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Posts posted by Gaz

  1. i wish kyouki was hot so i could claim him as an avatar, i feel great with his voice but not body.

    i feel ya, man ;_; that awful feeling when someone is so fugly you cant even use his photo as an avatar D;

  2. Finished watching all the Jojo's Bizzare Adventure S1. I'm floored. I haven't marathoned a shonen anime like this since the first 3 arcs of One Piece. Wow....

    oh, i just started jewjew's s1 few days ago and it's really good! way too much pathos but still good.

    and lol are you serious about first 3 arcs of one piece? i thought they were so fucking awful and boring, i was thinking about dropping the series even! but after ~200th episode it started to get more and more interesting so thanks god i didnt dropped it XD

  3. well what can i say...

    listened to this album twice but i don't feel it at all. there wasn't even a single remarkable song. some were alright but most of the tracks are quite boring. i guess it's just not my cup of tea. 

    personal rating: 4/10 | not even close as good as 9gbo, deg or res

  4. Oh my god that's terrible. I'll definitely miss this band, this is already third band I like that disbands this year ,__, I really hope Yuki will get the right treatment and be someday healthy again.

    welcome to the club. though, it'll be sixth(or seventh? i've lost count already *sigh*) band in my case ;v


    i really hope they will resume their activities someday. newish stuff was decent, i liked it more than old one.

  5. somehow i just cant get into them that much as i would like too :s yeah they've got all things i like: old school inspired sound, darkish look, crappy vocaliist. but damn eveytime i here his clean singing it just sounds... wrong? indeed, it sounds like yuuki's vocal, but it doesn't fit their music, imo.

  6. ^ I think it is more about simply not letting yourself be influenced too greatly by other people who bully you (even though that's extremely tough). If you remain civil with them where they are rude and don't let things get to you, they will eventually grow tired of their own attempts at wanting to stand above you, and they will realize they aren't as great as they themselves claim to be and stop their mindless idiocy.

    as a choleric type have to say it's near to impossible to do that XD and in most cases i was the one who'd bullied others. not like i'm proud of myself though ;__;


    @ゆうぎ yes, being nice to people when i dont feel like being nice with them is a pretending for me. it should be natural feeling, but not forced. i forced myself to be nice to others for quite a long time in my life and couple months ago i finally gave up. what is the point in pretending when you feel like "ugh, you are so annoying with your shitty life problems no one care about" but tell something like "oh, you look sad. what happened?". that's stupid and pointless, imo. the same when you are saying compliments to others but thinking "ahaha you are so ugly, how could you even believe what i'm saying?"

    the whole world is built on lie. fake people are everywhere. you never know what to expect even from your close friend with whom you've been in perfect relationship since school. pretending has become normal to most of people, they don't even notice doing that. 


    well, you have your point, i have mine. if you really believe in what you're saying and it comes from your heart but not just "because it's right" - it's wonderful, keep on doing that. i can't even like people who actually care about me, so it's really hard to understand when somebody likes the person who did nothing but shit to them without any particular reason. anyway, i'll just go with what i feel is right, even if it's wrong in terms of  society.

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