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  1. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Crube in SIGH   
    Just ordered these three:

    Limited to 500 compies. 200 black and 150 each of white and orange. 22 black, 30 white and 23 orange are left. Be quck or be dead.
  2. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Visutox in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Looking forward to the Fen record. Always loved the band, yet I've kinda forgotten a bit about them. Can't remember when I last gave one of their albums a spin.
    That sounds great.
  3. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Visutox in The general Metal discussion thread   
    I like everything these guys have released so far, but Gu Yan needs to be the starting point. Their best! Love the traditional folk music they add to the mix, but only in small doses, and it's so classy. Just a bit of it that truly adds som flavour to the mix, not so that they turn into a folk metal band or anything.
  4. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Karma’s Hat in THE HIP HOP THREAD!   
    Joel Grind of Toxic Holocaust fame knows and collects more than just metal, and his memphis rap mix is dope as fuck. I need to check out most of these artists a bit closer, and that 3 Memphis Kniccas track's beyond most rap I've heard in a long time. Brilliant!
  5. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Premium Membership?   
    I can get you a premium membership right away if you want, but it'll cost you. Give me a shout if you're interested and I'll PM you how I'd like the money transfer. But like I said, it'll cost you. Most people won't have the money to afford this, but if you have a lot of money and you really want this then I'm your man.
    Also, don't tell anyone about this. Gotta be our secret as only we two can view this post. ☺
  6. Like
    Bear got a reaction from appl- in Premium Membership?   
    I can get you a premium membership right away if you want, but it'll cost you. Give me a shout if you're interested and I'll PM you how I'd like the money transfer. But like I said, it'll cost you. Most people won't have the money to afford this, but if you have a lot of money and you really want this then I'm your man.
    Also, don't tell anyone about this. Gotta be our secret as only we two can view this post. ☺
  7. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Hakari in The general Metal discussion thread   
    I coumd go on and recommend black metal of alk tyoes for days and days with my knowledge if the genre, but I'll keep rhis simple and recommend bands based on the band you list here:
    Peste Noire
    Sale Freux
    Baise Ma Hache
    On ny phone so I won't point out the albums to check out, but I can fix that when I getdag home.
    But Peste Noire is the obvious and best answer as Ungfell is total Peste Noire worship from A to Z. Just pure and total Peste Noire worship!
  8. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Hakari in The general Metal discussion thread   
    So here's the albums you should start with:
    Peste Noire - La Chaise-Dyable
    Autracie - Horizons funestes
    Sale Freux - Crèvecœur
    Baise Ma Hache - Bréviaire du chaos
    Lugubrum - De totem
    Urfaust - Empty Space Meditation
    I actually think some of the earlier Urfaust releases are more similar to the style and feeling of Ungfell with its drunken sound, but it's a bit harder to get into due to the ambient tracks and more than anything the vocals. But check THIS fantastic song out for someo f their earlier, less controlled and more drunken sounding stuff. It's got a bit of everything as far as the vocals goes.
  9. Like
    Bear got a reaction from suji in The general Metal discussion thread   
    I'm a bit surprised you recommend Urd (or anything post-Empiricism) over the far superior albums Borknagar and The Olden Domain as both are, as already said, superior to the rest of their discography and way more black metal. Could also throw in The Archaic Course, Quintessence and Empiricism, but neither are close to the quality of the two first albums. And The Olden Domain's by far the best. Such a masterpiece. Huge!
  10. Like
    Bear got a reaction from suji in The general Metal discussion thread   
    So here's the albums you should start with:
    Peste Noire - La Chaise-Dyable
    Autracie - Horizons funestes
    Sale Freux - Crèvecœur
    Baise Ma Hache - Bréviaire du chaos
    Lugubrum - De totem
    Urfaust - Empty Space Meditation
    I actually think some of the earlier Urfaust releases are more similar to the style and feeling of Ungfell with its drunken sound, but it's a bit harder to get into due to the ambient tracks and more than anything the vocals. But check THIS fantastic song out for someo f their earlier, less controlled and more drunken sounding stuff. It's got a bit of everything as far as the vocals goes.
  11. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Ito in Ito's Top 10 Albums of 2016   
    Kodama is just godly and a brilliant pick. Alcest's best since Souvenirs d'un autre monde, and inbetween they've released two masterpieces, so that says a lot about the album. It's a real pleasure to the ears, heart and soul.
  12. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Visutox in The general Metal discussion thread   
    I've been a fan of Zuriaake for years now, and I really need to see these guys live. They seem to be an experience live, and a real force of power and emotions. And visually they're among the most impressive and interesting ones alongside Cult of Fire and Mgla. They way these bands capture the atmosphere and sound with how they dress, act and appear on stage and pictures are fantastic.
    Be sure to check out their entire discography if you're into bands like Drudkh, Sad Legend, Downfall of Nur, Walknut, Ygg. I'll even throw in some Summoning and Moonsorrow to the mix. Speaking of Summoning, the last track on the video is a Summoning cover. And unlike the majority of Summoning covers, this one sounds great, even if they don't do too much with it. It's just pure magic. Those clean vocals are as bad as they are amazing, powerful and emotional.
  13. Like
    Bear got a reaction from orange~ in random thoughts thread   
    They happen to look exactly the same as HeviSaurus because they're almost the same band, just under a new name due to a disagreements with Sony. And another vocalist. They had to pay up for this shit, though.
    And while we're on this, Sharky Sharky deserves a mention:
  14. Like
    Bear got a reaction from For my dears in random thoughts thread   
    They happen to look exactly the same as HeviSaurus because they're almost the same band, just under a new name due to a disagreements with Sony. And another vocalist. They had to pay up for this shit, though.
    And while we're on this, Sharky Sharky deserves a mention:
  15. Like
    Bear got a reaction from itsukoii in random thoughts thread   
    They happen to look exactly the same as HeviSaurus because they're almost the same band, just under a new name due to a disagreements with Sony. And another vocalist. They had to pay up for this shit, though.
    And while we're on this, Sharky Sharky deserves a mention:
  16. Like
    Bear got a reaction from ArtFart in random thoughts thread   
    They happen to look exactly the same as HeviSaurus because they're almost the same band, just under a new name due to a disagreements with Sony. And another vocalist. They had to pay up for this shit, though.
    And while we're on this, Sharky Sharky deserves a mention:
  17. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Visutox in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Yes, I am. Or more correctly, an encyclopedia of good music and films. Yeah, that's fucking right.
  18. Like
    Bear reacted to plastic_rainbow in Japanese Movies   
    I'm still catching up on Sion Sono's films but that cover looks pretty cool~
    I recently watched Strange Circus and that was some really fucked up shit, but like GOOD. Kinda gives me the same dark and twisted vibes as Suicide Club, except way more grotesque and disturbing.
    Some that I watched since my last post:
    Waiting in the Dark - I was unsure about this one because the trailer made it look like some typical romance drama, but it wasn't at all. Decided to watch it because I saw a screencap from tumblr that kinda piqued my interest. The film is categorized as mystery and romance, but I find the romance tag very misleading as there weren't even hints of a romantic relationship and the mystery aspect was much stronger overall. Probably not a film for those who are looking for real romance, but good for those who might like a realistic mystery film.
    Ritual (Shiki-jitsu) - This movie is my soul and it quickly became one of my top favorites. It's so self-destructive, yet beautiful at the same time. It may be a dark film, but there's a few heartwarming moments that lessens the overall dark themes. The cinematography and ost is splendid as well.
    Hana and Alice - Just a cute and uplifting film between the friendship of two high school girls. It didn't resonate with me well, but it's good for what it is.
    Cure - Very good and cleverly written psychological horror. As I have a simple mind it was hard to digest at first, but the more I think about it the more I am struck by its portrayal of human's nature and fears. Also has a great atmosphere.
    Su-ki-da - I think it's obvious from reading the title that this is a romantic film. I actually almost fell asleep while watching it, haha. It's not a bad film per se, but it's just that there is no background music at all. Everything is very quiet. I guess they wanted to take an extreme realistic approach with this one. A ton of long and still scenes, with few dialogue. It was rather hard to sit through, even for me who enjoys these kinds of films.
  19. Like
    Bear reacted to patientZERO in Last movie you saw.   
    Oh wow, that's way more interesting than I thought! I had a hard time piecing together your first synopsis. It's on Prime, so I will definitely give that a shot tonight or tomorrow! The reviews on Amazon are surprisingly spread all across the board. haha
  20. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Yes, I am. Or more correctly, an encyclopedia of good music and films. Yeah, that's fucking right.
  21. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Diskord is fantastic and their second album, Dystopics, is even better than Doomscapes. And I'll also go as far as saying that their last EP, Oscillations, is even better than Dystopics again. This band rules and they're brilliant live. Nothing gimmicy or different visually, just pure death metal.
    And since you're already checking out some newer Norwegian death metal, do yourself a favor and check out Execration, Reptilian and Obliteration too. These bands probably need a bit of time and spins to get into, though. Especially Execration.
    Execration has been amazing since day 1, but they've still gotten better and better with each release. Both Odes of the Occult and especially Morbid Dimensions are death metal masterpieces.
    Obliteration started off pretty poorly with Perpetual Decay, but their second album, Nekropsalms is fantastic and their third album Black Death Horizon are nothing short of a modern masterpiece.
    Reptilian is seen a bit as an Obliteration clone/rip off, and they've obviously gotten a lot of inspiration from newers Obliteration, but their debut album Perennial Void Traverse is amazing. As good as Obliteration at their best IMO.
  22. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Okay, you convinced me, this is awesome.  Gonna check their stuff later today.
    For now, I've just begun listening to a band called Diskord. They play an interesting, slightly techy/avant-garde style death metal. Great so far.
  23. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Are you talking about the Vampire track? If so you're showing a clear lack of understanding and knowledge of metal as a whole to be honest.
    Vampire started out as a band who wanted to capture the spirit and sound of the mid/late 80's-early 90's death/thrash scene. You can't do that with a more polished and modern production. It's simply not possible as it won't sound like the bands from that era, and if it doesn't sound like the bands from that era then you're not able to capture that feeling, spirit and sound either. Simple as that.
    Check this EP out. That is deathrashing perfection. It sounds like it was released in 1987 both as far as sound and songs goes. Like I said earlier, one of my all time favourite death(rash) releases.
  24. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Holy shit, I did not expect that. Their demo are one of my all time favourite death metal releases and it's nothing short of perfect, but their debut album was a huge letdown. It's way too polished and it lacked the power od the demo. Their previous release, an EP called Cimmerian Shade, was a step up after the debut, if not amazing or anything. But it's alright. This song again sounds great and the cover art is exceptional!
  25. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Last movie you saw.   
    I'd say it's above decent to be honest. It doesn't bring anything new to the table, but it's got a solid story, decent cast and is very nice to the eye. It was a lot better than expected.
    I can't believe Universal Pictures decided to offload this. A smart purchase by Netflix IMO.
    I also rewatched Equilibrium yesterday. It doesn't bring anything new to the table and is basically a mishmash of several other films' (ideas), but I love the shit out of this film. I think it's excellent!
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