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Posts posted by CELESTIAL CIEL

  1. I'm that person who also feel something like sexual attraction from time to time, but thoughts about having sex disgusts me.

    It was ok when I was younger, but now, when you still want to be near someone and doing cute things (conversation, understanding, etc) gf/bf want something more and because of this I haven't had any relationships for a really long time. First of all, I'm afraid to hurt someone, if I'll say someday something like 'I like you but I don't want you', it must be really cruel.

    I must to say that people scared of 'cold' persons and always see if someone don't want any close contacts.

    (Btw fanservice is ok for me, but not this homosexual shit that visualgays doing now. Can't make good music, but perfectly know how to lick each other, congrats)

  2. Not every band accurately describes each genre, but I'm into angura, eroguro, (you can also combine them... I'm not sure kagrra can be angura, they're pretty popular and just wore traditional clothes but their sound was... too usual? for me. Angura bands is the most weird shit you've ever seen I'm sure! And they're awesome.) everything oldschool (kote?... i'm not sure lareine is suitable for it, at least, kote is pretty aggressive styled subgenre, more like mix of goth and punk with awesome japanese style sense, not only in their clothes, sound is also a bit different) and other things that nobody knows about.

    Also +1 to picopico (but as well nowadays it's angura subgenre)

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