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    paradoxal reacted to Lestat in Single People Thread   
    Treating your partner like any common item surely won't improve your chances of having a relationship, just saying...
  2. Like
    paradoxal reacted to PsychoΔelica in Single People Thread   
    Sorry but I don't think you're very polite. I think that there are better ways to be outspoken without being offensive. You just sound immature.
  3. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Nisimaldar in Single People Thread   
    I'm kinda am, though, I would call it "disgusted" not "offended. Because you talk about a potential female partner like a sexdoll that sometimes needs a little bit maintenance which you gladly do, but otherwise just functions like you want it to. You sound like someone who wants a girlfriend to make you feel better but god forbid she has an opinion.
    When you're a kid your mum's life basically revolves around you. Your girlfriend show have her own life that revolves around her but includes you very closely.
    No, talking about punching a potential partner that's emotionally attached to you in the face is what makes it offensive.
  4. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Nyasagi in Single People Thread   
    Nothing is an excuse for saying offensive crap about a girl you date/would date. Just because she's submissive, it doesn't mean she doesn't deserve any respect. Don't call verbal abuse like that.
  5. Like
    paradoxal reacted to PsychoΔelica in Single People Thread   
    I'm not, but I expect someone who would actually consider a relationship with you might be.
  6. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Ito in #34: MEJIBRAY - 盈虧   
    I am someone who has found Mejibray to be largely forgettable (like literally, I can't recall a single one of their songs), but man Eiki is going to stick with me. Sadly, not for any of the right reasons. Those high pitched vocals are some of the worst I have ever heard outside of karaoke.
  7. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Des in #34: MEJIBRAY - 盈虧   
    So I gave the PV track a listen because anything that divides opinions this much grabs my attention.
    These are the sounds of a dying cat (in heat?) backed up by a monotone chaos of unrelated instrumentals much like a jam session where everyone's on acid and not actually listening to one other because they have headphones on. What the fuck. Needless to say I don't like sounds of dying cats.

    On an unrelated note: the last.fm statistics must be severely messed up because no group has 5600 listeners and 1.3 million scrobbles. Manipulation or hardcore fans?
  8. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Zeus in #34: MEJIBRAY - 盈虧   
    Artist: MEJIBRAY Single: 盈虧 1. 盈虧 2. 人間 3. 蜈蚣
    Rating: | It's more pleasant than open face surgery at least.
    I'm legitimately disturbed by how far MEJIBRAY have fallen.

    I never expected much from them, but this is yet another step down from Theatrical Blue Black, and I wonder how this band keeps fans and continues their activities. For one, the singing is enough to make anyone run for the hills. The goat bleating is such a chore to listen to, and if it's not that it's either strained falsetto or some weird demented frog guttural yoga hums. Tsuzuku's inability to sing trivializes the skills of the rest of the band to a large extent. Their unorthodox vocalist may have worked for them at one point, but that time has long since passed. Tsuzuku needs to either improve his delivery on all fronts or cede his position to someone who can actually sing, because "sounding unique" is not a good enough excuse to hide the singing inability.

    盈虧 is the soundtrack that plays on loop in the room where people go to watch paint dry. The excerpt at the beginning is stupid enough, but then it feeds into this aimless and bland melody that fails at being dark and moody. The repetitive strumming does not build up a convincing enough atmosphere, and that chorus is a train wreck of massive proportions. It's the most unengaging single I've ever heard in my life and it provides nothing to hook the listener in. The band isn't compensating for Tsuzuku's shortcomings by producing catchy music, and they're definitely not playing to his strengths because he sounds out of place, so I'm not understanding how this is supposed to work. The accompanying tracks are only marginally better, but still pretty awful. 人間 is a power ballad with an awkward metalcore section in the middle. It's a bad choice to follow one slow, boring song with a gimmick that they lack the tools to execute. 蜈蚣 is the banger that probably works better live than in studio that doesn't get my blood rushing the way a good core song should. For all it's aggression, it feels just as stagnant as the first two songs. If they fail to be convincing with their mother genre, I don't see much hope for this band.

    As MEJIBRAY completes their transition from boring to disappointing, I struggle to find any reason why this band should remain relevant. It's frustrating how inconsistent they are. Their last album was met with a lot of unexpected praise, but whatever inspired them then didn't now. This is beyond disappointing; this is almost insultingly bad, and when I remind myself that they pumped this crap out in three different editions my stomach churns. There are claims that MEJIBRAY have potential, but much like Tsuzuku's singing ability I hear none of it. Unharnessed potential is wasted potential and even if the members themselves are individually talented, their music does not reflect on their abilities. In all good faith, I could not recommend this single to anybody. This is by far one of their worst releases in a long time. Even if you're a diehard MEJIBRAY fan, I recommend waiting for the next single.

    If you're that brave trooper who actually bought this single, ask for your money back.

  9. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from doombox in random thoughts thread   
    Woah. Wooaah. WOAH.

  10. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Crube in random thoughts thread   
    Woah. Wooaah. WOAH.

  11. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from MaikoMizu in random thoughts thread   
    Woah. Wooaah. WOAH.

  12. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Seimeisen in random thoughts thread   
    Woah. Wooaah. WOAH.

  13. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from enyx in random thoughts thread   
    Woah. Wooaah. WOAH.

  14. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    Woah. Wooaah. WOAH.

  15. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in random thoughts thread   
    As a person who doesn't give a fuck about Mejibray:
    Why the fuck do you people read Mejibray related threads and download their stuff, if you already know they are a shitty band? I mean c'mon, why the hell do you bother? Don't you have anything better to do? I sure as hell have better things to do, eg. listening to music I actually like. And commenting in threads I'm actually interested in. 
  16. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Seimeisen in random thoughts thread   
    As a person who doesn't give a fuck about Mejibray:
    Why the fuck do you people read Mejibray related threads and download their stuff, if you already know they are a shitty band? I mean c'mon, why the hell do you bother? Don't you have anything better to do? I sure as hell have better things to do, eg. listening to music I actually like. And commenting in threads I'm actually interested in. 
  17. Like
    paradoxal reacted to ghost in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    @Paradoxal I see that SLOD CD we were fighting over ; )
  18. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Crube in random thoughts thread   
  19. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from kyoisKILLINGME in random thoughts thread   
    As a person who doesn't give a fuck about Mejibray:
    Why the fuck do you people read Mejibray related threads and download their stuff, if you already know they are a shitty band? I mean c'mon, why the hell do you bother? Don't you have anything better to do? I sure as hell have better things to do, eg. listening to music I actually like. And commenting in threads I'm actually interested in. 
  20. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from kyoselflove in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    Ok I finally received my package with stuff from like... 4 different stream nights?

    Today I'm gonna rip the shit out of every CD lololol. (Btw just send me a PM if you want me to upload some of this stuff! I'm feeling generous today and I wanna share this rarez goodness with you.)
  21. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from kyoselflove in LYCAON SHOPPING SERVICE   
    You do realize she's offering us foreign fans a way to get their favorite bands merchandise? 20% commission isn't even that bad, considering the buyer doesn't have to pay for the concert tickets. The band isn't losing any money, instead they are making even more money. I couldn't otherwise get their merchandise, but thanks to @Lycaon_Hiyuu, I'm planning on spending about 10 000 yens on their merchandise.
    It's a win-win situation for everybody: the seller gets a little commission for her service, band gets more income and I get more merchandise.
  22. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Des in What video games are you currently playing?   
    I have been playing Cities: Skylines a lot recently (71 hours and counting... oops) since I'm a huge fan of city builder games. In that way Skylines is like a blessing to me, and I still can't get enough of all the delicate (ok let's not talk about garbage or death care) mechanics.
    I have this huge 100k city, and one river runs straight trough it. Upstream I had all my water pumps catering the whole city, and ofc downstream the water drain pipes. I just noticed, that my citizens were using so much water that the river changed direction and the water pumps started pumping filthy polluted water to people's homes. A few minutes later, the water pumps were pumping so much water out of the river that the river dried for a moment. 
    And I'm so excited. I never even thought this could happen. 5/5 drink filthy water you peasants.
  23. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Biopanda in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    Ok I finally received my package with stuff from like... 4 different stream nights?

    Today I'm gonna rip the shit out of every CD lololol. (Btw just send me a PM if you want me to upload some of this stuff! I'm feeling generous today and I wanna share this rarez goodness with you.)
  24. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from eiheartx in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    Ok I finally received my package with stuff from like... 4 different stream nights?

    Today I'm gonna rip the shit out of every CD lololol. (Btw just send me a PM if you want me to upload some of this stuff! I'm feeling generous today and I wanna share this rarez goodness with you.)
  25. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from enyx in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    Ok I finally received my package with stuff from like... 4 different stream nights?

    Today I'm gonna rip the shit out of every CD lololol. (Btw just send me a PM if you want me to upload some of this stuff! I'm feeling generous today and I wanna share this rarez goodness with you.)
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