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  1. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in Last movie you saw.   
    Big Bad Wolves - Apparently Tarantino said something like this was the best movie of last year... Well, I wouldn't vouch for that but it was a decent and pretty cool experience. This flick is like a mashup of drama, thriller, black comedy and some very toned-down torture porn, and rises some interesting moral questions. All in all, quite a nice movie - reminded me of those Korean revenge themed flicks a bit.
  2. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    Ohh right, sorry, I put it in spoiler tags now. xD (I'm just so accustomed to having this sort of stuff in the movies I watch)
  3. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    Cool list. Jacob’s Ladder and Event Horizon were close to getting two sports on my list as well. But it's been way too long since I saw Jacob's Ladder, so I got a but uncertain about that one.
    Event Horizon is great, and a bit underrated. I love the claustrophobic atmosphere in the spaceship, which looks great by the way. The set designs are amazing. If I had seen it a few years earlier (aka before I watched Scream) it would've taken its spot for sure. It gets a bit weaker towards the end, though. Gotta add that. But I like it a lot.
  4. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    All right, time for da '90s! It was a total pain in the ass to locate as many as ten movies which are not only good but great - okay, maybe not great, I lowered my expectations a bit. xD Sooo~
    1. In the Mouth of Madness Sam Neill in a horror movie - standard enough, with above-standard execution! Great atmospheric and creepy-cool flick with some very Lovecraftian elements, as Bear already mentioned. Probably my absolute favorite '90s horror film.   2. From Dusk till Dawn An unusual beast, it starts out as a crime-thriller, then kind of turns into a horrorfest with some funny gags. Robert Rodriguez is always good in the "high-budget B-movie" type department, as evident here.   3. Misery Excellent (dare I say one of the best) Stephen King adaptation, almost solely depending on the talents of James Caan and Kathy Bates. Needless to say, their acting is superb, especially Kathy doing the demented ex-nurse.   4. Jacob’s Ladder Totally creepy and surreal nightmare-like flick where reality and visions blur together (or do they? dun-dun-duuun). 'Nuff said, fans of weird mindfuck movies must see this one.   5. Braindead A true horror-comedy classic, very crazy, very gross and lots of fun... back when Peter Jackson wasn't busy chasing hobbits and elves, heh.   6. Scream A nice homage / critique / meta-look at the slasher subgenre, through a kind of teen-horror type setting. I chose this more for the sheer nostalgic value it holds for me, saw this when I was like 12.   7. Audition One of those "....oh shit" movies, haha. If you've seen it you know what I mean, if not - go see it right now! An unsettling ride, that's for sure.   8. Event Horizon Another solid horror with Sam Neill, this time with a good deal of sci-fi thrown in. To me, the interior and horrors of the titular ship almost rival Giger's fantastically otherworldly designs for Alien.   9. Army of Darkness This is the part where I'm just rounding out my list to have 10 movies. xD This is an okay movie, quite hilarious, not scary at all but that probably wasn't the point to begin with.   10. Hellraiser: Bloodline Probably the most decent Hellraiser movie after the first two. The ones after this were surprisingly enjoyable too actually (except for the horrific remake).
  5. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    Since people don't seen interested we'll just jump to the 90's. This is a hard one if you ask me. The year that horror "died". Ok, it wasn't as bad as I make it out to be. But it's still the weakest decade ever IMO.
    1. Braindead
    What a I supossed to say about this masterpiece? It's hilarious from begining to end. The keywords here are blood, blood and more blood. Because that is what this is; a film full of blood. This is Peter Jackson at his best.
    2. Army of Darkness
    This is somewhat of an underrated film if you ask me. It's got a huge cult following, but is kinda looked fown upon because of its huge amoutn of slapstick humour. And it's less bizarre than the two others. And while this probably is the weakest of the three, it's stilla  great film.
    3. Audition
    A slow drama that suddenly explodes and gets fucked up. You just have to love that.
    4. Ringu
    This was one of the first films of its kind, isn't it? The new wave of terrorizing "J-horror" that scared the living shit of out people for years to come. That kinda says it all, doesn't it? Atmospheric, terrorizing and mean.
    5. Wild Zero
    This is one of those crazy, Japanese films that you've just got to love. This cult film stars Masashi Endô who plays a rockabillyfan who friggin' love Guitar Wolf. And who else stars in this film? Well, I'll tell you that. Guitar fucking Wolf! That's right. Guitar Wolf! How cool is that? Should be more than enough to get a hold of your interest. This is a badass film from start to finish.
    6. Sleepy Hollow
    I've always had a weak spot for Tim Burton and his directorial style, but this is one of my favourites of his. Visually stunning film with a great atmosphere and a fabolous Johnny Depp. It's a great, and somewhat underrated film.
    7. Bram Stoker's Dracula
    This is a great, semi-erotic gothic horror film with a brilliant Gary Oldman in the lead. The atmosphere is great, but my favourite part of this film is probably the use of shadows. It's absolutely chilling and geat. You gotta love it!
    8. In The Mouth of Madness
    This seems to be a love/hate type of film. I love it. I think it's great. It is at times very Lovecraftian, but at other times it doesn't fee like anything close to Lovecraftian. I think that's quite exiting.
    9. Tremors
    Top-rate special effects, a superb Kevin Bacon and lots and lots of fun. Is it possible not to love this film? I mean... this is awesome.
    10. Scream
    I've got a love/hate relationship to this film. It' a great film and it makes lots of fun of the slasher genre, but on the other hand it always struck me as the film that killed the genre completely. But it's a great film. It really is.
    And you have films like Se7en, The Silence of the Lambs, Misery and so on that you easily can include on a horror list. I didn't do this now, though, as you can see. But some other day I might have included them.
    I'll add some links later.
  6. Like
    Bear got a reaction from digi in Horror Movies   
    Let's do somethig funny. This is impossible as one will leave out som mandatory films and forget a film that should be on that list. But one can't reember everything, and this isn't very serious. But here's the thing: let's make a top 10 list for every "decade". We start with the 2000's, then the 90's, 80's, 70's, 60's, 50's, 40's, 30's, and the 1890-1929's. You might not have a top 10 for the 40's, 30's or maybe 70's, but just add what you've got. There's only TWO rules here: try as good you can to go from best to worst-worst to best, and WRITE WHAT YOU THINK OF THE FILM! WHY THE FUCK DO YOU LIKE THIS FILM! Why should we write about it? To inspire people to check it out and make it a whole more interesting. Just a list isn't very interesting and I tend to skip those meself. Sounds good? I think so. Oh, and let's take two decades a week. The 00's now, and the 90's from wednesday, then the 80's on sunday, and 70's on wednesday and so on. Hope some people can contribute to this thing.
    Top 10 horror films post-2000's:
    1. The Call of Cthulhu
    Andrew Leman is an obvious fan of H.P. Lovecraft and 20's horror films, and The Call of Cthulhu is made in a 20's fashion. It's silent and it's black and white. Andrew Leman takes H.P. Lovecrafts most faous short story and turn it into a 50 minute long horror film that isn't just the best of this decade, but among the best horor films ever known, and H.P. Lovecraft's amazing short story finally got an worthy adaption. If you, like me, have seen many, many 20's films, you'll be able to tell that this isn't from that era. It's not filmed on the right equipment and just doesn't look 100% real. But does it matter? No, because Leman still manage to give you a feeling of watching a 20's horror film. The atmosphere, the acting and the score are 100% 20's. You won't get cheap scares or gore, but what you will get here is the most important thing in a horror film: THE HORROR! This is one of the few true classics of the 2000's.
    2. The House of the Devil
    Ti West has become somewhat a cult figure in the horror scene over the last 10 years, and it all started with The House of the Devil. This is the film that really took this man from just being another horror director to becoming one of the most promising, young directors in the world. Ti West loves horror and it's so easy to see. The whole film feels like a tribute to the late 70's horror scene. If I didn't know better I would, in all fucking honesty, think I was watching a film from the late 70's. There's only one thing that gives this film away, and that is some trash cans. Yes, trash cans. Everything else feels 100% authentic. This is, as with The Call of Cthulhu, not only one of the best horror films of the 2000's, but on my top 10 list ever as well. Such a well made, crafty horror film without cheap scares and shit. It's pure horror!
    The underrated The Innkeepers were close to making the list as well.
    3. Les nuits rouges du bourreau de jade aka Red Nights
    I wrote a review of this not too long ago, so most people interested in films probably saw that. This is a neo-giallo which borrows heavily from the giallo genre. Is it truely a horror film? Well, one can discuss that. But with so much giallo inspiration I'm having a hard time not seeing it as one. It's visually stunning, well-acted, superbly directed and just bloody brilliant. This isn't as atmospheric as the two above, but elies mroe on gore and visuals. But it never feels cheap. One of the really overlooked films in recent years.
    4. Happiness of the Katakuris
    This is one of my favourite Takashi Miike films, and a really overlooked one. No-one ever talks about this when they talk bout Miike. Maybe it's a bit too weird for most people? This is a surrealistic horror comedy with musical numbers, dance numbers, karaoke-styled sing a long scenes and mroe, with lots of absurdness and madness. Yes, that's the word I was lookign for. Dark, twisted and strange, but yet heartwarming. A hilarious film. This film is pure MADNESS.
    This film is loosely based on the South-Korean The Quiet Family. Woth seeing as well, but it's not as crazy as this.
    5. The Brotherhood of the Wolf
    Some would argue that this isn't a horror film, but it is. It's filled with great, atmospheric horror, brilliantly crafted action scenes and an interesting mystery. This film isn't scary, and it never tries to be. But it's still atmosheric and great. Looks beautiful as well.
    6. A Tale of Two Sisters
    A chilling, atmospheric horror film that feels very classy. It's an atmospheric piece, and all in all, that's where its greatness lies. The atmospheric is absolutely brilliant.
    7. Versus
    This is as much action as it is horror, but I just can't leave it out. You get a bit of everything here. Zombies, gunplay, sword fights, martial arts and gangsters, and it's all so well-coreographed and funny it's hard not to like it. There's a reason why this has gained a cult following over the years. There's nothing like it.
    8. Eden Lake
    I thought this was awful the first time I saw it, but I accedently watching it a few years ago and came to my senses and realized what an amazing film this is. Provocative, brutal, very effective and relentlessly upsetting flick. This film makes you wish you were in the film and could kick some very serious ass. Really.
    9. All the Boys Love Mandy Lane
    This is probably the most original slasher since Scream, which again might be the most original one since Halloween. But this is a lot better than Scream. Surprisingly intelligent, intense and fun horor film with many a surprises throughout the film. One of the biggest surprises of the 2000's IMO as I had no expectations whatsoever.
    10. Frankenweenie
    Frankenweenie is Tim Burton close to his best. Black and white, stop-motion animation movie that is a huge parody and homage to Frankenstein, but also pay homage to a billion other great horor films. This isn't a scary horror film. It's charming and sweet, and just so much fun. As I said, among Tim Burton's best (only Big Fish is better), and that should say it all.
    Some of these could have been swapped with another film, though. Mainly thinking about the 4-5 last ones. Been some very good film the last 14 years.
  7. Like
    Bear got a reaction from freesia in Horror Movies   
    Let's do somethig funny. This is impossible as one will leave out som mandatory films and forget a film that should be on that list. But one can't reember everything, and this isn't very serious. But here's the thing: let's make a top 10 list for every "decade". We start with the 2000's, then the 90's, 80's, 70's, 60's, 50's, 40's, 30's, and the 1890-1929's. You might not have a top 10 for the 40's, 30's or maybe 70's, but just add what you've got. There's only TWO rules here: try as good you can to go from best to worst-worst to best, and WRITE WHAT YOU THINK OF THE FILM! WHY THE FUCK DO YOU LIKE THIS FILM! Why should we write about it? To inspire people to check it out and make it a whole more interesting. Just a list isn't very interesting and I tend to skip those meself. Sounds good? I think so. Oh, and let's take two decades a week. The 00's now, and the 90's from wednesday, then the 80's on sunday, and 70's on wednesday and so on. Hope some people can contribute to this thing.
    Top 10 horror films post-2000's:
    1. The Call of Cthulhu
    Andrew Leman is an obvious fan of H.P. Lovecraft and 20's horror films, and The Call of Cthulhu is made in a 20's fashion. It's silent and it's black and white. Andrew Leman takes H.P. Lovecrafts most faous short story and turn it into a 50 minute long horror film that isn't just the best of this decade, but among the best horor films ever known, and H.P. Lovecraft's amazing short story finally got an worthy adaption. If you, like me, have seen many, many 20's films, you'll be able to tell that this isn't from that era. It's not filmed on the right equipment and just doesn't look 100% real. But does it matter? No, because Leman still manage to give you a feeling of watching a 20's horror film. The atmosphere, the acting and the score are 100% 20's. You won't get cheap scares or gore, but what you will get here is the most important thing in a horror film: THE HORROR! This is one of the few true classics of the 2000's.
    2. The House of the Devil
    Ti West has become somewhat a cult figure in the horror scene over the last 10 years, and it all started with The House of the Devil. This is the film that really took this man from just being another horror director to becoming one of the most promising, young directors in the world. Ti West loves horror and it's so easy to see. The whole film feels like a tribute to the late 70's horror scene. If I didn't know better I would, in all fucking honesty, think I was watching a film from the late 70's. There's only one thing that gives this film away, and that is some trash cans. Yes, trash cans. Everything else feels 100% authentic. This is, as with The Call of Cthulhu, not only one of the best horror films of the 2000's, but on my top 10 list ever as well. Such a well made, crafty horror film without cheap scares and shit. It's pure horror!
    The underrated The Innkeepers were close to making the list as well.
    3. Les nuits rouges du bourreau de jade aka Red Nights
    I wrote a review of this not too long ago, so most people interested in films probably saw that. This is a neo-giallo which borrows heavily from the giallo genre. Is it truely a horror film? Well, one can discuss that. But with so much giallo inspiration I'm having a hard time not seeing it as one. It's visually stunning, well-acted, superbly directed and just bloody brilliant. This isn't as atmospheric as the two above, but elies mroe on gore and visuals. But it never feels cheap. One of the really overlooked films in recent years.
    4. Happiness of the Katakuris
    This is one of my favourite Takashi Miike films, and a really overlooked one. No-one ever talks about this when they talk bout Miike. Maybe it's a bit too weird for most people? This is a surrealistic horror comedy with musical numbers, dance numbers, karaoke-styled sing a long scenes and mroe, with lots of absurdness and madness. Yes, that's the word I was lookign for. Dark, twisted and strange, but yet heartwarming. A hilarious film. This film is pure MADNESS.
    This film is loosely based on the South-Korean The Quiet Family. Woth seeing as well, but it's not as crazy as this.
    5. The Brotherhood of the Wolf
    Some would argue that this isn't a horror film, but it is. It's filled with great, atmospheric horror, brilliantly crafted action scenes and an interesting mystery. This film isn't scary, and it never tries to be. But it's still atmosheric and great. Looks beautiful as well.
    6. A Tale of Two Sisters
    A chilling, atmospheric horror film that feels very classy. It's an atmospheric piece, and all in all, that's where its greatness lies. The atmospheric is absolutely brilliant.
    7. Versus
    This is as much action as it is horror, but I just can't leave it out. You get a bit of everything here. Zombies, gunplay, sword fights, martial arts and gangsters, and it's all so well-coreographed and funny it's hard not to like it. There's a reason why this has gained a cult following over the years. There's nothing like it.
    8. Eden Lake
    I thought this was awful the first time I saw it, but I accedently watching it a few years ago and came to my senses and realized what an amazing film this is. Provocative, brutal, very effective and relentlessly upsetting flick. This film makes you wish you were in the film and could kick some very serious ass. Really.
    9. All the Boys Love Mandy Lane
    This is probably the most original slasher since Scream, which again might be the most original one since Halloween. But this is a lot better than Scream. Surprisingly intelligent, intense and fun horor film with many a surprises throughout the film. One of the biggest surprises of the 2000's IMO as I had no expectations whatsoever.
    10. Frankenweenie
    Frankenweenie is Tim Burton close to his best. Black and white, stop-motion animation movie that is a huge parody and homage to Frankenstein, but also pay homage to a billion other great horor films. This isn't a scary horror film. It's charming and sweet, and just so much fun. As I said, among Tim Burton's best (only Big Fish is better), and that should say it all.
    Some of these could have been swapped with another film, though. Mainly thinking about the 4-5 last ones. Been some very good film the last 14 years.
  8. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    ^ Superb idea! You have a nice list, although totally different from mine (as you will soon see), however I did enjoy some of the movies you listed. The Call of Cthulhu was a really cool experiment and Happiness of the Katakuris is one fucked-up weirdfest alright, haha. Eden Lake is a good one for people who wanna check out more "real-life"-like horror. Somehow The House of the Devil completely went by me - there were instances in the middle when the tension was rising but somehow nothing really happened till the end, so I felt a bit bored. They sure made their best to recreate that '70s vibe tho, so props for that.
    Anyway, here's my list. "Post-2000's" was too big of a period, so I narrowed it down to 11 instead of 10, hah!
    1. REC
    Excellent Spanish horror of the handheld-cam / found footage variety. It flows really well and has an almost constant sense of dread and tension all the way, making it a very entertaining and thrilling watch. Recommended for fans of zombies and the occult (it's almost like a modern-day found footage version of Demons 2). The sequel would have deserved to be here too (more demonic stuff), but I had to make some sacrifices to include other movies.
    2. The Devil's Rejects
    Gritty, gruesome thriller/horror from Rob Zombie, continuing from where his last movie (see: item 5) left us. Only this time the execution and tone is much more realistic and violent. It's an interesting piece for the fact that you practically watch a bunch of demented psychos driving around killing people, and the manhunt by the police - yet in the end it's up to you who you sympathize with (prolly nobody cuz everyone's kinda crazy, haha).
    3. Saw
    The whole Saw saga is good for one watch in my book, however the first movie rises above all of them by far. Very smart, tricky horror/thriller with some fun twists and "oh god I didn't see that coming" moments, it was probably the first of its kind, inspiring many "escape room games" and whatnot. The idea of someone kidnapping people and putting them to a deadly test to evaluate how they take their life for granted is an interesting one.
    4. The Ring
    I'm not a big remake fan but goddamn, this movie scared me shitless. I found it much, much, much more disturbing, frightening and foreboding than the Japanese original. It's like a big drawn-out mysterious nightmare with some very haunting but somehow beautiful imagery and color scheme, and you never know what's coming next. Very stylish and spooky film.
    5. House of 1000 Corpses
    The sort-of-prequel to The Devil's Rejects, it's a much more fun or funny ride. Basically it's a big tribute to '70s and '80s slasher and crazy backcountry flicks like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, only a great deal more kooky and humorous. The visuals really hit the spot with the random weird effects and color choices, and the music is superb and cool too. The characters are what really make this movie tho, lots of over-the-top crazy people.
    6. Dagon
    A Spanish horror based on the H.P. Lovecraft mythos and directed by Stuart Gordon? Seems like the stars were aligned right when they made this excellent B-movie type horror. The atmosphere is awesomely creepy and quirky, and you can really feel that certain Lovecraftian "slowly losing grip of the real world" vibe as more and more frightening things occur. It's not the most high-budget movies as evident in the special effects, but lovingly made!
    7. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
    The remake of the classic horror, and not less great either! I could've slapped on its sequel here too, which is equally good. This is what a modern-day reimagining of an old well-known story should look and feel like. It's fresh with some killer atmosphere and great evil characters - the demented sheriff takes the cake for sure, almost outshining Leatherface.
    8. The Descent
    If you have claustrophobia, you're in for a treat (or quite the contrary...well you get it). Some women go down into a largely unmapped cave system where they run into their doom. The tension in this movie just builds and builds and then escalates at an "oh shit-" moment, and then all hell breaks loose. It's just pure awesomeness. Recommended for fans of survival horror.
    9. May
    This is a curious little movie, I'm hesitating to call it purely horror... it's more like a psycho-drama/horror/thriller I guess? We follow the life of May, who is a really awkward and weirdo introvert struggling to properly connect with people but ultimately she fails. She finally snaps and proceeds to find different enjoyments and whatnot... don't wanna spoil it, heh. It might give away a hint that the Hungarian title is "Frankenstein's Playthings".
    10. Martyrs
    Another one of those "holy shit-" films. I remember watching this once, thinking it was one of the coolest and creepiest things I've ever seen, then proceeded to get it on DVD and then I didn't watch it for like half a year... yeah, it really hit home I guess. Powerful, gruesome stuff. A deadly mix of psycho-thriller, drama and torture flick elements with a feeling that will linger around you for days.
    +1 Tucker & Dale vs Evil
    Okay, this isn't really horror, it's more horror comedy with a bigger emphasis on comedy, but boy is it fun! It's guaranteed to make you laugh your pants off if you know/love the "crazy countryside folks" type of slasher horror movies. The characters are amazing too, especially the two loveable idiots from the title. A great funny spin on horror, looking at the typical slasher scenario in a whole different way.
  9. Like
    Bear reacted to sai in Last movie you saw.   
    I agree with you though, sadly we can't force people to do that. Plainly listing a movie/anime you've seen without giving feedback feels a bit pointless to me but like you said, to each their own.
    I don't watch a lot of movies in general, I usually prefer TV shows because I really don't have an attention span for movies, whoops.
  10. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    Let's do somethig funny. This is impossible as one will leave out som mandatory films and forget a film that should be on that list. But one can't reember everything, and this isn't very serious. But here's the thing: let's make a top 10 list for every "decade". We start with the 2000's, then the 90's, 80's, 70's, 60's, 50's, 40's, 30's, and the 1890-1929's. You might not have a top 10 for the 40's, 30's or maybe 70's, but just add what you've got. There's only TWO rules here: try as good you can to go from best to worst-worst to best, and WRITE WHAT YOU THINK OF THE FILM! WHY THE FUCK DO YOU LIKE THIS FILM! Why should we write about it? To inspire people to check it out and make it a whole more interesting. Just a list isn't very interesting and I tend to skip those meself. Sounds good? I think so. Oh, and let's take two decades a week. The 00's now, and the 90's from wednesday, then the 80's on sunday, and 70's on wednesday and so on. Hope some people can contribute to this thing.
    Top 10 horror films post-2000's:
    1. The Call of Cthulhu
    Andrew Leman is an obvious fan of H.P. Lovecraft and 20's horror films, and The Call of Cthulhu is made in a 20's fashion. It's silent and it's black and white. Andrew Leman takes H.P. Lovecrafts most faous short story and turn it into a 50 minute long horror film that isn't just the best of this decade, but among the best horor films ever known, and H.P. Lovecraft's amazing short story finally got an worthy adaption. If you, like me, have seen many, many 20's films, you'll be able to tell that this isn't from that era. It's not filmed on the right equipment and just doesn't look 100% real. But does it matter? No, because Leman still manage to give you a feeling of watching a 20's horror film. The atmosphere, the acting and the score are 100% 20's. You won't get cheap scares or gore, but what you will get here is the most important thing in a horror film: THE HORROR! This is one of the few true classics of the 2000's.
    2. The House of the Devil
    Ti West has become somewhat a cult figure in the horror scene over the last 10 years, and it all started with The House of the Devil. This is the film that really took this man from just being another horror director to becoming one of the most promising, young directors in the world. Ti West loves horror and it's so easy to see. The whole film feels like a tribute to the late 70's horror scene. If I didn't know better I would, in all fucking honesty, think I was watching a film from the late 70's. There's only one thing that gives this film away, and that is some trash cans. Yes, trash cans. Everything else feels 100% authentic. This is, as with The Call of Cthulhu, not only one of the best horror films of the 2000's, but on my top 10 list ever as well. Such a well made, crafty horror film without cheap scares and shit. It's pure horror!
    The underrated The Innkeepers were close to making the list as well.
    3. Les nuits rouges du bourreau de jade aka Red Nights
    I wrote a review of this not too long ago, so most people interested in films probably saw that. This is a neo-giallo which borrows heavily from the giallo genre. Is it truely a horror film? Well, one can discuss that. But with so much giallo inspiration I'm having a hard time not seeing it as one. It's visually stunning, well-acted, superbly directed and just bloody brilliant. This isn't as atmospheric as the two above, but elies mroe on gore and visuals. But it never feels cheap. One of the really overlooked films in recent years.
    4. Happiness of the Katakuris
    This is one of my favourite Takashi Miike films, and a really overlooked one. No-one ever talks about this when they talk bout Miike. Maybe it's a bit too weird for most people? This is a surrealistic horror comedy with musical numbers, dance numbers, karaoke-styled sing a long scenes and mroe, with lots of absurdness and madness. Yes, that's the word I was lookign for. Dark, twisted and strange, but yet heartwarming. A hilarious film. This film is pure MADNESS.
    This film is loosely based on the South-Korean The Quiet Family. Woth seeing as well, but it's not as crazy as this.
    5. The Brotherhood of the Wolf
    Some would argue that this isn't a horror film, but it is. It's filled with great, atmospheric horror, brilliantly crafted action scenes and an interesting mystery. This film isn't scary, and it never tries to be. But it's still atmosheric and great. Looks beautiful as well.
    6. A Tale of Two Sisters
    A chilling, atmospheric horror film that feels very classy. It's an atmospheric piece, and all in all, that's where its greatness lies. The atmospheric is absolutely brilliant.
    7. Versus
    This is as much action as it is horror, but I just can't leave it out. You get a bit of everything here. Zombies, gunplay, sword fights, martial arts and gangsters, and it's all so well-coreographed and funny it's hard not to like it. There's a reason why this has gained a cult following over the years. There's nothing like it.
    8. Eden Lake
    I thought this was awful the first time I saw it, but I accedently watching it a few years ago and came to my senses and realized what an amazing film this is. Provocative, brutal, very effective and relentlessly upsetting flick. This film makes you wish you were in the film and could kick some very serious ass. Really.
    9. All the Boys Love Mandy Lane
    This is probably the most original slasher since Scream, which again might be the most original one since Halloween. But this is a lot better than Scream. Surprisingly intelligent, intense and fun horor film with many a surprises throughout the film. One of the biggest surprises of the 2000's IMO as I had no expectations whatsoever.
    10. Frankenweenie
    Frankenweenie is Tim Burton close to his best. Black and white, stop-motion animation movie that is a huge parody and homage to Frankenstein, but also pay homage to a billion other great horor films. This isn't a scary horror film. It's charming and sweet, and just so much fun. As I said, among Tim Burton's best (only Big Fish is better), and that should say it all.
    Some of these could have been swapped with another film, though. Mainly thinking about the 4-5 last ones. Been some very good film the last 14 years.
  11. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in Last movie you saw.   
    @indigo: OMG Snowpiercer is out finally?? Definitely gonna check it out, thanks for mentioning.
    Also agreed, Stoker was an interesting experience.
    Dogtooth [a.k.a. Kynodontas] - F'ed up movie about a family keeping their kids (well they're practically almost grown ups I guess) locked away from the outside world. Not your usual locked-up torture flick tho, still, quite sick. Not much story to it but it was good for one watch.
    Naked Killer - Hilarious early '90s action/crime movie from Hong Kong... totally over the top and cheesy, and full of ridiculous dialogue and great moments. Nicely vivid and clear visuals too (and lotsa boobies and that sort of stuff, hah).
    * note @Bear: the main villain is the same actress as in Red Nights
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    Bear reacted to indigo in Last movie you saw.   
    47 Ronin (2013)
    I have to admit I haven't seen the earlier movies about the tale of 47 Ronin although I probably should, because this one was horrible.
    They tried to add way too many different elements that are pointless to the story. Fantasy creatures, witchcraft and whatnot.I think I also saw an orc or troll or whatever in there. And on top of that, samurai Keanu Reeves. The movie would've been better without any of those, because they bring nothing to the movie.
    And why does every person speak english? The Last Samurai is a Hollywood movie and they spoke Japanese in it.
    The writing is also bad and the writers are treating viewers like idiots. Example: In a dialogue, if anybody mentions a Japanese word such as seppuku etc. they continue by explaining what that word means. Why would japanese person explain that to another japanese? Isn't that like saying "You must now commit a suicide. By the way, suicide means killing yourself."
    Only thing that kind of surprised me in a good way was the ending. And that's just because I wasn't very familiar with the original story.
    5/10. I gave some extra points because visually beautiful setting, and I'm a weeaboo after all.
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    Bear reacted to Licio123 in Last movie you saw.   
    The Ravine of Goodbye: Interesting love story, a little too farfetched, but the actors' performance was so good I bought what was happening. 8/10
  14. Like
    Bear reacted to Asakusa in Last movie you saw.   
    The Truman Show - I simply love it.
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    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in Last movie you saw.   
    Snowpiercer - International debut (I think?) of the Korean director who made The Host, with a nice cast (Tilda Swinton, yayyy). Kinda typical distopian story with the only interesting bit being the setting - which is a big-ass train holding what's left of humanity after the start of an artificially induced ice age type thingie (good job, scientists! lol). Anyway, it was pretty epic, lots of cool visuals and interesting bits.
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    Bear reacted to Licio123 in Last movie you saw.   
    Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones
    I liked it! Better than 4, not on 1 and 3's levels, but surely a nice story, expanding the universe. However, I think they should wrap it up on the next one, to avoid that things become too convoluted.
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    Bear reacted to sai in Last movie you saw.   
    ^ I don't think this person really wants to add anything to that. He doesn't do it either in the related anime/video game thread so I think he sees it more as the "what are you listening to"-thread.
  18. Like
    Bear reacted to Biopanda in Copycats/clones   
    Kamito from Antikythera is a huge Guniw Tools fan and the band's first full album is pretty much a love letter to the band. I'd say that's probably enough to qualify it for this thread XD
    (following your format)
    The copycat
    The original
  19. Like
    Bear reacted to Pretsy in Copycats/clones   
    Yeti (RADWIMPS)
    For people following Japanese rock "from both sides" (as in both "non-vk" and "vk") like me, it's really not hard to see that Emiru (and co.) , funnily and obviously enough, "worships" Radwimps - especially their frontman Yojiro Noda. There isn't really anything worth mentioning "plagiarism-wise" (read: I can't find anything to accuse them for, lol) but yeti's indie-like position, visual and audial styles is something what you'd apply to their possible idols, or so.

    (if I'm really understanding what bear was trying to say...)
  20. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Silverhawk33 in ex-NEGA Vo.儿-JIN- new band "THE BLACK SWAN" has formed   
    Yes, he's not a very talented vocalist. But so what? You don't have to be very talented at what you do, be it singing, playing the guitar, bass, drums or whatever, as long as you're able to sound good and make good riffs/create good atmosphere, and you can do those things without being a very talented guitarist/bassist/drummer/vocalist. Being talented is so fucking overrated.
  21. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Last movie you saw.   
    Aha, I see. I guess we had a totally different experience and expectations from the series then. I thought it was absolute brilliant, and there wasn't a single aspect of the series that disappointed me.
    Yeah, I've seen it and I think it's great. Naked Weapon is also recommended. It's a similar type of film written by Wong Jing, same who wrote Naked Killer. This one stars Maggie Q. Enjoyable films IMO. But I'm very much into sleaze cinema, if one can call it that. Love it.
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    Bear reacted to Des in Last movie you saw.   
    !!!  Spoiler warning: only read if you finished season one of True Detective (or if you don't care about spoilers) !!!
    All hints towards a complex and intense mystery were thrown out of the window once the villain came on screen. I'm sure this person wasn't the only one involved, but the writers didn't seem to care about unraveling it all. I got the impression that the writers set up something bigger than they could handle. One example would be the thing about the green painted house which was a cheap way out. It may have been foreshadowed earlier in the series, but I couldn't help thinking "really, this is it? This is all they needed after all this time?"
    A series where detective work is involved should not depend on a little thing they figure out (by mere chance!) near the end of the series. Especially when it leads to just one boring villain and nothing else.
    I love how they kept it a character study till the very end... the two main characters were very interesting to follow. But the one thing that required these two people to connect: the murder case(s), was disappointing.
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    Bear got a reaction from indigo in Last movie you saw.   
    Sounds great. I am really looking forward to this one. I've got almost too big of expextations.
    And both Kim Jee-Woon and Park Chan-Wook's english language debuts were really good. Especially Park Chan-Wook's Stoker is f'ing fabulous!
  24. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in Last movie you saw.   
    Female Trouble - First John Waters movie I watched all the way through, pretty funny / ridiculous / over the top stuff. If you like old-school trash and camp, this one's for you.
    Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives - Because who wouldn't wanna see something with that title??!! Nice little grindhouse-homagey revenge type thingie... I was surprised that the tone was quite serious in some places but it was cool nevertheless. Was good to see Willam in a movie finally, heh.
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    Bear reacted to indigo in Last movie you saw.   
    Snowpiercer - I've been waiting 1,5-2 years to see this with great expectations and it didn't disappoint me. This is the kind of film where every time you rewatch it, you notice new things. Beautiful cinematography and directing. There is still some "problems" in this film and I understand some people won't like this because of them but I loved it. 8,5/10 Btw, this is better than Kim Jee-Woon and Park Chan-Wook's english language debuts.
    Disconnect - To put it simply, this is like "Crash" but instead of racism it's about internet and communication. I love and hate this kind of movies because they make you realise what a shitty fucking place this world is. 7,5/10
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