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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. Anybody listen to Crystal Lake? I tried to get into them but did not warm up to their 2014 release `Cubes`. Are their other albums different?

    1. Tetora


      Ah I see. I think I will wait for their next release to see if I can start to get into them. Thanks.

    2. Elazmus


      I would actually recommend Into the Great Beyond(2010)

    3. Jigsaw9


      Their older albums are more solid iirc.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  2. Upcoming Calendar Events: Fourth from the top. ;)

    1. Tetora


      This album will be a lot like Lycaon's. How, you say? Well, because it will be another 10/10. Put down the whip, it's time for DOGGYSTYLE!

    2. blackdoll


      I'm telling mp you aren't being unfateful. you finally found 5 nice guys and you gonna cheat on them with 5 other guys. what slut.

    3. Tetora


      Loyal to DOG first and foremost. Lycaon is in good hands with you.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  3. Well, the new ALSDEAD sounds EPIC: http://youtu.be/TAI9q3DDo6I

    1. Tetora


      They cut off right when a possibly epic solo could be starting.... Grrrr....

    2. kyoselflove


      They always do that. Got to make you buy it to hear that epicness.

    3. hiroki


      had this preordered since a month ago. looking forward to it ^^

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  4. I am guessing only VK bands use ????, considering they took over the whole site: http://now.ameba.jp/now/curiousRanking/

  5. Blackdoll working hard to keep at least 3-5 Lycaon threads on the front page at a time: http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/large/53899d01jw1eovdjy4jmgj20hs0npaeh.jpg

    1. nekkichi


      I think they use this for have a 10/10 of a boring album ^^ [2]

    2. ricchubunny



    3. hitsuji-hime


      10/10 best status

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  6. Who here listens to Crossfaith? Any recommendations for favorite or most catchy songs? They seem to go in-between the electronic feel and a more straightforward sound.

    1. Tetora


      Okay I'll check all the PV's from those albums and see which one I would like to buy first. If you have any PV's in particular that I should see let me know. Also Kyo don't worry, I will force you to listen to them.

    2. doombox


      Zion is a mini album so that might also help sway your decision. I think they did a video for 3 of the songs. Monolith is probably the most visually interesting.

    3. Jigsaw9


      Check out the whole of the ZION EP, their strongest and catchiest release imo.

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  7. 'Go Visual or go home.' - Pawzord speaking the words I live by.

  8. What the heck kind of cat does Mio have? It looks so much like a Lynx (my spirit animal hehe).

  9. Just saw 「Jupiter Ascending??, wow, I feel bad for Channing Tatum for being in that movie. Never paying for a Wachowski movie again. (Just thought you should know).

    1. nekkichi


      is it out yet? I remember cringing @ the trailer like a year or two ago, but I had hopes for Lana's talent (if any of it is still left at all)

    2. Tetora


      Don't know them much besides their movies so no idea about the individual input from each and which would be better but I don't think they have talent or know how to make a story. Every movie they made without a stolen script has been less and less enjoyable to me. Literally the only second I enjoyed of the movie is when Dark Souls 2 was on screen, but they even messed that up. People probably know I am not often negative, so this movie was real displeasing to me.

  10. Can't get over the new SuG. These albums coming out have me sweating. DOG, DIV, SuG; ??陰天照様??。

  11. Someone dropped a Zelda game for 3DS in my mail-slot today. Time for my return to Hyrule...

    1. kyoselflove


      Tell that someone to drop one in mine.

    2. Tetora


      *Offer only valid for fans of Nocturnal Bloodlust.

    3. Mihenno


      Cant wait for Majora's Mask

  12. It is now February, and VK is about to KICK INTO OVERDRIVE. The Road to VKMania begins now... Let`s do this!

    1. Tetora


      Match I am most looking forward to: Haru vs. Chisa vs. Takeru. Three-way match for the title.

    2. Mihenno


      All my money is on Chisa!

    3. Kawaii_Minpha


      This is slower for me in February. My next CDJapan order is scheduled for April and it will contain mostly cd from month of March. There's so many bands disbanded, that there's less active bands in the list of bands that i follow :/

  13. Re-visiting 「I``s??, truly one of the GOAT manga. The romance, the hotness, the humour, the missed opportunities and stupidity of boyhood... Ahhh...

  14. CDJapan offering a free B2 poster if you buy all 10 versions of Kiryu's latest single. What a deal people! For buying ten editions I expect a private playdate with one of the members or something, c'mon.

    1. Owl


      We need more gold!

    2. ricchubunny


      Stupid? Sorry i think you dont know what you're saying. They're really clever :)

    3. Show next comments  27 more
  15. Time for the 2015 Royal Rumble. The fate of the world is decided tonight! #Cenation #RespectTheBeard

    1. Tetora


      Title match was EPIC. Everyone was amazing, Cena's tackle and aerial powerbomb, Lesnar catching Rollins, the announce table spot, and Rollin's new finisher...

    2. Tetora


      But hopefully things change before WM if you know what I mean...

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Like I has predicted Lesnar still champ and Reigns win the Rumble Match (and what a electric moment with The Rock... Samoan Dynasty...)

      Yes thing will be change, because The Authority still in charge, but Sting will be come back too kick their hell ass ^^. And The Ascencion will Rise! Not the more epic Rumble, but One of the best for sure ^^!

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  16. After seeing and hearing the full version of the PV from AKi I like the song much more and am excited to get the album.

  17. It all kicks off in one month's time with back-to-back-to-back albums by DOG, DIV and SuG. The only problem? Have to pay shipping three times if I want them all on release. Mon Dieu!

    1. Tetora


      Please don't be hurt by this. It's not Lycaon, it's me. I'm just not ready to start a new relationship now. But Lycaon is a really nice band and I hope we can be friends.

    2. kyoisKILLINGME
    3. kyoselflove
    4. Show next comments  27 more
  18. Famitsu knows how to make money; I gotta buy their digital magazines for one game code, then I have to buy the physical copy for another, both for unique characters you can't get elsewhere.

  19. Anyone listen to Swanky Dank? Not my usual music but might pick up 「Magna Carta??.

  20. Well that game was terrible...

  21. Locking your update cannot prevent the inevitable: http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/723/501/330.gif

    1. Elazmus


      LMAO I'm gonna tip my hat all the way to you.

  22. Fighting Odin in TB is complete bullcaca, he hits 残鉄拳, brings all chars. down to 1HP, then can hit everyone, or infinitely summon more enemies. Grrrr....

  23. Finally almost done my list of 2014 favorites. Narrowed it down to top 6 mini's, top 12 albums, and top 25 singles. Phew...

  24. Been listening to lots of Utada Hikaru. Still can't get over the fact that she is off the market.

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