would be a different person. My friends and people I have went out with definitely wouldn`t be as annoyed by the `music they can`t understand`constantly being played. And when in Japan I would be doing different things.
    Anyway, let us all know about yourself, and thanks for reading!
  17. Like
    Tetora reacted to kyoselflove in If you didn`t have Japanese Music, what would you be listening to now?   
    I love these <3


    Oh I forgot to add, I would be listening to a lot of electronic rock music if I had no Japanese music lol.



    How much does Japanese music add to your life?

    I would say a lot of my life lol.  I usually listen to it everyday and it takes up 90% of my iPod.  When I'm sick I usually watch Dir en Grey lives...and my walls are covered with them.  HAHA, wow.  Adds a lot.


    Would there be any benefits to not having it, like a heavier wallet or bigger bank account? Or is it just plain worth it?

    Fuck yeah my bank account would be higher and my wallet fatter.  But it's worth it to me, I guess.  Because I love them and their music so much and want to support them even though I am broke as fuck most of the time, oh well.  I love it.


    Do you have irreplaceable friends you found through Japanese music?

    Maybe a few online, everyone I have known in real life just makes fun of me or tells me to shut the fuck up about Japanese music.  Except my Husband, after our first date we sat on the floor drinking beers, each taking turns on youtube showing off our favorite Japanese bands PV's.


    Has it opened up your life more? Gave you an interest in Japanese culture? How would your interests change if you didn`t have this music?

    I have always had an interest in Japanese culture when I got into Final Fantasy when I was seven-ish.  I would probably always feel incomplete as sad as that sounds.  When I discovered Japanese music, mostly Visual Kei, I was like 'fuck yes, this is what I have been missing!'  Other wise I would still love other Japanese things, like their awesome video games and snacks!

  18. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from kyoselflove in If you didn`t have Japanese Music, what would you be listening to now?   
    Hey guys,
    As the title inquires, if you didn`t have Japanese music (VK, Indie, Pop, Idol, Electronic, or whatever you like / love) what would you be listening to, and how would your life be different?
    How much does Japanese music add to your life?
    Would there be any benefits to not having it, like a heavier wallet or bigger bank account? Or is it just plain worth it?
    Do you have irreplaceable friends you found through Japanese music?
    Has it opened up your life more? Gave you an interest in Japanese culture? How would your interests change if you didn`t have this music?
    As for me, I would probably still be listening to Classic Rock a lot, maybe repeating the same songs I have listened to a million times without anything new coming my way. Maybe I would be more into Electronic music, maybe I would be going to raves all the time? Who knows. Maybe I would be more into Korean music as well.
    I definitely would not have made some good friends that I have met along the way. I think I would also be missing something that only VK can give me, some kind of feeling in my heart, and some kind of attitude.
    I think I would be a different person. My friends and people I have went out with definitely wouldn`t be as annoyed by the `music they can`t understand`constantly being played. And when in Japan I would be doing different things.
    Anyway, let us all know about yourself, and thanks for reading!
  19. Like
    Tetora reacted to blackdoll in Femme Fatale   
    So far nothing unlikeable. Loving kaya with guitars. I like the blonde guy too. Just what what the Doc ordered.

  20. Like
    Tetora reacted to Hiroike in Hello!   
    It's been a while since I made an account there, but haven't said hello yet, so here I am~ Hi, everyone (* ・ω・ *)ノ
    I'm 18 and live in Poland. I'm not good at introducing myself, so what can I say... I love music. My favourite band is DOG inThePWO. Here's my account on lastfm, so you can see other bands I like.
    I'm looking forward to meeting people there!♫
  21. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from hiroki in DOG in The PWO Vo.春(haru) has been injured in traffic accident   
    Read the news as soon as I woke up.
    I am glad it wasn't more serious, as things could have been much worse.
  22. Like
    Tetora reacted to blackdoll in アルルカン (Arlequin)   
    4 songs live on this channel
  23. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Shir0 in Sayonara.   
    I personally don`t agree with a good-bye thread being turned into an attack on someone.
    You are leaving for the personal reasons, and I understand that you have to try and do what you think you need to do, if anyone agrees or not.
    Hopefully you are successful, and you come back either when you need your VK fix, or when you are successful and balling out of your mind buying all sorts of cds and cheki like a boss.
    And pardon me but I just gotta say, VK is just as good as any other kind of music. It can move people in the same way, and for some people it moves them the most. It doesn`t matter if they are the most skilled (some are), or not, because even the guitarist that many people say is the best of all time played in the same scale literally every time, and the progressions in many masterpieces of music are not very complex at all. Music just is what it is, and if Mitsu really loves VK, they shouldn`t be shy to come back one day, despite what some people say. I`ll be waiting... Ehehehe.
  24. Like
    Tetora reacted to Ada Suilen in MUCC new maxi single "故に、摩天楼(yue ni matenrou)" release   
    That's why i love Mucc so much !!
  25. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from hiroki in Sayonara.   
    I personally don`t agree with a good-bye thread being turned into an attack on someone.
    You are leaving for the personal reasons, and I understand that you have to try and do what you think you need to do, if anyone agrees or not.
    Hopefully you are successful, and you come back either when you need your VK fix, or when you are successful and balling out of your mind buying all sorts of cds and cheki like a boss.
    And pardon me but I just gotta say, VK is just as good as any other kind of music. It can move people in the same way, and for some people it moves them the most. It doesn`t matter if they are the most skilled (some are), or not, because even the guitarist that many people say is the best of all time played in the same scale literally every time, and the progressions in many masterpieces of music are not very complex at all. Music just is what it is, and if Mitsu really loves VK, they shouldn`t be shy to come back one day, despite what some people say. I`ll be waiting... Ehehehe.
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