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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. paradoxal

    This is me.
  2. paradoxal

    Thanks pretsy for bringing the lulz
  3. Omg that sounds so amazing! I think the first and third song are my favorites
  4. paradoxal

    I laughed so much at this. I once tried cold waxing. It was great, all I managed to do was rip off the sheet WITHOUT THE WAX. Last time I'll ever try cold waxing. You can decide for yourself which body part I was trying to wax...
  5. paradoxal

    WOW they look so cool!!! :3 Thank you so much!! Yeah I forgot to mention I took the timeframe from nostalgia's PV upload I was too lazy to upload your rip because I'll rip my copy anyways when I get it.
  6. I received my package today! I was too lazy to pick up my package from the post office, it stood there the whole two weeks lol... But anyways, she replied to my messages quickly and sent the package almost immediately after I paid the invoice. The comment DVD was packed so well it took me good 10 minutes to open it I even got a super cute message on My Melody paper!
  7. paradoxal

    do whatever you want!
  8. paradoxal

    i don't understand D:
  9. paradoxal

    i don't understand D:
  10. paradoxal

    1:26!!! eikilove
  11. paradoxal

    メモリア is probably my favorite song! And I prefer Aka over Ayumu too
  12. paradoxal

    It is DADA ROMA, but DAD AROMA is a lot funnier ;D
  13. yay for lycaon banner~

    1. kyoselflove


      YAY! Never replace it o.o lol

  14. paradoxal

    Yesssss, 5/5 now I ain't even mad that crazy shampoo disbanded.
  15. paradoxal

    Welcome to MH! I'm sure you'll get along with everyone. You should join us in the chat sometimes, that's the easiest way to get to know people!
  16. paradoxal

    I think it's a great idea. It wasn't as easy as I first thought it would be when I first made my account, even though Seimeisen was helping me out a lot during the process
  17. paradoxal

    Ah crap, I hope they won't disband
  18. paradoxal

    I think I just contracted brain cancer. http://fuckyeahtanuki.tumblr.com/post/101137982036/phail
  19. I accidentally updated my pirated WIN7. I'm not a smart girl.

  20. paradoxal

    I can assure you, that no one has any bad feelings towards you. No one is offended, no one is holding any grudges and there's absolutely nothing personal in this. It's the long signatures that are annoying, not the people behind them. I really hope to see you around after this too, and hope you won't stop participating in this forum. You couldn't have known that people aren't fond of long signatures (seriously your signature couldn't fit on my 15 inch laptop screen ). But it's all over now, and I hope you won't abandon us because of this!
  21. paradoxal

    Aah right, I just assumed you meant tagging the post. Lol. Having the correct metadata seemed too obvious
  22. paradoxal

    Since tagging is now mandatory in the DL section, I thought it would be useful to have a thread where to discuss correct tags for each release. So if you have any problems how you should tag a certain release, feel free to discuss it here! And to my own problem: At least I'm not too familiar with different genres, and I'm really unsure how I should tag my uploads. I know that for 99% of my uploads, the correct tags would at least be visual kei, rock and male vocalist. But is there any use for the tagging system, if almost every release is tagged like that? Would it look weird, if I used the tag electronic combined with the previously mentioned tags to tag releases, that use a lot of synths? Bands I specifically have in mind are Royz, Lycaon and Arlequin. Is the tag neo visual kei a proper tag for new bands, that have started eg. after 2010? Could NEMETH's Creature be tagged as metalcore, metal or something else? (video here) Should we use the tags major and indie as well?
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