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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. I just saw the gif you made, nice stuff bro.

  2. I just started a new (English) Ameblo blog! Please enjoy: http://s.ameblo.jp/tetorabmx/

    1. Tetora


      Thanks Tetsu. Mi'ihen just make one, then blog whatever, like all your favorite artist's posts like a madman, and play some ameba piggy.

    2. Gaz


      i always have that feeling that tetora only exists as just upper half of his head...

    3. Mihenno


      ^ same but it's mysterious and awesome.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  3. I just update my Profile, come read more about me, thanks.

    1. paradoxal


      thanks for adding me as a friend! :)

    2. Tetora


      No problem, though I am unsure of what being friends does on this site besides letting people know you like them.

    3. paradoxal


      Yeah I'm still equally confused :D

  4. I legit never heard that breathing sound at the beginning of Baroque - 我????。Must have listened a million times but always focused on the guitar.

    1. anakuro


      oh man i noticed the sound too but never noticed what it was @_@ idk how many times i've listened to this song, too

    2. Tetora


      Lol, after noticing stuff like that, the song feels brand new.

    3. anakuro


      brq continuing to impress

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  5. I think I am most excited for the new Codomo Dragon now. Last album was so good, let's see if they can top it.

    1. Mihenno


      I honestly haven't liked the last few releases but listening to these previews has got me kinda excited since their last album was awesome.

    2. Tetora


      Right on Owl. Mi'ihen, my favorite release by them is by far their album, I feel like all BPR bands are really consistent in sound, and usually I would expect different sounds for each release but each is really similar between albums, and are growers. Each new Codomo release took a while to grow on me, filling the bases, and I am hoping the album will hit a home run.

    3. Tetora


      Just how I feel about their releases.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  6. I think Mi'ihen's birthday broke the site, what is this chit all over my screen? http://imgur.com/BLGlkT0

    1. CAT5


      XDD...Does it still look like that?

    2. Tetora


      Lol, okay now it is snow.

    3. CAT5


      ahaha, nostalgia is quick! :D

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  7. I want the camo shorts with stars on them that Chisa wears in POV. So cool.

  8. I want to try the Teddyloid album, not sure if I want to buy it digitally, or get the cd.

    1. stylelover


      its really nice. enjoyed it.

    2. Tetora


      Thanks for the info. I am enamored with 'Forever Love' the PV as well as the song are so sick.

  9. I was thinking of writing reviews for Phase 2 and AVALON by Matenrou, are people still interested even if the reviews are late and the albums came out a while ago?

  10. I would like it if more people posted their favorites in the monthly thread as I would like to see them, or if there was a recommendation box that worked like the status updates but said "「Username?? recommends: 「凛 - Memento Mori??「 Why: Because it's etc, etc...?? " But to say that, I guess I should contribute as well when I have the time.

    1. CAT5


      Definitely, I feel like ppl probably feel the BNT threads are a bit too intimidating? I'm not sure, but i'd love to see more ppl post there!

    2. yakihiko


      I always bring my monthly's best new tracks :)

      I'm not good when writing big texts in english(not my native language), so I try make small ones with my very best.

      I not very intimidate CAT5 XDD

      But I want to see more users doing it too. I have discovered one of my best bands after reading this kind of review from you guys.

    3. beni


      ^ This has made my day. <3 I also wish more users would respond.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  11. I, for one, am glad that the posting function has been fixed and I can now easily make skittle colored posts again with bold, italic, underlined words, and lots of pictures of dreamy band members.

    1. Tetora


      First, you must conquer my latest post... Not just a wall of text... A tear-inducing, courage testing TOWER OF TEXT. (Even the list of thread tags are TL;DR). Then, you must answer the Quivering Questionnaire that has more queries on it than an SAT. After all that, if you can hit that enter button, like my post, follow me on Instagram, subscribe to my Youtube channel and donate $30 to my Kickstarter, you may see the pictures.

    2. kyoselflove
    3. kyoisKILLINGME
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  12. I'm just a lion on the Savannah laying about with my headphones on. No complaints, just the here and now, and my vision of the future.

  13. If you can VISUALize it, you can achieve it. Wednesday Night; LET'S DO THIS!

  14. If you weigh 99lbs. and you eat a pound of nachos you are now 1% nacho. Think about it.

    1. kai_desu


      if you eat a pound of nachos you've got bigger things to think about than that. You won't be 1% nacho for very long once your bowels evacuate.

    2. paradoxal


      i weigh 99 pounds but a nacho ain't one

  15. In anime, games, whatever, somebody always comes running to save them. In battle, when they have no friends in school, when they don't have anybody that loves them. Sometimes, in real life, nobody comes to save your @ss. What you gonna do?

    1. Spectralion


      That's the question of my life, bruh.

  16. In case you didnt know, big sale on CDJapan 10-90% off.

    1. kyoselflove


      I feel your pain DanSar48

    2. hitsuji-hime


      son of a bitch, i just spent like $20 something on Lin's upcoming single and THEN they do this? ;w; wow

    3. Kawaii_Minpha


      They also double the bonus points. Massive order placed before the big sale = Cancelling an item from that big order. Re-buy the cancelled item. And then, move all others items from the massive order, and put them with this newly re ordered item. The order date is now change to benefit the double bonus points ^_^ I always do that lol

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  17. In reality there's only one thing you have to do to be great: Keep trying.

    1. Tetora


      Either you have the wrong goal, or you gave up. Examples of having the wrong goals: I want this person to love me, I want to be seven feet tall,I want to have a different past, etc... Examples of goals which are always possible: I want to learn about this, I want to go see this city, I want to get better at that.

      There's always a way, and even if you don't end up doing it, the fact that you actually kept trying puts you in a certain rank of greatness.

      And anyway,...

    2. Tetora


      This is just one way to acquire greatness if you desire it. And not everyone has to desire it.

    3. Tetora


      And not saying I am great lulz, just something I observe in people and life.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  18. It all kicks off in one month's time with back-to-back-to-back albums by DOG, DIV and SuG. The only problem? Have to pay shipping three times if I want them all on release. Mon Dieu!

    1. Tetora


      Please don't be hurt by this. It's not Lycaon, it's me. I'm just not ready to start a new relationship now. But Lycaon is a really nice band and I hope we can be friends.

    2. kyoisKILLINGME
    3. kyoselflove
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  19. It is now February, and VK is about to KICK INTO OVERDRIVE. The Road to VKMania begins now... Let`s do this!

    1. Tetora


      Match I am most looking forward to: Haru vs. Chisa vs. Takeru. Three-way match for the title.

    2. Mihenno


      All my money is on Chisa!

    3. Kawaii_Minpha


      This is slower for me in February. My next CDJapan order is scheduled for April and it will contain mostly cd from month of March. There's so many bands disbanded, that there's less active bands in the list of bands that i follow :/

  20. It is time for WRESTLEMANIA!

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      have a good time, I will watch tomorrow in replay !

    2. yakihiko


      When I was in US I used to watch Smackdown and Raw.

      Have a good time(2)

  21. Japanese brahs dominating Metal Gear Online.

  22. John Cena is Champ again. Life is good...

    1. Gaz


      my 13 y.o. brother has a t-shirt with him :D (i had no idea who's that guy before googled it just now)

    2. Tetora


      Your little brother has good taste.

  23. Just called someone out on Tumblr. Used Caps Lock to let them know IT'S ON.

    1. nekkichi
    2. Tetora


      No link, it's just a joke for Hiza.

  24. Just finished cutting down all the wires for my sound system and re-tinning them. Took a while but it was worth it. Sounds so good now!

    1. beni


      You have so much patience wow. Good on you, if it means the sound gets better, totally worth it!

    2. kyoselflove


      Cool, now come over and hook me up! xD

    3. Tetora


      Thanks Beni, and Kyo, 75 and hour plus food and I am yours.

  25. Just finished Hannibal... Bloody good show. Now that I am caught up on this and Suits, I am going to try and find a new show... Trying sense8 because people are bugging me about it.

    1. CAT5


      Have you tried true detective? I've been mildy curious about that one.

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