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Status Updates posted by blackdoll

  1. kufufu tonight goy fucking great, still need avelcain though.

    1. blackdoll


      fuck yes i was so right about this band, he even pulled out some nice harsh. we are going to get along great!

    2. Sakura Seven
  2. warning bouta sound like a fan girl. ahhhhhhhhhhh(really did screamed like fangirl) omg yess yess my dreams have been answered Id has been shared, my fast of avelcain has paid off *dead* dont need junk food anymore. cant wait to feel it

    1. blackdoll


      thank you The Reverend, i love you!

    2. blackdoll


      gonna take a few listen to really get it

  3. ichiro looks so good with avelcain, they should join VOGUE Entertainment, and be a big sex music making family.

    1. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      maybe they are already x

    2. blackdoll


      that would be cool

  4. the best common vk riffs

    1. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      ok hon but i dont know who they are

    2. blackdoll


      i meant alot of bands use them and i love when they are used.

  5. Fuck i cant stop, damm Lycaon. Its all that new topic fault. Hopefully only 5 more songs.

    1. paradoxal


      listening to the whole discography? i feel like listening to it too but i can't stop listening to royz :(

    2. blackdoll


      kind of yeah

  6. haha suck it you traitorous whores, 麻薬(mayaku) views surpassed plug into the socket's. (sorry for name calling)

    1. Elazmus


      *goes to repeatedly watch PITS*

    2. blackdoll
  7. My sensei's part in his new band https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKCsVpbR4Ig

    1. ricchubunny


      lol sorry for this but hes really hot

    2. blackdoll
  8. "whooo anasakaii laaaa yuleru lalalala halaburera ohh yeaaahhh whooo anasakaii laaaa yuleru lalalalala ohh yeahh. gofuiiyo nakade"

    1. digi


      srry I do not speaka da wapanese

    2. blackdoll


      misheard lyrics

  9. the Yuuki vs South Korea has come to a close. Yuuki lost because he doesn't have that alpha aura like her

    So i think he should learn how to dance sexy, and get some back up dancers (3 hot girl for the feminine looks/dances, 2 hot normal looking guys for the guy looks and masculine dances).
    1. Tetora


      Unaware of this competition. Btw, who in VK has an alpha aura to you?

    2. blackdoll
  10. digitalbounce made my day with that post (i just liked). woohoo 10/10

    1. Tetora


      In which thread.

    2. blackdoll


      rate the vocals

  11. OMFG this is so not fucking fair, EU is so lucky, Lycaon is really playing, sounds so good http://youtu.be/XpvClEEpOXQ?list=UUx7eqlpM5pPypNSCK5490Qg (no shadow though :( ). More videos please!

    1. xriko


      Moscow, EU hmmm nop.

    2. blackdoll


      im glad ppl showed up, and are having fun. i just notice yuuki is pink again.

  12. Visual kei total cross dressing slayed

    I never expected that from S-Korea
  13. thank goodness someone isn't a selfish ass

    (sorry if it's mean but it's them here)
  14. i really need to sit down when listening to shadow (single) to fully absorb it, but my body just wants to move like it's at club Lycaon (ages 18 and up)

    1. paradoxal


      just wait for the PV, I'm uploading it atm!! the PV is so awesome

    2. blackdoll
  15. I miss archer (miss archer really) so much. last season was on point. I'm ready for chosen too

    1. nekkichi


      chozen is my forever guilty pleasure tbh, rip 2nd season, we never have nice things

    2. blackdoll


      *chozen.. and what the fuck that show was funny as fuck, reminded me a bit of the best adult cartoon drawn together. i could have sworn it was coming back. oh well atleast i didn't get to attached to it

  16. finally getting into this

    1. blackdoll


      reminds me of Lycaon
    2. blackdoll
  17. that hot shitt

    ahhhhhhh no pussies allowed *cough cough* nocturnal poopeatingsluts *cough*
    1. JRD


      That 028 Hate band shout in the beginning <3 Thanks for adding a new band to my library!

    2. blackdoll
  18. finally listen to lovely-mocochang.com's new album and their is no question why they are one of the best, loved all of it. could be best japanses album this year.

    1. lollipopmonstar


      I totally agree! Also I find it one of the best of the year ♥

    2. blackdoll


      maya voice in キミヨサラ?? at the beginning <3

  19. awww that fucking suck old Nancy Ajram is dry and unpolished. well her new stuff makes up for it anyway, still queen

  20. lmao can someone do this for vk if you have the time?

  21. it's amazing how changeing the pitch on a song can make it so fucking good and sexy!

    Othernews: Buffy the vampire slayer and Charmed are one in the same, all thats missing is for buffy to get pregoo.
    1. MaikoMizu


      Do I become scared or amazed at this? o_o

    2. blackdoll
  22. best thing for only old Lycaon fans

    1. blackdoll


      funny how eve is using electronic sounds too

    2. blackdoll


      the other one if you haven't herd. mio is the only one not doing anything productive.

    1. kyoselflove



    2. Elazmus



  24. IT'S FUCKING FEBURAY!! replace the 'C" word with 'Lycaon'

    Just an addict looking for the next fix!
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