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Posts posted by Gaz

  1. finished ace attorney investigations today (at last!). it was so fucking awesome game, i even tried to play it as slow as i could to extend the fun, but i couldn't stand that suspence in last three subparts so yeah, finished a bit earlier as expected :v

    and started to play professor layton and the miracle mask. puzzles, yay!

  2. 1) lil girls were faning over those ugly alieans back then, even paid just to sit in the same room as them.


    2) diverse sound my ass click on a bunch of old school songs on yt and it gets repetitive and you can notice the similarities also refer too 'http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php?/topic/22710-inspiration-where-does-vk-find-it/ (i believe they were mentioned)


    3) exactly almost, did they say that? nooo! with deg and angelo look at them now, dir en grey wanna be core changing the tuning, and angelo just sounds like some rock band. also refer to above and http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php?/topic/25825-bands-that-remind-you-of-visual-kei/ too


    4) i said that calmly, i simply don't like hypocrites and with them it leaves a bad taste hence the spit. forfathers are dead. think of it how the evil student kills his master. like you said they don't sound alike so really who gives a fuck.


    5) keep telling yourself that


    Im good why would i get brusies over something i said was pathetic. i could understand if they were the first to do rock/metal and were totally original but they were not.


    VK sound and looks may have changed but its still the same. there are the good ones, some that stand out and the ones that don't. They should have kept that in mind.


    another funnything is adams wants too jump on this band wagon and act like they are so original. 

    ono not this shit again. 

    blackdoll, please, stop being an ignorant kid and trying to pin on your bullshit to others. you won't go too far with all those ridiculous arguments of yours. respect people's opinions and maybe your opinion will also be respected. 


    and who the fuck stole flash-fab-supernova's account? curious to know, really.

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