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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Negura Bunget - Tau Given this oen spin as well, and I am very surprised. I really like what I hear, except for the intro to Împodobeala timpului which is godawful. Sounds like something from a Korpiklaani-record or something like that. But after the intro it gets up in quality again. Atmospheric folky black metal with some surprises here and there. Looking forward to play this a lot in the time to come.
  2. Solefald - World Metal. Kosmopolis Sud Solefald follow up the prog rocky Norrønasongen. Kosmopolis Nord with a "world metal" album. What is world metal? Well, I don't know. But this is an album where the foundation is black metal, and where all the topping is all kinds of different genres. Traditional music from lots of places on earth, electronica and god knows what. This is probably the most special metal album I have ever heard, and the title to the opening track descrives the song very well: World Music with Black Edges. That's what it is. All the song are different, not only from eachother, but frome verything you've ever heard, yet they manage to keep it SOlefald and they manage to keep it black at the very bottom. I've only given it one spin which isn't nearly enough to have an actualy opinion on the album. There's just way too much to chew around here. However, what I do not is that I really enjoyed the first spin and I can't wait to give it more time later on.
  3. Bear

    I don't get this. I can understand people being a bit sceptic before knowing who was gonna be the new vocalist, but as soon as it was revealed to be Floor Jansen I can't understand how people could be disappointed. By far the most talented vocalist of the three, and a vocalist who can pull off songs from both eras better than the previous vocalists themself.
  4. Bear

    I'm into European football. Newcastle is my team and the EPL is my league. Tend to follow the CL, t some degree EL and big matches in other leagues as well.
  5. Bear

    The Town that Dreaded Sundown (2014) - This remake/metal-sequel/loveletter to the original film does well in capturing some of the feeling from the original '76 cult-classic slasher of the same name, and modernize and rework it without fucking it up. It's not an original film by any means, but I thought it was damn good. Way above my expectations. Great atmosphere, terrorizing and dark. Damn nice cinematography too, and the way it's shot is lovely. Just to make it clear: the original film exists within this film, and they refer to it quiet a lot. You could compare it to Scream and the Stab-films. Same shit. Just that this film they refer to here, is an actual film. You get it. I thought it was a very nice and clever move.
  6. You guys should check out Gost. This shit is incredible.
  7. Bear

    Chef - Predictable and slow film written by, directed by and starring Jon Favreau in the role as Carl Casper, a headchef who slowly have gone from being a new, hot and creative chef to becoming a standard chef who lacks passion. This man need something new in his life. While the film is predictable, it is also very well-written, well-acted, well-directed and is both heartwarming and genuin. The characters are also very interesting and likeable and will make you burst out in laughter a few times. One interesting thing is how Jon Faverau hired chef Roy Choi as his technical advisor and made him oversee all the food and creation of it in the film, which makes the food-scenes INCREDIBLE. I am not kidding. I got watery mouth several times throughout this film. Food-porn at its very best. All in all a great film IMO. Really enjoyed it. This went straight into my top 10 and knocked Snowpiercer out of my top 10 list for 2014.
  8. "South American Hell" - Part 1: "Metal Medallo" focuses on the city of Medellin, Colombia and its musical rebellion against the violence, oppression and nihilism of the Escobar years. From what was once the murder capital of the world comes remarkable story of rebellion, solidarity and art; the unprecedented mutation of loud British music into a national past-time that kept the horrors of the drug-war at bay. Featuring exclusive interviews and concert footage with Masacre, Parabellum, Reencarnacion, Hadez, Ente, Grimorium Verum and more, SOUTH AMERICAN HELL captures a world unknown by looking at Colombia, Ecuador and Peru from the underground up. We hope you enjoy it! "South American Hell" II: Ecuador - The Dividing Line" focuses on the city of Quito, Ecuador and it's social and political differences... illustrated through the eyes of the heavy metal sub-culture. This unique first look at Ecuador and its extreme music scene tells a tale of a post-colonial land obsessed with its own identity. Centering on the late '80s, early '90s and today, the film looks at the rise of extreme music under Ecuadorian president Abdala Bucaram and explores incidents of violence and injustice associated with his reign. Documentaries like this often prove to be very interesting, so I am most def looking forward to this. Some of the bands included are great as well. However, the guys behind this have been quiet for quite some time now (first trailer was posted 2 years ago), but I hope this will see the light of day very soon.
  9. Bear

    Alucarda - Raw Howls Alucarda plays fuzzy, filthy doom metal punk in the vein of Satan's Satyrs with lyrics about biker and exploitation films, horror and the occult. Just my cup of coffee. The riffing are sleazy, the vocals are buried behind tons of smoke and the production filthy. These danish motherfuckers nails everything with this album and it is nothing short of perfect. 10/10 To get an impression of what the band sounds like, follow The Filthy Few Check the full album here: http://caligarirecords.bandcamp.com/album/raw-howls Tarot - The Warrior's Spell Tarot plays mystic heavy rock in the vein of Uriah Heep and Rainbow with a touch of Pagan Altar. This is a compilation of Tarot's 3 EPs released in 2014, as well as two new songs. Beautiful and powerful heavy rock with tons of mysticism. Music-wise the band isn't very original, but it doesn't sound like a carboncopy of anything either. Got lots of character, as well as charm and quality. And it feels good to have all three EPs gathered on one release. 9,5/10 To get an impression of what the band sounds like, go to the Twilight Fortress Check the full album here: http://heavychainsrecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-warriors-spell Spectral Voice - Necrotic Doom Dark, putrid and lurking death/doom with plenty of Rippikoulu and Eternal Darkness influences. Great, disgusting atmoshere, superb, raw production and awesome riffs. The band's third demo and by far their best one. Very, very promising band. 9/10 To get an impression of what the band sounds like, get close and feel the Rotting Auras
  10. Bear

    Nah, fuck that shit. We go for everything no matter where they from. A mod should move it to the general section or whatever if he/she feels it belongs there.
  11. I really liked the concept that Cat and the lot made up and posted here and thought that we should have something similar for us mortals as well, but I will go with albums. I think it is a nice and easy way to discover albums released the previous month, so I think it sounds cool. The concept is simple: pick 3 releases (albums, EPs, singles or compilations), write why you like the album/why people should check it out and be cool. As you hear new albums of the month feel free to quote yourself, remove one and add the newest one instead of it. At the end of the month I'll make a new thread for the previous month. That's all. Rules: Post three albums each Add a linke to your favourite track of the album. Do NOT embed youtube videos. Just link to the best song. Not everyone have decent computers to handle all the videos. And that is basically it. Ask if there's something you're curious about.
  12. This is a very cool concept. Would've been eve cooler if it was a best albums/EPs, but still a cool concept. Will check out all the songs in OP later this week.
  13. Bear

    Ninja: Shadow of a Tear - While there is still plenty of action-thrilling in the vein of Steven Seagal/Jason Statham in this film, the sequel to Ninja does offer more traditional ninja action with plenty of good action, some brilliantly coreographed fight scenes an a decent enough plot. This isn't a masterpiece, but they have stepped up big time this time around and make a film that is better in every section... except for acting, where it's still the same quality. Scott Adkins isn't a very good actor, but he's a great martial artist and he pulls off the coreography impressively well, and both his skills and his charisma is more than enough to overshadow his lack of acting skills. On top of that we get Kane Kosugi, son of legendary martial artists and actor Sho Kosugi. He's not as cool as his father, but he's a Kosugi and that alone makes him awesome. Shinobi no Mono: Iga Mansion - The 6th film in the series, and the most complex one till now. For the seond time in the series the brilliant Raizo Ichikawa changes character, and he now plays Kumogakure Saizo, the son of Kirigakure Saizo, a character Raizo which he portraied in some of the previous films. The film's got several subplots and a shitload of characters so you'll need to watch every second of the film, or you'll get lost in the different sub-plots and who's who, and what's what and god knows what. This isn't the best in the series, but it's a very entertaining film with lovely cinematography and some really good action. The roof-scene are among the best in the series till now. Outstanding!
  14. Bear

    I adore Pale Rider. While not the best western ever, I always had a really soft spot for it. I also thought Eastwook nailed the mysticism in the film and the atmosphere throughout the film is great. Ninja - This ninja film was released around the same time as Ninja Assassin, and it's obviously aimed towards the same audience. I know a lot of people prefer Ninja over Ninja Assassin, but I myself prefer Ninja Assassin over Ninja. Ninja is more of an action-thriller in the vein of plenty of Steven Seagal and Jason Statham-films while Ninja Assassins feels like a proper martial arts tribute to the 80's ninja films. Ninja only had a budget of 10m while Ninja Assassin had a budget of 40m, and it can easily be seen. But that's not why I like Ninja Assassin better, it's just because it is a darker and much rawer flick and feels more classic and true to the ninja genre, and also because the coreography is way more intense and impressive. And there's more ninjas and ninja action. And the acting is much better. But don't get me wrong, I was very much entertained and I look forward to the sequel. Been told it's much better. I am also in love with Mika Hijii who played a major role in the silly-awesome Alien vs Ninja.
  15. Been rediscovering some albums the past days. Bands and albums that I really, really enjoy, but rarely listen to. Lääz Rockit - Know Your Enemy Power/thrash metal in the vein of old Metal Church. The band took their name from the masterpiece that is The Enforcer, and the name suits them. They're that badass. The riffs are badass to the bone, the vocals are great and sounds like a mix of Blitz (Overkill) and Wayne (Metal Church) and the production is superb. Cool as fuck. Funt fact: I discovered this band through grindcore band Frightmare who covered their brilliant thrasher Leatherface on one of their album. Heh. Toxik - World Circus Technical speed/thrash which just destroys. This album is full of great riffs, amazing drumming and fantastic, high-pitched vocals. The vocals aren't everybody's cup of tea, but if you can handle high-ptched singing you probably won't mind. The album was very original for its time and it really stepped out of the thrash/speed metal scene and broke the "rules". No one did anything like this at the time, and despite the band not becoming very big, the album proved to be a massive influence on the thrash/speed metal scene back then. To be continued...
  16. Bear

    Fantastic Supwerbowl final last night. Jesus christ it was good, and the ending was so fucking intense. I also like Katy Perry very much, but her pause show was godawful. Really pathetic to be quite honest. The last play by Seahawks though. What the fuck what that? They have Lynch and they decide to throw? Dumbest shit I've ever seen in an american football game.
  17. I never said anything about the price, because it has nothing to do with the price. But I don't play singles that much, and especially not if they consist of only one intro and one proper 3-5 minute long song. It's simly not enough for me to bother putting on. Simple as that. However, since you're talking as if this is really fucking cheap. It's only 864 yen each? How fucking cheap. 864 yen are 1/2,5 of what I tend to pay for regular LPs, and those are full albums as well. 864 yen is also around what I pay for tapes, which is also full albums. Yeaaaaah... no, I do not think that's cheap at all. At least not to what I am used to, and even more so to my wallet.
  18. Just release one EP you fucking cunts. Christ.
  19. I'm not really too keen on Vektor, but both albums has something going on now and then and I hope they get more of that out this time around. I'd love to hear more of a Voivod-inspired sound. More Killing Technology and Dimension Hatröss would be awesome.
  20. Bear

    Ninja Assassin - Had a rewatch of this last ngiht and I'm still entertained by it. Üverviolent martial arts flick with some great violence, lots of blood and coolness. The plot is lackluster, there's way too much CGI-blood and shit, but other than that it works fine. Not a masterpiece, but good anyway. Rain does very well considering he had no martial arts training before he went to work with this film. Very impressive. And it has Sho Kosugi for fucks sake. That's awesome!
  21. Check out Grieva and stay away from everything else.
  22. Yeah, the font looks awful. Looks like a font from an old Aladdin film or something like that. Awful. Lyric videos in general are awful. I have yet to see a good lyric video. The whole concept is fucking stupid IMO.
  23. Then it's the band I am thinking about. Good stuff, but the fucking german, man. I see german as a great language for black metal, and for Rammstein, but outside that I am not really a huge fan. Not too annoying or anything, though. But I'd like it better if it was in English or something. Not as good as the first song they posted off the album, but I am really looking forward to this album. Should be great.
  24. Bear

    To be quite honest I do not think this is the film to watch to overcome ones fair of mannequins, but considering how great the film is it's totally worth a try.
  25. Finsterforst is that old scool Moonsorrow-clone band, right? Heard some of their earlier stuff and was impressed, even though it wasn't quite as good as the band they look up to aka Moonsorow. My main "problem" with the band though, beside them not being nearly as good as Moonsorrow, is that they sang in german. I don't have anything against german, but it isn't really the kind of language that suits this type music the best. The language just sounds way too agressive IMO.
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