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Tetora last won the day on May 6 2014

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About Tetora

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    Wataru's Punching Bag

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  1. Current clothes I want from band's: The footwear the singer from アルルカン has on in their latest look, and the last two jackets the singer from RAVE has worn, esp. the colorful camo one. (Also he looks so fresh and supple all the time, what's his cosmetic routine?)

    1. Tetora


      Also thinking of trying to get more into RAVE, might pick up their next release.

    2. nekkichi


      omfg do you use make-up? shu uemura face architect foundation is fabulous and is one of few Japanese ones that actually work on caucasian skin. shame it's been discontinued outside of Asia, they used to do north american distribution from Canada btw.

      rave singer uses a strong lighting set-up and adobe photoshop beautifying essence.

    3. Tetora


      I know a few ppl who use Ue. Pretty pricey. I just use a Biotherm set for keeping my face healthy. Only time I wear actual make-up is when I am acting or doing a photo shoot, which is not often and someone else puts it on so I don't know about it too much. For RAVE I think besides effects (which they do a good job on, their promo material is always attractive), his skin looks really good and healthy, even legs and so forth so there must be good rest and diet involved as well.

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