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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. allisapp

    Marabou Daim chocolate and Fanta Omnomnomnom
  2. allisapp

    Why are you studying swedish? Because swedish is our second language. :''D And it's a subject which everyone needs to study at school. Also, I thiknk I failed the test, again. (I've made about 6 different swedish tests in a year, and have passed only one. Next swedish text is at april, which I have to pass, but I'm not that sure about that either)
  3. allisapp

    Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang
  4. allisapp

    Apulanta - Armo (LOL, listening this song from three computers. (From music player and youtube/1 computer. So we're listening this song six times at the same time)
  5. allisapp

    Just ate icecream, borrowed three PC games (Left 4 Dead, Bioshock 2, Thief: The Dark Project), sitting beside many movies, which we're going to watch tonight, I'll spend the night with Saku and... three computers in the same room. Perrrrfect.
  6. allisapp

    9:07 (AM), Finland
  7. allisapp

    Dongwoon is the BEST IN B2ST! Yeah, he is. It's a shame that he doesn't have a lot og "bigger parts" in songs. But I haveto say this; When the Door Closes is absolutely perfect, and Dongwoon's voice in that... oh my god. ;__;
  8. allisapp

    Why I'm again so bored? Okay, I need to read to my swedish test (so I will pass), but the book doesn't look that appealing. And I have time to read tomorrow. :PP
  9. allisapp

    ♥♥♥ And we have a winner!
  10. allisapp

    Yeah, I downloaded the whole discography... But you were right, those were really great mini's, especially Mastermind. But the thing is, that I have only 2 - 5 songs which I don't like. So really, I've fallen in love with Beast. (And Dongwoon ) Thanks for the recommendation.
  11. I'm sure all of us have friends IRL (8<<<), but as this forum is a big one, many of us have gotten some - maybe, hopefully - good friends. Maybe not only from here, but from all over the internet. But the question is how you would explain the difference between the friends here and at your homeplace? Can you tell important things to someone who you haven't seen never face to face? Do you consider knowing someone else's face is more important than their personality? Can you tell the same things to your internet friends, which you have told to your IRL friends? (PS. If someone didn't already know, IRL = In Real Life)
  12. allisapp

    Magnet Kurs 2 For swedish test 3
  13. allisapp

    Is really active @ MH DDDD8
  14. allisapp

    Beast - Lights go on again Angst, why I can't stop listening this band? 3
  15. allisapp

    @Uglymouth *coughs*
  16. allisapp

    Versailles cocklobin Coaltar of the Deepers System Of A Down MUCC Within Tempation kagerou D deadman Nega the studs
  17. allisapp

    ... lol :DDDD Also, who would like this band MUCC, that band sucks :x
  18. allisapp

    Oh, I've read a list about this. Also I've read stuff like... "What you should do in elevator if you're bored?" etc. Dunno if this thing is true, if it is, that old guy have read that list too.
  19. allisapp

    But he's _pink *jealous*
  20. allisapp

    Okay, I admit I don't listen korean music (only Seo Taiji), but damn... that song is awesome. Also the music video was awesome, I guess I must download this song, and maybe see what kind of music they do in general. D:
  21. allisapp

    NO ;_;
  22. allisapp

    Metallica - The Unforgiven
  23. ... No ;__; Well, I hope Tora will continue in some other band, because like a few people here, I really like his voice too.
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