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Everything posted by Bear

  1. God, that Primordial song is powerful. Immense! Been giving Troll's comeback album, Neo-Satanic Supremacy lots of spins lately. Not as good as their first album and EP (from 95 and 96), but it's a good album. Bubble gum black metal, or as I call it, black metal for people who usually ain't into that tuff. Sounds like late 90's black metal, both as far as song titles, image and music goes. Some of the song titles are awful, though. Especially Til helvete med alt (which roughly translates to To Hell With Everything). But musically, great stuff. If you're into albums such as Dimmu Borgir's Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, Gehenna's First Spell, Old Man's Child's Ill-natured Spiritual Invasion and stuff like that you might enjoy this. Though, Drep de kristne (Kill the Christians) is the album you really should check out. Masterpiece!
  2. Bear

    Someone said that this sounds like the soundtrack to a Megaman game. Can you confirm this? Because that sounds fantastic. Edit: The person said Mode of Gangsta sounded like something from a Megaman game. Now I am disappointed. I thought the whole album was called Mode of Gangsta. Fuck.
  3. Cool! Guess I should give it a spin then. New Primordial song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=472Qh4l1pFU#t=127 Fucking genius as usual from these guys. Fantastic song, and A.A. Nemtheanga proves once again that there's no one in the world that can match his vocal performance. No one's even close. That devotion and passion. Only Quorthon of Bathory can match this, but other than him I can't think of anyone who sings with as much passion. Powerful! That song is more or less perfect. 6/6 This is just as expected from these guys.
  4. Bear

    It's a shame that NaoGod is wasting his amazing talents on stuff like this.
  5. Bear

    22 Jump Street - I really liked the first one so I had some big expectations to this, and I thought it delivered very well. More or less the same quality as the first one, and if you liked the first one you should enjoy this too. More of the same, realy. Childish and hilarious. The Wolverine - I am among the very few who thought X-Men Origins: Wolverine was a decent action film (5,5/10), and enjoyable. But it was a very weak X-Men film. I mean, it wasn't an X-Men film. It was a lackluster Mission Impossible film with Wolverine. This however, this one here feels like an X-Men film and it is better in every way possible. It captures that X-Men feeling. The plot is allright, the action's great and the characters are cool. The only thing I can complain about is the way they dressed Viper towads the end of the film. So cliché to dress a badgirl like that. Though, I'll have to admit that it is a shame that Darren Aronofsky wasn't given the job, most likely because he wanted to make it into a very violent and sexy film. I think he could've made something fantastic.
  6. Bear

    Melodic metalcore is metalcore (hence the METALCORE-part in the name), and for the past 15 years it's what the majority of people have recognized as metalcore. It is bands like Killswitch Engage and Atreyu that's been synonymous with metalcore for the last 15 years, not the originals like Earth Crisis and Integrity. I'm also feeling pretty sure that is is modern metalcore aka melodic metalcore aka shit that's influenced the "jrock/visual kei" scene and not the originals.
  7. Awful name and image, but that sounds pretty good. Fantastic production.
  8. Bear

    Originally, yes. But it's been a long time since the genre was watered down into something very different. Early metalcore bands like Earth Crisis, Integrity, Rorschach, Shai Hulud mixed hardcore and extreme metal, that's true. But as with most genres it changed as new bands came along, and what most people today recognize as metalcore has almost to nothing to do with hardcore. There's simply not much hardcore in Killswitch Engage, Shadows Fall, Atreyu and all those. They're like watered down thrash and gothenburg metal. Also, metalcore isn't synonymous with "easy and straight forward". It is fully possible to play a more technical version of metalcore.
  9. It's a shame, but he's not a very unique or special drummer in any way possible so it shouldn't be very hard to replace him with someone who'll do just as good, if not better than him. Hope they won't disband because of something like this, though. No need for that, at least not musical speaking unless he writes a shitload of their music.
  10. Bear

    The Third Man - Dark and atmospheric noir with a cinematography that is out of this world. Everything here is amazing, but the best part is the cinematography. A film filled with memorable scenes. Beautiful.
  11. I love old Akercocke, but their two last albums are pretty poor IMO. Both albums are poorly produced and they both sounds really forced, and on top of that I really thought they lost their character with those albums.
  12. Tell me how it is then. If they've managed to recreate the magick from their two first albums or Krek, then it's gonna be good. But I doubt it. Or even better, recreate the magick from the early days of Tulus, which is the band the members were a part of before forming Khold. Fantastic band, and sadly underrated.
  13. Khold doing a cover of Sepultura's Troops of Doom in Norwegian. Sounds very cool, even though I had wished for an even Kholder version with more of them in the sound. I wasn't too impressed with the title track of the album, though. I really disliked the opening riff of the song. Great band, btw. Their two first and Krek are highly recommended from me. Groovy, rockish black metal, but not in the vein of newer Satyricon or anything like that. Darker, more black metal and angrier.
  14. Bear

    SS should get a mention too. They weren't only the first hardcore band in Japan, but one of the first bands in the world playing hardcore as we would know it later on. They didn't release much, and I think everything released are live stuff. But it's well worth a listen. One of the very, very few live albums I give a fuck about and care to listen to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONTj9Hgh_To Huge fan of Gudon too. Fast hardcore in the vein of Gauze and other bands. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMJ1fxlUoy4
  15. Bear

    Rinkaku was fantastic. Among the best songs they've ever done. I also liked Sustain the Untruth a lot, but I'd rather see The Unraveling to be honest. Shame it's not a part of the album. Another fantastic song, though not on par with Rinkaku.
  16. Bear

    The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is one of those mandatory horror films. It might not be your favourite, but it's one that everyone who's sliightly interested in horror should see, not just once, but 3-4 times at least. And it's one of horror cinema's biggest nightmare, 98% thanks to the set designs. Faaaaaantastic film!
  17. Bear

    I've spent loads of time listening to Sads and close to none listening to Kuroyume, but I'll go with Kuroyume for sure. The little I've heard by Kuroyume is way, way, way better than anything I've heard from Sads. A whole other level.
  18. Are we talking about Japanese music in general, or just "jrock/visual kei"? Anyway, the 3-4 "jrock/visual kei" albums I own I've bought from CDON.no. But I own other CDs, LPs and tapes from Japanese bands, but these are mostly bought from some smaller distros in my country. Gotta support thesefew, great guys who spends so much time and money on distributing great music.
  19. Bear

    Yes! Fantastic film. That "desert" scene is like taken straight out of a western film. That scene could easily've been directed by Sergio Leone himself. Awesome stuff.
  20. I wasn't too thriller about that one either, especially not the thrash metal riffs in the song. But they'll never reach the greatness of Beyond the Apocalypse, or even not Hellfire which are pretty good. Fast, furious and thrashy black metal. Had their own thing going with these two albums. It's fun to hear Frost let loose and play with his actual skills, unlike what he's been doing with Satyricon these last 15 years. Awesome! Dissection had a massive influence on the swedish black/death scene back in the 90's, and bands like Vinterland, Dawn, Sacramentum, as well as someone a bit newer like Watain, were quite obviously inspired by Dissection and drew a lot of inspirations from Dissection's unique brand of melodic black/death metal. All these bands released some fantastic albums as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5THxmvfIpRA The Vinterland album is my favourite of these, but both albums and the EP by Dawn are fantastic, and the debut album and EP by Sacramentum are also fantastic. Classic stuff!
  21. Bear

    Cool, brah! Ray Harryhausen is a god IMO. I like how he, despite never being on screen, ends up as the star in every film he's ever worked on. However it's a shame that most people seem tot hink that these films are just special effects films, and don't care to watch them becauseof this. Yeah, Ray Harryhausen and his special effects are the star in these films, but so what? Harrison Ford was the star in Raiders of the Lost Ark as well, but the film is much more than just him. Anyway, The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, The 7th Voyage of Sinbad, Jason and the Argonauts, and Clash of the Titans (which you already saw) are must-sees. Fantastic films in their genres. Classic monsterfilm and some classic adventure films. Quality stuff! It Came from Beneath the Sea, Earth vs. the Flying Saucers, 20 Million Miles to Earth, The Golden Voyage of Sinbad and Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger are also well worth your time, though not as classic and good as the other mentioned.
  22. 1349 releasing a new album now. Judging from the new songs released it's their best since Hellfire for sure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08yr1BXIN9Y It's a very good song IMO. The bass drums takes way too much space in the sound, but other than that it sounds cool. They also tried something slightly original with their band picture too. Didn't work out too well IMO, but kudos for trying:
  23. Bear

    Oh, for god's sake, man. It's a general topic about punk. As I stated in the OP (if you bothered reading?) it's a thread for all kinds of PUNK. PUNK, PUNK, PUNK! If it's punk it belongs in this thread. Simple as that. No idea why you're making such as fuzz about this, man. No reason to waste time on something like this.
  24. Bear

    Everything punk goes in this thread. If it is a pop band with punk influences, then not so much. But if it is a punk band with pop influences, then yeah sure. You get it. Not gonna check out the album, though. I'm not that into pop punk. Don't get me wrong, I love plenty of pop punk, but it's not what I spend the most time listening to. I prefer the harder and rawer subgenres like hardcore, crust and neocrust, d-beat and grindcore. But that doesn't mean I don't love early Misfits (like their 70's stuff) or Ramones to death or anything, because I do and I spend lots of time listening to them. It's just that the rawer subgenres works way better for me.
  25. Bear

    The label SS Recording's been releasing good shit for the past 10 years or so. They've re-released albums, EPs and compilations with bands such as Ghoul, Kuro, The Stalin, DIsarray, Kikeiji, Kyah, Final Bombs, Innocents, Mental, The Rustler, Swindle Bitch, Nurse, Gastunk and many more. I don't think it's too hard to come by. And a lot of these have been uploaded to the internet in lossless in recent times. And it doesn't matter if something is underground or not. What matters is that it is punk and good. And Gastunk is good. At least some of their stuff. Lip Cream Another legendary hardcore band from Japan, playing pure, classic hardcore in the vein of Gauze. Kill the IBD and Kill Ugly Pop are two fantastic releases. If you're into raw hardcore, then this are for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8dQJwM6gDc Systematic Death Systematic Death stated out in the 80's and are still going strong. I don't think they've been active all this time, but they're active now at least. Despite releasing their first EP back in 84, they didn't release their debut album before 2009. Not heard their full lenght, but their two first EPs are fantastic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbtHlTTGy_M Kriegshög I mentioned this band in my first time, and I'm mentioning them again now. Their self-titled debut album, released back in 2010, are among the best punk albums in recent times. THey just hit every button with it. Don't miss with a single thing. Raw and uncompromising hardcore. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-Q1RJ4xa4M That is a picture of Mirai (SIgh) around 1990, but this was not taken on a Sigh gig. This is from a Ramones coverband he sang in. I'd love to hear that. Mirai was/is also in a band called Cut Throat with Shinichi (ex-Sigh), Yasuyuki Suzuki (Abigail/Barbatos) and Youhei (Abigail, ex-Barbatos). They play thrash metal, mostly doing covers of classic thrash metal songs from bands as Exodus, Tankard, Hirax, Sacrifice, Razor, Warfare and so on. But they've also done a shitload of Misfits covers. I can only find a few tracks from the live split with Abigail and Barbatos on youtube, but you get an impression of what they sound like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5Db86dCfxQ Mirai sounds awesome on these songs.
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