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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. Arb-pop great music with bad MVs (or uninteresting MVs). For a change, i love ballads (in general for this scene). I love the beat and vocal changes (be like "oh shit, get it get it"). bad things per say is when the singers/vocalist halfass it, when you know they can do better. also sometimes they try different things and it's not working. Haven't gotten that far with the scene since it's awkward in the house, but Nancy Ajram is my Yuuki (fucking love her).

  2. blackdoll

    ok its picking up. sidenote: i want that jessica song, the other one was nice to
  3. i guess i'm not blown away by THE BLACK SWAN's pv because i've watched HBO shows

  4. umm if they are going to step up from nega, jin needs to go to harsh vocal school. sidenote: perfect band for ice
  5. i really need to sit down when listening to shadow (single) to fully absorb it, but my body just wants to move like it's at club Lycaon (ages 18 and up)

    1. paradoxal


      just wait for the PV, I'm uploading it atm!! the PV is so awesome

    2. blackdoll
  6. last week of falll tv premieres, results in on saturday or next saturday.

  7. blackdoll

    well maybe its like with each new avatar, they're whats in. i don't mind because i only think old character should be used as reference to solve a problem. and its legend of korra not ang. but i like how mature it is.
  8. blackdoll

    1) THE HOPELESS was boring kept repeating didnt go anywhere really. should have held that growl longer 2.) HATE YOURSELF UNTIL YOU DIE great intrumental, just what i wanted, but the vocals or should i say harsh vocals didn't do it justice. knocking it to an "ok" song. the singing was better on this track but probably the the instrumental was too badass for just clean singing. conclution: either nega was just better or i'm just not as in to this sound as i used to be. not brutal. 7.3/10
  9. blackdoll

    ehhh? yeah its like a sweet gentle fun darkness.
  10. meh his voice doen't go with total ballad he needs something going on.
  11. I don’t care, calling it. 9 songs is enough, 2014 goes to Lycaon for just being the best. sidenote: i got my scream.

  12. blackdoll

    https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzptrtPr8Rb777ExOvp3qND1MSj21hLF put this on shuffle, then come back with what you like, and i can set you up.
  13. blackdoll

    i did say (mixed gossip type a & b 2nd tracks) *(mixed with gossip type a & b 2nd tracks)
  14. blackdoll

    since it is a Lycaon day i think ill will eat ice cream, after all i need the calories *wink* ... so ready for another round wow than My #2 dropped a new MV today. well isn't today just great! yay me!
  15. blackdoll

    after listening to it a 3rd or 4th time, this single is defiantly on par with the last 2. i like how this time around the title track is more or less questionably, the better track; the vocals hits home x1000. the 2nd and 3rd track seem kinda like continuations of baka ne's 2nd and 3rd tracks (mixed with gossip's type a & b 2nd tracks) while shawdow is a mix of the 1st tracks from the past 2 singles. they are keeping it interesting and linked threw out this part of their career. at the same time its not like it all sounds the same. but dam the tracks are so short ! the Halloween one got me at first. and after the second listen i was " yup, got it." Lycaon 2014 Flawless victory
  16. Everybody, i said everybody report to the dark stage, shit Prince Yuuki is back (he is back). sha dow sha dow, he'll suck you in like a shadow, sha dow sha dow, he'll suck you in like a shadow, he'll suck you in like a shadow........ his royal gaze so dazzling.... he got like 31 voices turn you into falling star, drop. thats all i got since i dont speak Korean

  17. blackdoll

    its good but i miss the slick awesome bending/fighting
  18. hope shadow gets upped this week because i really need a hit.

  19. blackdoll

    yes this! "it's too good to be shared." my friend asked for a rar to be uploaded on youtube, and got " I wont break the law for you."
  20. blackdoll

    still prefer reload - hybrid for that riffage, but good as usual
  21. blackdoll

    i ok with it since they were not all together with the songs
  22. blackdoll

    ^ nakka back to the topic, Kyo is the best vocalist right but +1 to the ppl that can sound like him.
  23. blackdoll

    well i was or atleast its part of it. but with coven witches are the shit, you go to them for help. and it's not like they're are the kind with monstrous faces. idk desperate just feels wrong with her, atleast here
  24. blackdoll

    no i was complaining the been done before and "left to" was at how cheap you said coven was. and dahhh scream is my favorite "horror," well proper "horror" movie anyway the 2nd ep was way better, even though its feels like a crappy abc family show at time. i don't like jessica as the manipulative bitch this time though. the rich boy is my fav
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