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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Thought Mayhem gave us a good gig. The setlist was great, with 10/14 or 11/15 songs being pre-Chimera stuff. Hellhammer is Hellhammer and the drum sound could've been much better, but it wasn't as bad as I'd thought. Not very good, but not annoyingly bad either. Whore, Illuminate Eliminate and Psywar didn't work at all live, but apart from that they did a good job. Necrobutcher seemed to have an absolute blast on stage. Seemed to really enjoy himself and Teloch seemed to enjoy himself, but you couldn't see his face as he's joined the latest tend in black metal, following Mgla and Svartidaudi as far as his image goes. Which is a bit of a problem to be honest. Attila being the only one with corpseish paint works well because he's the vocalist, but Teloch wearing his stuff looks a bit out of place considering what the rest of the band looks like. He did look awesome, though, but perhaps a BIT cheaper looking than mentioned Mgla and Svartidaudi. And Charles Hedger looked like he was hating it. Just stood there and did his job, and that was it. Didn't look like he was into it at all. But the highlight oh the show was Attila. He looked great and his theatricals were awesome on the night. He looked like a relaxed, black metallic version of a cybergoth dancer with his arm movements, with both a skull and inverted cross in hand. A lot will hate this, but I thought it worked really well, even though it shouldn't. That was Attila like, just without the leg movements. It was so corny, yet so fucking cool. No idea how he pulled it off.
  2. Going to see Mayhem again today. Probably 10 yeas since I last saw them. Checked their recent setlists and 11 out of 15 songs are pre-Chimera stuff. Hoping for good sound, especially for the drums. But knowing Hellhammer I am sure he's death-triggered them as he always does.
  3. Bear

    Video Nasties: Moral Panic, Censorship & Videotape - A documentary about the video nasties and how that went through. Albeit a bit short, this is a fantastic documentary. Interesting and entertaining. Listening to Martin Barker is like listening to some kind of a supreme being. One of the few who dared to stand up against the censorship, and listening to him talking about it is very interesting, and he's so obviously a clever man as well. Great stuff!
  4. Bear

    Shinobi No Mono 3: Resurrection - Starts off directly where Vengeance ended, and it starts off really well and while it never gets bad or boring, it just never reaches the hights of the previous films. It drags on a bit too long, and the climax is very disappointing. Way too uneven pacing, not enough ninjaism and not epic enough. But it's still a fantastic film, though.
  5. Bear

    Works for me.
  6. Bear

    Zeku, Tsuzetsu and the two EPs are the way to go. Homnura Uta have plenty of good songs as well, but as an album it's 25-30 minutes too long and include übershit like Mae e. And there's no reason to check out anything released after Hoyoku IMO. The albums after are just proper shit like.
  7. Bear

    Shinobi No Mono 2: Vengeance - The second in the series, and this is just as good as the first one, if not better. I was taken completely off guard with a few of the scenes. So brutal, grim and harsh, and this is 1963, man. Fucking hell! It both looks and sound as good as the fist one, and is just as well-acted and directed. Fantastic film. A bit more action-oriented and epic, with a bit less ninjaism. But it worked eally well, and I loved this one too. Raizo Ichikawa is still fantastic in the lead, Tomisaburo Wakayama is even better than in the first and Shiho Fujimura really caught my eye. So talented and so beautiful. Perfect! Bloody, epic and even grim and harsh. This film should please any fan of old school jidaigeki and chambara. Top notch film!
  8. Bear

    Nightcrawler is one of the films I have been looking the most forward to in 2014. I've already given it 9,5/10 because of the poster, and hailed Jake Gyllenhaal's fantastic performance as the performance of the year (as far as films goes). This is before I've watched it. Such massive expectations. Don't think it'll come to the movie theaters around here, and IF it comes it'll be in 2015. Ew.
  9. Bear

    Anyone got any recommendations for documentary's about horror and exploitation film? Or film in general, but I am mainly looking for horor and exploitation docus. These are what I've seen: Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy (10/10) Ray Harryhausen: Special Effects Titan (10/10) Machete Maidens Unleashed! (9/10) Not Quite Hollywood: The Wild, Untold Story of Ozploitation! (9/10) Corman's World: Exploits of a Hollywood Rebel (9/10) Rewind This! (9/10) Best Worst Movie (9/10) American Grindhouse (8/10) Year of the Living Dead (8/10) Bringing Godzilla Down to Size: The Art of Japanese Special Effects (8/10) The Sci-Fi Boys (7/10) Roger Corman: Hollywood's Wild Angel (7/10) These Amazing Shadows (7/10) The Slanted Screen (7/10) Next up is Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th and Video Nasties: Moral Panic, Censorship & Videotape. Looking forward to both, but espeially Crystal Lake Memories which is a 400 minute long docu about Friday the 13th. Really, really, really looking forward to that one.
  10. Bear

    Cool! Film festivals are awesome. I'm going to Oslo Fright Fest in January. A film festival fo horror, cult and exploitation fans. They'll show What We Do in the Shadows, which I am extremely excited about, The ABCs of Death 2 and the Norwegian christmas slasher O'Hellige Jul!. There's gonna be more of course. Hoping for some awesome guests and some even more exciting films.
  11. What other bands did you see? I've seen a lot of people complainign about the awful sound at the Mgla gig, but most of them aso say that the two Clandestine Blaze covers with Mikko Aspa on vocals makes ut for it. I'd kill to experience that live. I also saw Goat Semen as one of the booking for next years festival. Crazy booking. Fantastic band. Also, people seem to be very impressed with the new Mortuary Drape. Their first album in 10 years, and peope compare it to Secret Sudaria. That sounds awesome. Can't wait!
  12. Albums, clothes and patches. Simple as that. I own lenty of pins and posters as well, but they're either been a part of the album or in a zine.
  13. I've had a massive kick on Necrophobic the last days. Swedish black/death metal which at times goes into both melodic death/black and thrash metal territory. The earliest albums are my favourites, but Death to All, released in 2009 are pretty fucking cool as well. But it lacks the awesome production of the two first albums, and isn't as strong song wise either. But still awesome. This shit is highly recommended. The second, Darkside, is probably my favourite right now.
  14. Bear

    Shinobi no Mono aka Ninja, a Band of Assassins - The first out of a eight-film long jidaigeki series, with the three first being based on novels. It was also so popular that it got a TV-series as well, just like Zatoichi did around the same time. This is old school ninja films. These ninjas doesn't have any super powers, there's no tunnelling through sand dunes and no flying through the air. This is pure old school ninjas who can be quiet, are smart and great fighters and strong, but nothing else really. It's realistic ninjas. The first thing that hits me from the first moment of the film are the beautiful cinematography and amazing soundtrack. It both looks and sounds a billion dollars. Stunning stuff. It's well-written, well-directed and really fucking entertaining. The cast is amazing and everyone truly impress, and among the cast you also find Tomisaburô Wakayama, best known as the lead in the Lone Wolf and Cub series. A genius! He steals the show for me, despite not getting much screentime. But he's fantastic. Another thing that I noticed throughout the film is that it is incredibley violent for a 1962-film. There's some insanely bloody moments (for its time), and those made me go nuts. It was massively unexpected, and my eyes went huge a couple of times. Great action scenes too. Brilliantly done. This was a fantastic film, and I am looking forward to seeing the rest and get them all on DVD or VHS or whatever. The film series also has its own unofficial fansite. Do check out: http://www.shinobinomono.com/snm_wordpress/ The film also served as an inspiration for Roald Dahl as he wrote You Only Live Twice. Says it all really.
  15. Bear

    Best Worst Movie - Fun, touching, heartwarming and sad. This documentary document a fantastic journey that the film Troll 2 had. From an unknown, hated film dubbed as the worst film ever to a cult film known all over the earth with lots of fans. Underground, but still cult as fuck, with a shitload of screenings and all that. They interview most of the actors as wel as the director and writer, fans and a lot more. The highlight for me is Claudio Fragasso who stated is directo career in 1980, and had made 12 films before he directed Troll 2 in 1989. He comes off as very, very bitter and buttover bcause he thinks the films he made are great films and he insults the actors and just doesn't get why people like it. Well, until the end that is, but still. It's fantastic and it even out this documentary for being too touching and sweet. Fantastic addition. Anyway, it's a great documentary about a fantastic film.
  16. This probably isn't of much interest to peope here, but there's finally a official comp with their demo, EP and album out these days. This shit is heavily recommended. Raw, brutal and occult black metal of the filthiest kind. Sarcofago meets Beherit. It sounds absolutely disgusting. I don't buy CDs anymore unless it's something special, and this most definetly is. This is getting a spot in my collection. Masterpiece!
  17. Bear

    Depends on the music. A lot of music sounds superior with headphones, while a lot sounds superior with speakers. Some sounds great with both headphones and speakers. I don't know shit about speakers and all that, but I've got a pair of Dynavoice Magic F-6 EX for my vinyl player... which I have yet to try. I need to get some decent speakers for my laptop as well. But I am a cheap bastard who hates to spend money.
  18. Bear

    I'd love to recommend you something frightening, but it's impossible unless I know what kind films you consider frightening. Is jump scares what scares you? Is it gore? Is is psychological? Mention 5 scary films and it'l be easier for people who would recommend you something. Father's Day - This film is both produced and distrubuted by Troma Entertainment, and if you're familiar with Troma you know'll know what this is about. Absolutely madness. Lots of gore, nudity and madness! While I was entertained by this film, I am slightly disappointed. The first 2/3rds of the film are amazing, but then it just looses itself and drags on way too long. 80 minutes would've been enough, and it felt as if they had ran out of ideas and just continued filming for the hell of it. Had way too much fun to stop. It's a shame really.
  19. Bear

    It's got nothing to do with stupidity, dear you. Sin Nombre - Adventure-drama written and directed by Cary Jôji Fukunaga, best known for the genius director in the first season of True Detective. I expected something more along the lines of City of God, but this was something completely different and very, very good. Great story and well-acted, but Cary Jôji Fukunaga's the big star here. Visually stunning with beautiful cinematography and it's just so well-directed. He's a proper star, that man. Should've had a bigger name by now. It also comes off as very realistic and great.
  20. Bear

    Mer Sigh. Shininchi Another unused of photo which was unused because of the bad corpse-painting. Satoshi always had the problem with that. This bad-corpse-painting series will last for a while. Judging from the date, this is the recording session for "Requiem for Fools" 7" EP. Probably the oldest Sigh photo taken in April of 1990. This is the outtake from the Requiem for Fools 7"EP cover photo shooting. This is actually Satoshi. From the tried-to-look-like-Venom-then-failed session. Should be around 1993. The biggest problem was that Satoshi was wearing a pair of sandals... Another photo session that never saw the light of the day. Should be around 92-93. Another unused photo. I even do not remember why I had a photo session like this. OK, here's the story about the Scorn Defeat artworks. The real original cover artwork was lost when Euronymous was murdered. Probably it was taken away by the police. Then Voices of Wonder Records sent us the four new artworks, three of which I uploaded below, fourth was published as the first cover. I hate all of them. They all sucked to my eyes, but they didn't want any more delays so I had to choose the least horrible one. However, once the album was out, so many people claimed the artwork sucked and finally VoW agreed to change it. It was Shinichi's one.
  21. Bear

    I have to admit I get very worried when people are taking of the similarity of the samples and DSS. Eeeew.
  22. Bear

    I still think Cat is a girl, even after seeing several pictures of him. A bit too manly for my taste, but still a cutie.
  23. Bear

    Yuletide is the time from the 24th of December to the 6th of January. Yule was a pagan "festival" similar to christmas, but with time it evolved into what we know as christmas. So in 2014 it's basically christmas time. I think.
  24. Bear

    Merry - Fuyu no Castanet
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