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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. Just saw 「Into The Woods??, it was good, and of course my boy Chris Pine stole the show!

  2. The Interview online now, could the movie industry be changed forever?

    1. Tetora


      With a brand new distribution and marketing system never before seen for a major film.

  3. 2015 starting with a BANG for me; DC rolling out UNiTE, DIV, AKi, as well as Resistar prepping new DOG, and (rumoured) BugLug, Blu-Billion albums, then we got Kra stockpiling songs in case of apocalypse, and SuG coming in to start trouble.

    1. beni


      ^ xD Still, 10/10 summary of what we're anticipating for the new year! Woop woop!

    2. Tetora


      Lycaon marketing team on MH is doing fine, they don't need my help!

    3. kyoselflove
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  4. I guess Shangri-La is my favorite MuCC album. Not sure how to put it into words but the songs have this mystical feel that just lets me use my imagination.

  5. Sitting here in a restaurant with headphones on because they are blaring Christmas music. #LetMeEatInPeace

    1. beni


      Everywhere now! Stay indoors for the rest of this month haha.

  6. Back in Canada. Winter music season has finally hit me.


  8. Love that new Royz. Soft song but has just enough attitude to get my blood pumping.

    1. Spectralion


      The MV is too flashy to watch and I feel somewhat bored with the song... Maybe I need time to enjoy it

    2. kyoselflove


      I like it, though I admit I am not really a fan of a lot of their stuff. Lol at Subaru who couldn't keep a smile off his face xD

    3. kyoselflove


      Seriously though, epilepsy warning lol.

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  9. Genuinely p!ssed at a boss fight.

    1. beni


      Who doesn't get pissed at boss fights!? Whenever one comes up, I just think 'well, time to have a months break from this.' >.< Good luck!!

  10. Just finished cutting down all the wires for my sound system and re-tinning them. Took a while but it was worth it. Sounds so good now!

    1. beni


      You have so much patience wow. Good on you, if it means the sound gets better, totally worth it!

    2. kyoselflove


      Cool, now come over and hook me up! xD

    3. Tetora


      Thanks Beni, and Kyo, 75 and hour plus food and I am yours.

  11. Not interested in this new Danger Crue artist yet, let's see how a full single sounds...

  12. I always say that a Visual Kei fan isn't defined by how they celebrate a great new release, but what they do when their favorite group disbands, and their back is up against the wall!

  13. 39GalaxyZ -Rebirth version-

    1. Tetora


      Love this tune.^

  14. Feeling guilty taking some time off working to play 'The Evil Within'. Especially due to it not being good so far...

    1. beni


      Oh no, Tets, I didn't mean you! I meant people in general when they only see the flaws in things, giving games just 1 star. I understand how hard the creator must have tried in making this stand out. It certainly got attention though right? (Going by YouTube)

    2. Tetora


      Oh, lol. Can't remember many games I would give 1 star if I had to rate.

    3. Tetora


      Getting better the further I get.

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  15. Trying 「Man With A Mission??starting with Purefly album.

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Try their (eponym) album : MAN WITH A MISSION, my favorite release.

    2. Tetora


      Alright, I like this one so I will try that next, thanks.

  16. Preparing myself for new BORN, Mejibray and Dir en Grey... It's gonna be a dramatic month.

    1. eiheartx


      100% agree, can't wait.

    2. Shir0


      yeeah I can hardly wait! :D

    3. Jigsaw9


      Don't forget MERRY! :3

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  17. OMG can't sleep; CM Punk shoot interview on AOW where he goes all out on everything, politics, behind the scenes events, steroids, everything.

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      I know he's retired from wwe, but I listen he can maybe comeback, hope it's true... I miss him, I want the best in the world come back and kick out Seth Rollins ^^

  18. Ah, so excited to write my Favorites of 2014, going to wait until the last releases of the year come out though.

  19. Bands that make you realize the VOLUME JUST DOESN'T GO LOUD ENOUGH: Girugamesh.

    1. beni


      Haha, that's totally them!

  20. New Codomo Dragon is almost upon us...

    1. Spectralion


      Too bad, the legit rip of their last single hast surfaced yet...

  21. Arghhh... Never any night-crew in the chat these days...

    1. kyoselflove


      Sorry. I've been lazy lol.

  22. Going to listen to more from Ruvish, Blitz, and maybe TK, hehe.

    1. kyoselflove


      Don't know them.

    2. Tetora


      Try Idolize by Ruvish, Twilight by Blitz, and Unravel by TK.

    3. anakuro


      Out of curiosity, why Idolize?

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  23. Happy Birthday Mi'ihen! (Almost didn't see cause so many birthdays today!)

  24. Anyone listen to Czecho no Republic? Saw a vid with the guitarist and liked it, but not sure if I will like an actual album.

    1. Tetora


      Thanks for the info!

    2. fitear1590


      Agreed, that's certainly my favorite release of theirs. They're interesting to me, because their style is more reminiscent of what western indie pop bands do than what a lot of Japanese bands are doing at the moment. They've had moments of brilliance since then (like their ファインデイ PV), but overall, I like them less with each new release. Maybe you could give their Maminka album a try too?

    3. Tetora


      Noted, thanks. That PV is cool.

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