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hiroki last won the day on April 13 2018

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About hiroki

  • Rank
    ❤ shogoshogoshogo ❤
  • Birthday December 9

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    ・^both the above at once (aka host kei)
    ・reading + thinking + writing about useless things rather distant from "real life" (see 'about me')

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  1. tagging classical music is the worst nightmare ever =.=

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I typically just tag them by the composer's name and not the orchestra who played it, although that doesn't make much sense. It's like tagging a cover song by the original artist's name even though that version is made by someone else.

    3. hiroki


      Yeah the problem is that too much info is required to specify each track uniquely. Especially when you have different ppl who perform the same piece, and sometimes one performer does multiple recordings of the same track, etc. grrrr >.<

    4. Tokage


      just make up some random super convoluted fake genre names

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