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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

    hmm didn't coco rosberg join them? or was he just support haha
  2. hiroki

    (Edit: I realized after typing that my post is pretty long... sorry for that.) There are a lot of reasons why translation is difficult, and especially so for languages that are not genealogically affiliated. If you ask me i think it's inevitable that at some point you're going to feel dejected that you've "butchered" the lyrics of a song you love, but hopefully I can show you that at least a part of that feeling stems from the fact that by and large Japanese doesn't translate very well into English at all, which isn't your fault (although of course, even though there's no perfect translation, there are translations that are blatantly incorrect). In general, here are some challenges confronting anyone attempting to translate: 1) You need to ensure not only a complete correspondence of just the denotative meaning of the word (possibly multiple), but also its connotations, nuances, implications, cultural 'flavor' that you need to drag from one language to another. Cultural expressions like 宜しくお願いします have to be translated variously according to the context but even so it's not exactly the same. Some words like 何番目 have no English equivalent. 2) The etymology of the word that gives rise to its "internal" meaning, as well as its residual "meaning" that has accrued through its multiple usages in history (we call this the "trace" of a word). So for instance if you come across the word "individual" in 16th-century Renaissance poems, it actually refers to "that which is indivisible from the community/society" instead of what it means today ("that which stands apart from the society"). Attempting to translate the word into Japanese as 個人 compromises linguistic complexity because as a Sino-Japanese concept the word 個人 does not retain the same linguistic history of what "individual" means in English. This is kind of a nightmare when you're dealing with non-contemporary works. 3) The "metonymic" aspect of a word and how it functions in a sentence. What this means is that for every language, one word relates to the other words in a sentence in completely different ways, and this presents a serious impediment for translation because sometimes a language's syntax simply don't allow you to word things in a certain way. A classic example would be the perennial problem English translators of Franz Kafka encounter thanks to the author's extensive use of syntax and linguistic structures exclusive to the German language. In the context of Japanese, I recall the phrase "君を信じた僕を信じて" from BLESSCODE's Imperial City, which is cumbersome to translate into English because the pronoun "I" in English cannot be modified as by a phrasal verb like in Japanese. It's not impossible; but the feel is significantly different. 4) The "metaphoric" aspect of a word, i.e. how it triggers other words and concepts by association. A lot of this is cultural ("rose" for us signifies "love", which may not be the case for a different linguistic community) - so even if you translate the word-image correctly, you're losing what's arguably the more important dimension of the word if it's operating figuratively. If you think that's already hard, in Japanese you'll find idiomatic expressions (四字熟語), cultural idiosyncracies (various kinds of 慣用語), and notorious onomatopoeia (擬態語 and 擬音語) that abound not just in lyrics but also in day-to-day conversations. 5) And finally there's everything else which affects how a word is perceived by a reader/listener that linguists can't exactly put their finger on... so they happily call all of that 'context'. As mentioned above, lyrics are one of the most difficult things to translate and there are reasons for this. I'm not a professional translator, although I'm required to translate academic essays by Japanese writers as part of my job. For my purpose I assume that there's a message the writer wants to convey (in good faith) which I focus on delivering. Effectively that means points 2~5 above are relatively less important when I'm doing my translations. However the converse is true in the case of lyrics: because for lyrics you aren't translating a single "meaning" but a field of potential meanings that a reader can possibly rope off from the original lyrics. So 2~5 become as important (if not more important) as the denotative meaning of the words in a song. Obviously mapping that field 100% is an impossible task, so it's completely natural to feel like as a translator you're already intruding and helping the eventual reader of your translated lyrics make interpretations in advance. One last point I forgot to mention: Japanese has 3 different scripts while English has 1. As a result there's invariably some level of homogenization that takes place when Japanese is translated into English. This is less of an issue in day-to-day usage of the language since the division of labor between the three scripts is pretty straightforward... but not in lyrics. I'll give you an example. I was just talking to my friend about the solo project of Ryutaro (Plastic Tree vocalist), whose debut release is called "デも". As you know でも is "but" and デモ is like "demo(nstration) cd". If you dig deeper into the "metaphoric" level, you'll realize that でも can be a sort of protest, a breaking off from the original (it's his solo project anyway), and so on. and デモ naturally signifies a "first" and a fresh beginning. In this case splitting his title into 2 different scripts has a kind of mutually enhancing effect (in other places, like in DIV lyrics, you find that they create a tension). So you really have to make a choice here when you translate; alternatively you can transliterate it as "Demo" which would convey none of all of that unless you append a few paragraphs of footnotes. tl;dr: Translation is difficult. Borrowing the words of John Ciardi (eminent translator of Dante's Divine Comedy): the translator strives not for success but "the best possible failure."
  3. hiroki


    wataru is literally my everything. i fucking want to like your post 125912578081750813750817 times. ^ EVERYONE please do yourself a favor and read @echo's live report ^
  4. hiroki

    yay!! i really like them
  5. アルカネット(Alkanet) Gt.maya will depart due to family reasons after their live in April.
  6. hiroki

    yay!!! let us know your thoughts once you hear it haha it's a hard comparison to make cos the first single had an out-and-out ballad and i'm a sucker for those. but overall, i think the new single is more representative of vivarush's sound and it was really able to showcase ruimaru's distinctive vocals. i'm SUPER in love with both singles but i'll lean slightly towards the new one if i had to choose
  7. hiroki

    they only have 2 singles so far: [2016.09.07] Merry-Merry-Merry-Go!!-Round☆ (4 songs) [2017.02.08] オコサマジック (3 songs) they distributed 等身大Dreamer as a CD in August last year but the same track is also in their first single. yeah they have a lot more songs and i'm pretty sure they will record them (or most of them) eventually!
  8. hiroki

    anyone else here heard their new single?? it's def one of my fave releases of 2017 so far btw their keychains have sold out orz
  9. hiroki

    wtf i dont like the sound of that title at all x_x
  10. hiroki

    lol funny you asked cos my friend @cirrusand i were just talking about him a few days ago and joking that he went back to playing computer games 24/7 again his official twitter is still around: https://twitter.com/MiNiMUMLiME afaik he's just doing sessions sporadically now, but it says on his profile that he's not accepting requests/invitations from bands etc.
  11. hiroki

    will type it out later! here you go: アカシックレコード 作詞 MASASHI 作曲 潤正 what's up? 過去と未来への融合 what's up? 幻想郷のリアリティ what's up? 後回しの日常に what's up? 己の力を放て what's up? 秘められしこの力は what's up? 人間への欲望が what's up? 生み出した世界情勢 what's up? 今「自分」を解き放て もう何も怖くないから さぁ記憶の欠片を集め ※アカシックレコード 君の色に染め上げて欲しい 大好きな君のDNA 吸い込み 壊れてしまうほど 過去の君も 未来への君も 大好きです 頭がクラクラと 回っているのです 目に見えない 答え探し 自己陶酔 繰り返し 僕と君の先祖達も 繋がってる (RAP)賛歌を歌う人々を尻目に 自分の価値観を問いただして この場所には何もないと感じ 一人探してる桃源郷に 君との未来を共有しよう 脳内参照 推奨しよう 瞑想している自分の人生 見えない未来は手の中にある パノラマの様に映っている 風景は本物なのかな? 終わらない夢でも 見てるみたい 今この世界は 僕の手の中で踊っている 玩具さ 手に入れたいものは 君が全て最初から持ってる これからは 自分が主役の物語なのさ 現実逃避がお得意 少年のお話さ ※リピート
  12. hiroki

    you mean the kanji lyrics of akashic records?
  13. hiroki

    i dont think i can handle this right now @_@
  14. hiroki

    been a little busy with work so it took me forever to do it but i finally heard their new single and 素晴らしきこの世界へ SOUNDS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. hiroki


    Today was ViV's tour final at Takadanobaba AREA, which is also their disbandment live. flowers (hirohiro's birthday was yesterday and rayji's birthday is today - that's why they have 3 different flower stands ) their setlist today: It's always painful as hell to lose another band that means so much to me, but more than that I feel SOOOOOOOOOOOO glad to have met them in the first place. I fucking love every one of their members, their different personalities, their random quirkiness, but also how serious they can be at the appropriate moments, and pretty much everything about the band. I'll always remember how endearing hirohiro is, his smile, his waves, his giggles, his vocals, etc... viv wouldn't be viv without him. i'll remember sayuki as their 'idk wtf i'm doing here' guy hahaha but he's so damn charming in his own ways :))) i'll remember rayji's immaculate attention to viv's fans; the way he ALWAYS goes out of his way to show his love and concern for every single one of us, and how he assures us that things will always be alright. and of course i'll never forget wataru. ever. again i'm so so glad i met them. these 4 years feel so surreal x.x THANK YOU VIV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333333333333333333
  16. hiroki


    Second half of their Nagoya live: Footages from the Osaka leg of their oneman tour
  17. hiroki

    VIVALET will disband after their oneman live at Ikebukuro BlackHole on 2017/04/25
  18. hiroki

    i love this preview so much more than most of what meteroid did after changing their concept. the vocalist sounds like a cross between aki and chizuru lol
  19. hiroki

    omggg i feel so bad for the other 4 members T_T it's a legitimate reason yet i can't help but feel he could have dealt with this better than texting the staff his intentions then proceed to refuse all attempts to contact him. the band deserves better.
  20. hiroki

    yesterday's setlist at Zirco Tokyo 1.迷い姫 2.ポイズン・ヒーロー 3.trigger 4.セピア 5.Lamplight=melody 6.モノポリー 7.賛否両論ストラテジー 8.determination
  21. hiroki

    ATRUS will disband after their presents live 「Thank you 4...」 in Sendai on 2017/05/21
  22. hiroki

  23. hiroki

    i still have a few copies left. they are all unopened and brand new. also, work is busy lately so give me a few days-a fortnight to send the parcels. PM is the best way to make sure i see your request. and: to keep topic on track... lux members are having a session tomorrow! <333 tracklist: JOKER/Royz 遭難/DEZERT 現代的疑惑都市"DOUBT!"/FEST VAINQEUR MASTER/DIAURA yuno and kaede will exchange parts for tomorrow (yuno will be on kamite and kaede on shimote)
  24. hiroki

    according to their bassist their music will have a variety of styles/sounds. the next song that they'll be filming a PV for will sound quite different from "Stay with you" by the way they don't consider themselves a vk band, but a 'vocaloid P + utaite' unit with vk aesthetics
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