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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    But isn't that a good thing? Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events is Jim Carrey's last superp performance, and not even in his wildest dreams will Neil Patrick Harris be close to doing something as good as that. And by going with a different Count Olaf you'll get something way different, rather than a remake of a good film. It's an excellent choice IMO! And you have to remember that Count Olaf was a humorless villain in the books. He was the opposite of Jim Carrey's version in the film. But as far as I know, A Series of Unfortunate Events will be much closer to the novels with its dark, dramatic mystery-approach, rather than the dark comedy of Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events. I think this sounds good. It's got massive potential and I am really looking forward to it.
  2. Pentagram was amazing and Bobby Lieblind is a god. Hands down! Been listening to the majority of Darkestrah's discography over the past couple of days. Atmospheric black metal with folk elements. Loads of synth, often it's almost drowned in synth, but it's still not symphonic. It's more used as a carpet over the black metal to just add more atmosphere. It's not a main ingredient, as it is to symphonic black metal bands. Their early stuff is similar to NeChrist-era Nokturnal Mortum, with a lot more variation in tempo and riffing, more chaos, with the folk elements being a lot more prominent and the synth more symphonic and playful. But as time's gone they've calmed their tits a lot and is now a lot more based on mid-tempo black metal riffing with lots of synth and not as much folk-elements. It sounds more traditional "pagan metal-esque". Highly recommended if you enjoy bands like Nokturnal Mortum, Graveland, Drudkh, Lucifugum and more. As the band was originally from Kyrgyzstan the folk-elements is a lot different from the other bands, though. Throat singing is one of the elements they've used. Metal does need more throat-singing. http://darkestrahofficial.bandcamp.com
  3. WIll be seeing Pentagram live again today. They were amazing a couple of years ago and my mate said they were fantastic in Oslo yesterday. Looking forward to this! Another oppurtinity to see the great Bobby Liebling live again.
  4. Bear

    Why would anyone call witch house dark ambient? Two very different genres. Not familiar with the genre myself, but Churn is great. Fantastic in fact.
  5. Can someone recommend me musick/tracks similar to The Weeknd's "False Alarm"? What a song!

    1. herpes


      have you heard any billy idol? it's pretty much a billy idol song

  6. I think it looks godawful, and nothing in that trailer makes me think of Ghost in the Shell.
  7. Bear

    I agree. Let's speak about your love for me. How you think of me, dream of me and even picture me during sex. That's what this thread should be all about.
  8. Bear

    I am actually 55 years old. No joke.
  9. I've been very into the Quebec black metal scene again lately (which I always am when winter is coming), and this have to be the most unique and interesting scene within black metal for the past 16 years? While a lot of the bands like Forteresse, Csejthe, Grimoire, Ephemer, Brume d'Automne, Déliquescence, Ur Falc'h, Maléfices, Délétère has their own thing going on, they still have that Quebecian feeling to their music. It's very similar to how Poland, Greece, Sweden, Finland, USA, Norway and more had their own, unique style back in the early to mid 90's. This has to be one of the very best black metal songs ever written. That atmosphere, the feeling, the melodies. Absolute perfection! Well, the entire album is. But oh well...
  10. Bear

    Just found out that the dl section is gone. Says all you need to know about me and my current interest in (new) VK to be honest. A bit sad. Sucks that it's gone though, even though I myself didn't use it a lot.
  11. Bear

    They are making another one, but this time Adam Robitel is in charge. That's got me excited for sure, because his first feature film The Taking of Deborah Logan was very, very good. I'm interested to see what he'll be able to do with this universe.
  12. Bear

    That the new Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski flick? I've got my expectations up high for that film. Very promising directors, and The Void looks to be the film to take 'em up where they belong. Looks neat as fuck.
  13. Bear

    Don't shoot me because of this, because I usually don't follow politics. Don't care about norwegian politics and don't really give a fuck about foreign politics. But I've read about the american presidency over the last few months and this is what I've gathered: Trump equals plague Hillary equals cholera Is one of them really any better than the other? Now, I'm done with politics for the next 10 years. Spent way too much time on this shit over the past two months.
  14. Bear

    Do you wear that Run DMC tshirt because you like the group of because it's "cool fashion"? Awesome tshirt.
  15. Bear

    I am currently 6 episodes into The Expanse and I am currently loving the shit out of this series. It's a beautiful mix of melodramatic space opera and dark, gritty and grim neo-noir, and unlike most space operas I've seen this is actually R-rated, with some stunning violence and use of blood. Unique cinematography (for a TV-series), classy set-designs and so far an interesting story and nice characters. So far, so fucking good!
  16. Holy shit, this sounds so different from Quintessenz' earlier Hellhammer/Celtic Frost/Venom/Bathory worshipping stuff. Much more speed and traditional heavy metal in the sound. Can hear some viking-era Bathory, Manowar and Thor influences here for sure. Especially on Endless Night, while Zeitgeist sounds way more speed metal influenced. Sounds so much better than the rather disppointing Back to the Kult of the Tyrants. While a good album, it lacked the magic from Okkult Metal Spell and Über Metal.
  17. Yes, finally a new album from these guys. Al Azif is very good and Tekeli-li is very, very good, and judging by this song this will be very, very, very good. Lovely cover art as well.
  18. I tend to lean more towards punk when I want something chaotic. Phoenix Bodies, Off Minor, Pg.99, Orchid, Jerome's Dream, In/humanity and so on. It's obviously a very different chaos from what Deathspell Omega makes, but it's a type of intense chaos that doesn't give me a headache.
  19. Bear

    Man vs Snake: The Long and Twisted Tale of Nibbler - This is basically The King of Kong with Nibblerbut it lacks a proper "villain" like Billy Mitchell and the memorable moments and quotes, and with less interesting drama. But it's fun, it's interesting and it's both sad and heartwarming. Love me some Billy Mitchell. Shame he didn't play a bigger role in the film, though. He's so fucking awesome! Anyway, recommended!
  20. Bear

    Nice! Are you familiar with their two first albums? Both great, but the debut is an absolute masterpiece. It sounds a lot more laidback and amateurish, and the mix of genres doesn't sound as tied together and well thought out as on the two others. It's a bit all over the place, but that's half the fun of the album IMO, and it's what makes it superior to the two others. But all three albums are great. 10/10, 8,5/10 and 9/10.
  21. Bear

    Hail Spirit Noir - Mayhem in Blue Psychedelic rock/progressive black metallers Hail Spirit Noir continues to blend psychedelick and progressive rock with progressive black metal, and they do it in a most unusual way, this time adding some carnival-esque elements to their music. You won't find a single band out there that sounds like these guys, and Mayhem in Blue is surprisingly a step up after the excellent Oi Magoi. Not quite as good as Pneuma though. I Mean You Harm The most straight-forward and easy-listening song on the album, but brilliant nonetheless. Furia - Guido Guido is Furia's 9's proper release, and their best one yet. It's experimental and far from straight-forward, but it's still fairly easy on the ear. Great release! It should be said that the EP is recorded live 320 meters underground in the old coalmine "Guido" in Zabrze, Upper Silesia. 2 Urfaust - Empty Space Meditation I haven't followed Urfaust too closely after the phenomenal Einsiedler as the following release Der freiwillige Bettler never caught my attention. But Empty Space Meditation sees Urfaust returning to form, and it's an excellent album. Reminds me a lot about Einsiedler, especially the use of synth, but without copying it. The vocals are better than ever before, and this might be Urfaust's best album so far. Meditatum II Listen to those clean vocals that kicks in about 3 min into the song. It's just too good! Gatecreeper - Sonoran Depravation Gatecreeper brings nothing new to the table, just good, ol' swedish death metal worship to the fullest. Think old Grave, Dismember and Entombed and you're there. Good album, if far from excellent. Craving Flesh Agatus - The Eternalist It's been no less than 14 years since Agatus released their last album, and with only two short EPs inbetween I was not quite sure what to expect here, but I expected black metal at least. But that's not what we got, no, because in the 14 years of silence Agatus have changed into a power metal band. But it's not usual power metal. It sounds like a Hellenic black metal band playing power metal, which is what it is. Sounds like epic USPM with a Hellenic twist. The Oath (of Magic and Fire)
  22. Been trying out Deathspell Omega's newest a few times, but I'm still not a fan of the band. They know have to creat chaos, but to me it's just the wrong kind of chaos. Godawful album, like most of the previous works. I'll just keep sitting in my room and play Kénôse on repeat. Their best and only must-have release IMO.
  23. Bear

    Cool Air (1999) - Nice, haunting and very faithful adaption that really hit the nail on its head. Superbly directed, very well-acted and a great atmosphere throughout the film. It's really slow with lots of dialogue, but it nicely takes its time to build its aura of eeriness and suspense. I give this 9 out of 10 tentacles. Excellent! Torrented it. There was only one seed, but it's worth the time. Excellent! Excellent!
  24. Bear

    "Guess what? I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!"
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