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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Do you enjoy 1st wave Bathory, Hellhammer, Sodom, Tormentor, Vulcano, Sarcofago, Holocausto, Poison and the likes? Then do yourself a favour and check out the debut of Sacrificio. Sacrificio plays ancient black metal like they used to long before black metal was a proper genre to describe a certain kind of music. Mostly very primitive and raw in the vein of Bathory and The Return..., but at times they move into a more epic form of black metal. A bit like Bathory did with songs such as Enter the Eternal Fire and Call from the Grave. Fantastic album, and it's way better than the very awesome demo. https://nuclearwarnowproductions.bandcamp.com/album/guerra-eterna I love their over the top image too. As ridiculous as it is cool.
  2. Eminem - Rap God I've always been a huge hip hop fan, but I could never really get into Eminem with the exception of a couple og decent songs here and there. But this song is truly excellent. He sounds angry, pissed out and emotional. Great beats, and Eminem does a remarkable job here. But other than this song I'll never put on Eminem myself. Not a fan at all.
  3. Bear

    PJ plays through Super Ghouls n' Ghosts with all weapons. PJ's the man, and this run is brilliant. Unlike most other runs, it's just pure fun. Hilarious throughout. He's got the skills, charisma and humor. One of the better, if not the best one.
  4. Bear

    The Kaizo Mario World run is just fantastic, like all Kaizo runs. Magnificent stuff! This Aladdin run is amazing too. The run is good, but the coach is just brilliant. You won't find many that's as funny as these two guys in these videos. And the ending, right after he's bear the game, is one of the very, very best parts of any GDQ videos. WOW!!!
  5. Bear

    I have 11 paid vacation days left in 2016 that I have decided not to use. I can ask to have something like 4 of them moved over to 2017 but as I don't plan to take more than 4 days off next year I won't need that. Why stay away from work, do whatever the fuck you want for 11 days and get paid when you can go to work and get paid the same amount of money? Will probably take something like 4-6 months off in 2018, though. If everything goes as planned, which it probably will do as I am a greedy little bitch. Spend money? Heeeeeeell naaaaw!!!
  6. Bear

    https://www.youtube.com/user/gamesdonequick So, is anyone here into GDQ? I'm very much into watching this and the first of two events in 2017 will come already in January. It's a good thing I don't sleep much. I also spend a shitload of time watching previous runs on youtube. I watch everything that's of older games (and some newer that I am into myself), but I prefer the runs of games I have a strong relationship too, with the exception of stuff such as Kaizo Mario and Super Mario Maker runs. Which is usually an incredible watch anyway. So, favourite runs? Personally I really enjoy Snowfats' Hotline Miami run. The run is good, but the atmosphere with the Snowfats and the guys on the coach are great. It's hilarious! PJ's Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts are easily one of the funiest runs I've seen. You gotta be a really boring person not to enjoy this run. PJ and Mecha Richter's Battletoads & Double Dragon is really good. It's just really fun. This Super Mario Maker teamrun by Team Streambig.net vs. Team Hot Pockets is really good and really intense. I recommend just going through the channel and check out a shitload of videos.
  7. Bear

    No, it fucking shouldn't. This thread is exactly as it was supossed to be, and will continue to be.
  8. Bear

    New Run the Jewels is gonna be good. One of the very best post-1990's hip hop groups, along with the solo projects of both memebers. This is gonna be a new 6/6, I can feel it. Still one of the very best hip hop songs ever made, and the lyrics are fantastic. Spot fuckin' on! You could change "gangsta rap" with "death metal", "black metal", "war video games", "horror films" or whatever the fuck you want, and it would still be spot on.
  9. Bear

    Well, that certainly went well. Had a great time last night, and ended up spending the night to my big surprise. Didn't plan on that. Started with playing cards (I won and got cheeky as fuck, because I am an incredibly sore winner), baked buns which turned out delicious, watched some sex-show and American Pie with her friend on TV and shit. I had a great time, and I could tellshe did too, as well as her friend. Sure couldn't resist my charm. Anyway, whatever happens next it was still worth it. Had a great evening/night.
  10. Bear

    I'm not really socially awkward or anything. Shy and introvert, sure, but I talk to plenty of strangers of both genders when I decide to go out. So it's not really that. It's more that I don't go often too often as I always have ended up going alone because I haven't had anyone to go out with. But when I go out and meet a girl it would usually just end in sex and nothing more. So far this offers something different as you actually chat for quite some time before meeting, and on this occasion meet and bake fuckin' buns and play boardgames. If we end up having sex, fantastic. If not, cool, I hope I have fun, win the boardgames (sore looser and an even worse winner!!! And proud of it!) and get some delicious buns. But I have lots of friends who's been active and while they are open for just sex like me, a lot of them have met up with loads and loads of chicks just to get to know eachother, have fun and see if it can turn into something serious. And if not, better luck next time. And many of them have had better luck and gone into a relationship. I also met my previous girl online, but on a regular forum where people discuss anything really. But we started talking private early on and it was no different from this really. Met up once for 4 days, and 3 months later she came and got me and my stuff and we moved in together. We lasted for about 5 years before we decided to split because it turned into more of a friendship with benefits (different interests, different goals in life and so on), something which we didn't really feel was the right thing for us both.
  11. Bear

    I live far away from basically everyone I know. My friends and family live 6-8 hours away. I've got one friend up here who works the evenings, which is when I'm available. So we don't get to meet up very often. My hobbies includes watching films/TV-series, playing video games and boardgames, cooking, watching and playing football, going to concerts and getting drunk. In other words I'm pretty nerdy, as well as very shy and introvert. Tinder just looked like an easy way to get to know girls and hook up/meet, be it for a beer or two, a cup of coffee, film, football, something to eat or just a one night stand and nothing more. It's simply an easy way to get to know people, and therefore an easy way to be social, be it for one evening or repeatedly. If it'll make a friendship or relationship you never know, but I'm not looking for anything special. Just to be social. in a way or other. I've recently started to meet up with some co-workers outside of work, though. After 2+ years at this job. And we've hit it off, and I'm gonna join them for board games in tuesday(s), as well as other things (parties, dinners and that kind of stuff). Which is nice. I have my job up here so I am not willing to move right now, but I need to be a bit social too to keep it up, even if it's just for an evening/night every now and then. TL:DR: it's an easy way to get to meet others, be social and quite possibly have a good time/some fun. Some you'll dislike, some you'll hit it off with, be it just as friends, an ONS or something more.
  12. Bear

    Ill play with her buns later on. But first well bake buns.
  13. Bear

    I'm going on my first date in 4-5 years today (as I was in a 4-5 years long relationship that ended earlier this year), a tinder date. That'll be interesting. Plans for the evening? Baking! We're gonna bake buns, something which I suck at. I love baking, and i'm quite skilled at baking, but I fucking hate baking with yeast. I'm not good at it at all actually. So this is gonna be fun.
  14. It's not metal, but as we haven't gotten a ambient thread I'll just leave it here as it does have a lot in common with black metal, and is a style that a lot of black metal artists have done too. And to be quite honest, the genre, the feeling of the music and such is basically an echo of the 2nd wave black metal. So it kinda fits in here anyway. Thangorodrim Dungeon synth that sounds like it was made by a black metal band in the mid-90's. It's very Mortiis-esque. In fact, the first releases is pure Mortiis era I worship. Taur-nu-Fuin and Towers of the Teeth are among my favourite releases this year, especially Taur-nu-Fuin which is probably the best dungeon synth release since Mortiis' "Keiser av en dimension ukjent". And to be quite honest the album isn't too far behind classics like The Song of a Long Forgotten Ghost, Født til å herske, Ånden som gjorde opprør and Keiser av en dimension ukjent, which I consider the ultimate DS releases. And let me end this post with this fabolous song. Couldn't help but going totally fucking crazy when a mate put this on while we were getting drunk last weekend. Almost trashed his whole appartment to the sounds of this song. Music doesn't get much better than this:
  15. You should try the other works, too. Odd Spirituality, Häxan, Spectres over Transylvania and Henbane are all 6/6 releases IMO. The three first ones are much in the vein of very old Mortuary Drape and Necromantia, with that old school occult, devilish, morbid "old-forgotten-graveyard-feeling". With Henbane I feel like he walked onto a different path, while still having some of that feeling, but a bit different. A bit less horror-esque. But with Coven, or Evil Ways Instead of Love he's back on that old path of his, but without copying himself or others. This band is just brilliant. It's raw and primitive, but powerful and very unique in its own way.
  16. Bear

    It bothers me a lot actually. It's hard to buy that a bunch of rotten police or badass, violent bikers don't swear, curse or anything like that. To me it's like a slasher film without any blood. Can it work and be enjoyable? Of course it can, but the film would be a lot better with blood. Just like a lot of these series would be a lot better with a stronger/dirtier language. America, man. Show some nudity and lots of violence? Sure, that's fine. Having someone say FUCK a couple of times? Heeeeeeeeeeell naaw!!! Anyway, for recent comedies I'll highly recommend Derek (drama/comedy), Master of None (Comedy), Ash vs Evil Dead (horror/comedy), Danger 5 (bizarre, absurd adventure/action/comedy). None of these are straight up comedies though, but they're all great, and offers something quite different. Master of None is the closest to a straight up comedy, but it's a lot more than just that, and it's not a show to make you burst out in laughter.
  17. Anyone else heard Cultes des Ghoules's "Coven, or Evil Ways Instead of Love"? This has to be one of the most impressive black metal albums since Katharsis released "VVorldVVithoutEnd" back in 2006. They've gone a bit back to the sound of Häxan, with a strong Mortuary Drape and Necromantia vibe to the music, but it sounds hella lot more massive then the brilliant Häxan did. It sounds huge. A monster of an album! 1 hour and 40 minutes of evil, ritualistic and eerie black metal of the highest order. If you like black metal, then this is one of those albums you need to own. It's that good. Might be the album of the year for me, and that says quite a lot at the moment. And he's already back in the studio to record another album. Hell fuckin' yeah, bitches!
  18. Bear

    The Shield is not a HBO series, which is the reason why the dialogue is so disappointing. Now, don't get me wrong here. I love the series, but langue feels way off with the lack of proper swearing/cursing and such. Which is also a huge problem in Sons of Anarchy for me, among way too many things. The Prisoner is great, but don't expect too much suspense. It's more of a drama than anything. And I fucking love Brooklyn Nine-Nine. One of the best comedies in recent time IMO.
  19. Bear

    Watched En Immersion/Deep yesterday, a three episode short french crime series. It's dark, gritty and bleack as fuck, with a certain comic book feeling to it. I thought it was brilliant, even though it could've been a bit longer. It's in black and white, but that really helps forming the atmosphere that I liked so well. Stunning series!
  20. I've been trying to get into this album since forever now, because there's always been somthing very appealing about the music. But for some reason I just haven't managed to fully get into it. Before today, after probably listening to this album 50+ times over the years. Epic/melodic black metal, but the band call their music "cinematic black metal", which is actually quite spot on. They seem to be compared to Wintersun quite often, but I believe that has a lot to do with the fact that they've covered a Wintersun track once. An acoustic folk cover which is superb and way, way, way better than the original, btw. It's a pretty unique band, but I can hear lots of elements from bands like Ne Obliviscaris, Anorexia Nervosa, Bal-Sagoth, Emperor, Apotheosis, Diabolical Masquerade and Opeth, as well as Rhapsody. In fact, I think the best comparrison would be Rhapsody. If Rhapsody did black metal it would sound similar to this.
  21. Bear

    Finished Slasher and was left down. Not because it was bad, but because it didn't live up to my expectations. It's only 8 episodes long, but it could've been cut 2, maybe even 3 episodes, and it was way, way, way too predictable in the end. But it did deliver some surprises throughout the season and the violence and gore were amazing, as well as the The Executioner which was totally badass (until you are 100% sure who he is, because he is a total whimpass pussy IMO). But up until then he's badass and he looks amazing. Not too bad. Looking forward to a new season too. From what I've gathered they want to do it in the American Horror Story way with a lot of the same faces in new roles, new storyline and so on. I'm all for this. First season was way above American Horror Story as well. I also got around to watch the Sherlock special The Abominable Bride, and this might be my favourite episode thus far. This is actually a gothic horror episode, clearly inspired by 50's and 60's gothic horror, and I do not think I am mistaken when I say that Hammer Horror's classic The Hound of the Baskervilles must've been a huge inspiration on this episode. Because I could see a lot of The Hound of the Baskervilles in this episode, from the visual style, the cinematography, the acting and the atmosphere. Fantastic episode!
  22. Bear

    Mono was nothing short of brilliant. Four people on stage and no playback, yet it was like hearing 30 men playing. Immense, massive, majestic and intense. Alcest was great as usual too. Might be the best Alcest gig I've seen till now. Both bands had perfect sound, too. Could hear every instrument clear as day. I've heard a lot of people talk about Parkteateret as the best stage in Norway, and based on this gig that's probably right. Amazing!
  23. Bolt Thrower is amazing, and every single release it top notch. One of the most, if not THE most consistent (death) metal band ever. Can't really choose a favourite album, but their debut, the grindcore classic In Battle There Is No Law!, might be my favourite. But it's very close between In Battle There Is No Law!, Realm of Chaos, War Master, The IVth Crusade, ...for Victory and of course the fantastic The Peel Sessions 1988-90. The rest is great too, and Those Once Loyal is one hell of a way to end a (30 year long) career, even though it was released 11 years ago now. Superb album! If you want more Bolt Thrower, check out these bands: Warmaster War Master Trenchrot They all worship the altar of Bolt Thrower, especially the two War-bands. I think all three bands are very good.
  24. Bear

    I am blacker than darkness.
  25. I'm not gonna lie, I am not a fan of newer Sodom, Destruction or Kreator at all, but all three bands have released several of the best thrash metal albums ever. Destruction were amazing from 84-86, then good from 87-90and decent from 00-01. But I can't remember the last time I bothered listening to anything they released beyond 86. It's just such a difference in quality and style to me. But they've done decent things beyond the classics too. Kreator were amazing from 83 (as Tormentor!!!)-90, and decent from 99-01. But other than that I think they've been godawful. But I do enjoy Endorama, though. I'm one of those who actually appreciates it. Sodom were amazing from 82-94, and decent from 99-01. But I think their newer stuff has been godawful, but I have yet to check out their newest album. Didn't like Sacred Warpath at all, but the little I've heard outside of that track's been fairly good. Less melodic thrash influence and less modern sounding than their other recent albums. But while you're into German thrash metal, be sure to check out these albums: Exumer - Possessed by Fire Tankard - Zombie Attack Deathrow - Riders of Doom Deathrow - Raging Steel Darkness - Death Squad Assassin - The Upcoming Terror Violent Force - Malevolent Assault of Tomorrow Living Death - Vengeance of Hell Living Death - Metal Revolution Minotaur - Power of Darkness Vendetta - Go and Live ... Stay and Die Vendetta - Brain Damage Necronomicon - Necronomicon Necronomicon - Apocalyptic Nightmare Protector - Golem Protector - Urm the Mad Protector - A Shedding of Skin Protector - The Heritage All these might not be classic, but if they're not they're at worst semi-classics. But all of them are fantastic albums, and a lot of them no less than brilliant (the bolded).
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