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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    So, top 10 Christmas horror movies, guys and girls? I'll start. (all movies are the original ones, unless other is stated) Gremlins Black Christmas Rare Exports Krampus Silent Night, Bloody Night Silent Night, Deadly Night Tales from the Crypt - And All Through the House À l'intérieur Dead End Night Train Murders Anyone got any other films that's top notch and as good as these? I doubt it, but I am interested.
  2. Bear

    This film sure lived up to my MASSIVE expectations. It's a very 80's film and it reeks of Joe Dante, and more than anything Gremlins. Which is great of course. It's a nice blend of creepy, amospheric and tense moments, some funny ones and some heartwarming ones. Just like Gremlins in other words, just not quite as good. The special effects are mostly practical, but a few times they've gone with CGI and it's understandable. But it's decent CGI and doesn't take anything away from everything else. The cast is great, the film looks beautiful and it's simply a very, very good film. And Krampus looks amazing, and he is amazing. Real creepy, much because he's so darkly playful. Did I say that he looks amazing? The decision to not show his *beep* (that's a spoiler) is brilliant. Just gives him so much more aura and charisma. There's also a small animated flashback scene that was insanely good. Absolutely stunning stuff, and a real treat to the eye. And all this is topped off by one of the best endings I've ever seen. Perfect ending! So yeah, what a fantastic film! It's a shame about the PG-13 rating, though. This film would instantly have been much better with an R rating and more blood and gore. But it doesn't matter as this is brilliant nonetheless.
  3. Bear

    Holy shit, YES! Does that mean we get a new album around July/August next year? Hooooooooly shit!
  4. Bear

    It also happens to be one of their best songs, with both delivering some of the best verses they've ever done. EL-P's verse is the best one and absolutely magnificent. It's just out of this world.
  5. Bear

    Just go for a Huawei. Read some reviews, talk to people who's got them and find one that suits you. It's fucking bang for your bucks. Great phones for a small amount of money, unlike other brands that for some weird reason are super popular.
  6. Bear

    Finished Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency and thought it was really good. I can't believe this show has gotten so many mediocre reviews and stuff. It was great!
  7. Bear

    Fuck no. There's not buss driving home tonight. Fuck Norway, man. Jesus.
  8. Bear

    I've never actually gone out the night before christmas before, but I tought I'd do so tonight. I don't celebrate christmas so to me this is an almost regular weekend. The only difference I won't go out tomorrow night. It's the only difference to me. No idea if people tend to go out on the 23rd, but I'll try and see if there's someone out. If it isn't I have about 65 0,5l cans of beer in the fridge. I'll be allright for the next 3 days. Don't have any food though, but as long as I got beer, gin & tonic I couldn't really give a fuck. Life.
  9. Bear

    I haven't made a list yet, but I'll try to get this thread started by posting one album (I'll just add more later on). Cultes des Ghoules - Coven, or Evil Ways Instead of Love Cultes des Ghoules have worked their way up to some kind of a cult status in the metal underground, and with good reason. Before the release of this album the band had two brilliant albums, two brilliant EPs and some good split albums and another EP to their name. And when everyone thought the band were dead they announce out of nowhere that they're about to release a new album. And it's not just an album, it's a double album. We're talking 5 songs and about 100 minutes of music, and despite the lenght it doesn't feel a second too long. Music'vise they've gone a bit backwards to the style they had on their debut album Häxan, with Mortuary Drape, Necromantia, Samael, Beherit and more as obvious inspirations. Dark, evil, mystic and occult black metal. It's straight enough, but it still sounds very unique and original. Which is pretty amazing, because musically it kinda isn't. Now, I am not saying this is my favourite black metal album ever, but this is one of the most impressive one. It's massive in every way possible. This is my album of the year by a long shot. It's something truly special.
  10. Bear

    Hey @Gaz, have you seen The Expanse? Space opera, often compared to series like Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Star Wars and so on. In other words, classic, space opera. But this has got a twist, it's half neo-noir. One of the best series I've ever seen. Absolute brilliant! Only beaten by Stranger Things post-The Wire. Currently watching Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency which is loosly based on Douglas Adams' (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) novel by the same name. From what I've read, this isn't a very faithful adaption, but adapting Douglas Adams is kinda hard ain't it? Anyway, it's got a Douglas Adams feeling to it. The absurdism, the weirdness, the different-esque story and characters and so on is on place. The series stars Samuel Barnett and Elijah Wood with Hannah Marks, Fiona Dourif, Jade Eshet, Mpho Koaho, Aaron Douglas in some of the bigger supportive roles. In other words, the cast itself isn't very impressive. It's not exactly brilliant actors, but they've found someone who are more than able to pull this off, and more importantly they've found a cast with AMAZING chemestry. Absurd humor, silly action, some great bloody action and lots of fun. This series is A LOT better than what I expected. I expected something decent, but this is excellent! Truly great! Two episodes left, though. Excited!
  11. I don't expect great things from this, but I am quite interested I have to say. I hope it is a blacker and more furious Immortal album than All Shall Fall, Sons of Northern Darkness and Damned in Black, as well as Demonaz' March of the Norse and Abbath's Abbath. A bit more black metal and less heavy metal and viking-era Bathory-inspired would be cool.
  12. It's about time we do one of these threads, isn't it? I'll make one when I get home from work. I know it's tempting to just post a list and leave the thread, but I encourage everyone to add a few words of why those exactly albums made it onto your end of the year list as list threads are boring and uninteresting as fuck. Adding a few words about an album makes the thread a lot more interesting, and I am sure a few words about an album will make more people check it out as well. And please, don't post a shitload of youtube videos and crap. Add links instead. GO!
  13. Bear

    Anyone seen Hip-Hop Evolution on Netflix? Directed by Darby Wheeler with help from Sam Dunn and Scot McFadyen, both best known for documentaries such as Metal: A Headbanger's Journey, Global Metal, Metal Evolution and and Iron Maiden: Flight 666, and presented by rapper Shadrach Kabango who presents himself as an MC, but a fan first. It's four 45 minutes episodes, and it's limited how much you manage to squeeze into such short episodes. So there's a lot missing, but it's a very good documentary nonetheless. Recommended!
  14. Bear

    Finished Crazyhead and thought it was very good. Not superb in any way, but it offers lots of fun and good comedy. Highly recommended, and it's only 6 episodes so you'll finish it pretty fast too. A big surprise.
  15. Bear

    Started watching Crazyhead today. Two episodes in and I am very impressed. Horror-comedy created by Howard Overman (Misfits, Merlin). It's fun, charming, bold and at times very rude, and I really like it. The series is just really fun and upbeat. Not scary or anything, but it's got some cool, tense moments here and there.
  16. Bear

    Saw Rogue One: A Star Wars Story tonight and this was nothing short of brilliant. Absolutely breathtaking from start to finish. I'm one of those who really liked The Force Awakenes, but this is on a whole other level. This makes The Force Awakenes look like a cheap, fanmade Star Wars film. Holy fucking shit! I can't remember the last time I was this excited after seeing a film at the cinema. This was just too good. This film felt 100% Star Wars, unlike The Force Awakenes which had a lot of Star Trek in it. This was pure Star Wars. I'm impressed! Oh, and the score is magnificent. Huge, epic, massive. It's everything you could ever want from a Star Wars score. Edit: forgot to mention that I was very impressed by how they used Donnie Yen in this film. They've managed to play on his strenghts, and that was something I was a bit afraid they wouldn't do. We've seen it too often with asian martial arts actors in western films. But Donnie Yen gets enough freedom to play on his strenghts, and that's just too fucking cool.
  17. Bear

    I know three black metal bands from Saudi Arabia, but none of them are any good. AlNamrood, Mephisophilus and Immortal Seth. AlNamrood would be the best of them and at times they have some great ideas, but they're still not very good. They sound a bit like Odious from Egypt, just not nearly as good in any way. Which one do you know?
  18. Bear

    Fuck yeah! I just got Requiem for Fools 7" and Sigh / Kawir - Suicidogenic / Sinn for about $48. That's awesome considering Requiem for Fools tends to go for about $80 and the Sigh / Kawir split for about $30. Holy shit, this is awesome! Seller told me they were in great condition as well. And I'll take his word for it.
  19. Bear

    What the fuck? How on earth is this shit so damn good? And how the hell did Jaden Smith get so good? His flow, his feeling? He's fucking nailing it. This was unexpected! I'm especially impressed by "Like This". The kid is stealing the show on that one. Weird.
  20. You need to check Aborym out. Their three first albums are essential industrial black metal IMO. Fantastic albums! They sadly haven't done anything of interest since 2006's With No Human Intervention, though. Just skip everything after it.
  21. And I mentioned the fantastic Evilfeast a couple of posts back. If you like atmospheric black metal like Evilfeast, older Sear Bloss and Forest Silence I'll recommend you check out Bròn and his debut album Ànrach as soon as possible. Three songs and 57 minutes of beautiful atmospheric black metal. It's a bit on the lighter side compared to Evilfeast, but this album is a masterpiece. Fantastic stuff! The coverart kinda sums up what this band is all about: https://bronmusic.bandcamp.com/releases
  22. Bear

    I've started playing Kaizo Mario World. Well, this was fucking annoying. Playing it on a SNES emulator with a fucking 360 gamepad. I like the 360 gamepad a lot, but the D-pad just isn't very good on this gamepad. It's not very presise at all. Doesn't help that the game is hard as fuck, and I am not close enough to being good enough to play it. Yet I play it. This game will surely be my death. Finished Super Bomberman again yesterday, though. Such a good game. Short, but really sweet.
  23. I think that AN cover is godawful. But then again, I don't like newer AN and the overall sound they've got nowadays to begin with. Might be a big part of the problem? Another great example of a good cover is the Reverend Bizarre / Mr Velcro Fastener split, where traditional doomsters Reverend Bizarre covers a track from electro-due Mr Velcro Fastener and Mr Velcro Fastener covers a Reverend Bizarre track. Can't find Mr Velcro Fastener's Reverend Bizarre track on youtube, but I suggest people get it. The split is truly excellent! Here's a good example of how NOT to do a cover: That is fucked up and seriously bad. Such a poor joke.
  24. Yeah, I know it's Summoning and I'm quite a big fan myself as I have worshipped the altar of Summoning for around 15 years now. But it's not an easy band to cover which is why the majority of the covers are mediocre at best. Most of them are just bands copying the songs without adding anything new to the songs, or anything of their own at all. The majority takes it really, really safe and are afraid of doing anything new to the songs, and when you don't dare to do anything with the song at all it just gets pointless to cover it. But whatever, I still don't get it. To each their own, as you say. I'll just listen to the originals and wank myself to death or something. Btw, this is how you do cover a song. If you're familiar with the original you'll hear exactly which songs it is, but if you're unfamiliar with it you'd be sure this was an original Moonsorrow song, because they've very much made it their own. This could, if not for the language, easily have been an original song from the 2nd or 3rd album. It's just got that vibe to it.
  25. I don't get why people are looking forward to this tribute album so much. Tribute albums are usually boring as fuck. But I'm interested in Evilfeast and Wędrujący Wiatr from this tribute. Should be interesting to see what they can get out of Summoning tracks as they are both amazing bands and very different from Summoning. I don't get the Eldamar hype either. It's not at all awful or anything, but it sounds so digital, polished, artificial and sweet (as in sugar coated). The synths doesn't sound very good at all and the use of the female A-choir is nothing short of disgusting. As far as Summoning'esque bands goes, these are the only ones that matters imo. The ones that I actually keep spinning over and over as the years have gone by: Kinstrife & Blood Unlike other Summoning clones, Kinstrife & Blood are heavily inspired by mid-era Summoning. Minas Morgul and Dol Guldur are obviously the main inspiration for this. They only released one album, but it's on par with the best Summoning albums IMO. The best one by a long shot! Caladan Brood Draws heavily from newer Summoning, but it's a bit more easy-listening with auto-tuned vocals and sweeter (in lack of a better word) sounding synths and melodies. The album is great, though. But not at all on par with Summoning, but it's different enough that it doesn't come off as just a poor clone. Wich is very good. But this is a band "everyone" know so I won't post a track off this album. Moongates Guardian I'm not too impressed by these guys' two first albums, but the two following ones are straight-up fantastic. Not as much of a clone as Caladan Brood, but they've got Summoning written all over their sound anyway. Sound-wise they sound a bit like mid-era Summoning. Think Stronghold and Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame. Released a Summoning tribute earlier this year as well, with 7 songs. And it's called part 1, so I guess they have more where it came from. I was not impressed by this. They've changed some songs to make them their own, which can be a good thing, but they've not managed to change them enough. So it just sounds like poorly executed Summoning covers, which is just what it is. Nazgûl These guys are a lot more black metal-oriented and not as much a clone, but as with the previous ones they've got Summoning-written all over their sound. This band just released one album and it's superb IMO. Majestic, epic, but still grim underneath the beauty of it. The vocals tend to be a huge turn-off for most people, though. Very desperate-sounding screams. But I don't mind 'em at all. Druadan Forest Started as a much more black metal-oriented band back in the late 90's but disbanded after just two year. 2016 saw V-Khaoz pump some life back into the project and I am glad he did, because The Loremasters Time is truly magnificent. A really good album. Not as much a Summoning clone, though. But again, it's got Summoning written all over the project.
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