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Posts posted by CELESTIAL CIEL

  1. Finally got my sailorfuku. Thank you, russian post. It takes 7 months to deliver one fucking package from Japan.

    Well I am not surprised that I am still didn't get new cosmo-shiki album. At least I hope our great post will deliver this b-day gift until my next birthday.

  2. shinjuku gewalt daisankai toukyou taikai kaishi kaizokuban (christmas gift for good girl uwahahah)

    and japanese food

    and super junior cd for friend (why korean versions are sooooo cheap? japanese editions are much expensive! fucking koreans.) 

  3. Not that many people will care, but the guitarist of the rather obscure Celestia le ciel was a girl. The twist was that she claimed to be a guy. A cross-dressing guy. So basically, she was a girl pretending to be a guy pretending to be a girl. She only whispered during interviews and let the vocalist "translate", so she wouldn't give away her gender by her voice.


    I know that because I translated for the band at their Germany concert several years ago. It obviously was supposed to be a secret (and quite succesfully so - there was a homosexual guy at the concert that was badly stanning for "him" - which is pretty hilarious, if you think about it XD). But since the band is long disbanded and the members retired from music, there isn't really much harm in revealing it now. Plus, I think they even had less fans in Japan than in Europe. XD

    Nice people though.



    That does make we wonder though if there are more women in vk that hide their gender for one reason or another.

     I don't know what to say at least because this "guy" wrote me once how "he" liked my appearance and he want to visit Russia to meet me face to face, lol.

    My friend is their hardcore fan and she met them in Japan, they went for a walk together or something, I wish the second member is a guy, because without makeup he's  ugly as fuck.

  4. Больше никогда не буду выбирать эйр без трекинга. Такое ощущение, что для нашей почты такие посылки вообще отдельная тема и их можно засунуть хоть в жопу, но ради того, чтобы они как можно дольше шли.

    Остальное второй год подряд приходит ровно в день рождения, это не может не радовать  :rock:

  5. Ну, они в утешение ложат кучу флаеров каких-то неизвестных по крайней мере мне вижупидарков с расписаниями релизов да с концертами. Иногда. xDD в суровые зимы ими можно печку топить. КИДАТЬ ВИЖУПИДОРОВ В ПЕЧЬ, КАК ЭТО........................................!1

  6. Клозет ленивые мудаки последние годы стали, хотя их наебать легко, если денег не хватает, а время потянуть надо.

    Это еще подожди, когда оплатишь - они сначала неделю подтверждают оплату и неделю отправляют, еще и идет долго и с таможней косяки из-за разниц в весе == а еще у них нихреновые такие наценки на всё и я к ним иду только тогда, когда совсем уже выбора нет.

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