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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    Nope. The Black Sleep - Late 50's horor with Basil Rathbone, Akim Tamiroff, Lon Chaney Jr., John Carradine, Patricia Blair and Bela Lugosi in his last proper role, sadly as a mute character. In other words it's a film with an immense cast, and every single one of them delivers top notch performances which also is the films strongest point. Worth seeing for the cast alone. Anyway, The Black Sleep is a very straight forward film with a great, thick atmosphere that's almost morbid- and evil-like at times, and while it does get a bit silly towards the end, I loved it. I really did. If you want a late 50's low-budget horror film, then this should entertain you. Great film! Check the awesome film poster out: 10/10
  2. This. Fantastic band, and one of the best "jrock" bands ever. Everything's great. The title is dreadful. Or, the use of capital letters is. Ew.
  3. Bear

    To be honest I doubt White Zombie is a film for you. It's a very slow one, and it just oozes of the 30's. Feels old, but I love that. But I think it is great, and it's a very atmospheric film. Occult, evil and cool. Nice! Yeah, it's a great film. Pure 70's haunted house film where it is all about atmosphere. Gotta apreciate that. Cool! I've been thinking about adding Shadow of the Vampire to my list of this month actually. We'll see. Great film! Coolio, bro! Send it my way if you find out you've got one. Would love it. Also, try guessing which films I will see at the cinema on tuesday? I'll give a new hint every day. First hints: One are from the 20's and one from the 70's.
  4. Bear

    This man, guys. Beast.
  5. Bear

    Man of Steel - Absolutely dreadful. I can't find a single thing about this film that's actually good. Everything from the poor script to the boring directing to the dreadful acting to the aaaaaaaaaaaaaamazingly poor special effects suck. This is down there with Catwoman, Daredevil and The Dark Knight Returns as the worst superhero films ever. Well, down there with the worst films ever. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit film.
  6. Bear

    White Zombie - I thought it was about time I watched something proper old, and I ended up rewatching White Zombie, the film often regarded as the firt ever zombie film. Back in the begining of the zombie films, in the 30's and 40's, zombies weren't flesheating, braindead monsters looking for delicious human flesh and brains. Back in the early days of zombies, the zombies had a master, and it was all about black magic/voodoo. It wasn't any virus or anything. So if you want flesheating monsters or viruses, then this obviously ain't for you. White Zombie is all about the atmosphere and Bela Lugosi. Bela Lugosi does well in his role as the evil master of the zombies, and Victor Halperin does extremely well in creating a bleak, dark and occult atmosphere that goes hand in hand with the story of the film. It's a bit of a slow burner, despite only being around 65 minutes long, but it's well worth sitting though IMO, because the atmosphere is magnificent. And redit to the zombies in the film. I think they're absolutely awesome. They feel threatning and dangerous, and some of them look evil as fuck as well. Great film, this!
  7. Bear

    Yeah, no problem. Both EPs are fantastic, but Rays of Darkness are my favourite so far. Stunning release. Mono playing in Oslo in a month. I need to see if I can go there. I have yet to see the band live. Ugh, it'll hurt if I can't go this time either.
  8. Bear

    Releasing the old track is a great idea, it always is, but releasing it as an album with a shitload of old tracks are almost insulting to me as a fan. It's just about getting more money.
  9. Bear

    By the way, does someone have an invite to Cinemageddon? Keen on joining as it seems like they've got "everything" as far as horror goes. Would love to check it out.
  10. Bear

    The two new Mono EPs leaked in good quality today. Oh yeah! Listening to Rays of Darkness now, a release which is their first in 15 yeas not to include a orchestra. Sounds surprisingly bleak, and amazing as usual.
  11. Bear

    Sounds awesome. Great films only. I love The Omen, as long as it's the original one. Fantastic film. Tenebre - One of Dario Argento's best films, which says a lot. I think I prefer both Suspiria and Profondo Rosso over this, but those two are more or less perfect, so that doesn't mean this ain't great. Because it is. It's a truely great film. It's a very standard giallo, stylish as fuck and suspenseful, but it does have a bit of complexity that you don't see too often in these films. The story is damn good, the characters and actors are great, it's visually stunning as always and it's topped off with one of the best soundtracks ever made, a soundtrack that might be Goblin's best ever album, which says a lot considering this is one of the best bands ever. Rarely have murder been as fantastic and stylish as in this film. Great violence. By the way, am I the only one who gets a sci-fi feeling from this film? I can't quite put my finger on it, but I get a very futuristic feel from it. I also gets massive film noir-vibes from it. Also, on the 30th I'll watch a horror film, or most likely two, at the cinema. I can't wait! I've been waiting for this my whole life.
  12. I can't see any youtube videos right now, but is it the speed metal band from Belgium? Cool band name, taken from Razor's classic album I assume. Can't remember what the band sounds like, though. Will take a new listen one day. Arcturus is currently mixing their upcoming album. Looking forward to something new. Should be fun!
  13. Bear

    Grave Encounters - The Blair Witch Project meets Paranormal Activity. This film is doomed to become a cultfilm just like The Blair Witch Project. It's got everything to take that status. I thought it was an enjoyable film, but not a masterpiee or anything. Great atmoshere, but never scary or anything to me, but my girlfriend jumped a couple of times, though. The thing I really liked is the amount of humour it's got, much because of how real the character feel. And it's not the type of funny moments that are just thrown in, it's funny moments because of the reactions by the characters, and if you've ever been scared at night when walking over/past a graveyard or visiting an old, abandoned house, you'll know what I talk about. They come off as really genuine, and that adds to how real everything feels. So yea, I really liked this film.
  14. Japan's got some crazy thrash vocalists. The guy in Fastkill is absolutely insane. Another great Japanese thrash metal band. They don't reinvent the wheel or anything like that, they just play fast, brutal, straightforward and bonecrushing thrash metal. They're more in the vain of Morbid Saint and lack the unique touch Terror Squad's got. Fast as fuck thrash metal. The vocalist is a bit of an acquired taste for sure, though. I love him. Also, the new Solefald EP leaked today. It's not a very good rip, but I couldn't hold back. Sounds fantastic. It's not metal, but it still sounds like Solefald and a continuation of their last album, Norrøn Livskunst. Very unique. I'll actually go as far as saying there's something very Scandinavian over how it sounds. Can't wait for a proper rip.
  15. Fuck, what an underrated band. Terror Squad's debut is a semi-technical deathy thrash metal assault with lots of twist and turns, and the second album is a lot more progressive, punky, avant-garde and technical. Both fantastic albums! Crushing stuff. One of the most original bands within the thrash metal genre ever. No idea why they haven't made a bigger name for themself after 22 years. Such a shame, really. Took me a while to get into Chaosdragon Rising, because it is a hard listen for being thrash metal, but it's a great album. Their debut, The Wild Stream of Eternal Sin, is a lot better though. Masterpiece! Fuckin' poserz are dancin' in out sight No frillz! Gonna fight tonite! If ya' wanna dance, say ya' prayer You'll feel our edge of razor DISCO BLOODY DISCO !!! We are experts of Budo Bang ya' head, no chance to say no! Draw pentagram on the floor!!! All you dancerz are ritual sacrifice Good-bye to ya' life, say ya' prayer We scream our slogan, "FUCK THE DISCO!!!" We're iron hotfrd We're possessed of beerz'n'rock'n'roll!! We're ya' last dance partnerz, shall we? Set the wild fire! Burn down the disco!!! Poser'z grave We beat the beatz of unholy rock'n'roll! Metal night fever! Don't shake ya hip, just bang ya' head! Draw the 666! On head of poserz! Yyyeeeaaahhh!!! Bleedin! Screamin! We spit on poser'z face! Bloody party! Last dance to death Wear the leater! Girlz! Put on leopard skirt! Die hard metal! Burning!! Burning!! We are poservampire, pleasure is blood of foe Hear our scream rom black soul Bloody unholy rrroooaaarrr!!! Burn the picture of Travolta!! All disco in this world will end by this final war All wimpy dancerz! Feel the firrreeeggghh!!! Solo: Murder Machine Attack the D.J. booth oh yeah!!! Burn the recordz of Bee- Geez Play the Venom recordz "Welcome To Hell"! Sodom! Satan! Angel Witch!!! "Pure Filth"! Mighty Warfare!! Voivod! "Thrashing Rage"! Hellhammer! Celtic Frost! Kreator! At War! Zoetrope "Kill The Enemy"!!! Don't Forget Artillery!! Don't ya' know?! Go fuck ya'self! "Bestial Invasion" Of Destruction! Sabbat! "Black Fire"! Terror Squad! Bulldozer! Dark Angel! Exciter! Luli! "Got Killed"! Play The Raven! "Rock Unil You Drop"!! Carnivore! Whiplash! "Power & Pain"! Sacrifice! Possessed! Bathory! Nasty Savage! "No Simpathy"!! Yeah!! "Evil Invaderz"! Razor! Cheek time dance with Countess Bathory!!! Solo: Waltz For Nemesis WWWOOORRRGGGHHH!!! DISCO BLOODY DISCO!!! You're victim of razor!! Dance ya'last dance and say bye to ya' youth. And Pray! Adios! Adieu!! Poserz! We squeeze outa tearz oh yeah!! Dancerz! Here comes the night of tragedy!! Just only danced. But under the guillotine! Sons of Satan! We're possessed beast Death leather army! We're eternal heresy! Deeds of iron command to you. Bang ya' head If ya' don't obey our rule, ya' must die in this inferno!!! TOTAL HOLOCAUST IN THE DISCOTHEQUE! Set the wild fire!! Burn down the disco!! Poser'z grave We beat the beatz of unholy rock'n'roll! Metal night ranger!! Don't shake yaìhip, just bang your head! Draw the 666! On head of poserz yyyeeeaaahhh!!! I love the lyrics to the song. I like disco too, but it's fantastic anyway. Sooooo cheesy, but that's a part of metal, innit? And I love how many bands and albums they put into the lyrics. Always nice with a homage to bands that influenced you.
  16. Bear

    Berserk boxset (6 disc) Samurai Champloo boxset (7 disc) Shogun - 30th Anniversary Edition (5 disc) Good prices. The first Berserk box I got had been crushed in the mail, but I sent a mail and got a response within a few hours. Got the new box today, half a week after I sent the mail, and I'll send the other one back tomorrow. Good service!
  17. Bear

    Hell yeah! The only thing right now that makes me rank this a bit bellow the debut, is Gangsta Boo's part in Love Again. I don't feel her. Lack attitude and flow IMO. It sounds very, very amateurish. The rest sounds top notch. Hip hop abum of the year for sure, but that we already knew as soon as they told us about the plans to make a #2. Brilliant guys.
  18. Bear

    Oh shit, this is good. So good I almost threw my laptop at the wall half way into the first song. I'm not sure I can handle the badassness and coolness from the duo this time around. It's almost too much. Me right now:
  19. Bear

    Awesome! Gonna download right away.
  20. Bear

    The Woman in Black - The one from 1989. I'll start with a fun story. Ten years back or so, my brother ordered a DVD of this off ebay. We knew it wasn't released on DVD, but from what the seller said it was a great bootleg with quality as good as it gets, a great package and whatnot. When he recived the DVD it was on a cheap CDr, and the cover was a regular CD cover where the guy had just prined out a poor, poor version of the film poster. Heh. What a bitch! Anyway, fantastic film, and I think this is even better than the remake/new version of the film. The new version sends a lot more time in the dark with way more quick cuts and whatnot to scare you, while this sends most time in daylight trying to build and build and build on the atmoshere and creeps. To me, it succeeds on doing that. Yes, this was a TV production with a very low budget, so the acting is at times way bellow par, the direction ain't the best and it looks a bit cheap here and there. But they took what they had and made something fantastic out of it. There's not too many scares or anything, but the few they've got are outstanding and will sends chills down your spine. So, while it was a way cheaper film than the remake/new version, it still comes of as a more expensive film because they don't take the easy route to scare no-one. They take the hard one all the way, and it really pays off. Happy to see the quality of the rip too. Not amazing, but more than good enough for my taste. Deserves a DVD release. It really does.
  21. Bear

    Yeah, The ABCs of Death was very hit and miss, but when it hit I thought it hit very, very hard. B, D, L, N, O, Q, R and T were good. Especially B, O and Q made the film great for me. Outstanding shorts. The Legend of Hell House - I'e always been a huge fan of haunted house films, and this one rocked. As with most of the classic films in the genre this is also based on a novel, this one's called Hell House. Fans of the novel tends to complaina bout the lack of blood, gore and sexuality, but I've never read the novel and don't care about that. This film is very similar to other haunted house films of the 60's and 70's, and while not original, it's very atmospheric and quite effective at what it does. The special effects are outstanding, the acting are great (especially by the girls Pamela Franklin and Gayle Hunnicutt) and it's well-directed with nice, moody cinematography. The weakest point here are the screenplay, but I've got no problems with it whatsoever. I think it's great. The whole film is. Also, the haunted house genre are among the scariest that exists. Simply because it's often so simple, yet so scary and creepy. Magic! Also, the film posters are crazy good, like: That's so awesome. Could have both hanging up on my wall. Beauties.
  22. Bear

    Witching & Bitching - The english title of this film is so bad the original title is Las brujas de Zugarramurdi which translates to The Witches of Zugarramurdi, a way better title than Witching & Bitching. Anyway, Witching & Bithing is a horror comedy by spanish cult director Alex de la Iglesia, and he's got his name written all over the film. While it's fun, exciting, surreal and bizarre, it does lack a bit for my taste. The special effects are at times awful, well, most CGI through the film is embarrassingly bad and it's way too long. I'd cut 15-20 minutes from this if I was in charge. I think there's just a bit too much going on at the same time throughout this film. Should've left a few ideas behind. This film is basically Scooby Doo for grown ups. No kidding. Carolina Bang is awfully sexy, though. Damn!
  23. Bear

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXTO9sUnrEk Finnish electroduo Mr Velcro Fastener covering one of the most known doom metal anthems ever made, taken from a split with Reverend Bizarre where both bands cover one song from eachother. It sounds fantastic. The original:
  24. Bear

    F. W. Murnau and the studio didn't get the rights for the novel when making Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens, so both names and certain events had to be changed. In fact, the Stoker family sued and won and a court ordered all copies of the film destroyed. Thankfully one or more survived. When Herzog made Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht Dracula had entered public domain, which meant he could do as he wanted with it. But he was obviously very inspired by Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens when he made it.
  25. Bear

    Sounding different and original doesn't necessary mean you sound good, but sounding like someone else doesn't necessary mean you sound good either. It mostly comes down to if you manage to write good songs or not. But I'll add this, as this is how I see it: If you're aiming for a very familiar sound, a sound that a shitload of other bands does, in most cases you will need not only to sound good, but also manage to add some character and identity to it. You simply need to stand out a bit. You'll need to be able to add that little extra that makes people wanna listen to you instead of the 50 other bands similar to you. And out of the 50 similar bands, rarely are there any reason to listen to more than 4-5 of those. A couple of those will stand out because of great songwriting that's above the rest, and a couple of them will stand out because they've managed to add a bit of character and identity to the sound, as well as writing just as good songs as the 45-46 other bands. But as you probably know I am the one who made a thread about copycats and posted a lot of clones that I simply love, so I obviously don't mind bands with a similar sound to othes. But at the end of the day in most cases one will need some kind of a character to make you stand out, unless you manage to write way better songs than the rest of the bunch, which in most cases you simply don't. Only a few out of the lot can write songs that's above the rest.
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