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Everything posted by Deathtopi4

  1. Deathtopi4

    It does sound better omg nice Ryo
  2. Deathtopi4

    Ooooh I really love this one
  3. Deathtopi4

    Hmmm I'm too lazy to estimate the exact amount but many hundreds of dollars on Dir en Grey. Or really on Kyo if you combine my Sukekiyo and Dir en Grey purchases. I've got a whole bunch of regular edition CDs, plus at one point I decided to go and buy a bunch of limited editions as well cus bonus songs are rad, so yeah that got pretty pricey. Oh and I've got a few t-shirts too.
  4. Hmm could potentially be interesting. Mostly because of Rame though.
  5. I think it's a pretty neat look for Hiro, even though it's not particularly ~pretty~. The rest of them look stunning *_*
  6. Deathtopi4

    New look is gorgeous
  7. Deathtopi4

    Oooh nice song
  8. Deathtopi4

    Can't handle all this edge
  9. Deathtopi4

    Gyze - Black Bride
  10. Deathtopi4

  11. Deathtopi4

    I think it's weird that they didn't use more established and well-known bands along with the gazette, but it was pretty amusing to watch the reactions to Insanity Injection and Dadaroma so I'm glad they went with that lol. Reminds me of when I was a kid and I used to show other kids edgy vk videos to freak them out
  12. Deathtopi4

    Turn on the lightsss!
  13. Oohhhh so exciting! Love the look. They really manage to have such variety in their different looks it's great.
  14. Maximum the Hormone, although I love both quite a lot. MTH was also the first Japanese band I ever listened to so they get special preference from me for that as well.
  15. Deathtopi4

    What are you interested in lately? Desks Looolll Kaoru Kyo's got me cracking up. He just might hinting at something with that "whether or not I answer questions seriously" response. Maybe just maybe lol...
  16. Deathtopi4

    It's a really cool look!
  17. Deathtopi4

    You're right, it does sound like OOR lol. I'll be interested to hear the acoustic tracks.
  18. I kinda liked their other stuff but that was cringey
  19. Gonna be really pleasantly surprised if this actually turns out even half-decent. At least the actor for Kaneki was picked out by Ishida. Though it's going to be weird to see him as Kaneki since he already played Light Yagami... I'm also waiting really nervously to see who they cast as Shuu, if he's even in it at all... sorta hoping he might not be just to keep him safe if the movie turns out terrible. If his character gets dragged through the mud yet again I'm going to riot. (ง'̀-'́)ง
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