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Posts posted by allisapp

  1. I have four earrings on my right ear and one tunnel (10mm) on my left ear. I also have a tongue piercing. Would love to get a smiley and/or nipple piercing. :'D Septum has always looked awesome, but sadly I think I have already too big nose, and don't want to attract more attention to it. XD


    Luckily I have really high pain tolerance, so yay for piercings!

  2. Haha, I didn't even know that's an option, as I still pay my bills manually. But to be honest, I prefer doing it manually so that I am completely aware of the bills and everything which relates to money leaving my bank account.


    //EDITTO: I am so nervous... I am hosting my first "house party" ;___________;

  3. You could say that I am an expert in moving (16 under the belt *coughs*), and I have never needed to label boxes. XD


    Also, Get banana and diaper boxer for the move. Pack your clothes into a bag (a bit waste bag). To be honest, I don't really remember what I did when I moved away from home, as it was over five years ago. I will post again into this thread if I remember o/

  4. Because I am not eating much grease/fat during this diet, so I will get that from the oil.  Anyways, I got an answer from my sister! Rapeseed oil doesn't taste like anything, so if I put a bit of salt (which I need to eat a lot too) into it, I can eat it with my food! :3


    Also, if you have problems with your posture and/or shoulders, use kettlebell. It looks stupid (imo), but it's really effective. :3 It has already helped me! (yaay)

  5. The problem is that we will stay in one place for only three days, which is why hostels are more cheap. We both will choose five locations, so far I have chosen Croatia, South-France, Switzerland and PROBABLY Hungary. My friend has chosen only Italy.

    Croatia and Hungary (Maybe Italy as well?) are cheap places to live in a hostel, so we would most likely lose a quite bit of money, as those places cost about or under 20e.

    But thanks for the tip! I have already thought that when I will stay in one place fpr a month (Japan *coughs*), I woulf rent a place there. 83

  6. I have been trying to fall asleep, but I cant, because I can't but sing in my head these two songs: Eminem's Shake that ass and the What does the fox say song

    Come on, girl! Shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me... WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY? Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!

  7. I haven't had much of motivation for working out... well, ever. I like cycling, and last summer I was doing it mainly for the fun, and ended up cycling ~50km per week. I hit a bit of slight depression during the summer and gained a bit of weight, but for the past couple of weeks I have been trying to get my weight back to what it was by running about five kilometers per day. (Four times a week)


    I don't like going to gym, and because of my working schedule, I find it hard to find motivation to do anything but lazy around. But! My goal is to lose 10kg of weight. Wish me luck. o/

  8. Finland is a really cold country, so it's not an understatement that you need warm clothes. I am on the hunt of winter coat, but I'd like to not use our clone-shops in Finland. I tried to look warm (and fluffy hood!) coats from ASOS, when I realized that they have a whole different idea of winter coats. Most of them seems to be parkas which looks quite warm, but after checking the material it seems to be quite thin material. And due to this, I am not completely sure how it would hold here, where winters can be harsh with -30C degrees.


    Which shops you guys would recommend for winter clothing? (Coats. I am actually also interested in winter shoes, but tbh, I am not that familiar with winter shoes - after all, I used sneakers for couple of winter with dangerously blue toes. Now I am using these fake Dr. Martens boots, which materials are quite thin. I have to use wool socks with them because of the material.)


    pls help me to not to be the literal model of the movie "Frozen".

  9. No, it's not. D: Groups in Facebook are more personalized, people can see other Facebook users there and chat there with each other. I think your MH page (@FB) is quite official, so it would be nice to have more "relaxed" place to talk with other people. Of course, I am not totally sure what kind of subjects you can talk there (besides advertising thread and polls and so on), but I think it would bring the users closer to each other. :D

  10. Just putting this here! I like groups and it could maybe bring users more together when they see that there is a real person behind a username? I am completely fine if there won't be any groups, but... well, like I said, just putting this suggestion here! :D

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