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Everything posted by Tetora

  1. Tetora

    Okay, that is important info that you left out. Yes, it is a sensitive issue, there are big issues there concerning family, society etc.. But in any case, this is not something you should be thinking too hard into, you cant worry about what her family thinks if you never even went out with her, move on. In the meantime, I suggest changing your approach up... You seem to be going at this from a 'getting her to go out with you' perspective. I advise changing it to this: Approach girls with the intention of making friends and getting to know someone. If you find out enough to have an interest, and you give that person enough to have genuine interest in you, then instead of trying to set up a date, get their number to hang out, or go grab a bite to eat and get to know each other better. Then go meet up, get to know each other, and if there is something there, then you will see the opening and it will turn into a date, if not, then you are either just going to be friends, or go your seperate ways on a good note. If she turns it down completely, then move on, plenty of other interesting people to meet. Dont try and turn a good friendship into something else, dont ask girls out on dates without developing interest before hand, and dont keep asking, it just makes people uncomfortable and wont go in your favor. Hanging out first and seeing if it is something you both want to pursue is a better way of avoiding any culture barriers. Good luck brah.
  2. Tetora

    Okay just watched it a few more times. Loving it first off. The song is like a fusion of their first album sound, and Teddyloid-esque style. Lyrics I really like, interesting way of putting things, and a cool summer feel. As Takeru stated before I feel as if he is again trying to fuse American and Japanese style to create something interesting. He uses many elements and creates a cool aesthetic, while I am unsure of the booty shots etc, it seems to come off more as a playful parody of some things. I think overall it is really cool, and nice to open up the range of VK and Japanese products beyond the current standard of what we see. They kept the song simple, it is not as sonic or tonically deep as their recent stuff, but SuG has always been about doing different things, and I cant really see how people could think they have changed too much when comparing this to something like 小悪魔 Sparkling, which had many similar elements. And in any case I always enjoy seeing some actual relations from boys and girls in a video as opposed to too much crying about love lost. But most important.... It is so sick that they have BMX in the video! I love that, but that is a personal thing, ehehehe.
  3. Tetora

    Lol, give us the play by play, how did the convo go and how did you ask her out? And after you get turned down once you cant ask again unless the relationship between you changes. If you ask her when nothing has changed the response will be the same.
  4. Filling up my cart full of cds I want, realize I don't have the recent V Neu... Check them out, painfully remember Type A-E with one different track on each for 1200 each...

    1. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      i really like neu but i cant support that bs

    2. Tetora


      Got all of Mousou Nikki and Hitori Janai... It`s a dirty job... But somebody`s got to do it... Ppl complain about D.I.D.`s last release or other stuff, but for that you get 3 different songs each time, at 3 dollars each, V Neu is one song at 6 dollars each... Ah well.

    3. hiroki


      lol yeah i won't begrudge them for doing it - it's just if i can only listen to half their songs with the same amount of money, then that might be all i'm willing to spend on them. it all evens out in the end.

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  5. Tetora

    Lol, Ricchu's pic is so funny. I was supposed to go out tonight but fell asleep and am looking through my photo albums, gonna post some pics of me and my crew to share. Think I may have to cut hair and change weight soon so I was documenting current appearance: Annoying cat I take care of always lays in my clothes, including underwear and socks, if he isnt there he is in the bathtub. My true cat, found in the wild, but dont live with her anymore. The black and white one. I love her more than anything. Here she is cleaning another cat from the wild she helped raise pic taken at the house she stays at.
  6. Can't wait for new DOG and SuG...

  7. Tetora

    Damn, amazing song and look. Haru looking too cool there.
  8. My friend used to Engineer for a Korean Rock God. He said he wrote all his songs during his long career about one girl. Sad isnt it? I feel like many artists do that...

  9. Tetora

    People got played like puppets and were blatantly pushed into fights with each other for the amusement of others, and it didnt even result in actual amusement. If I wasn't a happy-go-lucky numbskull I would find it depressing, actually.
  10. Keep coming back and listening again. It gets better each time. Starting to dig it and want to hear full version. Maybe they can pull off a cool different sound.
  11. Tetora

    Welcome back.
  12. 3 in the morning and I locked myself out of my house, lmao. Ah well, I have headphones and 82% battery life so it could be worse!

    1. Tetora


      Aaaand it took me like 2 minutes of actual trying to break in without setting off the alarm system. Thank you Alarm Force.

    2. togz


      I was gonna ask what happens when the battery runs out... but you got in I assume. with out setting the alarm off? you're br00t4l man \m/

  13. Will be at WWE RAW tonight live! Seated right in front of main camera.

    1. hitsuji-hime


      Wha??? I gotta try to see ya xD

    2. Tetora


      I was in the Green Cena shirt behind the guy with the big `2`sign, lol. It was sick.

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      I will dowload the tv show, and maybe watching this tonight ^^ trys to see you =)

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  14. As seen in my avi, only I can headband!
  15. Tetora

    Two clips from their recent live free on Nico Nico: Amazing bass and guitar tone.
  16. Tetora

    What do you mean by `Man Behind Kyary`, is her music all supposedly made by the producer and she has little input? Would appreciate more info.
  17. Tetora

    I hope at the end of the day we can all accept that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and we don`t have to agree on which is better, we will all have our different opinions and music is better for that, as we can choose what we listen to, and share what we like in hopes that others also enjoy. If they don`t, then we should be able to accept that they like something different and it brings joy to their life, so we shouldn`t try to take that away. As far as generic, or whatever, we will all have different perceptions of that, and can`t enforce them on others. In the end I don`t even believe being generic is a bad thing, as in music certain people aim to have a certain known feel, and many people search that feeling out. Bands that change their style often see a lot of heat from modern fans, one example being MuCC. In that case it seems many would prefer if they stuck to the sound they were known for. I think their being many different kinds of bands is a good thing, even if I don`t listen to them all, and I don`t compare them, as they can all coexist, it`s not American Idol where there will only be one winner, and the rest are stuck in a Karaoke Bar singing Don`t Stop Believing by Journey. Btw voted Calmando as I know Lycaon has more fans here and will win by a long shot anyway.
  18. Tetora

    Just a personal suggestion, but I think it is a good idea to make the release list on the Main Page have a scroll bar, so that it doesn`t stretch out the main page so far and bump down the stuff below it. Like right now there is a ton of releases, and maybe it would be neater if it just showed something like 5-10 and you scroll down to see the rest. Just my opinion, maybe it is hard to implement though.
  19. Tetora

    WRITE-UP: The immensely popular Rock Band UVERworld returns with the album that I personally enjoy most out of their catalog to date. The tracks flow through many different musical styles and feelings, while staying anchored to the UVERworld signature product. What to expect most is lots of attitude (something I look for) and a rock album that you can pretty much bounce along to as if it were full of `hip-hop jams`except with heavy riffs, great drums, and a soaring sax to go along with the vocalists stand-up-and-shout microphone persona. I recommend this to any VK or Indie fans who haven`t already checked it out due to the band not fitting into their preferred genres. If you enjoy rock, musical creativity and just all around great production, give it a try. The lyrics, vocal ability and instrumentation all deliver. How quickly the album picks up on you may differ. Even for me as a fan, there were tracks that instantly clicked, and others which I had to give a few spins in order to get into and really feel. But after all the plays I eventually grew fond of listening to each and every track. Biggest Attention Grabbers: The singles including Fight For Liberty, Wizard Club and Nano Second, as well as the Underworld cover `Born Slippy` an underground classic from England, featured in the `cult-hit` Trainspotting, and referenced in the audio/music-phile Tomoki Kyoda`s anime Eureka Seven AO. Sleeper Tracks: 別世界 (betsusekai, lit. Seperate World, interpreted as Another World in common speech), and ENOUGH-1. Betsusekai would theoretically be an answer to anyone doubting that UVERworld could make a track like Born Slippy on their own. They step it up musically, and put together a jazz-rock structured jam that really takes me on an instrumental journey. ENOUGH-1 has a laid back Japanese Yankee kind of attitude to it, I imagine it as the perfect tune for a group to roll out to in the sunset as they hit the town for something wild. The lyrics, music and attitude grew on me with each listen and it became one of my go-to tracks when I slip my headphones on. Track Count: 14 (4 previously released, 3 of which are slightly modified for the album) Listens: 30-40 Production Quality: Amazing recording, mixing, timbre and overall feel. CD Print Quality: No perceptible flaws, perfect track synch, no artefacts. Overall Rating: They seem to have pulled off the exact feel and quality they were going for, I enjoy the album immensely, and in the right mood I don`t skip a single track.
  20. Will do the 'hands waving left and right above head' move or spin a towel above my head instead of headbanging, just to be safe.
  21. Tetora

    Was thinking of looking into this, getting mixed reviews but will give it a shot. Any other cool shounen or 'art-house' anime recently or just starting?
  22. Tetora

  23. Tetora

    It`s not showing off if you can back it up. But in any case, the essence of Electric Lead Guitar has always been flopping around on stage, making crazy faces, keeping a solo going for as long as you can, or just belting out loud riffs to the audience. From Chuck Berry, and others of his time who inspired Rock and Roll / Classic Rock, to Angus Young of AC/DC (watch one of his live performances and tell me any VK artist comes that close to going over-the-top), to Van Halen (IMO one of the closest to playing solos just for the sake of attention, solos like in the song Jump I would honestly say are just there for the sake of having a solo and actually steal momentum from the song), to Randy Rhodes, etc... As for Yngwie and Paganini not being creative but being more about virtuoso`s showing off, I dont get that. Paganini and his Caprices changed music, showed people how you can use the Chromatic scale in ways not many has thought of, or been able to implement into compositions seamlessly, and inspired countless musicians... Nothing really sounds like him either. Yngwie changed guitar. Rising Force was an album that changed everyones perception of what could be done in guitar, especially in modern genres. He is the one that changed the fact that songs were still composed in Box Scales and Regular Major or Minor Chords endlessly, and only certain tempos and phrasing was used. From him spawned a new generation of guitarists, and Rock / Metal was never the same. People started `shredding`, using different chords, scales such as Phrygian, Lydian more, etc... Tracks like Black Sun, Now your Ships are Burned, Icarus Suite etc... changed music, and it was never about showing off, it was his style, and how he composed music inspired by a mix of classical and modern. Live he showed off for sure, but on albums you can look at every note, how cleanly he plays it, how it all makes sense within the composition, how the phrasing all ties together, etc... Guitarists in VK such as Hizaki, etc... are based pretty closely off his style. And as far as VK live, I agree with others that I wish there is more action and charisma, more flair, etc... I can appreciate a stoic member or band, but I also crave wild stuff like a TMR, Gackt, SuG (Takeru goes all out big or small venue) VAMPS, SID, DOG, Alice Nine (around Vandalize album) concert. Seems more like the older bands and members in Japan are the ones that really deliver a performance and the younger ones need to catch up? Anyone have any good live performers to add? If anyone is familiar with things in Kabuki like Mie, etc... I feel like more of that should be incorporated into lives nowadays, but then again, a lot of bands play shows in smaller venues most of the time leading up to one big show, and they play for audiences full of fans that go wild for whatever they do, so do some of these bands even have as much of a chance to learn and be big performers? All they have to do is scream Kakattekoi, or play a solo standing on the platform and the crowd pees themselves. But if you play repeated big venues you have to keep them coming back, have to play to people who may not be as big fans, etc... Also, if you play Inazuma Rock, and other stuff like that, you are competing with many other huge bands and have to steal the show or you might not be coming back. Just some of my opinions...
  24. Again feels like they are doing a very good job with their youtube and coverage. Feels like they are really keeping you updated on the band, and including the foreign fans, using more English in promos keeping them in mind. Hope more bands get this treatment.
  25. Awesome, on my birthday too, only thing is I love their instrumentals so have to get all three versions, lol.
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