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Everything posted by Bear

  1. I was actually lucky enough to see peste Noire back in 07-08 or something, back when Neige, Winterhalter and Indria were all a part of the band. Fantastic concert. And talking about the rest of Peste Nore back in 07-08, more people should check out Glaciation's 1994. One of the best album of 2014. The line up for that album was Neige, Winterhalter, Valnoir (ex-The CNK) and a few others I am not familiar with. Nowadays the band consists of Neige, Winterhalter, Indria Saray and RMS Hreidmarr (ex-Anorexia Nervosa), as well as the few I am not too familiar with. The artwork for the album is perhaps the worst ever, but the album is a solid 9+/10. Really looking forward to a new release with RMS Hreidmarr on the team. I've really missed his vocals after the disbandment of Anorexia Nervosa. Anyway, the best part of 1994 is the vocal performances. Jesus.
  2. M.E.R.R.Y. is such an amazing album. It's amazing.
  3. I could also add that my favourite Peste Noire album is still the debut album. Medieval black metal that still stands as one of the most unique black metal albums of the 2000's, and Dueil angoisseus as one of the best black metal songs ever. Fucking Neige, man. Love him or hate him, fact is that grim vocals doesn't get more inhuman, ugly and disgusting than his, something he's showcased more than once.
  4. I thought their self-titled was good as well, but I thought it was a step in the wrong direction. Or, a huge step back. They just took bits of all their previous albums and made it into a whle new album. But I had hoped they'd go in the nutty direction they started with Ballade... and took even further with L'Ordure... Instead they calmed down a bit and made a less crazy album. This however, is crazy and what I had hoped for after L'Ordure... The video is very Lugubrumesque IMO. Lugubrum is another recommended band. Weird, experimental black metal. The first 5-6 albums are exceptional. Boersk blek betle! aka farmer black metal, which is a fitting description. They even have lyrics about midgets. They're that fucking cool. Putrid feed from the forest trough stubby hands claw damp dead foilage Torch - light unmasks distorted mugs grinding molars Midgets of evil Buried delicacy slobbering hybrids sick the tainted marrow lick the carrion
  5. Cool. Looking forward to hearing your impression of Goatwhore. They're plaing at next years Inferno Festival. Might take a look unless I'm tired as fuck at that point and need to refill some beer. As for me, I am going to my brother right before christmas (18th, and going home on the 22nd) and me, him, and a friend of us are going to Oslo to stay with a friend for a couple of days. Seeing Aura Noir again on the 19th and Morbid Angel for the first time on the 20th. They're doing some Covenant stuff, so probably playing it from A to Å. Looking forward to both, despite not being a huge post-Blessed are the Sick fan.
  6. Bear

    Yeah, well, no. I'm quite a happy, satisfied fella.
  7. Bear

    I guess I'm a sick freak then. Love that kind of stuff. Kind and sweet childrens school worker during day - sick freak during night.
  8. Bear

    I'm finding great horror titles every day like, both films with and without much blood and/or gore. Both old and new.
  9. Bear

    I think Shadows and The Avoided Sun are top notch album, while Greedy Dead Souls, The Buried and I Believe in Me are very good albums. The little I've heard from post-I Believe in Me have been a massive yawn. No thank you. Never really got the "hate" for I Believe in Me in me either. Great poppy rock.
  10. New Peste Noire video for their main song on the split with Diapsiquir: The video is as white trashed as expected, but I really dig the song. This is the direction I had hoped the band would take after L'ordure..., so I am very happy about this.
  11. Bear

    This is now up for pre-order on Bood-Music's official HP. I got home 4 minutes ago and have ordered both. 15 euros a piece. This shit will be worth your money.
  12. Bear

    The Last House on Dead End Street was a very low budget (3k) horror film made in the wake of Wes Craven's shocker The Last House on the Left, which is also a low-budget film, but with a budget of 90k. So it's quite a difference, and that can be seen and heard and felt. Wes Craven with a bigger budget, as well as being ten times the director the other guy was. The one you saw is a remake of this. The Strangers are awfully underrated. I really like the film and feels as if it deserves a lot more recognition from people. Great and effective film. Eraserhead is recommended a lot by me, but it's surrealistic and certainly not for everyone. It's simply a bit weird. But if one can handle that kind of films it's a gem. And I think there's a lot of original and unique films being made today. A lot actually. Films like Amer, Berberian Sound Studio, The Stange Colours of Your Body's Tears and to some degree Red Nights feels very original and unique to me. The creators have been getting their main inspiration from gialo, but worked a lot on it to make it something quite different. These might be a bit too weird to people, though, especially the three first. But yeah, unique films. Sometimes style over substance, but I'm fine with that.
  13. Bear

    Their facebook. Those are Mirai's own words.
  14. Bear

  15. Bear

    I'm not getting tired of this song. Amazing. That hook, man. Fuck! I'm having a hard time getting it out of my head. Singing it all day long.
  16. Bear

    To those who don't know, the SIGH "Gallows Gallery" Special Edition double-disc is available at Name Your Own Price on our Bandcamp. This was remastered from the original mixes by us - and many people consider this the definitive release of this album. https://blood-music.bandcamp.com/album/gallows-gallery-special-edition This one sounds very different from the muddy original mix and the overproduced James Murphy mix. Recommended for fans of the band. I will add that I do prefer the muddy original mix to this, though. But this one sounds excellent nonetheless.
  17. Bear

    I think there's plenty of films out there with no substance whatsoever, and gore doesn't count for substance. Like the Guinea Pig series and The Last House on Dead End Street. I like both, but there's no substance there. It's made to shock and make people believe it's real. There's not more to any of them than that. Yeah, it's jut as with music. Things changes. Thing you liked 10 years ago might suck now, and things you hate 10 years ago may be masterpieces now. We change so much over the years that our views on things changes as well. This is why I like to re-visit albums and films that I loved or hated as younger, to see how much I've changed since then. It's always fun. Sometimes it means destroying a good memory, butit's often worth it. The good thing about Scream is how it doesn't take itself or the genre serious, and it's never meant to be scary. The film itself is awfully aware of it being a horror film, and plays around with it. However, I don't think it's as unique as many people make it out to be. This had been done many, many times before it did it. Great film, though. #4, which I saw not too long ago, is also great. Was a huge surprise as I had pretty low expectations. Yeah, no problem. Heh.
  18. Bear

    I have no idea what you want, but becaue you mentioned "return of the boom bap" I will just have to throw this one out there: Fantastic album.
  19. Bear

    Samurai Spy - A visually stunning 60's new wave samurai/ninja masterpiece by Masahiro Shinoda, with a great cast, good, solid plot and cool action. The cinematography in this film is absolutely insane and the strongest point of the film by a long shot, and there is ALWAYS some eye candy present on screen. It's so beautiful to look at. The story might be a bit too much for some people, with too many characters and locations in too short of a time, but I have no problem following the plot, which I really like. But if you're unlucky and get lost, I think you'll struggle big time to get into it again, which means this is a film that requiers your 100% attention. Lovely soundtrack that fits the atmosphere of the film perfectly too. Yeah, it ould pobably have been a bit longer and gone deeper into the plot and sub-plots here and there, but the visuals totally makes up for it and despite being black and white it's one of the most colourful films I've seen in a long, long time. Truely reathtaking! 9,5/10 Shinobi no Mono 5: Return of Mist Saizo - I'm not sure about the title, but it should be something along those lines. Anyway, the fifth in the series and a direct continuation of the previous one. As with the 3rd, it starts of amazingly but doesn't manage to follow it up and ends as a bit of a disappointment, mainly because the lighting is bloody awful at times and it gets hard to see exactly what happens during some of the action scenes. But other than that it's geat, fast-paced and cool. Raizo Ichikawa and Tomisaburo Wakayama ae themself alike - brilliant by both! And the plot is solid as fuck, so I truly enjoyed this film as well.
  20. Music-wise it's a battle between angura, eroguro and nagoya, and image-wise it's eroguro. I guess.
  21. Everything basically. Fuzz is a decent and catchy pop song, but other than that there's nothing of value on Shion in my ear. The songs suck, the production is boring and Tatsurou sounds unspired. I'm not a big fan of Kuchiki no To either, but it's got a few decent songs and Tatsurou doesn't sound as boring as on Shion, but even on this album I think he'd lost most of his punch, which might seem a bit weird as I think he was amazing and at his very best just one year earlier. But I just think he'd lost much of that desperation, hurt and honesty that made his vocals so enjoyable on Zekuu, as well as his vocals sounding kinda out of place on Kuchiki no To. The production is pretty bad, though. So Kuchiki no To at least has something for me to enjoy, something which Shion doesn't with the exception of one decent song. But neither is something I'd listen to ever again from my own will. That's for sure.
  22. I will pick Kuchiki no tou, but that's not because I think it is a great album. It's a mediocre album that's a lot better than the godawful Shion.
  23. Bear

    You should try the original The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I love it and can't stand any of the new remakes. It's got a pretty different feeling to it. "Fun" fact: I used to hate The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and thought it was just screaming without any real substance. This was something like 12-13 years ago. That changed with time though, and now I adore the film. And both Scream and ESPECIALLY The Exorcist are fantastic films. The Exorcist does pretty much everything right. Brilliant film! Even the original, banned trailer is beyond cool. Had I seen this trailer at the cinema when I was around 13-16 years old I would seriously have shat my pants and left right away. It's that awesome:
  24. I've been recommending some albums in the past, and now I thought I'd go in a slightly different direction and recommend several albums by one band. Or, just recommend the band. This is a band that it has taken me years and years to get into, but a few moths ago I tried for the X-th time and suddenly I realised how brilliant this band is. Or, was. Along with Summoning, Abigor is one of the big black metal bands from Austria, Summoning-member Silenus was a part of the band in the period 94-98 as their vocalist. Since their formation in 93 the band has released 5 demos, 1 split (with Summoning and a few other bands), 5 EPs, 1 single and 10 fullenghts, where one is a new interpretation of an old album. Their three first albums are absolutely brilliant IMO. Original and unlike every other band in the genre. One of those bands you'll recognize during a few seconds of the first song. With the release of Supreme Immortal Art they went in a more complex and symphonic direction more inspired by the likes of Emperor and geting more and more experimental with each album. I really like Supreme Immortal Art and Channeling the Quintessence of Satan with their chaotic avant-garde touch, but with Satanized (A Journey Through Cosmic Infinity) they started losing me and with the next album, Fractal Possession, I was actually completely lost. I haven't really tried the albums after, but I plan too. Fractal Possession was the first album I checked out by the band back in 2007, and I disliked it then. I don't dislike it as much in 2014, but I am still no fan of it. Tried it again only a couple of days ago actually. With this they went in a direction that sounds inspired by newer Dødheimsgard and Deathspell Omega. While there's plenty of great riffs and melodies and awesome structures and whatnot, it just seem as if they created and album that was too straightforward for their liking and just added weird parts here and there to make it seem more avant-garde and unique. It just doesn't work for me. But if you're a fan of black metal, this band is highly recommended, both old and new. But especially their three first albums which are all 10/10 IMO. Unique band! Perfect mix of semi-symphonic, melodic and raw black metal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fORKhwNqo3o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBclUtEb8M8
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