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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. amazing match yesterday. omg

  2. 3 in the morning and I locked myself out of my house, lmao. Ah well, I have headphones and 82% battery life so it could be worse!

  3. Will be at WWE RAW tonight live! Seated right in front of main camera.

  4. Will be at WWE RAW tonight live! Seated right in front of main camera.

  5. grrrrrrrrrr......... tomorrow i start my military service.......

  6. 72 and counting...

  7. Life is great :D Gonna work on my new pc soon :D

  8. Depressed as fuck. Taking a break from life.

  9. Pair of my headphones broke and I now know there is acoustic guitar and female (?) backing vocals in Girugamesh's INCOMPLETE. Amazing what goes into a song you may never notice.

  10. Pair of my headphones broke and I now know there is acoustic guitar and female (?) backing vocals in Girugamesh's INCOMPLETE. Amazing what goes into a song you may never notice.

  11. Royz's 疾風迅雷 is killing it: "Come on, come on / Bo-bo-booty call invitation / Let's go, are you pussy? / This is fucking cool"

  12. Royz's 疾風迅雷 is killing it: "Come on, come on / Bo-bo-booty call invitation / Let's go, are you pussy? / This is fucking cool"

  13. New UVERworld is beyond sick...

  14. afterwork 'till 1.30AM wasn't a really good idea afterall, at least when your shift starts at 8AM... ohmygodpleasekillme

  15. WHO'S EXCITED ABOUT ROYZ'S NEW ALBUM?? my copy was shipped _today_ and I can't wait to hear it!!

  16. John Cena is Champ again. Life is good...

  17. that new transformers movie was awesome O:

  18. TIL you can rip any DVD that properly plays on VLC with guess what?... VLC!

  19. Say what you will about MUCC's ever-changing style, but you can't deny Tatsurou has an incredible voice.

  20. Sleep deprived, dehydrated, sad....but this weekend was the best weekend ever.

  21. aaaand no more job for Ito....this is going to be a rough year.

  22. Flood in my room... alleluiah....

  23. I plan to sleep. A lot. Yet I know that's just a useless wish.

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