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Everything posted by Deathtopi4

  1. Ahhh this will be great!
  2. Deathtopi4

    He is really fucking pretty, holy damn. But I do hope he starts singing again soon, I really loved that collab he did with Eve.
  3. Meto looks so cute my heart is meeellltiinnggg~ Glad to see Mia finally switching from prince to princess. Koichi's hat is fantastic. Tsuzuku is just eh.
  4. Deathtopi4

    *cringes at live limited* Good news about the album though, the look is pretty nice too
  5. I strongly approve of everything about this
  6. Deathtopi4

    Great stuff can't wait~
  7. Deathtopi4

    exciting news!
  8. Deathtopi4

    AHHH so cool *_* Wataru slaying as usual
  9. I picked "will take up almost the whole day" but a lot of the time it's actually much more than that, it just depends on whether or not whatever I'm reading that day is online or not...
  10. Sounds pretty solid for them
  11. Ahh cool, I like the song she did for Zankyou no Terror and everything she's done with Yuuki Ozaki so I'll have to check this out
  12. Deathtopi4

    Ahhhh exciting
  13. Deathtopi4

    Interesting, as long as they don't sound too much like Juri's solo I'll probably be happy with them
  14. Deathtopi4

    Oh no how sad ;~; really hope they don't disband
  15. Deathtopi4

  16. Deathtopi4

  17. Deathtopi4

    Omg that was quick, I'm super happy though
  18. Deathtopi4

    I have to respectfully disagree, I think the manga ending for Bokumachi was far better. For one thing it went into way more detail about Yashiro's past and his motivations and all that, which personally I find interesting and important when it comes to stories with serial killers. It also took much longer for Satoru to recover, which I found more realistic - his anime recovery was just way to fast for me. And finally taking down Yashiro was more drawn out and mind-gamey and stuff, which I felt matched more with the rest of the story. The end of the anime was just too simple and also weirdly shippy, but I'm not complaining about that part lol.
  19. Deathtopi4

    Great news!!
  20. This is really cool I love the atmosphere it creates
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