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    paradoxal reacted to kyoselflove in [QUIZ] What's your Love Language?   
    10 Acts of Service
    8 Words of Affirmation
    7 Quality Time
    3 Receiving Gifts
    2 Physical Touch
    Haha, do shit for me bitch but don't touch me xD  Ahhh, love.
    But yeah, I really liked things being done for me but I also love getting gifts (even though my gifts are games and CDs haha, not flowers and shit) and I hate being touched, and love to hear sweet nothings murmured to me.  Quality time is nice.
  2. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from kyoselflove in [QUIZ] What's your Love Language?   
    9 Quality Time
    7 Acts of Service
    7 Physical Touch
    7 Words of Affirmation
    0 Receiving Gifts
    Yeah, I don't really need any gifts... XD I love spending time with my fiancé, even if it's just something completely normal - like cooking or folding the laundry together. I also love hugging and kissing, and of course it's nice to hear him say how much he appreciates me. Also as we live together, it's nice when he does a task for me, like does the dishes while I clean something else. There's no better way to show your love than do the dishes
  3. Like
    paradoxal reacted to beni in MH FEATURED POLL #25: What position do you sleep in?   
    MH POLL OF THE WEEK #25: What position do you sleep in?
    This is a multiple choice question, depending on if you're single or are in a relationship.
    Options go in order of statistics, starting with the most common positions.
    External links can be clicked on by the images for further information.



    Or are you more like this?

    Statistics under spoiler:   From his survey of 1000 people, Idzikowski identified six positions and claimed to detect personality traits based on them:   Fetus (41%) Log (15%) Yearner (13%)  Soldier (8%)  Freefall (7%) Starfish (5%)  The remaining 11% stated their position varied or did not know. A Canadian survey found very different preferences, with 39% of respondents preferring the "log" position and 28% preferring to sleep on their side with their legs bent.   Couples A Travelodge survey found that 50% of British couples prefer sleeping back-to-back, either not touching (27%) or touching (23%). Spooning was next, with the man on the outside 20% of the time vs. 8% with the woman on the outside. 10% favored the "lovers' knot" (facing each other with legs intertwined), though all but 2% separated before going to sleep. The "Hollywood pose" of the woman with her head and arm on the man's chest was chosen by 4%.
    To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. either @CAT5 or @beni with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not. 
  4. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Kawaii_Minpha in planetarium new single release & new look posted on their OHP   
    planetarium will release a new single 2015.11.15.

    Source: OHP
  5. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Jun_ in [SOLVED] Member Title   
    I moved this to the help section. Yes, is correct! Once you reach 400 posts, you can change your member title.
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    paradoxal got a reaction from doombox in MH FEATURED POLL #24: How do you make use of MH?   
    How do you people not know about "View new content"?? That's like the only view I use, and then I just keep refreshing it 10 times an hour XD
    Just like , I basically chose everything except quick nav page.
  8. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Mihenno in Mi'ihen's Photos   
    Since I can't draw or paint, I force my friends to model for me at gunpoint. I mainly do portraiture since I like shooting people. 
    I have a Nikon D7000 and a couple lenses





    I will post more later~
  9. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Champ213 in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    Thanks for taking the time to reply. I hope this will put some minds at ease. I can understand that other things may get in the way, but it was the lack of official communications that irked me and other people I talked to. I received my last invoice on 5/11 and paid pretty much within hours after that, yet I hadn't gotten any sort of update until today, and it seems I wasn't the only one.
    Anyway, thanks for the clarification and I hope things will work out better again in the future. After all my first couple of orders from Rarezhut went pretty smooth.
  10. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Biopanda in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    Oh wow okay... let me take this one thing at a time here and try to address everyone's concerns.
    First and foremost, we would like to apologize for the way that things from this stream was handled. As was mentioned a few times(but maybe not publicly?), right after the stream finished, some huge things came up life-wise. A friend of ours was getting kicked out of their apartment and we had agreed to let him stay here for a while, but doing so required us to literally rearrange the whole apartment. This was on top of Val starting her new job, so to say the least, our free time was stretched REALLY thin. We tried to get as many orders ready as we could within the free time that we had, but it wasn't nearly enough.
    Now we're not going to blame this all on external issues, of course. The way this stream was done wasn't handled very properly and we suppose that deserves to be explained. For each CD that sells, we make a rip first so that if there are any issues with the CDs, as most are used, then we could contact the buyer and arrange for a refund. We greatly underestimated the response that this last stream would garner and there ended up being nearly 400 items sold. That's 400 items to rip, replace cases where needed and pack up... let alone the vast amount of time that is added when ripping and encoding cassettes/VHS are thrown into the mix. All of that on top of running out of shipping supplies and needing to reorder at the last minute has made this whole thing a nightmare for everyone involved.
    That being said, many of the things that were taking up our time have been dealt with now, so we can dedicate all of our free time to taking care of the remaining orders. As it stands right now: there are 12 packages ready to go, so a large majority of the shipping quotes will be sent out today. We'll continue working on the remaining orders after that, so the rest of the invoices should be sent out by tomorrow or the day after at the latest.
    Again: we deeply regret all of the issues that have come about with the recent stream. If we do another stream in the future, the whole thing will be restructured so that all of the work is done before the stream and the items are ready to pack up immediately afterwards.
  11. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Champ213 in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    Okay, here's the thing.
    It seems that there are still a lot (most?) of the people waiting for their full shipping quotes being sent to them, let alone the merchandise itself. Which is pretty annoying, since people already paid for part of their order. It's been a month since the second stream now, and even if other things got in the way it's simply not good business to leave your customers in the dark for so long. Since we as a forum are giving you a platform to do your business I feel compelled to ask:
    Are you already sending out shipping quotes and/or packages with items from the last stream? Is there an ETA when you will send out the remaining shipping quotes and packages? Can costumers cancel their orders and ask for a refund if they don't want to wait any longer?
  12. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Biopanda in Berlin becomes first German city to make rent cap a reality   
    I pay $160(142€) a month for a 1200 ft²(111m²) 2-bedroom apartment in a decent area. Eat it chumps :v
  13. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from ghost in How well can you hear audio quality?   
    Wow, nice score @Danao!
    I'm just waiting to read @Seimeisen's score on this test. If you don't get 6/6 I will never ever upload any lossless rips for you just kidding
  14. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Zeus in Berlin becomes first German city to make rent cap a reality   
    Please. My rent is about 1400€ monthly (and rising), and I have a rather small apartment, and that's not on top of the food and transportation costs it takes to get places. NYC has some rent stabilized apartments which is very similar to this, but we don't have an outright rent cap. We need one too. You know it's bad when 75% of most of your friend's pay goes towards food and shelter, and some of your other friends are approaching 30 and still living with mom and dad because the rent is too damn high and the pay is too damn low.
  15. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from JRD in How well can you hear audio quality?   
    I just stumbled upon this article on NPR Music. I can't wait to get home and try this.
    The test is on the same page as the article.
    Songs that were used are
    Any thoughts on this particular "test"?
    Can you hear the difference?
    What do you think of the songs that were chosen?
  16. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Danao in How well can you hear audio quality?   
    I first did it with my logitech speakers and here's the result

    I then did it with my headphones on, and got only 3/6 but never made a mistake between 128 and 320 so I guess it's ok, the amount of uncompressed rips you can find mostly depends on the quality of your speakers/headphones, and depends also if you pay attention to details or not, plus if you like/love the song you can easily find the good and the bad rip. Well 3/6 with headphones is not bad
    Also the song that have been chosen just show the variety of music you can listen to nowadays, at least a part of it.
    Nice test, people should try it and give us a screen of the results + what they used to do it
  17. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Biopanda in FULL EFFECT' 2 new singles & mini album release   
    Art-kei isn't dead.
  18. Like
    paradoxal reacted to blackdoll in Lycaon   
  19. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from freesia in Show Yourself (again)   
    Don't worry @freesia, your hair looks super cute!
  20. Like
    paradoxal reacted to freesia in Show Yourself (again)   
    Couldn't stand the summer hotness so I went to cut my hair short. Unfortunately the barber failed to cut as the pic i showed him and gave me an Ohara Sakurako mushroom head look instead. :/


  21. Like
    paradoxal reacted to diamondAss in Show Yourself (again)   
    i just couldn´t resist posting again. those blueshades are really kickin´!

  22. Like
    paradoxal reacted to AliceParanoid in Show Yourself (again)   
    Finally let my Nails refiled with a new design. ~ <3 
    They look so much better now huehuehue <3 
    #SoGay #SoManly 
  23. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Luca in Show Yourself (again)   
    Camwhoring 5/5. Me and my Siamese twin.
  24. Like
    paradoxal reacted to ricchubunny in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me working as KAMIJO and MASASHI's staff!
  25. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Jun_ in After a long year, hi again, MH <3   
    I don't remember to introduce myself before, so I'll do it rn XD
    I'm Jun (or Jiyun, you decide), I live in Brazil. I'm also a coverist. One year ago, I decided to quit J-Rock after MoNoLith (my favorite band then) disbanded. I was really bad because of this ;~; It's really heartbreaking to see your favorite band disbanding without you going to a concert of them...anyways, I found some comfort on Kpop. Deactivated my 5 years J-Rock channel and started a new one, just for kpop covers. I had a good feedback, but, bros, that community, omg, never saw too much drama over there. Let's get out of this. I started to watch animes again and my favorite things were Kiseijuu and Tokyo Ghoul. Because of both openings, I started to listen to japanese music again. I'm really happy that happened, because it reminded me of that forum and how much fun I had here when we held a karaoke contest (I hope that a new one will happen soon <3) and, damn, so many cool people here D':
    I really miss this forum, so, I'm gonna start to visit this again.
    What about some fav bands?
    VK bands: NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST, D.I.D., Nightmare, Tokami, MoNoLith, D.
    Some non-visual: Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas, FEAR FROM THE HATE, Coldrain, Dir en Grey, Kiba of Akiba.
    Anyways, happy to be here again, haha ♥
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