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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    For someone like me that's absolute madness. If I have a good week I manage to sleep about 20-23 hours during the entire week, but during those 20-23 hours I probably wake up 46-60 times, which means I don't sleep a single hour without waking up a couple of times. But that's life I guess.
  2. Bear

    Grieva, because they're actually good.
  3. New Rude track: https://soundcloud.com/fda-rekotz/rude-torrent-to-the-past Sounds excellent as expected. Brilliant!
  4. This is a brilliant EP. Death/thrash heavily influenced by Pestilence, especially their classic "Consuming Impulse". As unoriginal as it gets, but fantastic anyway.
  5. Bear

    No, I am not. Quite the opposite actually. On first grade where I work we've got one male teacher and myself during school, and for after-school activity we've got me and another one, the one I talked about. So during school there's five female teachers and and one man, and three female assistents and one male during school, and for after-school activity we've got six females and two male ones. This is for the first graders. I belive we've got something like 25 males our of 110 employees, and 4-5 of these are not working directly with the kids or the rest of us such as headmaster, similar roles and a janitor. So we're not too many men, but it could've been much worse. And I think some of the girls have tried to give him some hints about his appearance and odour, but the hints seems to have flown way above his head.
  6. Bear

    This guy at work got the job without a interview, more or less based on the words from the boss' kid's. The kids probably liked him, which I ccan understand as he isn't able to say no or tell the kids what to do/not to do. He's simply not capable of saying no, and if he sees something needs work or someone needs help, he just walks past it/turns his back to it. DOesn't give a fuck. Does absolutely nothing during his 3,5 hour work day. I do more from 2-3pm on monday than he does the entire month, and I am not joking. But not only does he not do anything, he doesn't give a fuck/doesn't know about hygiene, so he usually smells quite awful. He always smells of old sweat like he hasn't showered for 2-3 days, while he should've showered once a day, got awful breath and his teeth looks like they've been dipped in hot shit right before he came, and his hair is greasy as fuck. Got half-long hair, quite nice hair actually, but it's so greasy. It's so greasy he doesn't need to use hair spray/hair products so make it stand. No joke. And about his teeth, I think I've seen him with white/brushed teeth and decent breath once during his 4 month with us. And while this slob and total fucking loser gets a job, nice, hard-working persons who knows their job and does it well, are well-liked by both kids, parents and co-workers are forced to get themself a new job because they can't get anything steady at this school. This is so wrong. Ugh, it's so annoying.
  7. Holy shot, I've been waiting for this album for such a long time now. Rude's debut album, Soul Recall from 2014, was among the best, if not THE best album from 2014 and I expect this to have the same impact on 2016. Soul Recall was like a beautiful mix of Pestilence's "Consuming Impulse" and "Testimony of the Ancients", Morbid Angel's "Altars of Madness" and Death' "Leprosy", and is a must-have to any death metal fans IMO. My expectations? Sky high!
  8. Bear

    @Disposable Birthday? Y/Y?
  9. Bear

    Been a fan of pg.lost for years now, and I'll be seeing them live with Alcest and Mono at the end of next month. Gonna be an evening to remember for sure.
  10. Bear

    TV doesn't get much better than this in 2016. Excited for Westworld, though I am a bit sceptical as I am a huge fan of the film. Can it live up to the film? No idea, but I have my hopes up high.
  11. It's hilarious, but it's the kind of shit that'll keep me away fro future Deafheaven gigs. Ew. Discovered Owls Woods Graves the other day. The band features two guys from Medico Peste, but both are live members of Mgła and it does sound like they've gotten soe inspiration from there. Some of the black metal parts sounds like a punkier Mgła (the opening track surely has some Mgła-esque melodies), the punk often sounds neocrust inspired. Can hear a bit of Tragedy and His Hero Is Gone in the riffing. Neat as fuck! Top notch cover art too:
  12. Bear

    Alcest - Kodama After Shelter, an album stripped of everything metal, and sounding more like a Sigor Ros light (just hella lot better!) than what we've come to love Alcest for, Neige decides to take Alcest a couple of steps back and perfect the style started on Écailles de lune. Kodama is a much more metallic, darker and atmospheric album than Shelter, and it's a lot better. I love Shelter, I adore Les Voyages de l'âme and worship Écailles de lune, but this is hands down better than all three. Not quite as good as Le Secret, but after 50 listens or so I've realized that it does in fact match Souvenirs d'un autre monde. Brilliant albums! The screams are back and Winterhalter is better than ever, often stealing all my attention with his fantastic drumming. It's not flashy, it's not technical, but in all its simplicity it still adds an incredible amount of power to the track. Eclosion Joel Grind - Equinox Joel Grind surprised everyone by releasing a surf rock split alongside legend Davie Allan, then he released a single with synth music. Little did we know that the single, Fatal Planet, was only a teaser of what to come. Joel Grind joined the synthwave tend and he did it well. It got that classic 80's horror movie feeling to it, and it's clearly inspired by John Carpenter and his likes. I cannot get enough of this kind of music, and this is no exception. Excellent record and the best album he's been involved in since 2007's War Ripper - Hell Storm EP. Open Wounds Cult of FIre - Life, Sex & Death Cult of FIre continue to walk down the path of epic, majestic black metal. It's in most ways just more of the same, but that's not a problem when you're able to keep up the same, excellent quality as before. Superb EP! Death Druadan Forest - The Loremasters Time Epic black metal heavily inspired by Summoning, Caladan Brood, Kinstrife & Blood, and even Elffor. Druadan Forest offers nothing that hasn't been done a million times all ready, but Druadan Forest does it well and that's all that matters. Majestic and epic! Great soundtrack to a fine fantasy film like The Lord of the Rings or something. Seven Witches
  13. It's been a long time since Hail Spirit Noir announced their new album, Mayhem In Blue, but suddenly it turned quiet for half a month. But they have finally revealed a new track and it's absolute immense. Holy fucking shit, it's even better than I had dared hoped for. The synth gives a real sense of horror. Fantastic! We're in for another brilliant psychedelic/progressive rock/black metal album here. I cannot wait for this to be released!
  14. Bear

    Do yourself a favour and check out the cover art for Finished - Their Is No God Holy fucking shit! This atrocity of a cover is hilarious. NSFW! NSFW! NSFW! NSFW! NSFW!
  15. By the way, Heathen, who's got one release on CaliGari records, have 7 albums to their name. Five in 2015 and two in 2016. All albums are self-titled. It's as stupid and retarded as it is funny and amusing. I've only heard the first album which was re-released by CaliGari records and I really like that one. Will check out the others as well. It's very Burzum-esque. http://caligarirecords.bandcamp.com/album/heathen
  16. I'd recommend you to just check out everything to be honest. If you like 80's black, death, thrash and doom you'll find some proper gems there. It's my type of label for sure.
  17. A small heads up: if you like real black, death, thrash and doom metal I'd recommend you check out Caligari records. This underground label is killer! Alucarda's masterpiece Raw Howls was released by them, and bands such as Evil Priest, Howls of Ebb, Into Coffin, Obscure Evil, Hadit, Demon Head, Inisans and Gloam are some of the band with killer demos/EPs/spilts/albums on the label. I'm currently checking out every band/release on the lable, and it's mostly good or great releases. Killer stuff if you're into old school black/death/thrash/doom metal. http://caligarirecords.bandcamp.com/ Currently listening to Gloam. Black/doom metal with a small twist. There's a lot to get a hold on here though, so fully understanding the album is gonna take some time. But it sounds very, very promising. Almost sounds a bit old Opeth-esque at times, just blacker, doomier and bleaker. It's weird.
  18. Bear

    My girlfriend got herself a dog yesterday, a mix of doberman and labrador. She's got a lot of energy, but she's such a kind beauty (so far). She finally found some peace too, so she's been quiet for a period of time now. Yara is her name, a name that should be familiar to a lot of you who watches TV-series. Big, shitty webcam pictures coming up, guys.
  19. As usual, the rules are pretty simple: you can list what releases you thought were the best, and explain why in a few sentences. You can even pick just 1 album if that's all you've got, and keep it to a maximum of 5 items. Feel free to add or remove any albums later if you feel like your taste has changed, etc. Oh, and try to include a sample or two so that others could peep those sweet tunes more easily! LINK to songs you think tells us a bit about the band/album, don't embed them. We don't need a million youtube videos. Anyway, the more people the merrier. So please join us! I have more than 5 great releases this month so I'll come back with my choices later. It's a hard pick.
  20. Bear

    http://massappeal.com/premiere-czarface-is-back-with-a-new-album-a-fistful-of-peril-and-release-two-in-the-chest/ Czarface already have two of the best hip hop albums in recent time to their name and based on this track they'll soon have three of the best. That sounds so god damned good!
  21. Kodama is Alcest's best release since Souvenirs d'un autre monde. Music-wise it's more or less the same as Écailles de lune and Les Voyages de l'âme, albeit a bit less metallic. The music or songwriting itself isn't better, but unlike both Écailles de lune and Les Voyages de l'âme Kodama doesn't have a track that feels a bit out of place. I think both Solar Song and Beings of Light are excellent songs, but they feel a bit different from the rest. This new album, Kodama, doesn't have a track like that. It's more pierced together in a way. Sounds absolutely brilliant! I have rarely heard Winterhalter more interesting than on this album. He just keeps getting better and better with each release he's on. Superb drummer.
  22. Bear

    agree about Ori & The Blind Forest. I've played it quite a bit and liked it a lot. Beautiful, haunting atmosphere that it's impossible to fight. If you're not drawn into the world you're probably quite sick and should rather be at a mental hospital.
  23. Bear

    Shovel Knight is fantastic. I've mentioned it quite a lot on here. I think Rogue Legacy looks interesting and it seems to be in the vein of Shovel Knight.
  24. Bear

    Are you telling me you didn't get the quote?
  25. Bear

    Sure I've dreamt of doing it. Let me give it a try: Kawaii Jrockers, kawaii Jrockers, kawaii Jrockers, kawaii Jrockers, kawaii Jrockers, kawaii Jrockers, kawaii Jrockers, kawaii Jrockers, kawaii Jrockers, kawaii Jrockers, kawaii Jrockers, kawaii Jrockers, kawaii Jrockers, kawaii Jrockers, kawaii Jrockers. Yeah, it felt good allrigt. Holy shit. I'm straight btw.
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