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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. allisapp

    Seo Taiji - Human Dream
  2. allisapp

    School tomorrow/today... I think I'm going to be awake the whole night and go to sleep tomorrow/today at 9pm. Sleeping patterns 3
  3. allisapp

    How cute...
  4. allisapp

    Neon and jurideluhi, thanks!
  6. allisapp

    ... ;;w;; poor pigs ♥
  7. allisapp

    Naked girl wait what oh noes, nope. Umm, hello again. 8( (Bored and wet hair - blame my friend) (and isn't strapless top great?)
  8. allisapp

    The usual: Tatsurou (MUCC) Daisuke (the studs & kagerou) Gara (Merry) ryo (9GOAT BLACK OUT) Takanori Nishikawa (Abingdon Boys School & T.M.Revolution) Atsushi Sakurai (BUCK-TICK) Hyde (L'arc~en~ciel) And also Taka (ONE OK ROCK), Takeshi Hosomi (Ellegarden & the hiatus) and the best: Ta-ma (ROACH)
  9. allisapp

    Gojira - Esoteric Surgery Damn you, Disposable. =(
  10. allisapp

    Apulanta - Hiekka
  11. allisapp

    Broiler and potatoes
  12. allisapp

    10/10 Dunno why, but this is absolutely amazing! And btw, who's that guy?
  13. allisapp

    Haha, I blame my phone: Solitaire, Teeter and Bubble breaker. Okay, they're my only games, but I play them almost all the time. (Even when I'm at school in class. Swedish classes are for playing...) And of course, Mahjong from my friend's phone.
  14. allisapp

    Kotiteollisuus - Minä Olen
  15. allisapp

    Hears today that dad is cheating her girlfriend. What can I say, typical dad? I feel quite betrayed, but I'm still not suprised. Let's see when I really can say "how things are" to my dad, but I'm too afraid to do that - Narcissists ♥
  16. allisapp

    Abingdon Boys School - LOST REASON I have no idea how I've forgotten this band's greatness... Nostalgia ♥
  17. allisapp

    Aa, I'm so bored, I feel like i'd like to talk with someone, but don't know with who! XD Help...
  18. allisapp

    Babysitting aka earning money to MUCC's gig - watch Gaki no Tsukai newspaper and swear why TW MSN-chat doesn't work. (Somehow I've been there a lot :'D)
  19. allisapp

    Yeah, happy new year! With loved ones? Well... my cat is laying next to me, does that count? XDD
  20. allisapp

    Gee, my avatar wasn't rated at all. 8( 7/10
  21. allisapp

    Sorry, 5,5/10
  22. allisapp

    Oh, I've completely forgotten this band... But lol. :----D
  23. allisapp

    Fahrenheit for the first time. I've been borrowing it for a few months from my sister's boyfriend, and I've been trying to start play it many time before, but only now I was too bored to do anything else.
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