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CELESTIAL CIEL last won the day on January 27 2021

CELESTIAL CIEL had the most liked content!


  • Rank
    Hyde's Pimp
  • Birthday 03/08/1992

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  1. isn't it a bit rude to make me believe in friendship after so many painful episodes, after years of self harming and self blaming, and then ignore me without a clear reason... am i that awful

    1. Dillinger


      Some people are just shitty people. But the only thing you can change is your reaction towards them.


      "I have known people who have been incarcerated, people dying from cancer, severely deformed, or suffering physically. Contrary to what one might think, these people were all completely happy because they didn’t create a negative mental story about what they were experiencing. They were doing everything in their power to make their situations better, and importantly, they were not allowing the events in their lives to keep them from loving life. So, the key ingredients to achieving happiness are two-fold, yet they are really the two faces of the same coin. What are they?"

      I am positive you are a loving, caring person. Otherwise, you wouldn't care so much about people who have hurt you so much.


      You just need to share that love with people who are appreciative of it.

    2. Laurence02


      Some people are huge assholes. You aren't a problem, the others are.

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