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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    Safety Not Guaranteed - A sweet, fun and very charming romantic comedy with beautiful direction and a good cast. The dialogue was perhaps the best thing about the film. It felt so natural, and it was so well-witten. I also fell in love with Aubrey Plaza during this film.
  2. Bear

    A lot of artist have a lot of art in them that they want to get out. Starting a new band, going solo or whatever is a way of getting that out without interfering with the main band. Because maybe the songs you've written, and are so damn proud of, just doesn't fit into the style your main band is doing. Then releasing it with another band (that may or may not share the same members), or release it solo or whatever. It's just smart. I'd kill Mirai if he released Enoch or Cut Throat as Sigh. Both are great band, but neither are Sigh, and therefor shouldn't be released as Sigh either. Starting new bands to get these out was a dam fine move. And so on and on and on. Let's say I play in a melodic death metal band. Would it really be so bad if I decided to get my black metal or heavy metal songs out there alone or with another band? O would it be better if I just wrote a shitload of great songs and left 'em behind without doing nothing with 'em?
  3. Bear

    Warring Clans - Wow, what a film this was! When putting this on I didn't know it was made by Kihachi Okamoto so I didn't have too high expectations, but as soon as I found out he had directed it I was not surprised by the high quality throughout this film. Kihachi Okamoto is the man behind masterpieces such as The Sword of Doom, Samurai Assassin and Kill!. However, this one was made earlier than those and are quite different. It's less serious and much more over the top. You've got samurai, ninja and fucking pirates in one and the same film. How cool is that? This is a comedic action-adventure which is both fun, clever and exciting as fuck. Great direction by Okamoto, great acting, at times stunning cinematography and a cool, unexpected and kinda odd, jazzy soundtrack to top it all of. It's also got a fantastic spaghetti western-feeling to it, which I really liked, and it is cut in a way that makes non-matrtial artists look talented. Clever work. Awesome film! Horrible Bosses - Rewatched this while eating yesterday. I still love it. Charlie Day is fantastic, Jennifer Aniston probably does her best ever role and Colin Farrell is hilarious. Great film.
  4. This have been the song of the day for several days now. Jesus christ. Caaaatchy as fuck!
  5. Bear

    With the success of Gareth Edward's GODZILLA hit, and the passionate support from the icon's fans, TOHO is jumping back into the game and are producing a secondary Godzilla series of their very own with a 2016 Release! http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/monstroushotzone/news/?a=112081 So it came something positive out of the american shitfilm after all. Awesome!
  6. Another new Marduk track: https://soundcloud.com/centurymedia/marduk-wartheland Yeah, it's allright. Mid-tempo and way more enjoyable than the first one. Great vocals.
  7. Bear

    Three more vinyls to add to my collection: David Alexander Hess ‎– The Last House On The Left (Original 1972 Motion Picture Soundtrack) David Alexander Hess ‎– The Last House On The Left (Original 1972 Motion Picture Soundtrack) pic disc Fabio Frizzi - City Of The Living Dead (Original Motion Picture soundtrack) Ssssssssssssssssssssmokin'!
  8. Bear

    I've only given it one spin, but my first impression is that this album contains some of their best as well as worst songs to this date, and it's 10-15 minutes too long. Phenomenon and Cause of Fickleness are the worst of the lot. Disgusting.
  9. Cause of Fickleness is the biggest joke of the year. Pathetic.

    1. nekkichi


      (needless to say it's one of my favs lol)

    2. Tetora


      Why do you think it`s the biggest joke? (Haven`t heard it btw).

    3. Spectralion


      The instruments are good, but what the hell with those vocal :|

    4. Show next comments  423 more
  10. Bear

    Blue Ruin - A crowdfunded revenge-thriller written and directed by Jeremy Saulnier, the man behind the well-received horror-comedy Murder Part, which I have yet to see. The story is great, the cinematography is beautiful, it's full of suspense and it's at times extremely bloody. Great cast as well. I don't think I've ever heard of Macon Blair, but him not getting an Oscar for his performance here is absolutely ridiculous. He's pretty much carries this film on his own back, and he does it with so much power you can't do nothing but get impressed by it. Grim, gritty and fantastic. Blue Ruin is a simple and straight-forward, yet smart and superbly written, played and directed revenge-thriller that will keep on the edge of your seat for 80 out of the 85 minutes it lasts. From the 73 films I've seen from 2013, this is the very best (excluding documentaries).
  11. Bear

    To be honest, I don't think Nightwish are very cheesy as far as the music goes. There's only a few songs each on Once that I'd catogorize as cheesy. That's mainly Wish I Had an Angel, Nemo and Planet Hell. Dark Passion Play had a few more, but that's as expected considering they got a new vocalist who had a very regular, poppy voice. Need to be said it's a very long time since I heard DPP, but Once is not what I'd personally catogorize as cheesy at all. Songs like Creek Mary's Blood, The Siren, Ghost Love Score, The Poet and the Pendulum and Last of the Wilds are songs that I just consider well-written, powerful, majestic and cinematic symphonic metal songs free of both good and bad cheese in my ear. So yeah, not what I really consider cheesy. Also, THAT live performance of Creek Mary's Blood with John Two-Hawks is one of the best live performances ever, despite Tarja and the rest of the band on stage. John Two-Hawks is porno. Shows more emotion and joy during those 10 minutes than the rest of the band ever did combined. As far as "Nightwishian metal" goes I think probably Epica did it best during their first 3-4 albums or something. Should probably revisist the band some day.
  12. Bear

    I just tried watching The Frozen Ground, and it was utter shite as expected. Didn't last more than 35 minutes. Got Nicolas Cage, John Cusack as well as Vanessa Hudgens in the leads, and suddenly 50 Cent pops up as well. That's when I had to struggle not to shit my pants. Jesus. The only positive is Vanessa Hudgens being sexy, and some tits. But if I want to look at either Vanessa Hudgens or tits I can just google something. Don't need to waste my time on a film. Stay the fuck away!
  13. Bear

    I'm not sure if you're joking or not. I've never liked a single photo of Nightwish, and aside from Angels Fall First I don't like any of their covers either. Nor do I care for their lyrics. The only thing I ever liked about Nightwish was their music. Never cared for anything else. Never seen 'em live, nor will I ever see them unless someone pays me decent money to come with them. So yeah, I'm not a huge fan, I just enjoy some of their albums, with Angels Fall First being my favourite. Best performance Tarja ever did despite being the technically worst. And there's good cheese and there's bad cheese. Nightwish pictures are bad cheese, and I don't like bad cheese.
  14. Bear

    The original I Spit on Your Grave is highly recommended from me. I love the original, but I can't stand the remake. While the remake has better production value and to some degree acting, it just doesn't atch the bleak and honest atmophere of the original. Such a huge difference there, at least for me.
  15. Bear

    I think there's a big chance she'll stay. By far the most talented vocalist they've had, and she can easily handle both Tarja and Anette's song perfectly well as well. And she's always come off as a great girl as well, ever since the begining of After Forever and till now. Awful coverart and awful band picture. No expectations for the album whatsoever either. Don't even think I checked out the last one.
  16. Bear

    Lethal Weapon - This is simply one of the best action(comedies) films ever. It's exciting is and funny as fuck, and the chemesty between Mel Gibson and Danny Glover is nothing short of brilliant. This film is to buddy cop films what Die Hard is to the lone hero action flicks. Obviously not on par with Die Hard, but this isn't too far behind to be honest. Just brilliant! And just like Die Hard, it's one of the best christmas films ever.
  17. Bear

    The Sacrament - Ti West is, as you've probably gathered, one of my favourite directors from the "new generation" and he's impressed the living shit out of me with The House of the Devil (one of the 10 best horror films ever made!), The Innkeepers and his segment in V/H/S. SO my expectations wasn't exactly low. OK, so we're not getting a new The House of the Devil or The Innkeepers here, but I think The Sacrament is great nonetheless. Yeah, it's unoriginal, predictabe, basic, quite slow, and on top of that the characters are quite weak.That sounds so negative, and it kinda is. But if you ask me, its bright side overshadows its negative ones and makes it highly enjoyable. It's got a charismatic and genuinly creepy Gene Jones as Father, leader of the religious cult, and plenty of atmosphere to wrap your head around.
  18. I dunno. It's not something I think about (。・_・。)
  19. Forteresse is the band I was listening to when writing my post, namely their debut, Métal noir québécois. Brilliant album, and the epitome of what Québecian black metal is. That's the sound people will think of when talking about Québecian black metal. Other fantastic bands with a similar sound is Csejthe, Ephemer, Brume d'Automne, Chätiment, Délétère, Maléfices, Grimoire and more. Most of these bands share some members with eachother, and even though some of these sounds quite different, they all manage to capute much of the same atmosphere and feeling. Beside Forteresse, this demo by Ephemer is my favourite from the scene. On par with the debut of Forteresse IMO.
  20. But it's still a waste of time. If you can improve on a song, just leave it alone. By the way, have I ever told you guys about how fantastic the Québecian black metal scene is? It's been absolutely brilliant for the past ten years, and like many of the scenes around the world in the late 80's to the mid 90's, they have their own sound. It's so easy to hear that these bands are Québecian.
  21. That sounds cool, Jiggy. I actually knew Goatwhore are touring with Skeletonwitch. Both are playing at Inferno Festival next year. Superb line up so far. Behemoth shouldn't touch old Behemoth. Leave The Return of the Northern Moon, ...from the Pagan Vastlands, Sventevith (Storming Near the Baltic), And the Forests Dream Eternally alone, Grom and Satanica alone. Just stop wasting your time on re-recordings. That goes for all GOOD bands. Use your time more wisely. Write a new song instead. Masturbare. Eat some chocolate. Slap your bitch. Do anything beside re-recording classics. Jesus fucking christ.
  22. Bear

    It took me a long time to get a smartphone. Didn't use my phone for other than sending text messages and to have a clock aound, and I was sure I wouldn't use one much if I gt it. Didn't see the point really as my old phone still worked. However, got one from my dad two years ago that he was not happy with it at all, but I haven't had any problems with it. It's small and simple, and not one of those super phones, but it's still working as if it was new so I have no complaints. Works more than wel enough for me. This is the one I've got. Old and cheap but good.
  23. Bear

    Maybe. I don't think I've ever heard a single finnish (female) rapper in my whole life. I imagine rapping in finnish sounds bad though.
  24. Bear

    I just can't get this out of my head and it goes on repeat all day long. not sure why because this combines two of the thing I dislike the most in my hip hop: female rappers and fucking norwegian. There's something about her voice and the übersexy stavanger dialect that gets me... I think. Well, it's something at least. Maybe it's her looks.
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