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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. Desperately need some new clothes in Miitomo, just tried to roll up on some hunnies but got goofed on.

    1. Tetora


      I'm wearing stockings over underwear because no pants, and I am saving up for a sweet pleather jacket that will make me look like a bad boy.

  2. DIV - VANISH ALSDEAD - HEAVEN Royz - 疾風迅雷

  3. DIV may be stealing the spot of being my favorite band.

    1. Tetora


      I wonder what makes it so good... some mystical 'talent', or just hard work and knowledge. Predicting they take the spot of second most popular Danger Crue band since they are releasing so much more.

    2. ricchubunny


      Their recent releases are soooooooooooooooo boring to me :/ but they were awesome!

    3. seratonin


      DIV is really good and I really like them but they are super lacking in lives, which is why they can't take a high spot for me

  4. DOG inThePWO at 4th place on the daily charts.... Das it mane, GOAT's gonna GOAT.

    1. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      don't do this to me tetora.

    2. kyoselflove


      wtf just happened?

    3. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      my truest of brahs just hurt me, brah

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  5. DOG just can't stop, won't stop.

    1. yakihiko


      They will broke up ?

    2. Kawaii_Minpha


      That's fine, nyan don't want them to stop ^w^

    3. Tetora


      Lol. Yakihiko I just mean they keep getting things done.

  6. DOG new look is epic. ONLY (only?) 3 more months to wait...

  7. Don't read American comics but will DEFINITELY check out THOR written by CM PUNK. http://marvel.com/news/comics/23636/welcome_to_marvel_cm_punk_-_hope_you_survive_the_experience

    1. Elazmus


      Which I would totally read

    2. Bear


      "Don't read American comics". Jeez.

    3. Tetora


      Jeez what? Should everyone on the planet read them?

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  8. Family Party is the best, now all we need is other labels to answer back: UNiTE-DIV-girugamesh and DOG-Blu Billion-BugLug. Would be the BEST.

    1. Spectralion


      UNiTE-DIV-Girugamesh would be AMAZING.

    2. kyoselflove
  9. Famitsu knows how to make money; I gotta buy their digital magazines for one game code, then I have to buy the physical copy for another, both for unique characters you can't get elsewhere.

  10. Feel like using a little creativity when I have the time to make something about VK. Not sure what though. Some kinda new list or review or something.

  11. Feeling guilty taking some time off working to play 'The Evil Within'. Especially due to it not being good so far...

    1. beni


      Oh no, Tets, I didn't mean you! I meant people in general when they only see the flaws in things, giving games just 1 star. I understand how hard the creator must have tried in making this stand out. It certainly got attention though right? (Going by YouTube)

    2. Tetora


      Oh, lol. Can't remember many games I would give 1 star if I had to rate.

    3. Tetora


      Getting better the further I get.

    4. Show next comments  9 more

    1. Tetora


      I hope members come back on Danger Crue records.

    2. yakihiko


      I think shit PSC will still keep enslaving Ryoga, K and Tomo

    3. Tetora


      Hopefully not, their latest solo artists have done nothing, like Reno from ViViD is amazing but going nowhere.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  13. Fighting Odin in TB is complete bullcaca, he hits 残鉄拳, brings all chars. down to 1HP, then can hit everyone, or infinitely summon more enemies. Grrrr....

  14. Filling up my cart full of cds I want, realize I don't have the recent V Neu... Check them out, painfully remember Type A-E with one different track on each for 1200 each...

    1. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      i really like neu but i cant support that bs

    2. Tetora


      Got all of Mousou Nikki and Hitori Janai... It`s a dirty job... But somebody`s got to do it... Ppl complain about D.I.D.`s last release or other stuff, but for that you get 3 different songs each time, at 3 dollars each, V Neu is one song at 6 dollars each... Ah well.

    3. hiroki


      lol yeah i won't begrudge them for doing it - it's just if i can only listen to half their songs with the same amount of money, then that might be all i'm willing to spend on them. it all evens out in the end.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  15. Finally almost done my list of 2014 favorites. Narrowed it down to top 6 mini's, top 12 albums, and top 25 singles. Phew...

  16. Finally got latest Matenrou Opera. Darn good single, first song is that Avalon style, second has that addictive hook, but oh man the third track with that 80's throwback. Awesome stuff.

  17. Finally started spinning FALILV's new cd. Really getting into some of the songs.

    1. Tetora


      That's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, the electronic rock band, for anyone unaware.

  18. First day of truly nice weather. Feel like running away somewhere.

  19. FUAARK, accidentally had my most recent order on regular mail, and it may be too late to change it to FedEx... How many months until I see my cd`s, if ever?

    1. hiroki


      Regular mail as in? If it's airmail or SAL it wouldn't take that long. But if it's surface mail then be prepared to wait months..

    2. Tetora


      Surface mail brah. Game over man, game over.

  20. Fuark the whole club FLOODED. I was trying to move and protect everything valuable while water poured on me like a Shounenki video. But instead of Rainwater it was PISSWATER!

    1. Tetora


      I felt like Raiden in MGS2, Rose and the Colonel would not be pleased.

    2. Zeus
  21. Fuark, the synths on 「INAZUMA??sound so good.

  22. FUARK! My phone is blowing up with my boys telling me the news, big return on RAW tonight, a true hero.

    1. YuyoDrift
    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma


    3. Tetora


      He had an amazing life and career.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  23. Genuinely p!ssed at a boss fight.

    1. beni


      Who doesn't get pissed at boss fights!? Whenever one comes up, I just think 'well, time to have a months break from this.' >.< Good luck!!

  24. GET IT BY YOUR HANDS REMIX : https://youtu.be/Eu8Ok2-VrxE (Tags: Electronic Japanese Music, Eureka Seven)

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