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  1. LOLOL
    Bear got a reaction from Licio123 in Horror Movies   
    Sadly I do not know you yet, but perhaps it could've been you. Depends on your taste in movies, TV-series, graphic novels and music tbh.
  2. LOLOL
    Bear reacted to Licio123 in Horror Movies   
    Disappointed, thought it was me!
  3. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Arkady in The big TV-series discussion thread   
    Three episodes into Mindhunter and this is top notch so far, and Cameron Britton is the fucking shit. He is so good!
  4. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in Show Yourself (again)   
    Been a while since I showed my ugly visage around here. Just got back from an awesome gig, and got this new beanie, it's so comfy & warm <3 
  5. Like
    Bear reacted to The Reverend in Show Yourself (again)   
    That crisp mountain air.
  6. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Kaleidoscope in The general Metal discussion thread   
    01. The Lament
    02. Nightbound
    03. Lady Death
    04. Subterranea
    05. Purgatorio
    06. Cries From The Underworld
    07. Lacrimosa
    08. The World
    01. Here Be Dragons
    10. Come, Become, To Be (bonus track)
    Hell yeah! Superb song and nice, classy and beautifully shot video.
  7. Like
    Bear got a reaction from platy in Last movie you saw.   
    If you are a fan of DC I would recommend going through their animated films. Seen a lot of the Batman films and saw two more yesterday and tge quality of the majority are sky high. Really, really high quality stories where they put a lot of effort into almost everything. Said it not many days ago that it is a shame they, don't put 1/10th of the effort into the live action films. It really angers me.
  8. Like
    Bear reacted to platy in Last movie you saw.   
    Disappointing indeed. I didn't go in with high expectations, after I suffered through suicide squad and slept through 90% of BvS. 
    I'm no movie expert, but I think you're right. The writing is awful. JL is the draft of a movie and it should've gone through many revisions and improvements before they put it out there. But I believe the rush to compete with The Avengers meant they sacrificed the quality just for the sake of showing "look we have our group of heroes too!" and then embarrassing themselves in the process. 
    Honestly it does make me sad that DC can't be bothered to put enough effort into their movies. I couldn't give a flying fuck about anyone in The Avengers and the movies bore me to death, I wanted a new superhero franchise to follow after the end of the new X-Men. 
    The characters have potential and the casting was good,  but I don't feel like I have the strength to keep up with any more DC movies if everything is gonna be basic, rushed and bland every single time. 
  9. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in Last movie you saw.   
    Thanks for mentioning this. I love Aubrey Plaza and I wanted to watch some random movie, so this was perfect.  Good stuff.
  10. LOLOL
    Bear got a reaction from Visutox in random thoughts thread   
    Fucking Sweden.
  11. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in The general Metal discussion thread   
    01. The Lament
    02. Nightbound
    03. Lady Death
    04. Subterranea
    05. Purgatorio
    06. Cries From The Underworld
    07. Lacrimosa
    08. The World
    01. Here Be Dragons
    10. Come, Become, To Be (bonus track)
    Hell yeah! Superb song and nice, classy and beautifully shot video.
  12. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Laurence02 in Japanese metal!   
    It would be cool if people didn't embed too many videos here, as not everyonehas decent computers. Some might struggle with all the videos. Use spoilers, or just link to a song like I did.

    More japanese metal goodies:


    Gallhammer was formed by three chicks in 2003, none who knew how to play the instruments they'd end up playing in the band. It didn't take long before the band had gained a cult following both because of them being three japanese girls, but also because of their original approach to metal. The band sounds like a mix of Hellhammer and early Amebix with a strong Darkthrone influence to it. Crusty black/doom metal. Their two first albums and the compilation are top notch. They were a brilliant live band as well.


    Raw black/speed metal in the vein of early Venom with lots of Motorhead thrown in. Both the EP and single are great releases.


    Wicked and theatrical heavy/doom and black/speed metal. I can't really think of many bands similar to this, but the dark, occult feeling of their first albums always gave me an early Sigh, Mystifier, Root and Rotting Christ-vibe despite not sounding anything like any of those.


    One of the early, japanese visual thrash metal bands with a nazi image. Really cool band with some great demos and a masterpiece of an album in the discography.


    Another early visual speed/thrash metal band with a nazi iamge. It's not quite Rosenfeld, but it's more than enjoyable in my ears. I really dig this band.

    Mein Kampf

    The names says it all doesn't it? Less thrashier than the others, but this band was truly great. Traditional speed metal with a nazi image. Speeder is a speed emtal masterpiece.


    You guessed it. Another visual nazi thrash metal band. They only have one demo and a split release to their name, bu the demo is really cool.


    Traditional heavy metal with an occult feeling similar to early Mercyful Fate, King Diamond, Hell and Angel Witch. A truly great band!

    White Hell

    Early black/speed metal. Released one single, and I dig it.


    Dark, occult heavy/speed metal fron Japan. One of my all-time favourite heavy metal acts. Both the EP and full lenghts are masterpieces. The band disbanded in the late 80's, but reformed in 2014. I don't have any great expectations, but looking forward to something new if they plan to release something.

    Flower Travellin' Band

    Classic psychedelic rock/heavy metal with a strong doom metal-vibe to it. Clearly influenced by the likes of Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple and so on. Satori, which is their masterpiece, is really heavy for an early 70's release. 71 actually. You'll never hear anything like the masterpiece that is Satori.

    Jurassic Jade

    Raw, female-fronted thrash metal. The classic album Gore is poorly produced, but it's a god damn great album. I'm not familiar with the band outside of Gore, but I know for a fact that Gore is totally worth checking out for thrash metal fans.

    Arkha Sva
    Black metal with a strong 90's french vibe to it. Obviously inspired by the french cult scene (Vlad Tepes, Belketre, Mutiilation). Great music and even greater vocals. Lots of amazing falsetto going on here and there.

    Black metal band connected to Arkha Sva, but unlike Arkha Sva who's influenced by the french scene, this band is influenced by the swedish scene, especially Setherial whom they also cover.


    These guys formed in 87 and have released 18 full lenghts, some EPs and singles since then. They started out as a progressive rock band more inspired by Rush, Led Zepelin and Deep Purle, but over the years they've moved more towards a doom/heavy metal sound more similar to Black Sabbath but without leaving the progressive rock of Rhsh behind.


    Early thrash metal with a strong death metal-vibe to it. Their early singles and demos are great.

    Terror Squad

    The debut is a crazy punky thrash metal album, while the second is more progressive. This band is amazing, and sadly overlooked. You won't hear anything like this band ever.


    Visual thrash metal, but this time without the nazi iamge (as far as I know). Released a couple of great thrash metal albums before moving into more power metal influenced territory. Released some good power/thrash metal albums before they started to suck as well. By the mid 90's they'd gone from awesome to embarrassing and we do not talk about later Aion.


    These guys started off as an Anekdoten cover band but only used a few years before evolving into something very unique and original. Extreme progressive metal. All their releases features Junichi Harashima of Sigh behind the drum kit too. Great, underrated drummer.


    Old school death metal with a stong swedish vibe to it. Junichi Harashima played on a few albums for these guys as well.


    Death/grind with a strong Carbonized and Abhorrence feeling to it. Released one album and some EPs and shit and the album is very good.

    Satanic Hellslaughter

    Released one demo and two splits, one of them together with Multiplex and another band. Fairly standard, but great, brutal death metal. The Thrashing Deathpower split with fellow countrymen Multiplex and Gibbed is truly great. All bands deliver music of high quality.
  13. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Visutox in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Some albums to look forward to in the coming months:

    Orphaned Land - Unsung Prophets & Dead Messiahs

    Hooded Menace - Ossuarium Silhouettes Unhallowed

    Druid Lord - Grotesque Offerings

    Tribulation - Lady Death

    Evilfeast - Elegies of the Stellar Wind

    Beastiality - Worshippers of Unearthly Perversions

    Obscure Burial - Obscure Burial
    Damn, that Hooded Menace and Druid Lord covers are sweet as fuck. Awesome! Really like the cartoonish tone of the Beastiality cover (albeit a bit of a weird choice considering the music they play) and the darkness of the Tribulation Ep cover too. Looks good!
  14. LOLOL
    Bear got a reaction from ahnchc in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    I thought it was more in the line of "What do you mean [insert vk indie band] has already disbanded?? They only released 4 promo pictures and announced they were formed, who does that??"
  15. Like
    Bear got a reaction from TrentReznor in Japanese romance/comedy movies/series   
    Love Exposure
    Josee, the Tiger and the Fish
    My Girlfriend Is a Cyborg
    A Scene at the Sea
    To name a few. But these are a lot different from your regular Jdrama stuff, tho. Heavier, more complex and a lot more mature. But they are all very good romantic comedy films.
  16. Like
    Bear got a reaction from clow_eriol in Japanese Movies   
    Takashi Miike live-action adaption of Blade of the Immortal looks so fucking sweet. Miike is the perfect director of a film like this too, as he's gonna make the entire film a big, fucking bloodbath. Can't wait!
  17. Like
    Bear got a reaction from nullmoon in Horror Movies   
    Day 26
    Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! - The first film in the series are actually very enjoyable. It's sort of so-bad-it's-good, but not in the same way as The Room, Troll 2 and so on as this aim to be bad, while the others were made by serious film makers who genuinly thought they had made something amazing. But it was fun for what it was. But by the time of the second the series had already lost most of its charm and you were left with something that felt too artificial and lame. By the third it had lost all its charm. It's 90 minutes of self-reference gags that were already overdone in the second film, and here they're trippling that up. It's tiresome as fuck. And it doesn't even feel half as absurd as the first one, even though they try to make it a lot more absurd.
    The only thing I really like about this film is Cassandra Scerbo as Nova. Holy shit, she is incredibly hot.

    Day 27
    Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens - About as bad as the third film in the series. Poor gags, social commentary that feels stupid as fuck and no charm what-so-ever. It's a huge mess of a film and nothing else.

    Worst thing about this isn't the films themself, but the fact that I'll watch the fifth film as soon as it comes. Why? No fucking idea. I hate myself and just loves to torture myself? Or maybe I am hoping for something similar to the first one? I don't know. Fuck it!
  18. Like
    Bear reacted to Tokage in Horror Movies   
    I watched Puppetmaster yesterday. Pretty fucking fun, but it's a shame the puppets only get like... what, 5 minutes of screentime? Especially the more interesting ones like the driller and the leech lady. Are any of the million sequels worth watching, or is this another case like the Hellraiser franchise where I'd do better to just keep far away from the later parts?
  19. Like
    Bear got a reaction from platy in Horror Movies   
    Day 22:
    I am stretching the term horror a bit here, but it's OK.
    Death Note - A complete fucking shitfest of a film. Doesn't matter if you're familiar with the source material or not, this was cheap, boring and fucking shit. I've been a huge fan of Adam Wingard up until now, but he just seems to have lost it all with Blair Witch and now this. What a fucking shame.
    There was however a few superb special effects moments. But that's about it.

    Day 23:
    1922 - A horror-drama that's really slow and isn't about scares, gore, atmosphere or nothing. It's about our main character Wilfred James and his suffering and slow rot from the inside and out. It's a Stephen King adaption and a good one. I wasn't too happy about it, but that's my own fault. I felt that it was a bit too long, but in the end I just don't think I was in the right mindset for the film. If I had watched it today I would've probably scored it a point or two higher, because this is not a bad film in any way. It's actually a real strong one. 
    Thomas Jane is real good. Delivers a proper performance, and probably his best ever.

  20. Like
    Bear got a reaction from platy in Horror Movies   
    Day 16:
    Annabelle: Creation - The first Annabelle was nothing short of a disappointed where more or less everything was wrong. So with that in head, I did not exactly expect much of this. Before this, director David F. Sandberg impressed the world with his short film Lights Out, while he later disappointed the world with his first feature film, Lights Out, which was just one huge, standard boring and modern horror cliche after another.
    But Annabelle: Creation is almost exactly what the first one should've been. Ok, so it's a tad too long, go for a few cheap scares too many and takes the easy way out at the end. But for the vast majority of the film you get some very good atmosphere, beautiful shots and a good cast doing some very nice acting. I don't think this is nearly as good as The Conjuring, and not quite as good as The Conjuring 2, but unlike the first one which was a mess of a cheap fucking horror film, this actually has something in common with these films in form of how the scares are chosen and how the atmosphere is created, despite being much further away from the premise of The Conjuring I & II than the first film.

  21. Like
    Bear got a reaction from platy in Horror Movies   
    Day 8:
    Don't Breathe - Very good film that actually suffers a bit from Alvarez wanting less blood and violence than previous films. So, this is basically a new and updated Wait Until Dark, even though Alvarez claims to not have seen the film before after he made this. It's dark, gritty and suspenseful as fuck, but every single time there's a violent scene it comes off as incredibly half-hearted. It's like Alvarez tried to avoid violence and blood so that he could get a lower rating, which is stupid for a film like this. I mean, just imagine if you'd taken away all the violence in Green Room. That's what this feels like in many ways. But it was very good nonetheless, but it won't get any status as a classic and people will forget for the simple reason that there's not enough violence shown. This isn't a psychological thriller/horror where the elements you don't know or get to see is half the scares. It's a fairly plain and straight-forward suspense-horror with a lot of violence, just not graphic or shown. Stephen Lang is sublime tho!
    By the way, I don't buy Alvarez' words about him not seeing Wait Until Dark until after Don't Breathe. Fuck off with your lies. Jesus.

  22. LOLOL
    Bear got a reaction from jaymee in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    I thought it was more in the line of "What do you mean [insert vk indie band] has already disbanded?? They only released 4 promo pictures and announced they were formed, who does that??"
  23. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in The big TV-series discussion thread   
    Oh hell yeah! That last one is amazing.
  24. Like
    Bear got a reaction from platy in Last movie you saw.   
    Wonder Woman - Much better than expected and a decent superhero film, but if this exact film was made by a male the hype train would not be so big. It's an original film without much origin information, way too much slow-mo and cheap-ass CGI. It takes an incredible amount of time to get going, and when it gets going it's just one poorly directed action scene after another. And even when it takes its time, like in the first half, it doesn't do much at all. It's kinda just there.
    There's some cool and different action scenes in the film, but the majority are ruined by poor CGI and/or slow-mo. 
    Now this sounds incredibly negative, but I thought it was decent entertainment. But there's no chance in the world it deserves its grand reviews and ratings.
    Doctor Strange - This however is exactly how you make a superhero film. First off, Doctor Strange never feels very super. And just that alone makes it stand out a bit in the huge world of superheroes we've got today. There is some doggy CGI here, but what really makes the majority of CGI work fairly well is that it never tries to look real. The visuals is fairly trippy and weird, the origin story feels like an origin story and its tone is just very different from most other films. By far the most artistic and out-there MCU film yet.
    Visually it feels a bit like a trippy Inception at times, only this isn't pure filth as Inception is. It's actually fairly pleasant to look at.
  25. LOLOL
    Bear got a reaction from Sparrow in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    I thought it was more in the line of "What do you mean [insert vk indie band] has already disbanded?? They only released 4 promo pictures and announced they were formed, who does that??"
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