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Status Updates posted by Mihenno

  1. literally wtf is this? 


    1. plastic_rainbow


      oh god why did i watch.......

    2. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      People who do reaction videos of any sort should be rounded up into camps 

  2. "I wanna beat him up who has horseface."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mihenno


      tetora you're beautiful what are you talking about? <3

    3. Tetora


      Thanks brah you too.

    4. paradoxal


      I gonna fxxk you

  3. "The uploader has not made this video available in your country"

    1. hitsuji-hime


      Fucking HATE this shit. I could never watch videos from bands like DaRi or the singer Piko because of that shit.

    2. kyoselflove
    3. Tetora


      Tetora has not made this comment available in your country.

  4. *eagerly waiting news of new releases from the LOTUS & Shounenki*

  5. *waits outside in the cold for the mailman to bring me my DIV CD*

  6. 3-4 weeks for CDJapan to even get my 少年記 CDs to ship to me. ;_; tears.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Champ213


      CD Japan can be kinda slow though. Availibility on their page says 3-7 days but once you order they get back to you after a few days saying "Hey, it will take us 3 weeks to get this itrem!". Happened to me before more than once.

    3. Champ213


      One time they couldn't even get the item AT ALL, so they cancelled the order after 2 months. Doesn't stop them from still listing the same item as "availible" on their site even until today, years later.

    4. Mihenno


      Yeah thats what the issue is. It says the item was available but I guess it's really not. >_< I'll just wait I guess lmao

  7. 3rd Royz album in July? My body is ready.

  8. ACen is so close I can smell it!

    1. Jigsaw9
    2. Biopanda


      Having been to the game room at ACen, smelling it is the last thing I want to do.

    3. CaRaN

    1. Tetora
    2. eiheartx


      ^it's a megamasso song.

  10. any kind soul willing to send me Rouage disco? All the links are dead :'(

  11. anyone have Angry sheep by Angelo? :o

  12. Anyone know how to calibrate a monitor so that the colors are "true"? I have a laptop running vista and idk what I'm doing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tetora
    3. nekkichi


      either stick to the factory settings or get/rent a screen calibrator, there's a really small chance you will get accurate color reproduction by manually tweaking screen settings

    4. Mihenno


      Thanks guys, Tetora that article = 100% me. I'll look into a screen calibrator

  13. ARREST and BANG ME

  14. BANG ME is hot and good, but there's something about ガゼル??ベル that makes it better than bang me...to me at least.

    1. Tetora


      Dost thou readeth my minde younge sapling? For I too was debating which bard's tale I preferred out of the boy's scribes fine musical library, and pontificated that it was mayhaps the Babel's Gazelle that so tickled my loins superiorly. I beseech you to make quick work of an explanation before I report you to the Duke of Arningham for suspect wizardy...

    2. Mihenno
  15. Bravely Default is fucking up my sleep schedule.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Peace Heavy mk II
    3. Mihenno


      @beni: It's honestly the best 3ds game I've played. So fun, I never want to put it down!

    4. beni


      Ooohh, I can't wait to play it now. : 3 Thanks for telling me! I'm getting the 3ds for xmas so it'll be the first one I'll try out now. Only problem with never wanting to put it down is, it ends too quickly!! ;_;

  16. clayver toorap.... clayver toorap.... clayver toorap....

    1. Tetora


      Paroot Revyalc...Paroot Revyalc....Paroot Revyalc

  17. CORE finally came but REVIVA is nowhere in sight. :(


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mihenno


      I'm obsessed with the 2nd track. I hope it doesn't bore you

    3. paradoxal


      I have listened it only once, and I really don't have any opinions on it yet. I hope that after a few listens I'll start liking it

    4. Mihenno


      Me too paradoxal. At first listen I didn't have any opinions but then after listening to the new tracks a good number of times, they grew on me. Waiting for my copy so I can hear "idea"

  19. currently obsessed with Kate's(My Fairytale) vocals like ughhhghhgh kf[asjg[okjrosgsmlgl

  20. daydreaming about Chisa *sigh*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tetora


      Nice, he is aesthetic an d interesting. Love his lyrics.

    3. hiroki
    4. Mihenno


      I want to hug him ;_;

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