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    paradoxal reacted to Biopanda in Current Thoughts on Crowd-Funding and Other Similar Strategies?   
    I think crowdfunding can definitely be done right. A while ago the VK band Lacroix Despheres started up an indiegogo campaign for their 3rd album. It was going to be released either way, but they were raising money in order to increase the album budget and hopefully work with Video Game Orchestra to get a live orchestra on their new album. I ended up tossing in $35 to get a signed CD and some goodies, which I though was a pretty fair price. Unfortunately overseas VK fans are uber cheap and they only got a total of 33 backers with an average amount of about $35 per person totaling up to $1140(with ~$6131 donated through the Japanese crowdfunding site MotionGallery). Now they didn't end up hitting their goals to record with a live orchestra. I guess you could say that the campaign "failed", but they still get that money to help increase the production values, which is good.
    The way I look at crowd-funding stuff like this is just a glorified pre-order system where you get to choose your own pre-order bonus. I think it's a great system for smaller bands who can't get the backing of labels, but still want to do the best that they can. Honestly, I would absolutely love it if more indie VK bands would jump on the bandwagon.
  2. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from yakihiko in ex-モノクロ地獄 (Monochrome Hell) Gt. Gaz to join ex-SpArkLiEs session   
    I just hope they will release something else than those hard to get live-limited singles
  3. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Dark Kinma in nostalgia. SOLO PROJECT "新政体(NEW REGIME)"   
    Wow, I can't wait for the previews!!
  4. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Dark Kinma in nostalgia. SOLO PROJECT "新政体(NEW REGIME)"   
    モノクロ地獄 (Monochrome Hell) has announced a special 3Days Live "Aferni 誕生日のショー(Aferni Birthday Show)" at 2015/3/4, 2015/3/5 & 2015/3/6 at Osaka BIG CAT with 悠希(Yuuki) [Lycaon] as a special vocal guest.
    公演時間  開場19:30/開演20:00
    料金    ¥3,300/¥3,800(D代別)
    出演 : Xyloride, KiR×GiR, Lazarous, Serah
    公演時間  開場19:30/開演20:00
    料金    ¥3,300/¥3,800(D代別)
    出演 : Lycaon , Xyloride, THE BLACK SWAN,  My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND
    公演時間  開場19:30/開演20:00
    料金    ¥4,000/¥4,800(D代別)
    出演 : Lycaon, THE BLACK SWAN, femme fatale, D.I.D, BORN
    Their first release "C.O-Liar/影(Shadow)- 「special Lycaon tribute」" will be release this summer (2,100 yen).
    Tracklist :
    01. CO-feat 悠希(Yuuki) from Lycaon
    02. Liar/影(Shadow) [ReM!X モノクロ地獄 (Monochrome Hell) vers.]
    It's also annouced at their live "BIRTHDAY SCREAMING", they will released a special X'mas Mini-Album, and they will start a two man Tour this autumn with Lycaon "モノクロ地獄 (Monochrome Hell)xLycaon - Hell in Obscura-
    Details have not yet been announced.
    They have signs under VOGUE Entertainement.
  5. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from hiroki in Your top 10 favorite visual kei bands?   
    The first two were easy to decide, but after that it was super difficult. Now that I'm starting to be up-to-date with everything I missed out during the couple of years I wasn't that interested in vk, I'm really starting to grasp what is it that I like.
    1. Lycaon
    2. アルルカン
    3. Purple Stone
    4. Blesscode
    5. プラネタリウム
    6. Fixer
    7. アヴァンチック
    8. ヴィドール
    9. ギルド
    10. 少年記
  6. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Aferni in New band "MONOchromE HEAVEN" Has Formed   
  7. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Aferni in New band "MONOchromE HEAVEN" Has Formed   
    Vo. Zeus (EX-Zess ---->Zesshoku)
    Ba. Champ213
    Gu. Ito
    Gu. (EX- Original NEET) Original Saku
    R Gu. CAT5
    7 Sting/ Programmer. (EX-PRACTICE WILL NEVER BETRAY YOU) nostalgia.
    Gu. Manda
    Backing Vo and Gu. kai_desu
    Piano. Sai
    Dr. Linh-San
    Their first album called "Maintenance" has been postponed due to reasons unknown.
    a link to their OHP: http://monochrome-heaven.com/
    Their profile page: http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=stats&do=leaders
  8. Like
    paradoxal reacted to nick in nostalgia. SOLO PROJECT "新政体(NEW REGIME)"   
    The name of this project has been changed to モノクロ地獄 (Monochrome Hell) as of 2015/03/04.
  9. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Kaye in MONOCHROME HEAVEN HUNGER GAMES   
  10. Like
    paradoxal reacted to digi in YOUR FAVORITE MH MEMBERS   
    1.) digi
    2.) digi
    3.) digi
    4.) digi
    5.) digi 
    6.) digi
    7.) digi
    8.) digi
    9.) digi 
    10.) digi
    she's a real nice gal. 
  11. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Zeus in YOUR FAVORITE MH MEMBERS   
    1. that bastard zeus
    2. saihimesama
    3. para bb
    4. digi bb
    5. CAT
    6. benibananananana
    7. zone of the ender-enders
    8. bob sapp
    9. purretzels
    10. 237QTπ
  12. Like
    paradoxal reacted to kyoselflove in YOUR FAVORITE MH MEMBERS   
    sakura seven
  13. Like
    paradoxal reacted to freesia in Show Yourself (again)   
    Recent selfie

  14. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Takadanobabaalien in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me with Kuroyuri to kage^^ 
  15. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from digi in MONOCHROME HEAVEN HUNGER GAMES   
  16. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from nick in MONOCHROME HEAVEN HUNGER GAMES   
  17. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from JRD in MONOCHROME HEAVEN HUNGER GAMES   
  18. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Seimeisen in MONOCHROME HEAVEN HUNGER GAMES   
  19. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from CAT5 in MONOCHROME HEAVEN HUNGER GAMES   
  20. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Yukimoto in LOG-ログ- new maxi single "Adore you~キミヲ想フ声(kimi wo omou koe)~" release   
    I think the preview sounds really nice!
  21. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Zeus in #28: camera obscura by Lycaon   
    http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/500/103552579/Camera+Obscura.jpg" width="200" /> Artist: Lycaon Album: camera obscura Score: How can you get wet over something so dry?
    Lycaon and I have had an icy relationship ever since they lost Mio and eve and went through their rebellious, adolescent phase. The atomic meltdown that was their "erotic phase" (god, I fucking hate that term) came to an end with 「嘘と女と『    』」 全国流通盤」, and I cheered quite loudly when they decided to drop the overt 'sex sells' antics cum-plastered all over their stupid marketing gimmicks. Even so, their music lacked some of the charm and finesse that Mio and eve brought to the band. So apart from the forgettable 「マゾヒストレッドサーカス」, I haven't touched anything by this band in years. We've come to an understanding that they're not the same band they once were, and I'm not the same fan I used to be, and maybe it was better if we parted ways.

    So for no particular reason at all, I decided to give "camera obscura" a chance to see where the quintet's heads are at. If I were to describe the sound, I would describe it as a mix of old and new Lycaon in the best way possible. There are some hints of the alternative metal style honed on "Royal Order", the EDM bass drops of 「マゾヒストレッドサーカス」, some of that good 80's rock vibe that I know guitarist Satoshi is fond of, and thankfully none of that erotic bullshit. Even when they decide to get raunchy, they do it in a more palatable manner. It really does offer something for new and old fans alike: tracks like "marionette", "悪女の微笑", and "追憶" remain somewhat memorable far after I finished the album. One of the things they did right with this album was reduction of harsh vocals. That's not where Yuuki's strengths are and by shedding those weaknesses he maintains the most consistent performance across the entire album. This is when Lycaon sticks to their guns and produce the quality rock music I know they can. "marionette" in particular deserves extra mention. I really like these cabaret and oriental influences that are slowly working their way into visual kei and I think more bands should try their hands at it.

    There are two main reasons I can't accept "camera obscura" as is. One is the abysmal production. The guitars sound absolutely dead, and there's two of them. There's no punch to them. The treble is also way too crisp and it makes the cymbals sound like wooden blocks ("悪女の微笑"), fuzz ("アネモネ"), and other degrees of sounds I would only describe as "not cymbals". Whether the guitars are oppressive or energetic, it's the main instrument and when it's so dead a lot of potential gems here fall flat.

    When the aforementioned production isn't siphoning the life out of the music, and after all those pointless interludes were deleted, the reason why I can't accept this album is because a lot of the songs are just average. "ILLUSION" comes out of left field like an Arlequin reject with that bizarre dubstep breakdown that ruins an otherwise listenable song. That would have/could have/should have been punishing riff near the end of "liar" should have hit one note a bit sharper and sounds off. "メランコリック" feels like filler. I really want to like "Dark Night", and I like the Yousei Teikoku influence they were channeling, but the bad production and the really fake sounding piano ruins it. The similarly fake piano in "Rouge" steps all over the band and doesn't fit in at all. Worst of all is the abomination that is "馬鹿ね。". It starts off interesting and quickly deteriorates to the barest of alternative rock melodies, sprinkled with some electronic effects until the embarrassing trance chorus. I cringe in horror every time it comes on. Couple in the five pointless interludes, and quickly a large chunk of the album does not please me. What about the other tracks? Apart from "アネモネ", I don't remember any of them. It's the token ballad on an album, and reminds me of "結晶華". They somehow managed to procure a real piano for this one, but the ballad is drawn out for no reason and feels forced.

    Putting all of this together, I can't really say this is a great album because I didn't enjoy much of it. But I can say that it's good enough when comparing it against the average visual release, and it's head and shoulders above their last album so I guess Lycaon and I can be civil. They're actually trying to be a rock band again and I can respect them for that. Their music is lacking a particular finesse and direction that I felt they once had a long, long time ago, but it doesn't suck. I just don't find it all that compelling. I might not even remember I listened to this by the end of the year.
  22. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Biopanda in Lycaon   
    What did I just read and why don't I get it XD
  23. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Biopanda in Show Yourself (again)   
    Here's me doing my best Paradoxal cosplay :v

  24. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Mihenno in Music and sex   
    I feel kinky when I listen to gossip (lycaon)?
  25. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from kyoselflove in random thoughts thread   
    Ballads can be acoustic too! But now that I've publicly said I don't like Love song, I'll probably end up loving it in the next few weeks... That has happened way too many times for me.
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