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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. allisapp

    Going soon to sleep, because I've cyckled 40km today, went to photograph my halfsister's horses and then I went to my granny's place and listened ranting for an hour, went to see my friend who I haven't seen in a few months and then visited my sister. Oh my legs.
  2. allisapp

    I just started it :PP
  3. allisapp

    Ah, I must admit that they're awesome. Heard Death In Fire from my brother a few years ago, and from that day I've listened them more or less. D; (Less for a year now, though)
  4. allisapp

    Criminal Minds S4E17 Have watched now these four seasons almost sraight. @__@ I'm actually starting to have some "killer"-nightmares because of this. Also, now I get really annoyed easilly how failed some scenes are now.
  5. allisapp

    ... Always me ♥
  6. allisapp

  7. allisapp

    ^ Yeah, I was thinking about the same thing. DDD:
  8. allisapp

    Yhyy, I'm angsting right now. :< Yesterday I saw a rant in some finnish site about how users in that site doesn't know about grammar rules. (The youngest person in that site is... about 9 years old, so there's a lot of people who just can't know those rules) So, my sharp eyes noticed immediately HER grammar mistakes, so I wrote a message of ~8000 marks about her mistakes. ... But the thread was removed when some moderator noticed the swear words in her first post. ((( Now I'm thirsty for more. >DDD Also, hungry for food. T_T
  9. allisapp

    In Finland there's still left tickets, but I'm sure there will be more soon. ... well, maybe. XD
  10. allisapp

    AA, you're so pretty ;__; (especially without makeup)
  11. allisapp

    1st of July there will be a gig at Paris. And there will be more dates 8D
  12. allisapp

    Ok, allisapp is going to Dir en grey's concert. \o/
  13. allisapp

    Ah, I was wondering about that too, but then I got stuck with "all european shows".
  14. allisapp

    Kick ... vodka?
  15. allisapp

    Huh, but in Finland it starts at 9AM?
  16. "Bling a smile to all people" :DDDD But yeah, will surely wait this.
  17. allisapp

    Yeah, if I were a teacher, I would drink too. :DD
  18. allisapp

    Have fun. \o/
  19. allisapp

    "No offence, but teaching you English is as fun as hitting head to wall." ♥
  20. allisapp

    pretsy, I'm pretty sure you'll know after the first gig in this tour. Still though, you could buy the ticket now at friday, (because it'll propably become sold out very soon) and when you see the setlist, sell the ticket to someone?
  21. allisapp

    Cool, I have those. I should probably start buying One Piece -manga again, but let's see again after summer. Anyway... Once upon time, there was a girl who's known as allisapp around the World Wide Web. She visited some bookstore because she had to buy some schoolbooks. But suddenly, she got a heart attack. Why? Because of this: ISMO ALANKO'S LYRICBOOK! T_______________________T Also, then I was going to buy some food, but saw Ginga Nagareboshi Gin -manga's 10. volume. Instead of food, I bought it. 8DDD
  22. allisapp

    Cool! I can't wait for it.
  23. allisapp

    Why so serious?
  24. allisapp

    nKOdKXJgZLA I love Ai's hair. ;__;
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