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Posts posted by Tetora

  1. What exactly do you know about this? Do you even know what kind of health problems it is? If you do not, then you are not one to talk about what's fair and unfair in this situation.

    It is the band and managements job to do their own PR work.

    If all the information Chibiman has is what is listed above (that they fired a member because he was sick) the best he can do is have an opinion on what he has heard so far , which he still seems to be keeping an open mind to.

    If the band doesnt want a bad image or fans feeling uneasy they should have announced the facts and cleared things up first. Otherwise... all fans can do is react to what info they have, it's human nature.

  2. I see promos with live vids for concerts all the time, but I see what you are saying as they cant make a promo featuring songs they havent played live yet, but they have been playing songs off this album for a year or more now, and have recorded them. I am not here to try and argue or be negative, I just find it strange they still did it like that.

  3. I have a mix between what Ibuy myself, which is usually shipments of about 3 cds every week or two at a time, so I am constantly getting my cds, but dont have to pay any customs.

    Then I have what I get for free from contacts, which is not much, but adds up.

    Then there is what I buy with points, like I have I think over 11,000 yen in points right now to cash in.

    I have a lot of cds, but I never let it interfere with my savings and liquid cash flow into important things such as food, clothing, etc... Or my various business ventures. But I understand people who have to.eat ramen all week because they splurge on cds or manga or whatever, that is one way to live, and it can be nice.

    I like that idea of some girl sending me stuff from Tokyo... but at the same time poor girl spending her money on me haha.

  4. People try to pinhole bullying into just simple schoolyard terms, like bigger or more popular people picking on smaller people in overt ways throughout life. That happens, and is terrible, but people also dont see all the other forms of bullying that permeate all of society.


    Pretty much everyone bullies either consciously or unconsciously at points, or throughout their whole life.

    One of the ways they do it, is through NUMBERS.


    It can be just having your own group, and some dude not having anyone. Then even if you are all weak emotionally and physically, you can still pick on someone generally stronger than you because you have all these numbers on your side.


    In the classroom, if an opinion isn`t liked, even in top Universities, and even if the opinion isn`t harmful or ignorant or anything in any way... If the numbers are against you, if the number of students who disagree is heavy enough, if someone feels like it they can absolutely crush most people and their opinions. The teachers can get the class to do this to you as well if they please. Sometimes people can be straight up correct, but a large enough number of people who believe in the wrong thing can send them packing.


    People will look for any way to get numbers on their side and reap the rewards off of other people.


    Their have been so many times I had to stick up for people who were being outnumbered in social or work environments. Sometimes people dont even need allies present to bully people with numbers, all they need is an audience, a crowd. If someone is a good talker, they can play the crowd and get the people to turn on you, even if they dont know those people.


    One of the best things you can do in life to defend yourself is learn how to be a good trash-talker, who can keep it Politically Correct, and be good at the corporate e-mail game.


    If you can take insults and throw them back into peoples faces, without you looking like an @$$, then you`ve got something. If you can do that while working the crowd, letting them know how much you just owned your opponent and why they should like you more then him, then you will be able to crush almost any verbal bullies in the workplace or social events.


    That is of course if things wont get physical. If you are at school, or on the street, in a club, or at a party, people honestly usually cant handle a verbal smack-down, and will resort to violence. No matter what... you lose in these instances. There are many examples like this in bullying where the victims just cant win at that moment.


    No matter what, if that person has a tight crew around them who wont turn on them, then the victims of bulliyng really have limited options. This can be anywhere from class, to work, to facebook, to internet forums. No matter what, you can still be painted to be, and believed to be the bad guy, and you will have to suffer from that because the people who want to punish you have numbers on their side, and there will be no justice.


    The terms of what numbers can bully isnt just limited to attacking you either. They can bully your taste, bully your character, your ways of expressing yourself. If you like the wrong music, or talk in the wrong way, or get too much attention, people will use numbers to change that, or box you in, and put a glass ceiling on your growth, so that no matter how hard you try, no matter how high you reach, there will be no victory for you.



    No matter where I look, there are numbers against people. I try to lead by example, and not bully people in any way, no matter how small, but I know there will always be somewhere close by that I can look to see 5-on-1, or 25-on-1, or even 25,000-1 as a whole arena boo`s someone and yells hateful things at them. All I can do then is try to be the extra 1 in 25,000-to-1, and make it 25,000-to-2. It`s not easy, but hopefully some people see what is right, and help even the odds.

  5. Good points made.

    I think they have definitely shifted a bit, but still have a diverse sound, and the dwelling melancholy mixed with retained positiviry I know Kra for...

    They went from being mostly led song wise by Mai, to having Taizo coming up with the basis of all their songs as they stated about the Jokers Kingdom album.

    What I like is that this mini album looks to touch an even.different sound, and I love that, as I know the band, and Taizo have such a wide range and are capable of so much, I hope they keep expanding release by release by keeping that same identity that they have created, which I feel they are doing, and doing without trying to be mainstream or anything like that, as I personally think their label and management do to bands.

    I have also stated before that I think they are mismanaged, and even though they are major, and this release sold out first shipments in many places I have seen, they should be much bigger, IMO.

    I wish they were on Pony Canyon with SuG, or on Danger Crue with Unite, esp. when Taizo is close with Mio and LiN and they inspire each others guitar playing. It would be sick seeing them together more often, esp. when Kra has this unique feel that can add to.any good label and management...

  6. Let`s see if this works...

    01. What are you listening to right now?
    SuG - Missing
    02. What song(s) make(s) you sad?
    Buck-Tick - Dress, SuG - Missing, Kra - Alice etc...
    03. What is the most annoying song in the world?
    Anything on the radio at work... Feels empty, meaningless and contrived.
    04. 3 all time favorite Japanese bands?
    Alice Nine (old stuff), SuG, Abingdon Boys
    05. 3 all time favorite non-Japanese bands?
    Def Leppard, Rolling Stones, Mott the Hoople
    06. Your favorite recently discovered band is?
    Kodomo Dragon
    07. Favorite female voice(s)?
    Utada Hikaru
    08. Favorite male voice(s)?
    Takanori Nishikawa, Gackt, Hyde, Chisa, Yui, Maki, Takeru
    09. Music type you find yourself listening to most?
    Visual Kei, mostly newer stuff tbh... after 2005...
    10. What do you listen to, to hype you up?
    Girugamesh Monster album
    11. What do you listen to when you want to calm down?
    Supercar, Utada Hikaru, Lempicka, nice ballads
    12. Last gig/concert you went to?
    Dir en Grey I think.
    13. Band you find yourself listening to the most right now?
    14. Most hated band?
    Don`t care enough to hate.
    15. Song that makes you think?
    Alice by Kra, Fragile by TMR, Heartless Classic Memory by Unite.
    16. Band that you think the world should love as much as you do?
    17. Favorite music video?
    Koakuma Sparkling, Blue Planet, Missing, Rainbows, Sweetoxic, Mad$hip
    18. Can you play a musical instrument?
    Guitar, keyboards, vocals, etc...
    19. Are you in a band?
    21. Best all-girl band you know of?
    Never got into a band with girls.
    22. Last song that you heard on the radio/CD…etc…?
    My Codomo Dragon cd`s, BugLug cd`s...
    23. What do you think of Classical music?
    Love it, but still can be good, can be bad.
    24. What do you think of Country music?
    Can be good, can be bad.
    25. What do you think of Death metal?
    Can`t step within it, always feel like I am hearing it from the outside. I can`t relate enough.
    26. What do you think of Visual Kei?
    It`s what I`m about.
    27. What do you think of Hip-hOP?
    Can`t relate to many people in it nowadays, and find many boring, not interesting. Like stuff from before, or if it is inserted in a song like SuG, etc...
    28. If you were a musical instrument what would you be?
    Old wooden flute thrown in a river.
    29. What do your parents listen to?
    My mother listens to old stuff.
    30. Favorite movie/anime/video game sound track?
    Ennio Morricone OST`s...NGE OST`s... E7 OST`s....FF OST`s...etc...
    31. Do you know the names of all the band members that you listen to?
    Pretty much, I relate to members, and get into their music more with more than just my persepctive on it.
    32. Have you met any famous musicians?
    33. Do you follow the music charts, like the top 40?
    Yep, I need to knwo what works, what doesn`t, and why. I am also in the marketing business.
    34. Do you watch music TV?
    Only Visual Kei or maybe other Jap stuff I find interesting, otherwise... no thanks Jefferson.
    35. Do you listen to the radio?
    Japanese radio is nice...
    36. What are 3 of your favorite albums ever?
    SuG - Lollipop Kingdom, Alice Nine - Alpha, Abingdon Boys - Self Titled
    37. Name one album that you regret listening to
    New Alice Nine (Supernova) I can`t stand it.
    38. Do you buy music digitally?
    Only if digital exclusive, I can`t stand any quality lower than lossless if available.
    39. Favorite Visual Kei band?
    SuG, DIV, UNiTE, Abingdon Boys, ALSDEAD, Girugamesh and more.
    40. What is one band that you used to love, but now hate?
    Alice Nine would be closest, but I could never hate them, I have my friends backs for life.
    41. Does Engrrrrrish bother you?
    No, i like it, new perspectives are nice, experienced or amateurish and pure.
    42. What genre could you never listen to?
    43. What language do you listen to the most in music?
    Pretty much only Japanese.
    44. Do you like long songs?
    You know it.
    45. How often do you download music?
    If download exclusive I am on it like white on rice, if otherwise, I download to try new band and decide if I will buy, or to compare someones cd rip to mine...
    46. Are there any specific bitrates that you prefer?
    Fully Lossless
    47. What do you think of autotune?
    I am like a tree, material worries are like a breeze, they pass by my rustling leaves, and travel on, as I stand facing the way which I shall not turn from.
    48. What do you think of Noise (music)?
    49. Do you prefer listening to music on speakers or with headphones?
    I have an expensive sound system, and expensive headphones, I much prefer in-ear headphones, esp. SONY, which is the only brand I am satisfied with.
    50. What musician(s) are you most physically atracted to?
    Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, since she is creative, original, and not taken.
    51. If you could bring back any disbanded band, which one would it be?
    None, let them be, you can lead a horse to a guitar, but you can`t make him shred.
    52. If you HAD to stereotype your music tastes, what would you be considered? (in example -a metal-head, hip-hop, goth, hipster, etc..)
    Visual Kei FREAK.
    53. How much on average do you listen to music?
    As much as possible.
    54. How big is your digital music collection?
    Can`t be bigger than 3TB.
    55. How many physical CDs do you own?
    Over a thousand?
    56. What song will you play at your Wedding?
    One I write myself.
    57. What song will you play at your Funeral?
    Ones that people who cared about me remember me by.
    58. What dead musician would you bring back?
    I would like to know that they are all safely REBORN.
    59. Best intro to a song?
    Sug - Sweetoxic, Girugamesh - Incomplete, etc...
    60. Favorite album cover?
    Alice Nine - Fantasy covers
    61. Two artists/bands that you'd like to see collaborate?
    Abingdon Boys, SuG
    62. Do you wear band etc T-shirts?
    They often dont fit.
    63. Song that describes your life?
    I dunno.
    64. Are any of your friends/family etc. musicians?
    Many friends.
    65. Quote one of your favorite lyrics?
    `Cause I believe in myself, and my best friends... and you...
    Head over heels for you, but I don`t know how to love.
    66. What was the last single you downloaded?
    Baka ne.
    67. What was the last album you downloaded?
    I dunno, Giru Monster to compare to my rip?
    68. What was the first album you ever bought?
    I dunno, some caca.
    69. What was the last album you bought?
    BuggyLuggy - Hone
    70. What would life be like for you without music?
    Like a monk. I tried it once, I was like a monk.
    71. What do you think about mainstream music today?
    Like Don Hennely said: Vapid Pablum.
    72. What do you think about KPOP?
    Sure, why not.
    73. Do you think the people around you have weird/bad taste?
    I don`t like to jusge, but yeah, they listen to music that sucks.
    74. Do people (in general) think you have a weird/bad taste in music?
    People outside of Japan, yes.
    75. Is music very important to you?
    VK is.
    76. Do you wish you could sing? If so, what style?
    I can.
    77. What was your favorite genre a long time ago? Has it changed since?
    Classic Rock, now it is VK.
    78. Is there a song you find very special to you?
    79. What artists/musicians inspire you?
    Many, I wanna be like Shou, Takeru, Yui, taizo, etc...
    80. What do you usually listen to music on (computer, phone, ipod, etc)?
    My phone 99% of the time, my PlayStation the other 1%, I have other things, but the sound is just so superior on my Sony phone or PlayStation.
    81. Do you listen to entire albums or specific songs?
    Both equally.
    82. One song that makes you happy?
    Anything SuG
    83. What song do you never get tired of?
    All my favorites, I kill them, and they keep coming back from the dead... ahhhh...
    84. A song you like that was made before you were born?
    Photograph - Def Leppard
    85. What song makes you want to fall in love?
    Kra - Marry
    86. What song would you make love to?
    I dunno.
    87. What song makes you want to dance?
    Alice Nine - The Beautiful Name
    88. What song reminds you of summertime?
    Anything on TMR Under Cover2
    89. What song reminds you of someone you would rather forget about?
    90. Do you sing in the shower?
    91. Do you ever make music mixes/mixtapes for other people?
    92. How do you find new music?
    One thing leads to another, or I check Last.fm
    93. What artist/band do you enjoy that most people think sucks?
    I dunno.
    94. Best active VK band?
    SuG, DIV, Girugamesh
    95. What do you think of Yoshiki?
    Legend, unstoppable, one of the GOAT`s.
    96. Do you Cosplay?
    97. Do you prefer visual or non-Visual Bands?
    So visual it hurts.
    98. Do you read music-related fanfiction?
    Not for me.
    99. Who in J-rock do you think is actually a vampire?
    100. Last J-rock song you fell in love with?
    SuG - Missing
    101. Favorite Japanese guitarist?
    Taizo, LiN, Mio
    102. Favorite Japanese bassist?
    103. Favorite Japanese drummer?
    104. Best Dressed Japanese band?
    UNiTE, SuG, DIV, Dog inthePWO.
    105. What are you listening to now?
    SuG - Missing

  7. こどもどらごん had a similar history, where they released RIGHT EVIL, then when NEPENTHES. came out they were officially anounced as on the label.

    BFN has been up in the air for longer, but I think they will soon be official. All promo material now however still only features the three bands without BFN.

    That song is sick btw, and I hope they do join BP records, their roster is going to be stacked.


  8. If I understood the topic correctly, you're looking for more releases that contain the things you mentioned?



    This reminded me of Lycaon's 「情欲のアクメ」. I've understood the whole album was mixed to be just one gigantic track instead of separate tracks (pls correct me if I'm wrong, I don't own the said album). Yuuki always whispers the name of the next track before it starts.


    EDIT// @Tetora, really, is nihilizm like that? :D I've never noticed... I've always played that album with shuffle on!

    Track one goes right into.track two, then the chords from track 2's ending lead into track 3, and lead into track 4, then track 4 continues right into 5, which ends with chords that link with track 6.

  9. Cool post.

    Albums that link together:





    Alice Nine-Gemini , the void, the luv

    DIV-interlude, Asterios

    Albums with SFX:


    Abingdon Boys School- Self-titled, or Valkyrie Lio mix

    Gackt-Reborn (esp. Live version)

    Thats off the top of my head, hope it helps.

    As for distortions, not sure what you mean.

  10. Well "when necessary" as in when you see obvious physical violence. If you truly think you would do the same even with more training, then you need more training, maybe proper training. Some Sifus apparently ease the difficulty in training to keep the business running. Particularly, physical training is very important where you get punched in the face, your nose is numb for a week and your arms tremble from the strikes and blocking...then you see your sparring partner is an average built Asian and you have at least 20-40 lbs on him -.- I don't want to delve deep into the philosophy but you could assert yourself with words and not physical violence.


    Idk where the event exactly that took place, at least it was a Chinese dude and not other else you could have been cited for physical harm as you instigated contact. Just take precaution when you do physical contact even if it is justifiable. 


    I agree with Archaic as it somewhat resembles my experience with Chinese people as well studying in a university that is about 60% Chinese and maybe about half of those are FOBs. I don't have a firm grasp on what part of China they are from if I just met them but, for FOBs, some are terrible to uncivilized and some are cool to friendly.

    Simply put, pushing someone away from a woman he is putting his hands on and in the face of, is not extranneous or innapropriate. Once the situation reaches a certain point, physical contact is warranted, and I cant simply just say something about it, that would do.nothing.

    As for me needing more training, I dont know anyone that woulf say they have trained enough... And if.more training leads me to not stepping in when a woman is being abused, something is wrong with my training. And more training will not lead to me being some mythical grandmaster who wouldnt want to beat the guy up, keyword being want. I could have just laid into.him right away thebmoment I saw he was abusing her, but I didnt. The court system the way it is I would not expect to go to jail for pushing a guy off a woman he was abusing or for hitting him back if he hit me, esp. With a large mass of witnesses on my.side.

    As for my dojo it ran off donations only, no membership, and I was the only non-Chinese admitted, it is the furthest thing from a McDojo . It was also full contact the first day, and everyone weight trained.

    You make good points and honestly I can see where everyone is coming from with their individual points, but I feel like I did the right thing, and am not going to feel guilty about helping an abused woman. I also do not wish to argue about this. Thanks for reading and posting.

  11. it still looks like ur saying 'he was chinese therefore he should have been an honourable ninja warlord' and that's just the dumbest shit ever


    Well, clearly ninja came from Japan and usually worked for shogunate , and weren't warlords, so if you somehow took my heat of the moment rant that people should have more pride as me implying that, then I can see your cause for concern. Thanks for your eloquent input.

    Also Juka, I see what you are saying, although the belief ground into me was more, only use it if neccesary, and I only really push ed him, and I doubt any amount of training would make me not want to open a can of whup-ass, but it is more like I want to, but resolve the situation with less force if possible.

    Like I am thinking of what would happen if I didnt push him off her or assert myself, and I dont think I like that scenario.

    I really appreciate the opinion though.

  12. The way he was talking to her and treating her was clearly abusive when we got off the metro, he was starting to yell right in her face and trying to control her, and her head was down, scared. I wont stand for that.

    As for the Chinese part, I wasnt trying to be racist, I love China and its history and used to train in an all Chinese dojo. My sifu told me all sbout the history of martial arts and China, and how brave the people were and I love it. Because of that it makes me angry not only at the person as an individual, but of not representing the greatness he is from. Your lineage survived famine, corruption, and the killing of anyone who.defended your village or practiced martial arts period, and you are going to abuse a small beautiful woman and then apologize and run away from me?

    Every country has its history of greatness and courage, and people shouldnt forget that.

    Maybe I am unrealistic, but I hate that, and feel as if I did the right thing.

    And yeah I hope that never happens again to that woman and wish it would never to happen to any other vulnerable people.

  13. A bit of backstory, I drive, but usually just take public transport as it is cheaper and more convenient than driving.


    So there I was, getting into the metro, and there is a delay. So I go sit down after a long day, and lo-and-behold to my right there is this guy telling this woman off to my right... He is in her face, and talking in Chinese so I am confused, and don`t really know what is going on...


    I am thinking to myself that I should go stop this, but I don`t know what is happening, maybe she actually did something bad, etc... Or maybe it isn`t what I am thinking it is...


    Anyway the train comes, and I get in, they get in the next car, and it is packed so I can`t see them... But I have this twisting in my stomach, I feel like I was wrong and should have stopped him...


    Luckily, they get off at my stop, and I trail them... He is still going off on her, and her head is down... My blood boils, and I go up to him, shove him with the force of Goku himself, and ask him what the f*** he is doing...


    He says he is just talking to her, and he looks like he is going to make a move on me... I am ready to unleash.



    I shove him again, and tell him he shouldn`t talk to her like that, it`s not right.


    He says sorry, it`s his ex-girlfriend.


    I say I don`t care, you shouldn`t talk to her like that, and you should say sorry to her, not me...


    I am one second away from just starting to beat on him if he says anything else or try to keep talking to her, so I make him go back the way he came, and he does, pitifully.


    I start talking to the girl, saying she shouldn`t take that from anyone, and she just smiles and says thanks...


    Everybody is looking at me, and a lady comes up to shake my hand, etc... I feel good about what I did, I was pumped up and felt like a champ... but at the same time...


    It feels so wrong, like she wont let make it stop, and it will keep going on... Like all I did was postpone it...


    I hate it, I hate people like that, and I never ever want to be like that. At the same time, I hate that he is Chinese, and acts like that, and he is so much of a coward that he can only talk like that to a small woman, and b*tches out when I get in his face. Like China has this rich history, and overcame so much, and had martial artists defending their villages, and putting their lives on the line against evil dynasties, and had good emperors trying to defend China, and all that happened, and we still have chickensh*ts like this coming out of the great country. Tbh I would have loved to use the martial arts my Sifu taught me to beat the hell out of this guy...

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